Chapter 27

Author's Note: Happy Valentine's Day! I'm not going to comment on how long it's been, but here is the final chapter! hoorah! yes, I know it sucks but I thought ya'll deserved to know what was going on, I plan on editing it more later! If you enjoyed it let me know! I have more projects planned for the future ;)

Jack shifted his weight, making poor attempts to look at ease before Donna. They'd stepped several feet from the TARDIS so that they had a good view of the front of the warehouse. He could still see Gwen and River carefully making their way around to the back, Owen and Martha should have been on the other side.
"He'll get this sorted, don't worry." Donna attempted to calm his nerves. He clenched his jaw together and refrained from a nasty retort. Her belief in the Doctor was endearing but naive. He knew almost as well as the Doctor that victory was rare and victory without cost was impossible.
"You sound sure of yourself." he finally responded.

"He always has, hasn't he?" she looked back up at the warehouse. watching the gold currents that pressed against the upper windows. The tone of the color had changed, she noticed, and she squinted to see it more clearly. Dull, flat gold was quickly becoming bright and luminescent, shining through the windows and casting its rays below. "What's going on?" Jack stood a little straighter and looked up.
"I don't know." he replied stiffly. Owen rounded the corner of the building just then, marching steadfast and looking grim.
"We've found them." he said quietly. "They're behind the warehouse, there are a couple small buildings there. Soon as we clear out of here we need to call an ambulance, they need help. I did all I could, but they are all going to need specialists."
"Are they coherent?" Jack asked.

"Most are coherent but slightly deluded. None of them know what happened." Owen frowned. "He messed with their minds, they don't remember who they are or what they've done."
"At least we found them, now we don't have to account for their disappearances, can you imagine the paperwork?" Jack turned back to the building, his face becoming impassive.
"Oi keep it together time boy." Donna chided softly. She watched his clenched jaw slowly release and he nodded slightly. Owen followed their gaze up to the windows.
"Are they still up there?" They didn't reply as the gold continued to brighten, and a high pitched note echoed through the air. Glass began to crack and the gold seeped through the cracks and circled the building. Everyone in the group covered their ears as the pitch grew louder and glass continued to crack. With one final effort, the windows blew apart and the thick gold air spilled out before them. The cloud thinned as it circled the building once more, cleaning out the air before swirling around them and disappearing into the TARDIS.
"What...was that?!" Donna finally managed to gasp. Jack frowned and looked back at the TARDIS.

"That is a very good question." he pressed his lips together. "I'm going in."
"That's a great idea, come on Donna." Owen started to walk after him and Jack whirled around, both of his hands raised.
"You two wait here. If anything happens I'll be ok, you won't. Do not follow me." he stressed the last bit of his sentence and stared particularly at Donna. She scowled at him but stayed put.
"Hurry up."
Jack saluted the two of them and jogged inside, looking carefully for any signs of life. The warehouse was cleared of any energy and was eerily still. As he walked upstairs and into the giant room he could finally hear heavy breathing. One look around the room proved that the old machine was decimated, and the old man sat on the floor muttering incomprehensibly. When he turned again he found the Doctor and Rose by the window. Rose was ensconced in his arms, presumably to protect her from the blast, but neither of them looked particularly interested in moving. Jack gently cleared his throat and the Doctor raised his head to him.

"What happened?" Jack gestured to the room. The Doctor smiled and looked down at Rose.

"Oh just the stuff of legend." he replied vaguely. "Everything should be sorted now, we've taken care of this lovely little machine and this gentleman is going to be in need of assistance."

"He's not the only one. We found the others." Rose looked up at that and took a small step away from the Doctor.

"Are they alright?" she asked urgently.

"They're having memory problems apparently they don't know who they are." Jack told her. "We have experts that can relocate them and help them start a new life."

"Life will out!" the Doctor exclaimed triumphantly. He swung Rose's hand between them. "Let's get them home."


"Why am I so dressed up?" the Doctor cringed as he straightened his bowtie. Jack had told him to wear his tux, so he did; but standing in the TARDIS feeling completely primped for reasons unknown made him feel silly.
"Trust us. You'll be fine!" River grinned at him and winked.
"That's what worries me." he frowned and straightened his jacket. "Where's Rose? And why are we the only ones dressing up?"
"Because..." Jack paused for dramatic effect as Rose walked in. She spun, the wide skirt of her baby pink dress swirling above her knees. "Wow."

"You look beautiful." the Doctor stepped towards her, his mouth gaping and his eyes wide. She grinned back up at him.
"For a human?" she asked. He smiled and shook his head.
"For anything." They stood for a moment smiling at each other until Donna finally spoke up.
"Off you go you two, Delmonico's won't wait forever." She pushed them both out the door. "Be sure to eat lots and tell me all about it when you get back." The Doctor began to protest and Jack held up a hand.
"I know, I put a wallet in your jacket pocket, you should be able to eat fairly well. No, no. No thanks, just eat and enjoy each others company. Do all that talking you wanted to do." Jack winked and waved them away before slamming the TARDIS door shut. He brushed his hands and grinned. "Step one, check."