This is just some shtuff I wrote. It's actually a roleplay between me and my friend, and I liked it so much, that I decided to post it on here. Please realize I didn't make this to be some incredibly fancy and long story. This was just for fun. :3

Please enjoy.


You are now the Gemini. Your name is Sollux Captor, and you are tired as fuck. You've been staying up night and day coding, not bothering to eat or sleep. So as you can imagine, you look like absolute shit. Not to mention that your body aches all over…

"Hey, fuckass."

You glance down toward the voice to see the scowling face of your shortest friend, Karkat Vantas. You let out a sigh, not in the mood to put up with any of his bullshit. Even so, it would be rude to ignore him, so you begrudgingly acknowledge his irate greeting.

"'2up, Kk?" You ask, the exhaustion you're feeling slipping into your tone. For a moment, you think you see his face turn to that of a worried expression, but the image is gone in a flash.

"Fuck. You look like shit." He said.

Blunt as ever. You roll your eyes, not even bothering to respond to his offending statement. His eyes roam your body and face, and his scowl becomes more vibrant and intimidating - who knew that was even possible?

"You haven't been taking care of yourself, have you? You're skinny as fuck." He said. You chuckle tiredly.

"When aren't I 2kinny a2 fuck?" You ask sarcastically. He glares.

"Don't be a smartass. You know what I mean. You're skinnier than usual. And it's obvious you haven't been sleeping."

You look over him for a minute. He didn't look so great himself, so who was he to talk? You didn't speak your thoughts aloud though, deciding it was best to keep them to yourself. You weren't in the mood to hear his bitching, so it would be counterproductive to egg him on.

He suddenly stands up tall (or as tall as someone his height can manage), and has a look of determination plastered over his face.

Shit, this can't be good.


You are now the Cancer, Karkat Vantas. You were going to give your friend, Sollux Captor, quite the earful about not taking care of himself, but decided that your important lecture would only go in one ear and out the other - there was no use wasting your breath.

"If you are so incapable of taking care of yourself, then I will escort you home to make sure you eat and sleep." You proclaim.

That seemed like the better way to go. If you can't encourage him to take care of himself, then you'll just fucking make him.

Oddly, for a moment it seemed that a look of fear crossed his face, but the expression was gone, only to leave you wondering if you actually saw it or not. He looks at you casually.

"No need, Kk. I'm fine."

"Bullshit your fine. Just let me come over and help you out, then I'll be on my wa-"

You are cut off by a yelling Gemini.

"I don't fucking want your help!" He yells.

You didn't see that coming.


You are now the yelling Gemini. You hadn't meant to blow up like that, but an exhausted hacker with bipolar disorder is a ticking time bomb. It was only a matter of time.

Your friend flinches away from you, obviously surprised by your sudden outburst. You immediately feel guilty for it, and sigh.

"Alright, I'm 2orry, okay? I'm ju2t really not in the be2t of mood2 today."

"I noticed." He said irritably. "But I'm still tagging along."

You sigh in defeat.

"Fine, come on then."

The two of you make the five minute walk to your hive.

Sorry that it's super short. The next chapter will be longer...though not by much. xD;; Again I say, I'm not making a huge commitment to this, so it's not going to turn out to be anything too special. Either way, I hope you enjoy reading my story. :3