The proximity alert announced the arrival of a helicopter. Agent William Fowler's visits to Autobot Outpost Omega One were not rare enough, nor consistently pleasant enough, to garner the attention it did in that moment. Arcee stopped her pacing, a hand slowly clenching at her side. Bulkhead, to the relief of all, folded his maces into his arms once more, giving the wall respite from his blows. Ratchet and Optimus looked up from their places at the command center and the video game fell silent as the focus of the three children and the Autobot scout shifted. No word was spoken, no breath, collective or otherwise, taken, no gear turned. All eyes and optics focused on a single door. The elevator's grinding came to a stop, the door sliding open.


A common shout from Fowler, sometimes reaching the inflection of an expletive. Now it was a broken cry, choking the federal agent as it left his throat. Optimus' optics switched from concern to concern. Defensive suspicion still gleamed in the edges of the blue, but he stepped forward to ensure the human's wellbeing, "Agent Fowler, are you - "

"Get out, Prime! All of you!" Fowler threw a backhand wildly through the air. "Get yourself and your team through that groundbridge! We'll cover your tracks!"

He began charging his way towards the human aspect of the command center. "Raf, I'll need your help to clear the joint of information, including that blasted black box!"

Still holding the controller in his hand, Raf glanced bewilderedly to all the faces around him. Not even Miko had a clear response for him. Instinctively he reached out to grasp one of Bumblebee's fingers, latching onto the one security he knew. The scout tried to work up a beep of comfort, but found nothing; his voicebox refused to cooperate even to that end.

A great hand checked Fowler's charge. In response the man turned to glare up at Optimus, "Why are you still here? Go!"

He made another lunge towards his destination. Optimus decided to become more direct. With a sweep he had caught Fowler at the back of the knees and carried him up beyond a safe jumping distance. Never one to be found sitting on the job while conscious and lucid, Fowler stood, and, despite the obvious discomfort he had, met Optimus Prime's gaze squarely. The blue optics had again shifted in their concern. The defensive suspicion had overridden the unnecessary care for Fowler's health, but it had returned without the hope it had carried in the moments before the federal agent's arrival.

"What happened, Agent Fowler?"

"The military tribunal was a bust, Prime!"

Jack unconsciously rose and moved towards Arcee, almost defensively. Likewise, Raf's grip tightened. Miko's voice was still caught in her throat; she wildly glanced between Bulkhead and Fowler, fists clenched as anger began to boil.

"They didn't listen to a word I said," Fowler continued thrusting his face towards Prime's, "and they are on their way here to eliminate anything they perceive as a threat!"

"Let them come!" Bulkhead pounded a fist into his palm. At that Miko sprang upwards, landing in a boxing position.

"And inflict human casualties?" Optimus' voice carried the expected tone of disapproval, but beneath it Ratchet barely caught the sound of indecision. Was the Prime actually considering Bulkhead's thoughts? Ratchet couldn't blame him. They had already sacrificed so much in protecting this planet, and Prime had mentioned more than once that he refused to loose another member of the team. The medic was not the only one who caught the undertone. All eyes locked on Optimus and for a brief moment Fowler could have sworn he saw a flash of red within the aged and jaded optics.

Those same optics closed and reopened a bright blue, "I cannot condone such actions."

Miko gave a growl of frustration, "That's not fair! You guys are nearly killed everyday for them! You should be able to fight back!"

"Sure, that will give us a great reputation with the military," despite the sarcasm, it was clear that Arcee did not wholly disagree with Miko, but she turned to face Optimus, "What's the plan?"

Another pregnant pause. Optimus bowed his head, and with that motion all hearts and sparks were gripped by cold. When he spoke again, his voice was firm, but sad.

"We follow Agent Fowler's lead."

He returned the man to the walkway by the command center, "Rafael, please help him."

Bumblebee's hand, which Raf gripped so tightly, shifted to make a seat for the him. One little beep made it's way to the boy. Only half a word. Bumblebee carried him to where Agent Fowler stood.

"Optimus, what can we do?"

Jack was as close to Arcee as he could get on the walkway, and the motorcycle had unconsciously moved as close to him. The Prime met Jack's eyes, searching the boy. His response was slow enough to allow Miko time to find her tongue.

"Duh! The Autobots can hide with us!" She sprang next to Jack, leaning on the railing. "They've already been doing it for a year…"

Her voice trailed off as Optimus turned his gaze to her. Her fingers wrapped themselves around the railing in desperation, "…right?"

"I am sorry, Miko. It is too dangerous for both yourselves and the Autobots. Jasper is certainly one of the first places they will search for us. If you are found harboring even one Autobot…"

"Not to mention that the government is aware that civilians are involved," Fowler added from the command center. He gave a self-chastising sigh. "I let something slip."

Again a silence fell, and again it was broken by Optimus, "Jack, in response to your question, you all have done much already. I cannot ask any more. Autobots, you have five minutes."

Throwing herself back from the railing, Miko sprinted towards the steps, towards Bulkhead. Even as he typed away at the computer, erasing every area of evidence, Raf's hand found Bumblebee's once again. Ratchet, at his own station, found himself regarding the duo with a breaking spark. Jack and Arcee likewise found each other. Yet no one could find anything to say.

Optimus turned towards the entrance to the command center, his footfalls heavier than usual. A raging turmoil battled in his spark as his steps lead him away from the others. Sorrow swelled up in him, but another met it equally. Anger. Against the military. Against MECH. Against himself. His head told him that he could have done nothing more. His spark clung to the guilt, pulling his mind through his actions in every and any situation. Ruthless, brutal actions he might have done to protect his family.

