So, I've seen a lot of fanfics in different fandoms for this, so I'm doing one for Glee! I can't think up enough bloopers for each episode to warrant a chapter to themselves, so one chapter per season.
I do not own Glee. I only own the bloopers.
"Como se yamma...coma...como se llamadamadingdong." Will laughed along with the crew. "I'm sorry."
Figgins sat at his desk listening to Will. Will finished saying his line, but Figgins doesn't respond. "I'm sorry, what's my line again?"
"I think the club expects us to become a couple." Rachel said to Finn. "You the hot male lead and I the star."
Finn just stood there. "Uh...I can't remember my line." Everyone laughs.
"Saved you the first roll." Puck smirked and patted the porta-potty. Finn was about to open the door when they heard a tinkling noise.
"...I really hope he's going in the toilet." Finn said simply. Everyone laughed.
"Wait." Kurt shoves his book bag into someone's chest and looks around at them. "One day...I will remember my line." Everyone laughed.
Finn and Quinn hold a balloon between their bodies and grinded for a while but nothing happened.
"Um..." Finn and Quinn started to chuckle. "Nothing's happening!" They laughed louder.
(Take 2)
Finn and Quinn grind with the balloon between them. The balloon pops and Quinn bursts out laughing. "Sorry!"
(Take 3)
The balloon pops. "Finn!" Quinn shrieks while laughing. "Sorry!"
"'Who is Josh Groban- fuck yourself!" Sandy snickers and walks off-camera. Everyone laughs.
"Will?" Terri walks into the room, laughs, covers her mouth, and backs out.
Ken grabs Puck by the shirt, then laughs.
(Take 2)
Ken grabs Puck by the shirt. "Listen, you literal motherpucker. My relationship is hanging by a thread!"
"Oh my God. Can we do one take without fucking it up?" The director threw his hands up in frustration.
Finn cringed in pain, hopped up, ran into a bench and danced around a little. His towel comes off and everyone groans.
Puck, Matt, and Mike carry Artie in his wheelchair up the stairs of the auditorium. Mike slips and drops the chair. The boys laugh.
"That could have ended badly." Artie commented.
Rachel is leaning over Puck, who is on a chair with his head tilted back.
"Hold on a fucking second..." Puck turned his head and coughed.
Will started to sing "Dump Truck" and slipped on Emma's train and fell to the ground taking Emma with him. Emma laughed hysterically.
Burt picks up the phone. "Hello? Who's this?"
Burt stares at the phone in disbelief. "What the actual...?"
(Take 2)
"Hello? Who's this?"
"You die in seven days..." An eerie voice whispered, then hung up.
(Take 3)
"Hello? Who's this?"
Instead of forming actual words, the caller made an "Ooohh-aaahhhhh" noise, gasped slowly and raspily, then hung up.
"Ooh, wow. That was the best prank call ever. Let's give the guy a medal!" Burt said sarcastically. The crew laughed.
Rachel tried leaning her chair back and ended up tumbling to the ground. "Oh, fuck! Why'd you guys give me this wheelchair?" The crew laughed.
Rachel started singing her lines in "Endless Love", but she opened her mouth and let out a burp, covered her mouth in embarrassment, snickered, and leaned her head down on the piano. Everyone laughs.
Russel turns off the boom box and glared at Finn, who stood where he was nervously. Russel stands close and looks up at him angrily, then laughs. Everyone followed.
Finn and Rachel jump on their respective mattresses. They accidentally jumped off, bumped into each other, and fell down.
"We're okay!"
Artie is bounced on a mattress. The people surrounding him jumped too close and tripped over Artie and each other.
Quinn accidentally kicks Kurt in the nads. Kurt had to bite his lip hard to keep from screaming in pain. After the number, Quinn turned to Kurt apologetically.
"Um...Kurt? I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" She asked reaching out a hand.
Kurt pointed one finger at her and gasped. "Don't...come...near me." He groaned loudly and whimpers. Two paramedics came running with a stretcher and an ice pack.
"Nice job, Quinn." Santana said rolling her eyes.
Will witheld the pregnancy pad looking angry. "Pick up your shirt."
Will threw the pad onto the counter, knocking a few things over, then laughs.
"I'm done with you!" Finn yelled and pointed to Quinn. He scrunches his eyes closed, and clenched his fists up to his forehead. "I hope you step on a lego!" He threw his hands out in frustration and runs from the room.
Kurt started to sing "A House Is Not A Home", and let out a huge yawn. "Sorry."
Rachel closes her locker and turns to see Jesse staring angrily at her. "I don't know my line." He and Rachel chuckled.
Sue turns around to see a strange woman she's never seen before.
Sue stares at the woman and continues sipping her coffee. "My mama always says crazy is as crazy does."
"...You guys are weird." The director said simply. "Cut!"
"I'm totally gonna kill this assignment." Kurt said to Mercedes. He wasn't looking where he was going, and bumped into the doorframe. He stumbled back and rubbed his forehead. "I'm okay."
"Rachel, I think you lost your voice." Will said. Rachel gave him a horrified look.
Kurt started giggling uncontrollably. Rachel glared at him. "It's not funny, Kurt."
Kurt tried containing his laughter, but couldn't. His laughter came out loud and uncontrollable. He gasped for breath and laughed harder.
"Hey, shut up!" Rachel shouted, her voice cracking. Kurt continued laughing. Everyone gave him strange looks. Rachel scowled, grabbed a guitar, and started whacking Kurt with it. "TAKE THAT! AND THIS! AND THAT!"
"AAH! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" Kurt cried out.
Rachel was about to sing her line in I Dreamed A Dream, when she hiccupped. She laughed. "Sorry!"
Artie just stared at Tina. "Uh...what's my line again?"
"Rachel, didn't you have something you wanted to say?" Will asked.
Rachel stared for a minute. "Uh...I forgot." Everyone including Rachel laughed.
Finn turned to where Rachel would enter the auditorium. The spotlight shone on the door, but it remains closed.
"Uhhh, guys, this door is stuck! I can't open it!" Rachel called from behind.
Finn ran around and rammed the door open. The door slammed into Rachel knocking her unconscious. "Aw, fuck."
"Cut! Medic!"
"My baby is having a daughter!" Judy cried to a nurse.
Quinn immediately stopped her wheelchair. "...Wait..." Everyone laughed. "That works! Can we keep that?"
Quinn leaned forward, clutching the sides of the bed, and screamed. She then turned her head and coughed loudly in her elbow. "Sorry...sorry."
"And cut! That's a wrap, people!" The director clapped his hands and turned to the cameraman. "Did you get all that?"
"Sure did!" The cameraman said proudly.
The director noticed something on the camera. "Um, what is that?"
"Oh, it's the camera lens!" The cameraman answered. "I kept it on the camera so I won't lose it."
"You mean it's been on the whole time?" The director asked in shock.
The director started freaking out. He screamed in frustration and ran around pulling at his hair.
"...Hoo boy, this is gonna take a while..." Rachel commented.
Mike pulled the camera towards him. "I love working on Glee. It's fun!"
Season two bloopers soon as I finish rewatching season two. Lol Let me know what you think!