Hi everyone - long time no see!
And oh, how great it is to be back!
As a fellow fiction aficionado, I thank you, dear reader, for supporting my content both in the past and (hopefully!) again in the future. I've had a chance to step back and take a hard look at my writing over the past few years of an unintentionally long hiatus as I worked on starting my own consulting firm and taking my first steps as a full-time content creator. Due to my growth as a creator of many textual mediums, my process as an artist has changed and evolved - as has my viewpoint on how, why and what I choose to write.
And due to this fact, as well as my love for the community here and the great pieces of cultural matter I took inspiration from, I have been revising all of my previous works pre-2017 to make sure that they are no less than my very best creative critiques on the things that I want to express my passion for: culture, femininity, family, love, loss and so very much more.
So I hope you will take the opportunity to enjoy these stories as they are currently: I have chosen not to completely remove these (very!) rough first drafts of all the visions I had in my head and all of the many things I sought to say about myself, about my characters, the world as the way I once saw it and the happiness everything I was inspired by brought me. This is because these stories still matter, as they began, and they gave me a great purpose long ago. Hopefully these fan-made tributes also brought many of you some happiness and wonder too! My goal in this next phase of my creative journey is to reinvigorate these ideas and offers of love with better pacing, exposition and subject matter - I want to create experiences within these worlds that currently exist only in my mind for all of us to share for many years to come.
I'm so happy to be back and I can't wait to once again enjoy this great creative outlet/platform.
It's so good to be with you all, friends.