So I would like to start off by saying... SORRY! I am so very very sorry. It's been years, and that's not evena joke, and I am so sorry.

But I am so happy that people were still reviewing, and still reading. Even now you guys are and it actually made me want to cry. So after I have finished this story which won't be very long I will be bringing out a squeal! As a way of saying sorry and thank you!

Oh head up as well I have changed my name... Sorry

So I am now called missgullibleforever

Well I hope you enjoy!

Caleb's POV

I slowly made my way back to the girls. We had all said our goodbyes and we needed rest. "Come on." I whispered. "We should be going."

"Caleb." I heard Will said. "About what I said earlier... I'm sorry. I know you really cared for Cornelia." She paused. "No. You loved her, and she loved you too. I just wanted you to see that we all cared about her, that we are all going to miss her." She gently touched my shoulder, as a reassurance. "I just couldn't listen or watch you suffering like that. Her body may be gone but her soul will always remain here with us. With you. She will never be gone."

I nodded my head. "I know Will, but I never got to shear my life with her. The first time I told her I love her she was controlled by Phobos and the last time she was dying in my arms. All that in one day Will. One Day." As tears began to fall from my eyes I brushed Will's hand off my shoulder. "I wanted to show her my world. I wanted her to show me her world. I wanted the love her for the rest of my life. Hold her close. Hug her. Kiss her. To tell her each day how beautiful she is, what she means to me. To one day have a family with her. Wake up every morning and have her right there, sleeping peacefully. Maybe one day have children, to show them our words. Tell them of our love, of our life that we have spent together. Yeah I know that's a little farfetched but it's the truth. I loved that girl with all my heart." I paused letting my anger deflate. "And now I can't do any of those things with her. It's too late." I turned to face Will and the others. "So Will I understand what you are saying and what you said. But I need to face reality, or I will be in a world of denial and depression. But your also right." I see Wills eyes widen in astonishment. "Her body may be gone her soul will always remain close to me."

"We will help you Caleb." Hay Lin said with a smile. "And in turn you can help us. We will all help each other."

"In time Hay Lin. Right now I want to just go home if that's okay?"

"Yeah I'll open a portal." Will produced the heart and created a portal.

"Wait!" We heard a voice cry, when we turned we saw Elyon racing towards us.

"Elyon are you okay?" I asked

"You guys have to come with me!"

"What? Why what's up?" Asked Irma

"Please just come with me!" She said as she started to run

Without hesitation myself and the girls ran after Elyon. I couldn't help but think what was going on. Why was Elyon in such a panic? And why did she need us?

When we arrived we were outside a room. The room I had said my last goodbyes to Cornelia. "Why are we here Elyon?" I hissed in pain.

"Because she needs you."


"Cornelia of course!" She shouted

"I can't go back in there Elyon, it's too painful."

"Oh for goodness sake she's alive but she won't say that way if you don't help!"

"What?" I breathed.

"Well when you guys left..."

Elyon's POV (Flashback)

As I made my way back to the chambers I noticed a bright light shining through the cracks.

"What's going on?" I questioned myself

As I opened the door. What I saw... I just couldn't believe it.

There was Cornelia floating in mid air surrounded by a ball of white light, her body seemed lifeless but her eyes shined with life.

"Cornelia!" I screamed. I didn't know what to do, she was dead not too long ago and now unspeakable magic was happening to her. I had read books about this. I closed my eyes trying to hear for her, but she wasn't calling for me. But I know who she wants. I had to get Caleb, only he could save her.

Caleb's POV

"What?" I gasped, I pushed basted Elyon and burst through the doors. As Elyon had described Cornelia was floating. Surrounded by light that was too bright to look at with clear vision.

"What's happening Elyon."

"She is testing fate, fighting death... reclaiming life. Legend tells that if a person soul and willingness is strong enough then life shall be reborn."

"How can we help her?" I questioned

"No we. You."


"Yes Caleb, you need to help her. I couldn't use my magic to bring her back, but your love for her will. The book tells of love being the only power than can be heard and see in both worlds. You have to help her!"

If it was up to me then I'll do it, that was my last chance to bring Cornelia back to me. And I will do anything to bring her back to the light, or follow her into darkness. "Okay. What do I do?"

"Take her hand and concentrate."

I did as Elyon said. Taking a deep breath I took a step into the light. I couldn't see, the light it was too intense.

"Caleb close your eyes, feel her soul calling to you! She wants you to hear!" Elyon screamed

Doing as I was told I closed my eyes. And that's when I felt it the faint breeze of nature, I knew it was Cornelia struggling to call to me. Following the breeze I took gentle steps until I felt her soft hand. Taking her hand into mine I began to think of her. Her face. Her voice. Her eyes.

"Caleb." That voice, that beautiful voice. As I opened my eyes I saw Cornelia surrounded by darkness curled up in a ball, she looked so frail. So weak. "Caleb." She said again.

"Cornelia!"I said as I made my way towards her.

