(A/N: I know its been SO LONG, SORRY SORRY SORRY. I am going to try and see if I can finish this story. I haven't written anything in over 3 years, so be patient and PLEASE let me know of any grammatical/spelling or other changes I could make. Feedback is very precious. Also let me know if it flows okay from the other chapters Thanks! ENJOY! xo)
6 weeks later…

Things had been rough at the beginning, but Tony was finally stable enough to be released from the hospital. Pepper had been called and notified of her ex-husbands condition early on, she couldn't leave Japan. She was waiting on the next available flight out of Hong Kong to get to New York City. Steve had spoken with her over the phone, reassuring her that Tony was going to be just fine, even though Steve still had his worries about him. 'He's strong, Pepper. You know that.' Steve had told her. Honestly, he didn't want the strawberry haired blonde to come back to Stark Tower, at least not so soon. Their divorce weighed heavy on Tony, Steve knew this and he honestly thought it would be better if she stayed away a while longer. Tony needed time away from her.

Steve sighed, slumping into the large sofa chair next to Tony's bed. The Ironman had been sleeping most of the day. Nurses would come in and out of the room to check on his condition every hour. Stark Tower was Tony's new hospital, now. Steve looked over at his friend and watched as his chest slowly rose and fell with each breath. He was in stable condition, which brought comfort. '2 years… How could I have been away so long?' An uncomfortable knot twisted in Steve's stomach. 'Maybe Tony wouldn't be in this state if I had been here.' Steve's eyes didn't leave Tony's face. The Ironman looked like a former shell of himself. Pale, thin and – 'Tired.' Steve thought. Tony looked tired. He had dark circles under his eyes, and the hollows of his cheeks becoming more evident. "I'm sorry it took me so long."

Steve had left just as Tony and Pepper's divorce was finalizing. Bucky had been put on ice, which affected Steve more than he liked to admit, but he needed to be there for him. He needed to try and figure out how to get Hydra out of his head, but it was to no avail. 2 years later and Bucky was still on ice, and the science team hadn't come much closer to figuring out how to help the Winter Soldier. Needless to say, Steve felt he had let Bucky down, as well as Tony. Steve recalled one of the last times he had seen Tony. He had found Tony in rough shape.

Steve approached the large double glass doors of Stark Tower. He glanced down at the wristwatch for the time. It was 9:35pm and the sun was set, but Stark Tower lit the night sky up as if the sun were still shining. 'What a gaudy looking thing.' Steve thought to himself, as he absent-mindedly pressed the doorbell. He still didn't like the flashy building, but Steve knew he was going to gone for some time while he searched for some answers about Hydra and Bucky, and decided to stop in on his friend. He and Tony hadn't spoken much since the fight that had divided them. He had sent some letters and made a few phone calls, but Tony didn't reply very often. Steve figured he would try and make things right, and at least see how Tony was dealing with the divorce.

'Good-Evening, Sir. Mr. Stark is currently not accepting any visitors.' A familiar, robotic voice chimed in after Steve pressed the doorbell.

"Jarvis," Steve replied, "Its Steve Rogers. I just want to check on him. Over-ride the lockdown."

'Sorry Sir, I am unable to do that right now. I am under strict orders from Mr. Stark.'

Steve let out a long sigh, pressing the intercom button. "Tony, open the door please." Steve released the button, waiting for a reply. Was Tony still angry with him? He waited, and heard nothing. Not a sound. He pressed the button again. "Tony please, it's Steve." Suddenly a loud 'click' came from behind the doors, and they opened slowly. Steve walked in, and was not surprised to see that there no one there to greet him.

"Tony?" Steve called out, his voice echoing throughout the empty halls. It gave the building an earie, haunted feeling. Steve continued down the main corridor of the building, making his way to the elevator at the other end the large, narrow room. The elevator opened as Steve approached it.

'This way, Sir.' Jarvis chimed again.

Steve stepped inside the elevator, the doors automatically closing behind him. The penthouse button was already lit. Was Tony doing this, or was this of Jarvis' free will? Did Jarvis have free-will? Steve was taken from his thoughts when the elevator jolted to a stop and the doors opened. Steve stepped out onto the white marble floors, his motorcycle boots making a small 'squeak' as he walked towards the main room.

"Tony, are you in here?" Steve called out into the room. It was dark, no lights were on. The only light in the room came from the moonlight and the city lights below.

