AN: I don't own anything. Thanks for all the positive reviews! Song in the beginning is Night Sky by CHVRCHES, they own it not me. As always sorry I'm a shitty writer.

Quinn exhaled deeply, turning the volume up on her iPod until she could barely hear her own thoughts.

I'm the night sky.

I'm the fire in your eyes.

And I want you.

She had spent two hours tweaking the idea around with Finn and while it managed to work slightly, that only happened once. Rachel had bolted the minute Finn came, citing she had fallen roughly on her shoulder and needed to ice it.

Quinn doesn't know what she feels worse about. Whether she hurt Rachel enough that she needed to ice her shoulder or that Rachel was lying and just wanted to get away from her. But why? Sure they had a pretty intense moment where Quinn stared deeply in her eyes and brushed away her hair, but surely Rachel couldn't have gotten so worked up about it that she needed to leave the room…

I'm the cold heart.

I'm the secret that you hide.

I'll be listening until you decide.

And sure maybe Quinn enjoyed the sensation of touching Rachel's skin. Maybe the electric shock she felt upon contact made her feel warm even now, but that doesn't mean anything right?

Quinn squeezed her eyes shut, when did she begin thinking this way? She remembers not too long ago she was intimidated by Rachel, too scared to even approach her at breakfast. Now though… now she enjoyed getting to see the girl. So much that she wouldn't mind training every hour of every day if she could just be training with Rachel.

And sure, Quinn was attracted to her, I mean who wouldn't? The girl was gorgeous; bronze skin, tight body, adorable bangs that always got in her eyes and made her ten times more childlike. Quinn was of course attracted to her.

And sure, Quinn also liked her personality a lot too. Even though she was loud and abrasive, and she always seem to be critiquing someone. She was also kind and strong. She carried so many burdens on her back and still found the strength to be the shining beacon for the team. Rachel was also unintentionally hilarious with all her facial expressions and the shit she says leave Quinn gasping for breaths between laughter. So sure, Quinn loved her personality.

Quinn laid there in silence for a moment before groaning.

"Fuck, I like her, don't I?." Quinn said out loud before slapping a hand over her mouth.

The blonde grumbled and threw her headphones to the ground, causing her iPod to land roughly on the floor. Flopping on her belly she grabbed the pillow and smashed it over her head.

"I have a crush on Rachel Berry." She grumbled, hating herself.

She turned back around on her back and wrapped her arms around the pillow. Normally this would be that and Quinn would get up, head over to Rachel's room and kiss her so deeply they would need to pump new air in her lungs, but this was different. Rachel had a boyfriend, Finn to be exact who was good for her in the weirdest way. Despite being a total idiot, he was kind to her and Rachel seemed to really love him and Quinn couldn't get in the way of that. That would be cheating and Quinn was anything but a homewrecker in defiance to what Suzy Pepper said in high school.

Thoughts all jumbled up she sat up got off the bed and headed out of her room. She needed to talk to someone about this. Her first thought would be to go to Santana and Brittany, but she knew that was just a disaster waiting to happen. Santana would just laugh in her face and Brittany would probably suggest a threesome. Puck wouldn't be any help either since he would probably suggest a threesome too.

That only left one person, she thought, walking down the vast hallway to the person's door. Knocking slightly she waited.

"Don't get it," she could hear a voice whisper furiously.

"What if it's Mr. Schuester with something important? I have to get it." Another voiced hissed back.

"You're going to ruin the plan!"

Quinn, recognizing the voices, rolled her eyes. "Sam, Puck open the door its me Quinn."

The door whipped open to show Puck and Sam dressed in all black with ski masks in their hands. Quinn raised an eyebrow, "Planning to steal a bank? I'm not sure but I think that goes against the superhero code."

Puck sneered, "Ha Ha, Fabray, if you must know we are on a mission. An important one where sarcasm is not allowed."

That peaked her attention. "What mission? Can I come?"

"Sure!" Sam replied to Puck's aghast.

"Sam! This is not a team mission, this is a secret, illegal mission that can get us in trouble. No more people!"