His hand found the place in his side where Silas had run him through.

The key difference between you and me? My body can't feel pain!

Optimus stopped in his steps, having found the device he was looking for. He knelt down, resting one hand on the black box. Irrationality seized his mind. This small device contained the back up of every sight and sound in the silo. It held Fowler's rants, June's lectures. The children's voices. Rationality came back in. He couldn't keep it. If he brought the box away and Megatron somehow captured it…

It seems I've swatted a bee and squashed a bug!

They're children, Optimus. They should be worried about grades, prom, pimples! Not their own survival.

Blue optics shut, and only when control was regained over his emotions did they open. He rose, black box in palm, and returned to the others.

Arcee and Jack were sitting next to each other, his hand on her knee. They weren't saying anything, just sitting. Keeping the last few moments precious. Optimus could all but see Arcee's spark falling apart. She lifted one hand to rest on Jack's shoulders, trying to protect him one last time. He reached up with his other hand and touched it. They turned to look at each other, broken smiles trying to find their way. He had watched her leave through the bridge before, sometimes never sure if she'd come back. But it was different. Then it was as if he watched his sister march off to war and certain pride would fill him; he knew what she was fighting for. This? Nothing could come close.

A brief memory crossed his mind as if in contradiction to his thoughts. A man's back as he left the house, driving away without a single glance. His mother's face both sorrowful and wrathful at the same time.

Jack looked away, teeth clenching as he tried to disassociate Arcee from that moment. Her fingers tightened around him, worried.

Bulkhead had Miko in his palm. The disbelief had finally cracked and words were pouring out of the girl as the Wrecker held her gently to his chest. Apologies for all her reckless moments and advice for finding decent radio stations with Slash Monkey were certainly a part of her words but far from the majority.

"I will never ever forget you. Don't forget me, okay? You almost did once, because I was stupid, but I won't ever do that again. I won't ever have the chance to!" She tried to laugh, but it got caught in a choke and she collapsed against his chest. She sat sobbing for a few moments, her hands grasping at the odd angles of his metal.

"I won't forget you."

She looked up at the soft tone, a small smile spreading across her face even as tears traced the dimples in her cheeks. Bulkhead gave a smile to match, "Besides, you hurled on my floor mats and I don't think that will ever go away!"

They broke into laughter as one and Bulkhead's spark swelled at this child, this sparkling of his. He brushed her hair lightly away from her face, his large finger surprisingly delicate, "Miko, I love you."

She buried her face against him again, "I love you too."

Raf and Bumblebee had also found their voices, and were together plotting fantasies of how they could meet again, including the popular "Dig to China" route. In the light of what was actually at the center of the Earth, this particular idea was abandoned even within their ridiculous plans. Eventually the scheming, which would have put a certain Seeker to shame, faded away. Raf began tearing, and as he lifted his glasses to wipe them away, one of 'Bee's fingers reached out to catch the drops. A beep, long and low accompanied two smiles. Ratchet, who watched from the side, suddenly shuddered. No faces that young should ever have smiles that old.

It became even worse when the boy's smile was directed at him. Ratchet thought he would break when Raf, still holding Bee's finger, reached out his own hand to the medic. Instead he stepped forward and soon the boy was holding both their hands, tightly. For a moment they stood, just the three of them, until Raf caught a glimpse of Fowler standing alone. Raf began to wave the agent into their group, but Fowler raised his hands, "This is your time with the 'Bots, son."

"Rafael," Ratchet's voice brought the boy's attention to the old optics. "Thank you."

As Bumblebee echoed the sentiment, Raf clutched tighter at the fingers and his knees grew weak. Soon the two Bots, the oldest and the youngest, were holding him up together, like they had always done.

The proximity alert binged again, causing everyone to start. Optimus let the black box fall from his hand as it rapidly transformed into an energon blaster. Fowler hit a single command button. The ignition of the groundbridge was as swift as the destruction of the box.


At their leaders call, they left behind their human companions. The children gathered at the entrance to the portal. Arcee and Jack met eyes and optics once more. She gave him a wink, "See you around, partner."

He gave a wink back, but as she turned her back, his heart froze. Before stepping though the groundbridge, she looked over her shoulder once more. Then with a flash of green she was gone.

Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Ratchet, all followed closely. Optimus glanced down, "Jack, Miko, Raf, Agent -"

"It's Bill, Optimus," Fowler had his hands around the children's shoulders.

"… Bill. We… I… will miss you all."

Then he too was gone. The green light of the groundbridge vanished.

"Time to get you kids out of here."

Fowler ran to the control center again, typed in a new set of coordinates and the green light returned. Miko glanced up at the walkway, the urge to run up and hug the man only stopped by Jack's hand at her elbow.

"Thank you… Bill," Jack said. A meager gift, yet heartfelt. The kids turned and ran down the path to the portal.

The elevator door sprang open, the children vanished, the groundbridge faded, and Fowler deleted the last sets of coordinates.

He looked up from the computer to face General Bryce's shocked stare.

There was a grinding of gears and a roar of engines as tanks, armored vehicles, and military transports poured in from the entrance. Bill looked around at the troops then up to Bryce once more, who was approaching him, his shock turning to fury. That was just fine. Bill had his own fury that surpassed the general's. Bryce opened his mouth into a reprimand, but all the air was forced out of him as Bill grabbed him by the medaled shoulders and threw him against the computers, a fist pulling back to strike even harder than when he hit Silas.

A voice stopped him.

I cannot condone such actions.

The former agent's glare transformed. His grip on the general's collar loosed and his fist dropped to his side. Bill laughed. When the troops came to take him, he was still laughing.

(0 days since incident)