Every Angel Has A Shadow

By StraightedgeEpyon

Shadow The Hedgehog leaves his world behind crosses through time and space all the way to the EVA verse merging his soul with Shinji Ikari as an infant. Now Shinji battles the angels struggles to control his powers piece together his dreams and try to discover who and what he really is

I own nothing

Beta Read by Popkov

Chapter 16

(The public library )

Shinji was skimming across the shelf of books of various places of wonder scattered across the globe or what's left it due to the effects of second impact.

So far none of the places he was seeing, various temples, ruins of countries and remaining continents stood out to him.

Here in Japan It was kind of spotty since the world wide disaster sunk certain parts of the country so it was difficult at best to see if anything of interest was here.

But since he was in that bunker, since he and Ami discovered Omega, and the cross dimensional spillage as Professor Motou called it, he was curious to see if there were more items out there in the world, specifically Japan. In addition to geography books he took some other books. Like robot building for dummies.

Since Shinji was going to be stuck with a real life robot, he might as well learn how to maintain him, like a big metal pet. A pet with weapons.

'Problem is his circuitry is more advanced then anything we have today.' Shinji thought thinking of Omega 'Decades ahead maybe light years, ahead of today's tech.'

Shinji sat the book down and began reading, a lot of it was made up of a lot complex mathematics, a lot of numbers and statistics, making his head hurt.

'Are you...the original?'

'Now doctor, you will tell me everything.'

"The original?" he murmured

Turning the page, to more mathematical equations and instructions, but this time he was able to understand the information with ease. As if it was second nature to him. Flipping to another page two pieces of paper fell out of the book, curious he picked up to see it was photograph of a location in Tokyo-3.

"Akihabara? I think I've been there before." Shinji whispered

"Been where?" a voice whispered startling him causing him to clumsily knock down the books

Turning around to his apparent surprise he saw it was Reizu, without her sister Ruju.

"Fancy meeting you here kid." she said with a smirk on her face and a book in hand "Never pegged you as a bookworm."

"I'm not, " Shinji replied

"Hmm..robotics for dummies..well you're full of surprises aren't you Ikari?" Reizu remarked looking at the book

Shinji just snapped the book closed.

"Okay bored now goodbye." the boy said dismissively

"Does this have something to do with that robot you and Ami found? A killer robot."

"Shush." the boy hissed pulling her down to sit next to him

"I kind of want to keep that a secret, so yeah I'm stuck with him, so I might has well learn how to maintain him, problem is..." Shinji trailed off.

"Go on, " she urged

"His tech, his circuitry is more complex than anything I've seen. It probably surpasses anything that could be made today,"

"Hmm...sounds like that something off one of those old American movies, to be honest."


"But truth is often stranger than fiction. It often raises more questions than answers. For example could your robot be the only one if its kind? Or could there be more?" asked Reizu in an almost mysterious tone

This garnered a surprise look from Shinji who hadn't considered that possiblity that there would be more robots like Omega.

"D-Do you think there could be?"

"Possibly, you may need to go to Akihabara to find out." she finished

Before Shinji could inquire further, Misato suddenly appeared, without a word the woman yanked him up by the arm, stating they needed to go right away. Shinji managed to snatch the paper from the book as he was dragged off. All the while Reizu gave off an knowing smirk.

(With Shinji and Misato on the road)

"Why the urgency?" asked Shinji in a near irritated tone of voice

"We're receiving a new pilot and her Eva today, to re-enforce our line. You and Rei have done well so far, but additional support is needed. " replied Misato driving to the Tokyo docks


"Who was that woman you were speaking with back at the library? A girlfriend maybe? I didn't think you went for older women Shinji." Misato teased while she drove straight to the harbor.

Shinji didn't have a response for that, he just settled for folding his arms, with the paper tightly in hand.

"Come on you can tell me. Or is it that you don't think you can trust me?"

'That's precisely why, I don't trust you. ' thought Shinji

The two continued on in relative on silence, Shinji began to doze off out of boredom, he closed his eyes.

(Enter Dreamscape)

When he opened them again, he suddenly found himself in a different location a large jungle of sorts, he felt shorter than before, looking down on himself he was ...naked for the most part, with all black fur, with a white patch of hair of his chest.

Looking down on himself he had the same red and white shoes with gold rings around his ankles looking at this arms, he glanced at the white material on the gloved hand, disproportionate to the rest of his body, and the golden bracelet around his wrist.

He moved his gaze downwards, tracing the red stripe that ran to the elbow of his otherwise midnight black arm. Deciding that he had stood around long enough he disappeared and reappeared in flash of green in mid air above metal bridge. Landing effortlessly while kneeling down, opening his eyes he saw an exact duplicate of himself, in a startled surprise Shadow performed a backflip, landing a few feet away from the copy, only to discover a whole squad duplicates.