Quinn crossed her arms. "Illegal mission? What are you idiots up to?"

Puck sighed and rubbed his mohawk in irritation, a classic nervous habit of his. "I'm gonna go talk to Jake. Sam is coming with me cause he found me trying to sneak out my window in my room."

"Sue would kill us if he was found out." Sam said in protest.

Quinn remained silent, thinking for a moment. She finally uncrossed her arms and grabbed one of the ski masks from Sam. "I'm coming too then."

Puck immediately denied it. "Quinn it might be dangerous. I know Jake wouldn't do anything to hurt anybody but sometimes he gets… angry. Only I can calm him down. I don't want anybody else to get hurt because of him."

He sighed deeply, looking out the window to gaze at the Lima night. "I have to know he is okay. That he's not hanging out with the wrong people."

"Puck I understand that, but I'm coming. I understand you guys can take care of yourselves but I won't be able to sleep unless I know you guys are okay." Puck looked like he was about to protest again so Quinn added in, "Let me come or I will wake up Sue and rat you out."

"Dirty trick, Quinn, I used the same one." Sam replied after a stunned silence. The blonde grinned and put on the ski mask.

Sam opened up the windows and jumped out, hovering in the open air. "Okay you guys latch onto my legs and I'll fly us over the gates. We can walk from there."

Quinn dangled her legs out of the window and jumped, immediately reaching out to grasp Sam's right leg. Puck did the same with Sam's left leg after a moment. They whizzed past the gates and the night guards, unable to see their flying figure in the black of night.

Landing in a soft patch of grass on the outskirts of the HQ, Quinn looked around. "Do you happen to know where Jake is, Puck?"

He shrugged. "No clue, I was just going to look around our old stomping grounds in hope maybe he's hiding out there."

Sam groaned. "Ugh, this is going to take all night isn't it."

"You didn't have to come assturd, now follow me. Maybe he's in my old part of town."

They walked the streets for a couple of hours, checking old places of Puck's past. It was weird for Quinn, and probably Sam too she thought, to see places where Puck grew up. She didn't know much about everyone's past, besides minor details they told in passing. To have the proof right in front of her that they use to be more than just Puck from New Directions unnerved her.

It wasn't until they were passing by the bay when Quinn stopped walking, causing Puck and Sam to look at her oddly. She was staring ahead, pale as a sheet, because in front of her was the warehouse from her dreams. It looked exactly the same and even now possessed an erie vibe that chilled her spine.

"What is it Quinn?" Puck asked, putting a warm hand on her back.

"That warehouse. I feel like we should check it out."

Sam and Puck looked over at it in confusion. "What? Why? It's just some abandoned old relic. I doubt Jake is in there." Sam replied glancing back at her.

"Come on, it doesn't hurt to look inside." Quinn said already beginning to walk over there.

As she came closer her entire body begin to yell out 'GO BACK THIS IS BAD NEWS DON'T GO IN THERE QUINNY' but it also felt like it was something she had to do. A deep seeded need to find this warehouse and figure out what the hell is going on in there. If maybe, and god she hoped it wasn't true, but maybe Rogue was alive and inside this warehouse.

Finally approaching it, she stepped over a pile of wood and entered the warehouse. Sam and Puck followed her, glancing nervously at each other.

"It's too dark to see." Sam said, motioning to Puck who lit up a fireball in his hand. The entire room was immediately illuminated by the orange glint of Puck's fireball.

"I think it used to be a theater." Quinn said, looking around the abandoned and decrepit box office.

Sam gasped, causing them to look over at him in worry, but he was just gazing in awe at an old Star Wars poster left behind.

"Sam, we're on a mission." Quinn whispered.

"Quinn there is no one here, its abandoned." Sam shot back and pointed at the wall. "This however should not be, I'm taking it home with us."


"Sam wait till we scope out the place," Puck said, but Sam chose to ignore everyone as he flew up and opened the case to grab the poster.

"I surely hope you don't plan on taking that with you." Drawled a silky smooth and very familiar voice. They all whipped around to come face to face with Rouge, Ms. Shifter, Hydro, and the police officer Quinn saw in her dream who was pointing a gun at them.

