Author's Note: This is a stand alone story, but follows the context of one of my other stories, "Better Than Expected."

Shepard stretched her arms above her head and yawned. It had been another long day. The farmers on the east side of the Viridian Plains were feuding again. Even though borders had been mapped out early on during the formation of Concilia Colony, the farmers still disputed the rights to various ponds, lakes and water holes. Shepard had found herself trudging out to the Viridian Plains for the umpteenth time to arbitrate. By the time she returned, a glorious pink and orange sunset had settled on the horizon. She decided to forgo returning to her office and instead, said her good-byes to the members of her staff that had participated in the arbitration. She decided to walk home, followed closely by one of her security staff. She wished the beefy young man had departed with the others, but Garrus still thought it was necessary to keep her guarded. The ire over her choice to destroy the Reapers hadn't died down completely. 99% of the universe agreed with her actions; what concerned Garrus was the other 1%, those that thought controlling the Reapers was the better option. Their mantras still appeared on the extranet now and then, causing Garrus to continue his vigilant protection.

When she reached home, Shepard said good night to her protector, then slid open the front door. A squeal of delight announced that Tev was still awake. Shepard ambled into the living area.

"Commander, I mean, Admiral, I mean…" a teenage girl stammered.

"Remember, just call me Shepard. You don't need to be formal, Sita." Shepard smiled at the young girl. Her father worked on Shepard's personal staff, a good advisor with infinite wisdom. When she'd met Sita, she'd loved the girl instantly. Sita was shy, but trustworthy and diligent. She'd been a natural choice as a babysitter.

"Yes, ma'am," Sita said, standing. She held a wiggling infant in her arms. "Sorry I couldn't get her to sleep for you."

Shepard shook her head. "Don't apologize. It's just as hard for me. Here, I'll take her and you can go home."

Sita handed over the wiggler, picked up her carrying pouch and exited.

"Come on, little one," Shepard softly intoned. She lowered the lights in the living area, then sat in the antique rocking chair her mom had given her. In the dim light, she rocked and hushed her daughter, little Tev. Now nine months old, she had grown considerably. She's going to be tall, just like Garrus, Shepard thought to herself. Pretty much, Tev was all Garrus. It turned out that Turian genes dominated human genes. Except for the hair. Shepard stroked the infant's soft red baby fuzz. How long it would grow was anyone's guess. In parenting a Turian-Human baby, she and Garrus steered through uncharted waters.

Shepard yawned again. What a long day…a hand touched her shoulder and Shepard jumped, her eyes flung open.

"It's just me," she heard a reassuring voice.

"Oh, Garrus," she breathed.

He chuckled. "You were asleep. Long day?"

"Yeah, too long."

"Here, let me take Tev."

Shepard looked down to see Tev, her mouth wide open, her eyes closed and the sound of deep breathing protruding from her throat. She handed the infant to Garrus. Garrus cradled Tev in his arms and gently walked down the hall into the nursery. When he came back, he found Shepard sprawled out on the couch.

"We have a bed, you know."

"Yeah," Shepard acknowledged. "And I'm too tired to get to it."

Garrus reached down and, with little effort, picked her up. "I guess I have to put my entire family to bed tonight."

Shepard grinned in his arms, but kept her eyes closed. "You could just leave me on the couch."

"I'm too used to you sleeping next to me. Besides, who would steal the covers if you aren't there?"

Shepard opened one eye. "I do not do that."

"Well, not every night, but often enough."

Shepard grunted indignantly. They had reached the bedroom. Garrus put Shepard down in the bed and pulled the sheets over her. She heard him clatter around for a while, then he laid down next to her. She was almost asleep when she remembered the call she had received late in the afternoon, right before she'd made the journey to the Viridian Plains.

"Oh yeah," she said, putting the heel of her hand to her forehead. "I forgot. My mom called. She's got some leave and is coming to visit for the next five days."

She heard a sudden rustle of sheets. Looking over she saw Garrus sitting up, his head turned in her direction.

"I thought you wouldn't mind…" she said, her phrase fading out at the end.

"I don't. I mean, you know I really like your mother."

Shepard heard the hesitation in Garrus' voice. She sat up. "But…" she prompted.

"You know, Shepard, how you've never met my family…"


"You will tomorrow."

"They're coming here?"

Garrus put a hand to the back of his neck and rubbed it. "Well, dad called me and he and Solana are on the way to Earth for a diplomatic meeting and he thought they'd stop by here."

"And when were you going to tell me this?"

"You were so tired, I thought I'd wait until tomorrow morning, but now that I know your mother's on her way here, too…"

Shepard laid back down, staring at the ceiling. Garrus likewise laid back down. There was silence for a while.

"Are you angry?" Garrus' voice broke the stillness.

"No," Shepard stated honestly. "Just surprised. And a little nervous."

"I think dad will like you." There was an uncomfortable pause.

"And your sister?"

"Um, not sure about that one."

Garrus hadn't told Shepard much about his family over the time they'd known each other. She knew his dad used to work for C-Sec and was "by the book." For a while she knew that the relationship between Garrus and his dad had been strained. His dad disapproved of Garrus' departure from C-Sec and his tendency to step outside of legal channels to get the job done. Yet the war against the Reapers had changed things between the elder and younger Vakarian. Garrus had gone to his dad to convince him of the need to establish a task force on Palaven in preparation for the onslaught of the Reapers. His father had seen the truth and taken action. Since the defeat of the Reapers, Shepard knew Garrus had an easier time with his father.

"When was the last time you saw them?" Shepard asked.

"I saw dad two months ago when I took that excursion to the Citadel to arrange for extra security."

"You never mentioned it."

Garrus sighed. "There wasn't much to it. We talked. Surface stuff. My dad's not one for many words."

"So was your sister with him?"

"No. I haven't seen her since I was on Palaven during the Reaper attacks. She's been…unhappy with me."

Shepard felt her heart beat faster. "She doesn't like you being with a human?"

"Maybe. But it's more than that. She hasn't approved of my career choices."

"Like your dad."

"Like dad. But he's come around. Solana, not so much."

Shepard reached under the covers and took Garrus' hand. "I'm sure it will be fine."

"Sure," Garrus stated. But inside, he wasn't sure at all.