'In here.' Tony's voice rang throughout the suite, as Steve rounded the corner into what looked to be the master suite, but any trace of a smile he had, left the Soldier's lips. This room was darker, making it hard to make out any shapes. There was however, a computer sitting on a nightstand in the corner, which was the only thing emitting any light into the room. As Steve's eyes adjusted he saw a figure slumped against the wall, next to the computer. 'Tony.' Steve hurried across the room to his friend, hoping he was okay.

"Tony, are you alright?" Concern flooded the Soldier's voice. As Steve approached, he noticed the empty bottle of Scotch lying next to Tony on the floor. Of course he wasn't okay. Steve crouched down next to him. "Why didn't tell anyone?" Steve asked, reaching over to place a hand on Tony's shoulder, only to have it swatted away. Steve already knew the answer to his question. Of course Tony Stark wouldn't ask for help, but it didn't hurt to try and ask why.

"Don't." Tony spat. "I don't want you to touch me."

Steve's brow furrowed in confusion. "Look Tony, you know can ask for help…" Steve said, gently trying to remind him that he didn't have to struggle alone. 'This is probably about Pepper.' He thought, and something tugged at Steve's heart. Obviously Tony was still heart-broken. He felt for his friend, and felt guilty that he had been gone for so long and let Tony spiral into the state he was in.

"I don't need your help." Tony said, trying to pull himself up onto the bed from the floor. His hand slipped from the mattress, sending him towards the floor, but Steve was able to catch him... The Soldier helped bring Tony to the edge of the bed, where the Ironman now sat.

"Thanks…" Tony muttered, scooting back onto the bed further. "She's gone, Steve…" Tony looked to Steve, who was now sitting next to him on the bed.

"I know, Tony… I'm sorry." Steve's gaze met Tony's and he could see the sadness in his eyes. It made the Soldier's heart ache to see Tony this way. Steve watched with sadness as tears welled in Tony's eyes, tearing at his heart again. "Tony, I'm sorry I haven't been here to help you through any of this. I can't imagine how hard it's been on you…" Steve was guilty, and trying to refocus some of Tony's attention on something other than Pepper. "I know I've been gone a long time…"

Tony could feel the familiar sting in his eyes, the sting he felt every time before the tears fell, but he wasn't going to cry in front of Captain America. Tony choked back his tears, but the sting in his eyes still remained. His heart had been torn into pieces by Pepper Potts. The one woman Tony thought he could count on. His Pepper… Tony wasn't innocent by any means, but neither was Pepper. A bad string of sleepless nights and absent-mindedness lead Tony down a road Pepper was not going to follow him down. She said enough was enough and left. Tony had been alone since then, but Steve was however always willing to receive a phone call, and Tony would frequently call him, explaining what was going on.

"Don't." Tony said finally, rubbing his temples. His head was throbbing, as it had been all day. "You had business to take care of." Even though admittedly, he had missed him but was also still sour about their last encounter. Tony shifted himself back, now sitting up against a pile of pillows. He was getting very tired, but thoughts of her still flooded his mind. "She still holds a place in there." Tony admitted, pointing a finger to his chest. He was hurting again, missing her again…

"I'm still sorry, Tony." Steve frowned, watching as Tony pointed to his heart. 'His broken heart…' Steve didn't want to say it, but he knew how love worked. "It's hard to let go." Steve knew that feeling well. He missed his friend Bucky, his best friend and the only other person who understood what it was like to be a 100 year old man living in a 28 year old body. The world was strange, the people even stranger. Steve had thought he had gotten him back, but HYDRA was still controlling his mind. Steve frowned at the image of his friend inside the cryogenic tank. He was still no closer to an answer, either.

Tony felt his chest ache at the thought of always having feelings towards Pepper, but Steve was right. There was no replacing your first love. Your first real love. Tony slid down his stack of pillows, a few of them spilling onto the bed.

"I just miss having her here." Tony gestured towards the empty space beside him on his king-sized bed, and a frowned. "It gets lonely." He said, placing his hand on the mattress.

Steve was lonely too, but Tony didn't know. Steve didn't talk to anyone, and Tony didn't either, Steve knew this. The only reason Tony was letting his emotions show was because he had been drinking. Steve hadn't had sex since he had been 'unthawed'. Life was busy, the world needed saving, his friends needed him. There was no time for relationships or even the thought of one. Just lonely nights at his apartment, frustrated and aching for some human contact that didn't involve killing or hurting someone.