"Holy shit," Sam breathed out, immediately dropping the Star Wars poster.

"Jake?! Are you fucking serious? You're actually with these guys? With..with, holy shit Rouge?" Puck screamed, his body already starting to a red tint with fiery rage.

"You wouldn't understand Noah! These guys get me. We've all been rejected! New Directions is trash and doesn't deserve to be able to pass judgment on whose worthy or not." The tan boy, who Quinn assumed was Jake, yelled back.

"Now now boys, now really isn't the time for some brotherly squabble. I had a monologue planned out and everything." Rouge said, chuckling.

Puck balled up his fists, embers shooting out. "I thought you were dead St. James."

"Oooo last naming me. As you know I'm no longer Jesse St. James though, that name is a thing of the past." He brushed his fingers through his hair, coiffing it. "Speaking of the past, how is Rachel? Still heartbroken I hope."

"Shut the fuck up man." Sam gritted his teeth, taking a menacingly step forward.

Rouge just grinned. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, I mean look around, you're out numbered four to three."

Quinn glanced wearily at the police officer, who was still aiming the gun directly at her face.

"We could take you." Sam said, while Puck still was boring at hole into Jake with his eyes.

"Jake, come on, lets just go back. You could live with Ma, I could get the charges dropped. Just come on." Puck said softly, trying to calm the hurt he felt upon seeing his brother with these murderers.

"No Noah, I can't go back. You'll have to kill me."

Puck took a step back in shock or hurt or both. His face hardened. "I'm not leaving here without you."

Rouge sighed, "I really didn't want to have to do this, but I can't let you start a fight. I didn't lure you here just for you to try and start a brawl." He motioned to the police officer.

Pucks face crumpled in confusion. "Lured u-ARGH." He flew backwards, clutching his shoulder in agony.

"Puck!" Quinn screamed, seeing the smoking barrell come out of the police officers gun. She glanced at Jake who seemed to be mildly worried before masking his emotions. Quinn rushed over to Puck before looking wearily at Rouge.

Sam was hovering next to them, prepared to protect them if necessary.

Quinn observed the wound. "Sam, it didn't hit anything too serious, but we still need to bandage it up or he'll bleed to death."

Sam nodded and Rouge smiled. "I want you guys to leave now and tell your precious New Directions that I'm back. For good. And I have a lot of revenge to make up."

Sam swooped down and picked Puck up, flying out of there while Quinn ran after them. She took a chance and looked back only to see Rouge waving mockingly back at her.

She turned her back around and ran faster than she ever had before, scared to death.

Sam flew them back to HQ at a speed Quinn has never seen him go before. If she wasn't already afraid she would be after that trip. Not even bothering on depositing them at Sam's window, Sam landed them in a mess on the front lawn.

"Who goes there!" One of the night guards yelled, he soon recognized the faces of Sam and Puck.

"Oh you guys scared me. Thought you were some villain or something. Oh shit, is alright?" The guard said, immediately checking Puck's wounds.

"He was shot at, call Mrs. Pillsbury and wake up Ms. Slyvester and Mr. Schue say it's an emergency." Sam firmly said, sprinting past the guard into the HQ.

The guard immediately lept into action and begin yelling into his walkie talkie, "We got a code 5, a code 5, alert SS, Schue, and Emma."

Quinn ran after Sam, following the boy as he lept into the TP and pressed a button to the medic room.

Zipping there they were met with a bleary eyed Mrs. Pillsbury in her robe and nightgown. She took one look at Puck and immediately went to action.

"Oh dear, oh dear, was there an exit wound?" It seemed that it was a rhetorical question, since she continued speaking without pause. "No there isn't, oh dear, we have to go get it. Can one of you lovely blondes hand me that- yes that right there- thank you. Oh dear, this is going to hurt Mr. Puckerman." Quinn turned her head so she wouldn't gag at what Mrs. Pillsbury was about to do.