'Huh? What the?!" gasped Shadow 'How can this be?! Who are you?'

The Hedgehog duplicates gave no reply, as they continued standing still, as if awaiting order. Shadow just stood in disbelief, until a voice snapped him out his stupor. Glancing up above he saw the same mustache man in an flying vehicle.

"Listen up Shadow androids. The Eggman fleet is strong but those dark creatures are a formidable adversary!"

"I must return to the base to devise a new plan." the man finished flying off

Shadow just stood there in absolute disbelief, his whole body shaking,


'Am I...an...android too?'

Wasting no time, Shadow shot off after the doctor, jump over crates, and crossing two bridges, he kept running undeterred, by the flying black robotic military drones. A sudden mobile, computer screen floated in front of him. A familiar voice spoke out of it.

'Shadow! I need to get back to my base and restore order! Help me get away from these pesky GUN soldiers who are on my tail."

Shadow ignored the man's apparent orders, and pressed on through. He kept on going until he ran into another ,familiar robot stood in his path, but this one he knew wasn't a threat. He revealed himself to be Omega.

'Are you. The original?' he asked in a robotic voice

'I'm not sure,' thought the hedgehog

'If you are searching for Eggman he's fleeing aboard his airship. The Eggballon, if you wish to confront him, then help me ground his vessel.'

Shadow nodded and continued forward

(End Dreamscape)

Shinji was rocked, by Misato shaking him awake. Opening eyes he found that he wasn't in the jungle, no he was in Misato's banged up piece of junk car, en-route to the harbor bay.

Out on the docks were an assortment of massive civilian cargo and Japanese naval carrier vessels docked in separate ports, airships were being loaded on board, as well fighter jets, and boxed armaments ect. Misato parked her car up hill, both she and Shinji proceeded down the steps to the main carrier, the wind giving off a gentle breeze, making his open black button up shirt, (he's wearing a red T-shirt with black jeans and his red and white shoes, ) flutter a bit.

While Misato eagerly heading towards the larger carrier, Shinji hung back a bit just observing the military hardware being loaded and unloaded from the ships.

"All of this seems very familiar." Shinji whispered his eyes getting a faraway look in them.

One of the larger crates that were being loaded off ship, suddenly tumbled over and broke open


"Hey what the hell?!" yelled one dock worker on the ground near the crash site

"Its not my fault, the cable wasn't strong enough and it snapped off , this thing was heavier than we thought." another worker yelled from above

Out of curiosity, and the fact that Shinji happened to be close by; he took a peak, and saw something inside the crate, a large mobile armed and armored robotic two legged walker of sorts. Other contained arsenals, and what appeared to be egg shaped drones.

"Hey you!" a voice called out getting his attention

Looking to his right, he saw a red headed girl, with blue eyes and the air of arrogance surrounding her, she had her hands on her hips she wore a yellow dress with bag around her shoulder.

"Who are you and why should I care?" asked Shinji raising an eyebrow.

" How rude! I am Asuka Langely Sohryu! The best Eva ever!" she declared

Shinji's eye couldn't help but twitch at the girls declaration

"Ah Shinji, Asuka" Misato spoke coming up "I see you two have met. Shinji this Asuka the German pilot, from the European Branch of NERV"

"He's the Third child huh?, I didn't think he'd be so much of a wimp." the girl said in a condescending tone

Shinji snorted and glared at the girl.


"Asuka, he's your teammate can you at least to try to get along with him?" asked Misato

"What the hell are you talking about?" Asuka asked in surprise. "Now that I'm here, you can leave everything to me. You can keep him around as backup if you want, but I'll take care of all the Angels from here on out."

"Well, that's very generous of you, Asuka," Misato said in a dry tone, "but since the fate of all mankind is involved, you're gonna need some help with that."

Shinji merely scoffed already bored of this conversation,

"I didn't think all German's were this haughty and annoying." said Shinji folding his arms

"What was that?!" Asuka demanded angrily

"You heard me."

"Hey, Hey! That's enough both of you!" Misato interjected


Loud noises suddenly interrupted the trio's bantering, suddenly the walker from the crate lit up and suddenly began to activate and start moving out of the broken stomped on the ground causing the personnel to scatter.

"WHAT THE HELL?! THE PROTYPE WALKER ACTIVATED!" one of the personnel yelled

"That shouldn't be possible! Its not fully automated!"


The mechanized walker's cockpit lit up red stomped out on its own causing the personnel to scatter, one of the personnel on the ground, whom had a tablet, tried furiously to get it under control.