"Caleb? No please go away!"

"No I won't." I said bending down to her level

"I hurt you. I almost killed you. Caleb. Caleb." She whispered

"That wasn't you."

"You're not real Caleb." She started to chant. And before my eyes she started to fade away. No I wasn't going to let her go!

"Cornelia look at me!" I screamed

"Not real. Not real."

"Cornelia please you need to look at me."

"I'm a monster. I hurt... hurt Caleb."

"No you didn't. You need to look at me."

Cornelia slowly lifted her head to look at me, when she did she had the same white eyes. The same colour as when she was under Phobos' control. She couldn't let go of what she did.

"I'm a monster."

"Cornelia you need to fight this."

"Monster." She chanted. "Monster." Her body began to fade more as she chanted; she was losing the will to live.

"Please Cornelia don't leave me again. You need to fight. I know how strong you are, and how powerful you are. Please don't lose hope. You didn't hurt me, I'm right here. Elyon wants you back; Will wants you back. Hay Lin, Taranee, Irma. They all want you to come home, come back to the light. Please we want you back. We need you back!"

"I can't. I hurt everyone."

"No you didn't!" I cry. But it was too late she was nearly completely gone. "Oh Cornelia I'm sorry. Maybe my love for you wasn't strong enough. I've let you down again." I said as tears fell down my face and landed in her hand, her fading hand. I was too weak. She was going to be gone forever and it was my entire fault.


Cornelia's POV

It was so cold. So dark. The light had gone and darkness was all that was left. I wanted to go home to see my friends, my family... and him. But I had hurt him. Nearly killed him. I was a monster. I am a monster. He would never want me back. And my friends I nearly killed them too. I really was a monster. I had hurt everyone I love. They would never want me back.

"Please Cornelia don't leave me again. You need to fight. I know how strong you are, and how powerful you are. Please don't lose hope. You didn't hurt me, I'm right here. Elyon wants you back; Will wants you back and Hay Lin, Taranee and Irma. We want you back. We need you back!" I hear a voice say. A voice so familial

"I can't. I hurt everyone."I whispered.

"No you didn't!" That voice. I know that voice. "Oh Cornelia I'm sorry. Maybe my love for you wasn't strong enough. I've let you down again." I know that voice its-

My hands! As I looked down they were wet, wet with small salty tears. Suddenly a clear vivid light began to glow in my hands. The tears began to show images. Images of him. Of Caleb. My love. Images of the good times and the bad. As the memoires began to grow so did the light. Until I could see, it was so clear. And there he was.


His head rouse to look at me. "Cornelia your eyes." He said gently taking my face into his hands. "I missed you." He breathed

"I missed you too." I said bringing his lips to mine. That one kissed brought life into my soul. So warm, I could feel my soul filling up with love. It was so gentle and yet so passionate. A fire burring deep inside of me. I missed him. I love him. I could hear the blissful winds of nature, telling me everything was alright. So calm

As I opened my eyes the darkness was no more, but instead was my friends and the man I loved. My light.

"Cornelia!" My friends screamed bringing me into one big hug.

"I missed you too." I sighed in delight.

"Don't you ever scare us like that again!" Taranee warned

"I'll try not to." I smiled.

Caleb's POV

She was back; the girl I loved was back. She been through hell and back but she was safe now. And my reason to live was back too.

"You did it." Elyon said bringing me into a hug.

"No she did it, she just need a way to find the light."

"I don't think she would be here if it wasn't for you."

"Maybe not, but she's here now and that's all that matter." I said with a smile.

"So Corny... what was it like to be dead?" Irma asked.

"Really Irma?!" Will asked in bewilderment

"What? I'm sure everyone was thinking it!"

"No!" Everyone said in unison.

"Okay I think Cornelia has had enough excitement for one day." I said bringing Cornelia close to me.

"You are more than welcomed to stay at the castle tonight."

"Maybe I should just-"

"Cornelia." I said interrupting her. "You need to rest, what you've been though is a lot to take it. Please I'll stay with you tonight if it will make you feel better. But you need to take it easy. Is that okay Elyon?"

"Of course."

"Okay if you are sure." Cornelia said shyly.

"Well I am queen now so to speak so I'm sure." Elyon said with a grin

"We should probably go it's getting late on earth. We'll tell you parents your staying at mine." Will added.

"Thank you."

"We'll be sure to come and check on you." Will said as she gave Cornelia a hug. "See you tomorrow." She said opening a portal to earth. One by one each guardian gave Cornelia a hug before entering the portal.

Irma was the last one left. She reached up and gave her a huge hug. "I'm glad you're safe Corny." She let go and entered the portal waving as it closed behind her.

"You'll be staying in a room on the east side, one of my maids will show you." And just like magic one appeared.

"Thank you again Elyon. Come on you." I said picking her up bridal style. "Let's get you bed."

So what did you think? Well I hope you enjoyed reading it and I hope you liked this chapter!

So remember review, follow, favourite please!

Much Love