All she could hear was metal against flesh and the sounds of Puck's agonized screams. She took a glance at Sam and he looked green, but refused to look away from Puck.

"Is he going to be okay?" Sam asked, voice laced with worry.

Mrs. Pillsbury looked at him in surprised. "What? Of course! It was only to the shoulder and as soon I get the bullet…yup there it is, now that I have it I can heal the wound." Quinn turned to look back at Mrs. Pillsbury who was dropping the bloody bullet in a tin case off to the side. She then took off her gloves and put her hands over Puck's wound. A sudden white glow radiated off her hands and seemed melt into the wound. Almost immediately the wound began to close and Puck's face relaxed into a content smile. Emma grinned and rushed over to the water faucet, washing her heads vigorously with a strong smelling soap.

"So he's alright then?" Quinn asking, stepping cautiously up to the sleeping Puck.

"Good as new! Lucky it was a shoulder shot and that you got him here in time." Emma said, looking a little drained. "I have to go back to sleep now, healing always takes a toll on me." She stepped out of the room and into the TP booth, whizzing away as soon as two people stepped out.

Mr. Schue and Ms. Slyvester both were dressed in their pajamas, something Quinn never really wanted to see on Sue Slyvester.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Sue yelled glancing wearily at the sleeping form of Puck.

Quinn felt a rush of annoyance, wanting to shush her, but not having the guts to she quietly replied, "Can we talk somewhere else?" She glanced at the stone faced Sam who hadn't left Puck's side. "It's important."

Mr. Schue nodded and ushered them all out of the clinic. Transporting to his office he sat in his chair while Sue huffed. "Couldn't have brought us somewhere less tragic, Schuester?" Ms. Slyvester said.

He ignored her. "Quinn, Sam, what happened?"

Sam and Quinn exchanged looks, wondering how to tell this story. Sam decided to take the reigns.

"Puck and I decided to track down Puck's younger brother Hydro to try and talk reason with him and to see if he's okay. Quinn found us sneaking out and wanted to protect us so she came with." Quinn didn't say anything, knowing if she corrected Sam it would just get them all into more trouble. "So we went to some old places Jake and Puck used to go and we found this abandoned theater by the River near Birmingham AVE, we went inside and we…."

He stopped looking away for a second, his face getting paler.

"You saw what, Sam?" Will encouraged.

"We saw Rouge." Sue took a step back, fists tight in a ball while Will gasped. "He was with Ms. Shifter and Hydro. Some police officer was there too, he had a gun. Rouge was taunting us and Puck tried to talk to Jake. Said he wouldn't leave without him and Rouge had the police officer shoot him. Then Rouge said to tell New Directions that he's back. And ready for revenge…" Sam finished his story with a gulp, staring at his feet.

They sat there for a moment, too stunned to speak. The impact was too much to bear.

Before anyone could say anything the TP booth was brought to life, depositing a small figure who leapt into the room. Rachel too was in her pajamas, in a short shorts and tank top, but Quinn couldn't bring herself to appreciate it with what was going on.

Rachel sensed the heavy air and looked at Quinn in worry. "What's going on?"

No one could respond, Quinn glanced away too ashamed to look Rachel in the eyes. The brunette, seeing this, immediately raised her voice. "Mr. Schue? What's going on?"

Will rubbed his temples, before taking a deep breath. "Rachel…Puck has been shot. He's doing okay, Emma took care of him."

Rachel's face crumpled with concern and confusion. "There's something else, isn't there?" She glanced at Quinn again, but the blonde was still staring straight out the window into the night.

Will continued. "Maybe you want to sit down."

Rachel took a step forward, but didn't accept the offer. "Tell me what is going on, Mr. Schuester, I'm team captain and I deserve to know."

He took another deep breath, seeming to want to avoid saying it, but he knew he had to eventually. He leveled her with a hard stare. "Rouge is alive, Rachel."

It was a moment of silence, no one moved as Rachel froze. Finally a soft whimper escaped Rachel's lips as she brought a trembling hand to her mouth. Shaking her head furiously, tears prickled the superhero's eyes. "Impossible. He died, I saw him, he died."