"I know Tony…" Steve said simply. He didn't want to upset Tony further, especially when he was so vulnerable. Also, why burden him with problems that he didn't need to know about.

Tony rested his hand back at side, and rolled over, accidentally brushing Steve's thigh with his own.

"Sorry." Tony said, absentmindedly.

"It's fine." Steve replied quickly. A flash warmth suddenly went through his body when Tony's thigh brushed against him. Steve felt his face become flushed. It was something he hadn't felt towards another man before. 'Arousal?' Steve thought to himself. Luckily, the room was dark, so Tony couldn't see his flushed face. Steve shifted away from Tony to avoid any further contact. This was Tony, his friend, and also a man. Tony seemed totally unbothered by their brief physical contact, which made Steve feel even more self-conscious.

"I understand that feeling too." Steve admitted, his eyes focused his hands sitting in his lap. Tony had reached over and closed his laptop, taking all light from the room. It made Steve jump when he heard the 'Snap!' of the lid shutting and heard Tony chuckle lightly.

"Calm down Captain America, I won't let the boogey-man get you." Tony joked. "Don't tell me you're afraid of the dark?"
"No. Of course not." Steve replied. "The sound made me jump. I wasn't expecting it."
"Captain America got scared because he wasn't expecting the sound of a laptop shutting?" Tony's mouth curved into a small smirk. "I find that hard to believe."
"Well believe it." Steve replied. He was thankful for the shift in conversation, taking his thoughts elsewhere.

"So, how long are you staying?' Tony asked, after a brief silence. He was hoping his friend would at least be staying the night. They still had a lot to talk about, and fix. "Stay the night." Tony offered, not waiting for Steve to respond.

The Soldier considered it. He still felt strange about his earlier feelings, but Tony didn't know anything, and he was there for his friend. 'Friend.' Steve repeated in his head. "I'll be headed out in a couple days." 'It wouldn't hurt to try and smooth things over with Tony.' Steve thought.

"Well, you're welcome to stay Cap." Tony said, truth being he just didn't want to be alone again. Jarvis was fine company, but not a real person. Tony missed social interaction. He hadn't been outside Stark Tower in weeks and he hadn't let anyone inside. He had been wallowing in self-pity for weeks.

Tony and Pepper had been at odds in recent months. She was always away, doing business while Tony was at home working. Their sexual life was becoming non-existent, leaving Tony sexually frustrated. Tony had been at a party and one thing had led to another and Tony ended up sleeping with a journalist. She then went on to expose him to the public. Thus, resulting in Pepper finding out and filing for divorce. A stupid mistake, yes, but there was no changing it. Tony knew that. He knew there was no going back and erasing it. He had to live with what he had done to Pepper and suffer the consequences of what he had done. He had brought it on himself.

The Ironman was getting tired now, his head still pounded with the headache from before. His eyelids started to become heavy. All of the thoughts of Pepper and the divorce started to fade into the distance as he slipped into sleep.

"Thanks Tony." Steve decided to stay. Tony was his friend, and now he needed someone. 'I should have been here for him.' Steve thought, feeling a little regretful for spending so much time searching for answers for Bucky. HYDRA could wait, Ironman needed help. "I'll stay for a couple days, maybe we could get the gang together too." Steve smiled at the thought of seeing his other comrades. It had been too long.

There was no answer from Tony, however. Steve leaned in to take a closer look at Tony. His eyes were closed, and a soft snore coming from him. Whatever he was thinking about, Steve hoped he would get some good rest. Steve stood up, being careful not to wake Tony. He made his way over to the couch at the side of the room, grabbing a stray pillow and a throw that laid at the bottom of Tony's bed, as he made his way. Steve laid down onto the couch and glanced up to the large curtained window he now laid under. A small sliver of moonlight escaped from between the curtains that shone over towards the bed. Steve's eyes followed the moonlight as it travelled up the covers of the bed, to the pillows Tony laid his head on. Steve wasn't expecting it, but Tony's eyes were there looking back at him.

"Goodnight Tony." Steve said softly.

'Goodnight Steve.' Tony replied, now drifting back off to sleep.