It continued to stomp around all over the place, destroying all manner of property, Misato ushered both children to higher ground, a sudden yelp caught Shinji's ear,

"Hmm." he hummed sparing a side glance

In the wake of the mass panic a female solider in her twenties of eastern Europe decent, suddenly tripped over, directly in the path of the automated military weapon. She was so scared of the large unmanned weapon, she couldn't move an inch.



That name flashed through Shinji's mind yet again, an instinct began to rise up within him as Misato ushered him along,


The image of a blue eyed, blonde haired girl flashed in his mind, then glanced at the frightened solider identified as Grace. Both images flashed in Shinji's mind left, and right. At that moment he came to a decision, if none of those jackboot idiots including Misato were going help her.

'Ah! Shoot! Troublemaker!' thought Shinji making a sudden U-turn running towards the danger zone

"Huh? Shinji! Where are you going?!" Misato shouted out "GET BACK HERE NOW!"

"Is he insane or just plain idiotic?! "asked Asuka thinking he was going to get squashed

Intense adrenaline coursed through Shinji's veins as he raced towards the woman on the ground, covering the distance between them.



Shinji picked up the woman, as the walker descended upon them. In a blinding speed, Shinji carrying Grace, ran underneath the walker towards the other military personnel, speeding right in front of them kicking up a massive cloud of dust.

"Huh?!" went one of the men

In front of him, was one of NERV 's pilot carrying one of his comrades. The tech experts on the ground finally got the walker to stop moving, ending the situation before it got worse. The remaining personnel all breathed a major sigh of relief.

"Did see you him move?"

"No did you?"

"There's no way in hell anyone can be that fast!"

"Who the hell is this kid?"

"Hey come on! Lets get this thing loaded and re- secured! Other wise command is gonna have our heads!"

Without a word Shinji lowered the injured woman on the ground, while someone called for a medic, he turned around and walked away without hearing so much as a thanks from any of them, and he didn't care. But deep down inside the boy was conflicted.

Shinji didn't know why he did what he did, a part of him couldn't let the soldier get crushed underneath that thing, one hand a part of him should have, and he wouldn't have lost an ounce of sleep over it for some reason.

After all she chose the life of soldier, she accepted the all the hazards that come with it. Shinji was forced to become like them by his father. And deep down he hated it. He hated being ordered around, he hated being told what to do. Thinking about it made the boy angry, if his clenching fist was any indication.

'No one can tell me what to do.'

"Shinji! What the hell where you thinking?!" Misato yelled running up to him with Asuka in tow breaking his thoughts

"Are you out of your mind?!"

To her surprise Shinji was unfazed by Misato's outburst, still wondering why he did that himself.

"You can't keep doing things like this! First there was that incident with Rei now this, are you actively trying to find ways to kill yourself?!" the woman exclaimed hysterically

"You're either suicidal or an adrenaline junkie of sorts." Asuka remarked not wanting admit that she was impressed with his feat.

"Maybe, I am, maybe I'm not, you don't know me." replied Shinji walking past them

"Just where do you think you're going?!"

"If we're done here, I'm gone, I'll find my own way back Misato." Shinji said not even looking at the pair

The pair glared at his retreating form, as he was just blowing them off. Meanwhile an unshaven man was watching the entire event from a far his eyes never leaving the boy , however unbeknownst to him a certain Otaku boy with glasses was also in the area with a video camera.

"Just who is this kid?" asked Kensuke

"I'm definitely gonna have to punish him, after your party." said Misato

"What party?" Asuka asked.

"Why, your welcome home party, of course," Misato said with a grin. "You'll be living with me. Maybe after we get you unpacked, we can share a nice hot bath and get reacquainted."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," a male voice said from behind her. "Any chance I could join you?"

Misato stiffened and felt ice run along her spine. She slowly turned around to see a good-looking Japanese man around her age, standing there, grinning at her. "Kaji! What the hell are you doing here?! You're supposed to be working at the European branch!"

"I've been reassigned," he told her with heartily laugh. "So, how about I come to this little party you mentioned?"

"Sorry," she said in a frosty voice. "It's limited to people I like."

She then grabbed a confused-looking Asuka by the shoulders and led her quickly away.

"I've missed you!" he called out to her.

Misato just rolled her eyes and ushered Asuka along, much to her confusion

(Later on that evening)

Shinji managed to catch a train on the way back to Tokyo-3, but he had decided to go further, he went all the way to Akihabara. Sure enough he walked into the colorful, shopping hub famed for its anime, and electronic store products.

"What I am supposed to be looking for? " the boy mused

Colors flashed everywhere, he looked, young cute café maids in front of the shops, statues of Gundams out in front of shops, manga shops etc.. still unsure to what he was looking for, it wasn't long until Shinji found himself in an abandoned part of Akihabara, taking out the photo, of the old buildings seeing they matched perfectly, he figured he would start there.


