Yes I know I'm taking forever. I'm trying though, I really am.

So, when I first thought of this idea, I wasn't really feelin it. I thought it would be pretty dumb actually. But when I finished writing it, I was like 'Wow'. So I think it's pretty good. I hope you guys agree.

So I'm assuming that I can write about either upside down or reverse. I choose reverse, but I guess they're kind of the same. Anyway this story is basically the story of Jade and Tori's life together told backwards. Or should I say 'in reverse'.

Disclaimer: Excuse me while I channel Jade West. NO!

Theme: Upside Down/Reverse

Title- 'In Time: A Story Told Backwards'

Jade - Age: 62

Beep ... Beep ... Beep

The monitor in the white room constantly tuned every second.

It annoyed the crap out of Jade, who was currently laying in a clean white bed. Jade's request for a black room was obviously ignored.

The door to the room opened. In came Cat and her husband Robbie. Even though Jade was having trouble seeing, she could tell Cat was still rocking her red velvet hair.

Both Cat and Robbie had solemn looks on their faces. Cat was juggling her cell phone back in forth between her hands. Jade looked at them expectantly.

Beep ... ... Beep ... ... Beep

"They're not coming, are they?" Jade croaked, her voice raspy.

At Jade's question, both of the lovers shock their heads no.

"I expected that."

"Andre's on his way." Robbie says, hoping to lighten the mood.

"He's most likely too late."

Cat's eyes got wide.

"Jade don't say that!"

Beep ... ... ... Beep ... ... ... Beep

"Why not Cat?! It doesn't matter anyway! What do I have to live for?! My daughters hate me! Beck despises me! And Tori, oh god Tori." Jade can't hold her tears back anymore as they flowed freely from her face. "I was wrong. It really was my fault. Not his. I should have acted differently. Told her something!"


The power of Cats voice made Jade stop cold.

"Stop blaming yourself Jade. Yes, you did make mistakes. But you still have to forgive yourself. Just like Tori did."

Jade scoffed.

"Tori never forgave me."

Beep ... ... ... ... Beep ... ... ... ... Beep.

"Yes she did. Remember the ring? She was still wearing it." Cat insisted. "And she told me. She will always love you." Cat searches inside her purse and takes out a object. Jade didn't know what it was at first, but once Cat brought it closer she gasped.

"Y-you found it. How?"

"It took a lot of searching, but eventually I found it outside near some dog poop."


"It's fine, I washed it." Cat brings the stuffed black bear with green eyes over to Jade. Jade admires it and hugs it to her chest.

"Thank you Cat."

"No problem."

Beep ... ... ... ... ... Beep ... ... ... ... ... Beep.

When Cat notices Jade's heart begin to slow she proceeds to tuck her in.

"Jade, I want you to remember that me, Robbie, Andre and Tori love you. No matter what we always will. Never forget that." Cat then gives Jade a chaste kiss on her forehead. And simultaneously, the beeping machine flat lines into a continues high tune.

Robbie hangs his head and Cat whips a tear from her eyes.

"Sleep well Jade. Say hi to Tori for me."

Jade - Age: 47

"Go away. You're not welcome here." Christine, Tori's older daughter at 22 years old, proceeds to bluntly reject her other mother.

"How many times do I have to say it? I was only protecting you. I still love you and your sister." Jade tries to reason with her stubborn daughter.

"Yeah? Well the feelings not mutual."

The door is slammed in Jade's face with a resounding thud.

Jade - Age: 47

"I don't think I can do it, Andre."

"Yes you can. Just try to talk to them. I'm sure they'll understand."

"No you don't understand. They're just as stubborn as me. They wouldn't even let me come to the funeral. And did you see the way they where staring daggers at me in the hospital? They don't want to see me. Not now, not ever."

"You won't at least give it a try? They are your daughters, you know?"

Jade sighs.

"I know."

Jade - Age: 46

Jade watches the funeral from afar, wishing she had brought an umbrella as rain cascaded down on her, drenching her clothes and staining her cheeks.

Although that could've just been her tears.

Jade and Tori - Age: 46

Jade had to sneak into Tori's hospital room.

She had a feeling her daughters or Beck would not be happy to see her. Plus, the doctor still isn't allowing any visitors. The perfect time to see her wife after so long. But when she sees Tori in the bed with needle in her arms, her heart shatters. She walks to the bed and sobs silently against Tori's stomach.

"I'm so sorry Tori. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for saying those things to you." Jade looks at Tori's face, hoping to see her stir. She doesn't.

"I doubt you'll ever forgive me. I doubt you even love me anymore. But everything I said to you that night, was a complete lie. I still love you. I always will."

Jade grabs onto Tori's hand. "I only wanted to protect you."

Then she felt it. She looked down and sure enough, there on Tori's finger was the diamond engagement ring. She didn't have a chance to react to it. The door opened and in came everyone including the doctor and nurse. All had solemn expressions. But Beck and her daughters sad expression morphed into anger once they saw Jade. Hell broke loose. Arguments started, threats exchanged, and tears fell.

No one noticed as Tori passed away.

