Hey guys. The question was asked why I only use part of Sollux's typing quirk (replacing the letter s with a 2). I wanted to clear that up for all who were also wondering. The reason I do this is only to represent Sollux's lisp. I wasn't sure how else to do that, without making it a bitch to read. Sorry for the confusion, I just thought that people would understand that without needing an explanation. My bad. :

Anyway, enjoy. ^^


Are you retarded? You can't be the unconscious troll - he's fucking unconscious .


There we go, that's better. You are now the conscious troll, and you are- oh, wait the unconscious troll is waking up. You can go ahead and be him now.


You are now the formerly unconscious troll. You awaken to the sound of fingers typing furiously on a keyboard. That right there is enough to tell you where you are.

You sit up, grabbing your aching head in the process. Of course it's fucking aching, you have a fucking-


You are now pissed off, because I made you be the other troll in the middle of a possibly important thought.

Well too fucking bad. You can suck it, you little bitch.

You hear a loud groan behind you, and turn around to see Karkat sitting up in bed, grabbing his head in a futile attempt to stop the pain.

Well of course his head hurt. He fucking hit it on the ground.

You stand up abruptly, sauntering over to check on your now conscious friend.

"Hey kk, you alright?" You ask, concern etched into your voice. He scowls.

"Fucking peachy."

You ignore the sarcasm, and motion to the nightstand beside the bed.

"There'2 2ome pain killer2 and a gla22 of water for you. I 2u2pected that waking up wouldn't be a very plea2ant ordeal for you." He nods, reaching over and grabbing the glass and the pills, consuming them in an instant. He let out a sigh.

"How long have I been out?"

"Only about 10 minute2. It didn't take me long to get you here." You reply. He nods, then winces. "Dumba22, try not to move 2o much. Lay down."

"Shut up, fuckass." He replies. But he does as he is told, and lies back down.

You position yourself at the edge of the bed. Looking at him, you can't help but smile. A light blush creeps over his face, and you chuckle.

"W-what is it, fuckass?" He stutters. You shake your head, still smiling.

"I ju2t can't believe what you did today. You were 2eriou2ly 2o clo2e to getting your a22 kicked."

He smirks.

"I didn't though, did I? I knew what to do with those assholes. They're thinking process is brutally simple." He laughs. You smile gently at him.

"Thank you, Kk. What you did really meant a lot to me."

His face turned ten shades of red, and he looked away from your gaze.

"I-I-I made a promise to you. I would be a dick if I turned around and didn't keep it…" He said, his voice trailing off.

Gog, the sight of him laying on your bed, blushing like that…

Wait, what the fuck are you thinking? This is Karkat we're talking about. Karkat Vantas.

Oh please, don't be a retard. You've had flushed feelings for Karkat as long as you can remember. Lying to yourself this far in would be dumb. Dumbass.

You couldn't fucking help yourself. That's the only excuse you could conjure up for your next course of action.

You lean down…

And kiss Karkat.

Yes, you fucking kiss him.

Ahhhh, another insanely short chapter. Sorry. XD I'm just so lazy. But luckily, I just finished midterms, so hopefully I'll have a lot more time on my hands to write! That would mean longer, higher quality chapters. But maybe not, because I do spend most of my time drawing, and probably will forget to update hurrhurrhurr I'm so smart.

Please review! I want to know what y'all think about it so far, and please tell me if there's anything you want to see happen. :D