AN: This is my first ever attempt to write something KP related. I am planning on eventually writing a multi-chapter KP fic soon.

This is just a short drabble about that almost hug between Shego and Drakken from the "Graduation" episode. I hope you like it ^_^

"K.P!" Shouted Ron as he suddenly caught a glimpse of his girlfriend. Her graduation gown was torn and frayed. Her hair was in disarray and a lose lock fell at an odd angle upon her face. Still, she was safe.


The two teens felt their bodies clash and their arms wrapped around each other in a tight embrace.

Whether or not the sight of Kim and Ron had given Shego and Drakken an unconscious command is debatable but in that split second, Drakken's arms opened wide and Shego came in for a landing.

Both were smiling.

Both were filled with relief and joy.

His hands mere were mere inches away from closing in on her back.

Her arms were eager now to pull him close by his neck.


Then something happened. It was like a switch had been flipped and they went from being free and uninhibited back to their conscious and aloof selves.

They pulled away from each other. Drakken crossed his arms, pretending that he hadn't understood what had almost happened. Shego began straightening out her hair with her fingers and mumbled "Yeah I've had a lot on my plate lately."

All the while they thought 'I'm pathetic'

They had been perfectly fine before but then they became aware of what they were doing and a sudden wave of guilt and fear hit them. They were attempting to assure themselves that they had pulled away because they didn't want Kim and Ron to get the wrong idea.

The trouble was that Kim and Ron had not so much as acknowledged them since reuniting.

They were afraid and it wasn't because of the current state of the world or the fact that they were aboard an alien ship. It was just them.

They were afraid because they knew what this hug would have meant and it was something that neither was prepared to admit to.

They were like two positively charged magnets. Every time they tried to move closer, something internal would act up and prevent them from ever connecting.

Shego, who had repeatedly claimed to have no fears or feelings had in truth denied herself the ability to feel either in order to prevent herself from ever being used or hurt again.

She couldn't let herself ever become that close to anyone, especially if it was someone she cared about.

Drakken who was all too use to being turned down and patronized by women, had gained the overwhelming fear of rejection. He had wanted to hold her then but he couldn't stand the thought of being denied once more; not from her.

Still as they stood there back to back and deep in thoughts of 'if only', they smiled softly to themselves at the thought of how close they had come this time.