Quinn brought up her hand to comfort Rachel, but stopped when she realized that there is nothing she could do. It was her fault, she shouldn't have gone to the warehouse. She should have ignored the dreams and not let it get to her like it did.

"Rachel…" Mr. Schue said but Rachel was already sprinting out of the office, not even bothering to take the TP booth.

"I should follow her," Mr. Schuester said wearily, motioning to get up from his chair.

"No, let me please." Quinn interrupted, following after the brunette.

Heading out the door she turned the corner to find Rachel had dropped to her knees and was hugging them, rocking back and forth. Kneeling down too, Quinn placed a warm hand to her back rubbing it in circles.

"I'm so sorry."

Rachel choked back a sob. "He can't be back, the man is a monster."

"I saw him. He.. I think he is forming a group of villains."

Rachel turned around to look at Quinn, searching Tempress's eyes. "You saw him?"

Quinn nodded. Rachel closed her eyes and leaned her head against the blonde's shoulder. She whispered, "I don't know if I could fight him again."

She immediately reached up to brush Rachel's hair. "Maybe you don't have to. I can fight him for you, so will everyone."

"No. No I have to do it. I can't hide behind the past anymore."

"Do you mind if I ask what happened? I know vaguely the details but it would mean more coming from you."

Rachel lifted her head from Quinn's shoulder and searched her eyes, before leaning against the wall.

"You know I wasn't always the confident, charasmatic woman that is in front of you." Quinn couldn't even laugh. "I was always loud, but I was incredibly self conscious. I didn't have any friends. But I had a dream. That I would be a Broadway star and sing every night to a crowd of hundreds. That was my childhood dream." She spat bitterly and a little bit nostalgically.

Quinn lifted an eyebrow in surprised. "You can sing?"

Rachel smiled genuinely, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Like an angel, but then my powers came in and it took a back burner. I felt like I had to save the world or something and I'd be a Broadway star later. So I went to the try outs for New Directions and there I met Jesse St. James.

"He was beautiful and he could sing too, did so right in the waiting room at the try outs. I joined in of course and we became friends, my first ever friend. He didn't make the team, which affected him more than I had noticed, but I was just so caught up in it all. It was all movie magic, I was apart of the new superhero team, I was voted captain, I had a love interest, it was all glamorous at the time.

"But it didn't last and I soon found out that Jesse was dating me with a motive. It was all a plan. Quinn, do you know what Rouge's power is? Why he is so powerful?"

Quinn shook her head.

"He can take other people's superpower, but they have to let him first." Rachel started crying harder. "He made me fall in love with him so I would let him use my power and then he knocked me out and proceeded to kill over forty five people."

She covered her mouth with her hand, her body shook with sobs. "I was responsible for killing forty five people, including my friend Artie. It was my power that did it."

Quinn scooted closer and pulled her in her arms. "It's not your fault, it is Rouge's. It has always been Rouge."

Rachel looked up, into Quinn's eyes. The blonde really hoped her pupils didn't get bigger since Rachel was staring at them.

Wait, did her eyes just flicker to my lips?

The air got thicker and Rachel returned her gaze to Quinn's eyes. Her eyes got hooded and she leaned in subtly, while Quinn did the same until they were centimeters apart.

"Are you sure?" Quinn whispered.

There was no response as Rachel had surged forward and connected their lips. It was messy and passionate at first, Rachel had weaved her fingers in Quinns hair and Quinn was gripping her neck. But after a moment it slowed down, Quinn cupped Rachel's cheek and Rachel let her hands drop to loop around Quinn's neck. It was suddenly sweet and sensual.

Pulling away, Quinn opened her eyes to see Rachel still had hers closed. They suddenly shot open though and Rachel appeared panicked.

"I shouldn't have done that." She said. "I should NOT have done that. Oh my god."

Quinn opened her mouth in shock, but no words came out. It just left her gasping like a fish out of water.

Finally she worded out, "What?"

"I have to go," Rachel got up and began power walking down the hall leaving behind a breathless and very, very confused Quinn.