Hey I'm back with a Roxette! I made Olette an OC Nobody. Once you read this fic, you'll know who she is. I hope you guys like it. I'm an Olette fan and she needs more fans. Come on out all of Roxette fans! xD I used this movie because Odette matches Olette, and I sort-of copied the movie while I was watching it when I was a little girl. My baby sister was obsessed with 'Barbie of Swan Lake' and I used to love the origional on 'The Swan Princess'. So I got these two and sort-of matched them up. I hope you guys all like it. Please enjoy and drop a review. I love you all. xD

Swan of Destiny Islands

This Is Not My Idea!

A Proud king stood behind his wife, a smirk was plastered on his face looking up at his new heirs to the Leonhart Kingdom of Hallow Bastion. He stared at his wife with a smile that is only for her, he let out his soft side for her only. He then looked down to see his son and daughter, prince and princess of Hallow Bastion. He had a long scar adorning his handsome face, he got it while he killed a man who kidnapped people and never bringing them back. He and a friend of him both have the same scar trying to save a woman, but she too dissapeared and was never found again.

"Hi Sora, Olette. I'm your mommy and this here is your daddy. Yes we will spoil you both rotten." His wife cooed. She had long brunnette hair in a braid, bangs adorned each side of her pale face, deep green eyes sparkled with love at her new children.

"Not too rotten," Leon said looking at his wife.

Aerith pouted and stuck her tongue out at her husband in a playful matter. She smiled when Leon glared at her with a hint of a smirk. She scowled and glared a bit at him giving him a look that he will be in trouble once she catches him. She looked to see that Sora was looking like he was about to cry, she then turned to see Olette looking outside. The baby was looking at a white dove, she giggled which made Aerith want to cry.


Ten years had passed when King Leon announced the future prince and princess. Everyone in Hallow Bastion gave a huge celebration in their honors. Leon held his daughter proudly for everyone to look at, while Aerith wouldn't let Sora go out of her sight.

"You can do it Sor!" Hayner shouted with both hands on his face.

"If you beat me you can win back your pride," Olette said with a cheer she did for her older brother.

"Oh you're so on," Sora said taking a bow out of the pouch. He then got ready position spreading his legs apart, arms held the same height as his shoulders, elbow bent, he closed one eye and let the arrow go. It nearly hit Olette's arrow, just by a half of an inch. He pouted while crossing his arms.

"Oh come on Sora, maybe next time." Olette patted his head, her brother still pouting.

"Yeah, I can't even beat her," Pence said rubbing his head.

"Olette Leonhart, just what are you wearing!" Everyone froze, they then looked up to see Aerith with a scolding look, both arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Hi mommy," Sora and Olette said with wide innocent smiles. She was wearing a dark purple tunic, with black pans and her hair was all messy around her head.

"I want you to get upstairs and change into something pretty. Today is your tenth birthday and I will not have you dress like, like that. Let's go," Aerith took her by the hand and dragged her to her room.

Olette sighed and let herself be dragged to her room. She was then sittiong on her bed while the maids were busy with the castle chores. Aerith went inside Olette's walk-in closet and looked to see if she could find a dress that was made for this special day. She smiled and pulled it off, looking at her daughter, Aerith showed Olette the dress making Olette want to cry. The dress was pure white with a huge bow in front of the chest, a light pink rose rested in the middle of the bow, two light pink stripes went down and rested as pink bows on the sides with a white rose, a huge bow was resting on her small back and the sleeves rested below her shoulders. A tiara adorned her head, her brunette locks barley reached her shoulders.

Areith pushed her towards the mirror and smiled fixing a white frilly cloth around her small neck. Olette made a face, which meant that she didn't like it. Aerith ignored it and kissed the top of her head. She wanted to rip this dress apart and throw it away to never look at it again.

"It's just for today. You look so pretty," Aerith hugged her and kissed her cheek.

They walked down stairs to see some of the guests in the ballroom. Aerith warned her kids to be on their best behavior, Sora and Olette crossed their fingers behind their backs as they nodded. Olette looked at her brother, he wore a white double button up shirt with gold buttons, a cream colored belt, white pants and cream boots, their dad tried to fix Sora's hair which was futile. Olette giggle seeing Sora wore a small crown on his head as well. Sora was about to scowl when he saw his two friends walking thier way.

"Aw, you look just like a pampered prince," Hayner teased giving Sora his present and one to Olette.

"Thanks," They said at the same time. Sora ignoring the cooment.

"Happy birthday you two. May you have more coming." Pence hugged Sora and Olette after he gave them the presents.

More and more people came, the kids were taken away from their friends and to welcome the guests. They smiled and curtsy to them, Sora's face hurt from smiling a lot. Olette just nodded when comments were thrown her way. Their father's best friend walked through the doors with a small smile on his face. Two kids and his wife at his side, carrying presents. Sora smiled upon seeing the boy shy his way behind his mother.

"Cloud, I thought you would never make it. How have you been?" Leon asked shaking the other king's hand.

"Great as always." Cloud, king of Hallow Bastion smiled. They walked away while talking about business.