"Hm." went Shinji looking around briefly before continuing on. "Only thing I probably should be worried about is over sized rats around here." said Shinji going further the desolate area.

"Reizu was awfully cryptic about this place, but then again I never got a chance to ask where to go specifically, thank you very much Misato." he grumbled as he kept walking about,

Another ten minutes of wandering aimlessly, he thought to turn back, but a breeze so strong blew his way, blowing the photo he had in his pocket in another direction, grunting Shinji gave chase, the wind carried the photo further, as if either guiding him somewhere or running away from him.

'Come on! step it up!'

"'I'll show you faker!"

The paper continued float further and further away, as Shinji continued to give chase, his air shoes suddenly activating, making Shinji speed up, the wind blew faster and faster. Shinji determined to catch the photo, sped up closer and closer. Within a few seconds he grabbed it the photo,that he just ventured deeper into old decrepit Akihabara,

" Great where am I now," he asked looking around and seeing something odd in the distance.

It was large red faded symbol in on a crumbling building in the distance, walking towards it he felt a sense of familiarity in the distance. Reaching it, he saw a large boarded off door, marked condemned, meaning it was a condemned building. The more rational part of him wanted to just turn around and walk away, but the more curious as well as daring part of his mind thought the venture further. So With one swift kick, Shinji knocked down the door, walking inside he gasped

"What? another lab?!" he gasped, nothing but broken wires and broken tubes and other machinery

Walking through floor, rats scurried about on the rafters. It was just like the lab in the mountains where he found Omega, and whole load of active robots. Up ahead Shinji spotted a large screen up ahead, little did he know, Shinji crossed a red line, activating something long dormant in the corner of the building.

"Let's see what I can find here," Shinji mused going to the computer, he began to press a few keys to try to get it working, the screen lit up to show a map of some sort. There from what he can tell there were separate marked areas centered all around Japan. Before he could study it further something came up from behind him. Turning around, Shinji saw a large moving blob of water, with grey like shaped like Y head, floating in front of him.

"Oh wonderful." he groused "What the hell is that?"

The strange creature's eyes lit up and shot at hit with laser bolts, which he narrowly avoided, Shinji moved on blind instinct moving from side to side, then he jumped up and landed a punch directly to the head, destroying it instantly.

"Too easy, now where was I?" he spoke turning back to the screen,

Shinji pressed several more keys, to take a closer look at the map, to his surprise it seemed like only a piece of a map, but as small as it seemed it did mark several hidden locations in Tokyo 2 and 3.

"Looks like there more than, a few other labs like this one. Maybe I can find more pieces of the map there." Shinji mused deciding to download it.

To his surprise a small old floppy disk popped out from underneath the console, taking it Shinji walked off, unaware that another machine had activated when he walked in. It had one single green eye focused on Shinji. It burst out of the rooftop, it had a round black torso with a white vertical stripe, a large muffler its pelvic area and 101 printed on its left side.

It also has a black platform like head with a large gray shade and a single green eye on its otherwise faceless feature, that moved side to side. Its lower torso was a rudder -like black and white tail and two thin grey and green colored thrusters on its lower torso, granting it aerial maneuverability. Its arms are equipped with large shield like gauntlets with spikes, with powerful laser canons under each gauntlet. Its green eye moved around and around as if scanning its surroundings before landing on Shinji as he made his way back to Akihabara.

"E-101 Beta, fully operational. Target confirmed, proceed to seek and destroy!" the robot stated floating off

End Chapter

End Notes: Well I know its been a year, I was working on this at the beginning of 2020 and I meant to Update in time for the Sonic Movie, but one thing after another kept getting in my way. And on top of that my Beta has gone radio silent. But this chapter was solely to give Omega a rival as it were. He won't be just a teammate/Robot buddy to Shinji/Shadow and even though E-101 Beta was destroyed in SA1, its not unreasonable to think Eggman built more of him, based off his more advanced design. And yes, I've introduced Asuka but I decided to forgo the sixth angel appearance until the next chapter, as away shaking things up. As things move on Shinji/Shadow will develop a more brooding, personality and sharp wits and be bit more antagonistic to NERV. To be clear the story is not dead. And I have to say thank you all, I never thought this would reach 200 reviews, for you all I will aim for higher, there will be references to Sonic characters, and OC's that will have their spirits. I will try to continue the story on my own for the time being, hopefully my beta will surface again, soon. That's it I'm sorry for the delay. I will be working on the next chapter soon, Check out the poll on my profile Read, Review and provide suggestions, stay Prime.