No reviews? Guys, come on... I got alerts, but no reviews. Cmon, admit it, the last chapter was cute... cmon! XD ANYWAYS, enjoy!

"Reverend Webber?" The priest turned to see Jacob there. He frowned.

"Those are the same clothes you wore yesterday." He remarked. He continued to water his flowers as Jacob spoke.

"Yeah, but Reverend," He put his hand on his arms so he could look at him. "I met someone." He snorted.

"Really now?" He continued watering and Jacob ignored the sarcasm and went on.

"I've been tossing and turning all night, I met the girl of my dreams yesterday!" The Reverend smiled and chuckled again.

"Does she return your feelings? I thought you had a thing for Rosalie." Jacob rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"That was four years ago, I was fourteen!" The Reverend chuckled. "And yes, we both love each other."

"Okay then. Who is she?" Jacob bit his lip.

"Renesmee." The Reverend stopped and put down his watering can to look at him.

"Renesmee?" He repeated. Jacob nodded. "I know almost everyone in Forks, and there's only one Renesmee. You do know she's the Edward Cullens' daughter. His ONLY daughter. She's practically betroved, her father came in just yesterday praying she gets married to that Nahuel fellow." The reverend picked up his can and went upstairs to fill it again. Jacob followed.

"She agreed to marry me." Jacob argued while going up the stairs. "We want you to marry us. Today if possible." The reverend didn't stop until he got to the top to take off his hat.

"Today? Jacob, listen to yourself, think of the consiquences. This will enrage both your families. Eloping, especially with Renesmee, it's very dangerous." Jacob sighed.

"I know... But, maybe our love will bring peace." The reverend then stopped, thinking over Jacob's words.

If he were to marry Jacob and Renesmee, and it brought peace to both families, Forks would recognize him for marrying the two. The pictures flew in his mind: them getting married, them announcing their marriage, and a huge party with congratulations and thank yous, all thanks to him. Peace. This love would bring peace to Forks forever.

"Hm..." Jacob held his breath, waiting for his answer. "Well... How about I marry you at three this afternoon?" Jacob smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you Reverend, thank you!" Reverend Webber just patted him back until he finally let go. Then, Jacob ran outside to go to the library to tell Nurse Alice.

As promised, there she was, wrapped up in a scarf and sun glasses, even though it was cloudy. She spotted him and they met up walking to each other.

"Nurse Alice," He whispered, not wanting to make their meeting too public. If they were going to do this, they had to do this right.

"Yes, Renesmee told me about you two." He nodded. "I have to say, I agree to disagree about this. But peace is what is my main concern between you two."

"Reverend Webber had the same intetions." She nodded, then sighed.

"What did he say? It's cold out here." Jacob smiled.

"Tell Renesmee to meet me at the alter at three this afternoon. There, we will be married." Alice smiled, then got a look in her eyes Jacob couldn't see through the glasses. She got down to business.

"Now look, Jacob Black." She crossed her arms. "Renesmee is like a daughter to me, always has been. I've been there through good and bad, as she has for me. I want you to know that if you hurt her, especially since you are going through with this wedding, I will tell Edward, and he will have you killed. Are you really serious about this?" He nodded.

"We may not know each other that well, Nurse Alice, but no matter what, we'll work through everything. Any differences we may have we'll work through until the end. I love her, and her being at the alter will prove she has the same feelings and my ring will show my commitment to her." Alice smiled, satisfied with his response, and turned back to her car without another word.

Jacob couldn't stop smiling. Soon, he'd be married to the love of his life.

"Really, dude?" Embry said as he tied Jacob's tie. "Why didn't you tell me you had the hots for Renesmee? I totally get it man, she's hot but-" Jacob shoved him

"Shut up, Embry, that's my future wife you're talking about." Embry put on an apologetic smile as Jacob put on his jacket. Jacob could only wear jeans and a dress shirt since he had no dress pants and his dad would grow suspicious if he asked.

"I'm sorry, Jake. You know I'm messing with you..." Jacob turned to him.

"It's okay..." Embry smiled.

"Hey, at least I get to be your best man." Jacob smiled again.

"Yeah well, Seth's never serious about this kind of stuff, Quil wouldn't understand, so I had to call you."

"Nice to know i'm a last resort to you." Jacob chuckled and tightened his tie until he was comfortable.

"This is it, Embry... I'm ready." He smiled, then went to the alter to meet with Reverend Webber.

When three o'clock in the afternoon hit, the organist played the traditional wedding march as Nurse Alice, the maid of honor, walked in first, then Renesmee followed looking more beautiful than ever. She wore a simple white dress, something you'd wear to a wedding, but not your own. Still, as simple as it was, Jacob was still stunned by her beauty as if seeing her for the first time.

It was the same for Renesmee. She wanted to run to him after seeing him. Smiling and gripping the small boquet tighter while trying to keep the pace she was going. She loved the rough look he had that he tried to cover up. He was still beautiful, especially when he smiled.

When they finally were together in front of Reverend Webber, they held hands and smiled as they looked into each other's eyes. They mouthed "I love you" to each other as Reverend said the same words he usually would for a wedding. They said "I do", and kissed when Reverend said they could.

There would be no regrets. They both thought as they held each other in their embrace. Nothing can get better than this.