Olette saw both women hug and sqeual in delight. She has never seen her mother like that before. Now she knows where Sora has gotten his energy from. God help her if she saw her dad like that! Her thoughts were inturrupted when she saw the princess standing in front of her. Olette did common curtsy while the girl did the same. Her platinum-blond hair was in a ponytail held by a blue ribbon. Sky-blue eyes smiled with happiness.

"Happy brithday, Prince Sora and Princess Olette," Naminé said holding a light-blue present for Olette.

"Thank you Princess Naminé," Olette smiled taking the present. She then saw Roxas and Sora talking to each other while laughing a bit.

They made eye contact for a while until Roxas walked to her and held a small box to her. A small blush adorned his baby face, she heard Naminé giggle behind them and Sora looked confused. Olette recieved the small orange package and smiled.

"Thank you prince Roxas,"

"Just call me Roxas, princess." Roxas said in a cocky voice with a smirked.

"Fine," Olette glared at Roxas when she heard his cocky voice.

He smirked and winked her way. Olette glared, she went up to the other boy and stood her ground. Her huge emerald eyes glaring at the cocky boy. He stood his ground as well, a smirk appeared on his face. A smirk no ten year olds should have, let alone learn it.

"You pampered, annoying, wanna be-"

"I am quite busy to attend a 'princess'. So go play dolls or whatever you do." Roxas smirked shooing her away.

Olette saw red, she saw Sora walking away with him. By the pond, she didn't think and went to go chased after him with all her might. Aerith, Yuffie and Naminé saw what was coming and prayed that it didn't end ugly. Olette tackled Roxas to the pond making them both land on it. He glared up at her while she glared down at him. They began to wrestle on the once clean pond, mud was thrown everywhere, a lilypad was thrown landing on Sora's shocked face. Naminé covered her mouth with both her gloved hands. Aerith and Yuffie smirked while sharing a knowing smile. Hayner and Pence stopped dead in their tracks upon seeing Olette wrestle the prince of Hallow Bastion.

Leon and Cloud were laughing as they walked outside seeing why their wives looked so smuged about something. Knowing them, they probably were scheming something evil; poor unfortunate soul, or whoever was on their agenda. Leon stopped dead on his tracks when he saw his daughter beating the shit out of Roxas. He was about to have a heart-attack at seeing his sunshine all muddy and to top it off she was on top of a boy!

"What is going on!" Leon roared almost making the kingdom tremble with his voice.

Olette stopped what she was doing and looked up at her father. She still sat on Roxas's stomach looking oh so innocent, Roxas was still coughing water from his mouth. She smiled sweetly at her father.

"Daddy we-"

"Leon! Guess what. Aerith and I agreed on to have Roxas marry Olette! Isn't that cool! This is just how you and Aerith met. She pushed you down the pond right nefore you called her girly-fairy. I met Cloud and tackled him to the floor while he called me weak." Yuffie said in an excited tone.

It was true, Leon and Aerith met at a ball similar to this one, except that he was looking for a wife and none of the candidates looked like the mother type; they looked more like the power-hungry lionesses. He was walking down the pond and saw an eighteen year old Aerith and Yuffie giggling and talking. He called Aerith girly-fairy because she basically wore too much pink. She got upset and pushed him down the pond, out of instinct he shot his arm out grabbing hers and both landed on the water.

Yuffie met Cloud that same day, only she tried to show him that she too could beat him to oblivion. Cloud smirked and called her weak, Yuffie tackled Cloud to the floor and gave him a purple eye, and a busted lip. To say Cloud was livid when he woke up from his mini coma. Yuffie felt bad and took care of him.

"You...you" Leon began all of the sudden feeling dizzy.

"Yes we both agreed to make them marry each other when they turn eighteen! Expect a huge wedding in eight years guys." Aerith clasp her hands together with a smile.

"Olette won't get married until I say it's okay," Leon argued.

"But sweety, she would be old by the time you say yes," Aerith smiled, a small vein popping out of her forehead.

"I say no and my word is law." Leon said stomping his foot down like a three year old child.

Aerith grabbed Leon by his ear and draggend him on the other side of the garden, where no one will hear Leon's cries of torture.

"Yuffie will my sister really marry Roxas?" Sora asked.

"Yup, so when they turn eighteen they will becom husband and wife. I will make sure Cloud doesn't forget that. And then we will find you a bride and Naminé a husband." Yuffie smile while petting Sora in the head. Cloud choked on air as he heard his wife talking about marrige and Naminé, one thing for sure is that Naminé and marrige did not go in the same sentence.

"Is there a problem sweety?" Yuffie used her threatening voice. Cloud shook his head no.

Olette and Roxas looked at each other with disgusted looks.

"I'm not marrying him. That pompous baby," Olette crossed her arms and turned away.

"I would rather hang myself than marrying her," Roxas said glaring at his mother.

"Too bad this is my idea!" Yuffie smiled.

"This is not my idea!" Olette and Roxas said in a scowling way. The glared at each other.

Sora, Hayner and Pence all looked startled, they didn't know if they will survive this fututre king and queen. Naminé smiled and giggled to herself, this moment is meant for a drawing. Oh she could draw Olette's dress. She giggled to herself. Olette and Roxas kept glaring at each other planning on how to take each other down, one way or another, someone will win this war.

R&R Please, love you all. xD