Jade and Tori - Age: 46

Jades phone rings loudly through her apartment that she bought years ago in San Diego. Seeing that the number is Cats, she answers it.


"Jade! Tori's in the hospital!"

"What?! What happened?!" Jade practically jumps from her couch.

"Something about stress overload and a heart attack! Hurry! I'll text you the address."

"I'm on my way."

Jade and Tori - Age: 46

"Hey mom? Do you think you could let me borrow some cash? I'm a little short. And please don't tell me to get a job." Cassie yells out as, she walks into the house. When she gets no answer, she becomes concerned. "Mom are you home? Hello?" Cassie walks into the kitchen, hoping to find some spare money.

"Oh my god, Mom!"

What she does find, is Tori unconscious on the ground.

Jade and Tori - Age: 42

Cat opens the door to Jade's apartment.

"Hey Jade I - Oh my Gosh!"

The entire apartment is in disarray. Clothes where everywhere and random boxes where over turned. It was disastrous. Jade was frantically flipping things over, with tears streaming down her face.

"I can't find it Cat! I've lost it!"

"What did you loose?"

"The bear. I can't find my bear." Jade continued to mess up the house even more. She seemed to be going into hysterics. Cat came closer to her.

"Jade you need to calm down. It could still be at Tori's house, we could go get it."

"Beck would never let me go near Tori again! Hell, she wouldn't even want to see me! And anyway, I know I brought it with me! Oh my god it's really gone!"

"Please calm down Jade."

"I can't calm down! Aside from my ring, that was the most valuable thing I had that reminded me of her! Now it's gone!" Cat threw her arms around Jade, forcing her tears back. She needed to be strong. She needed to be strong for Jade.

After all, this wasn't the first time Jades broken down because Tori wasn't there to support her.

Jade and Tori - Age: 39

Jade was reading when she hears knocking on her door. Assuming it's either Cat or Andre she invites them in.

"Come in, the doors open." It wasn't Cat or Andre. "Beck!"

Beck closed the door behind him. He didn't look very happy.

"Explain yourself Jade." He said in a stern tone. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was talking about.

"I was only trying to protect her."

"You didn't have to say those things to her!"

"It was the only way to get her to leave!"

"Tori is a complete wreck because of what you said! She barely even smiles anymore!" Jade looks down to the floor. "What happened to the old Jade? The one that spent soo much money to propose to Tori. The one that loved her." Jade glared at him.

"Don't you dare imply that I don't love her! I always will!"

"Then why didn't you tell her that!"

"I didn't want to see her get hurt!"

Beck looks at her. Disbelief was all over his face.

"Well it's too late for that." He opens the door, intending to leave. But not before he speaks again. "I've had it with you Jade. Don't come near me, Tori, or her daughters again. We're done with you."

The door slam echos throughout the apartment.

Jade and Tori - Age: 38

The door to Jades apartment shakes, as someone frantically knocks on the other side. Jade looks up from her computer screen.

"What do you want Cat?"

"This isn't Cat." At the sound of the very familiar voice, Jades heart stops. She slowly gets up from her computer and opens the front door. Only to be greeted with chocolate brown eyes and well defined cheek bones.

"Tori." Tori jumps into Jades arms and kisses her desperately. Jade couldn't help herself. She kissed back. Tori wraps her legs around Jade as she uses her foot to close the front door.

Jade knows its wrong to be kissing Tori without any words exchanged. She knows it's wrong to be leading Tori into her bed room without any explanation. And she knows it's wrong to not care, as she peels off Tori's clothes and makes love to her wife after three long years.

To say it was awkward afterward would be an underestimate. The passion and lust was gone. And the clothes where back on. Now, there is only the memory of Jade leaving.

"Why'd you go?"

"I left a note."

"I didn't want a fucking note! I wanted you!"

"I'm sorr-."

"Don't even say it! Sorry won't help at all! What was I supposed to tell Christine and Cassie? You know they loved you dearly! How could you just leave us like that with only a note?"

"Because of you!" Jade exploded.

"W-what?" Tori stuttered with shocked expression.

"Because I couldn't stand you to see anymore! I couldn't stand to be around you!"

"Jade, stop that."

"Stop what? Telling the truth? I dated you out of pity Tori! That note was a lie! I didn't leave because of him, I left because of you!"

"Jade, please don't -"

"I dated you out of pity! I never wanted to be with you! I never even loved you or those annoying brats!"

Tori knew Jade was lying. But those words, are not something you can just sweep under the rug. Tori bolted out of the house, a waterfall of tears cascading down her face. Once the door is closed Jades legs give out and she falls to the floor, grasping her chest where her aching heart is.

This is how Cat finds her, three hours later.

Jade and Tori - Age: 35

Tori barges into Cat and Robbie's apartment, crying hysterically. Cat immediately jumps up and hugs Tori.

"Tori what's the matter?" Tori then throws a sheet of paper down on the ground. Jades signature at the bottom was distinct.

"Jades gone!"

Jade and Tori - Age: 35

"No!" Jade's father boomed.

"Dad calm down."

"No! My daughter is not a lesbian! I will not allow this!"

