Hannah Snuggleswithsnape
Or the link is in my profile…
The dark lord has won.. Harry Potter is dead. All of the mudbloods and blood traitors are sentenced to death.. or to become slaves, Hermione is unlucky enough to be the personal slave of Voldemort himself.. is he as cold hearted as everyone thinks or does he have a soft spot for Miss Granger?
Warning there will be violence, there will be curses and voldemort will not turn into a really good fluffy person HOWEVER maybe he is not as evil as everyone thinks that he is.
Will be an eventual Hermione/Voldemort pairing…
I do not own Harry Potter but review anyway.
I sit in the dark and small cell as I wait for someone.. Anyone to come and seal my fate.
We had no chance, it was a stupid plan really, we were outnumbered greatly and once Harry died, we had no chance; he was the only one that could have defeated him and now he is gone. Everyone that I know and love is dead or missing, personally I hope for death too as that would be so much easier than to be one of their slaves and if they killed me, no matter how painful it will be then at least I can be reunited with my loved ones, at least I will not lose my pride as well.
I won't pretend that I am not scared about all of this.. at least not to myself, in truth I am petrified, unbelievably so… but I have to push those feelings down and make believe that I do not have them, it is the only way I can hang on to the last shreds of my sanity.
Glancing around the drab basement, I hear the loud heavy footsteps echoing through the hallways and I assume coming for me as the majority of the cells were emptied earlier today.
Sure enough two large figures appear behind the iron gates, the larger one takes his wand and flicks it over the lock and sure enough the door rattles and then slides open with a loud bang.
"Follow me mudblood" he commands, but I stand there my feet rooted to the spot, the only thing I have left is my dignity I am not about the give it up to these men and follow them like a timid little mouse… if they want me to come then I will put up one hell of a fight.
The larger one walks into the cage. "I believe I just gave you a direct order bitch" he fumes as he walks over and I do my best not to flinch in fear, but it just sends a sick chill up my back, yet I remain where I am stood, glaring at him. If only I had my wand with me, I could think of a million ways to kill this sick bastard. He raises his hand and before I have time to react he brings it down across my face sending an unbelievable pain through my left cheek as my head snaps to the side away from him. "Maybe that will teach you some manners" he says as he grabs me by my hair, I try to resist as he pulls, but he is far too strong for me and I am forced out of my cell and into the damp stone corridors.
On the inside I want to cry, but I refuse to let so much as a whimper out as he practically rags the hair from my head. I run to keep up as I am led through the corridors and up the stairs, all too soon we are in front of a large set of doors which are quickly thrown open by the shorter man.
"Sorry we're late, had a little trouble with the girl, feisty one she is" he speaks to the courtroom as though I am not even present, which only serves to anger me.
There are many titters and comments that are passed through the room as the large man finally lets go of my hair and shoves me forwards towards the centre, a table of people encircling me.. watching me, judging me.. I can see the malicious grins on their faces and their longing for bloodlust and I know without a doubt that my blood will be spilt tonight.
A man who I recognize to be Greyback steps forwards and I am sure that the disgust is written clearly across my face as I look up at him. "Miss Granger do you know why you have been brought here?" he asks, his voice surprisingly formal, yet I still cannot help but roll my eyes at it, because it is polite sure.. but it is also fake.. unbelievably so.
"I'm sure you going to tell me" I mutter out, my voice thick and raspy from the lack of water that I have been getting.
"Well you are charged with killing two purebloods.. two men of a higher class than a lowly little mudblood like yourself" he replies ignoring my comments.
"I am worth twice of them.. I'd rather be a mudblood than a pathetic insecure.." he does not give me time to finish.
"How dare you speak of your masters in such a way" he growls out as he presses his wand against my throat, poking it dangerously close that for a moment I feel as though it is going to burst through my skin.
"You are not my master.. none of you are" I suck in before spitting directly at him, my phlegm hitting his face as I glare up at him defiantly.
"No man is going to want such an insolent little bitch"
"Who does she think that she is"
"I have never seen such disgusting acts in all my days" loud chatter echo's through the room, but my eyes are focused firmly on Greyback now, his eyes darkening as he glares at me.
I was as my saliva slowly drops down his face and along his cheek. "You'll pay that Avada…" Finally my wish will be fulfilled painlessly and quickly, I close my eyes as I accept my fate.
"Stop" a loud voice hisses a sudden sense of power flowing through the room.. where was the death I was so ready to greet..
My eyes snap open as I glance around the room to see who the new voice was.. everything fades out, my vision turning black as I fall to the ground.. no it couldn't be..
Review please :D