"Dad stop it." Jade desperately tried to talk to him.

"You break up with her at once, or I will separate you two. And trust me, I won't make it easy."

Jade knew her dad. And she knew he would do everything in his power to get Tori away from her. Then Jade had a flash back to when she was younger. A meaty fist slammed into her face and she fell to the ground. She remembered the pain in her stomach, as she was kicked multiple times.

She was only ten at the time.

This was all it took for Jade to make the hardest decision in her life.

Jade and Tori - Age: 35

"How could you Jade? You lied to my face!"

"You know I didn't want to tell him!"

"We're married with two children! This whole time I thought your dad knew! How can I ever trust you again?"

Cassie comes down the steps rubbing her eyes.

"Mommy? Whats going on?"

"Please go back upstairs sweetie." Tori tells their daughter in a tone that is completely opposite from the way she's feeling. She immediately recognizes whats happening.

"It wasn't mommas fault!" Even though Cassie has no idea what her moms are fighting about, she doesn't hesitate to take Jade's side, like always.

"Your moms right baby. Just go upstairs." Cassie obeys Jade and runs up the steps, hoping her moms will work it out. Jade turns back to her wife.

"You know what? I'm resolving this. I'm going to tell him right now."

"Really?" Tori asks hopefully. Jade kisses Tori on her lips. And walks away to put on her jacket.

"Really. Love you."

"Love you too."

Jade and Tori - Age: 30

"Tell me again why we're adopting instead of using Robbie's seed?" Tori questions her wife.

"Oh please. If we did decide to use artificial insemination, we would use Beck's or Andre's, not that spaz of a nerd." Jade scoffs.

"Hon, I'm serious."

"Because Tori, their are so many kids in this world without parents. If we create a new child, I'd feel like we ignored the cries of a child that wants a place to call home."

Tori stares at Jade in disbelief.

"Wow, that's so sweet."

Jade waves off the sugar covered comment.

"Yeah, yeah. We're only getting one right now though."

They sit through the boring interview process, and then go into the room full of young children.

"No one younger than five years old." Jade whispers to Tori.

"You're unbelievable."

Then, Tori feels small hands pull on her jeans. She turns and sees a brunette girl that looks about 5, holding the hand of what looks like a three year old.

"Hello miss. You're really pretty."

"Aw. You're pretty too!" Jade smiles as her wife hugs the little child. "I'm Tori and this is Jade." Jade waves at them.

"This is my little sister Cassie. I'm Christine."

Jade and Tori - Age: 23

"Jade West, do you take Tori Vega to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?"

"I do."

Jade and Tori - Age: 22

"Jade what is wrong with you? You've been acting weird since we got here! Was it something I did?"

Tori and Jade where at a July 4th party with their friends at the park. Jade couldn't seem to stop fidgeting.

"No it's not you. I swear I'm fine."

"The fireworks are about to start guys." Cats ever shrill voice warns them. Tori seems to forget Jades odd behavior as she drags her to their group of former high school friends.

"Come on, lets go see the fireworks."

They all huddle together and watch the fireworks together. Many different colors flash before their eyes. The Beck turns to Jade and winks at her. He backs up a few paces, with Cat, Andre and Robbie. Tori doesn't notice because her attention is all on the fireworks. Then it happens. A few fireworks explode in the sky spelling out colorful words.

'Will u marry me, Tori?'

Tori quickly turns to Jade, just to find her on her knees with a beautiful diamond ring in her hands.

"Tori, will y-" Jade doesn't even get to finish. Tori threw herself in Jades arms, chanting 'yes' in between kisses.

Jade and Tori - Age: 19

"Have you told your dad about us yet?"

"No. Why would I? He's completely homophobic."

"But, I don't feel right keeping secrets from people. And it makes me feel like your ashamed of me."

Jade grabs Tori and kisses her sensuously.

"Don't say that. You know I love you. I'll never stop. I'll tell him OK?"

"OK. Thank you. I love you too."

Tori rolls over in bed and falls asleep. Leaving Jade with a worried look on her face.

Jade and Tori - Age: 18

It didn't take long for Jade to figure out who left the surprise in her locker.

A knock on Tori's door startle her off the couch. She walks to the front door and opens it.


She doesn't get a chance to finish. Jade pounces on her and kisses her continuously. Tori kisses her back with just as much force. When they finally separated Tori spoke.


"Just go with it Vega." And she did.

And needless to say, that was a good night.

Jade and Tori - Age: 18

It was pretty much a normal day at Hollywood Arts for Jade. That is until she opens her locker just to find a stuffed black bear with bright green eyes and a love note in it's furry paws.

Jade and Tori - Age: 16

"Dude, why are you rubbing my boyfriend?"

The end.

Ow. My heart. It hurts. Does your heart hurt?

Wow, that was actually pretty good. I thought it was going to suck. Definitely different from my other stories. What did you guys think?

I'm pretty sure you guys noticed I didn't go too deep onto their lives. You only got to read about relationships. I know you got questions like 'What were there careers?' and 'What was Tori doing?'.

Well when I think of an answer, do you guys want me to make an extended oneshot about it?

Please leave a review.