I suck eggs. :( Enjoy Part 2!

Disclaimer: same as always


"Are you sure about this?" Jager asked as he let his chains drop with a loud clang. He retracted them back into his cloak when the portal vanished.

Bermuda clicked his tongue, folding his arms and going over to a chair to sit. "Did you notice, Jager? The potential of that boy."

Jager looked confused for a second. "Something about him was indeed strange, but to claim–"

"Yes! And to think he has yet to awaken fully – something that would be very interesting to witness. He is the son of Iemitsu, so he must not be taken lightly."

"He is but a fool, nothing like his father at all."

"Ah, but even fools can be put to use, Jager. I sensed a limiter on him when I was measuring his magic reserves. Elaborately woven together, but not a thing too difficult for me to undo. And undo I would have until Luce kindly interrupted us with her meddling and troublesome manners. But that is of no concern. Pray tell, why should I push a horse to walk when it will eventually do so on its own?"

Jager hummed in consideration. He wasn't always as patient as his demeanor suggested. Personally, he would rather get things done swiftly and precisely than stand around and do nothing. However, Bermuda was one who liked waiting for the pounce, letting his plans and schemes fester until they were ripe and ready; and seeing as how he was the leader, Jager would have to comply wordlessly.

"Shall we keep watch of him, sire?"

Bermuda chuckled darkly. "No need. You should know by now, Jager, I only play to win, and I always win when I gamble." He propped an elbow up on the arm rest and leaned his head into the palm of his hand. "Sawada, you will be back," he stated resolutely to the open air. After a while, he let out a humored huff. "I'll finally obtain my revenge, and all because of some brat."


"What do you mean by that?" Lambo asked, frowning. "I don't get it! What's heating up?"

Byakuran sighed at Lambo's obliviousness. He leaned against the counter of the oak desk, fingering through a stack of papers Luce had set aside for later. Before Lambo could pester him with more questions, there was a loud bang from the hallway. The two looked over in time to see the double doors slam open and a boy come stumbling in. He fell flat on his face and let out a little whimper.

"Ow, ow, ow, that was not a good idea," said the newcomer. He sat up and grabbed his shoulder while rotating it in its socket to get out any kinks.

Lambo peered out into the hallway from where he stood and noticed a motorcycle lying on its side with its wheels still spinning idly. How did that get there? He didn't recall hearing any loud engine noises before the other had come in.

Byakuran hoisted himself up onto the desk and sat swinging his legs. "Yes?"

The boy scrambled to stand up and quickly took off his helmet to place under his arm. "Head Mistress! I apologize for the late hour!" He bowed stiffly with his eyes shut tightly and remained until Byakuran gave the word to rise.

At last, the boy realized he wasn't talking to the Head Mistress, but rather someone completely different. Plus, there was another person in the room with them.

"Uh, the Great Skull has come to report a missing person. Where is the Head Mistress?"

"Stepped out," Byakuran quipped. "Now, you were saying?"

Skull cocked his head slightly, but accepted the answer without doubt. "My roommate has not clocked in for curfew, and as the awesome, caring friend I am, I have been searching for him for the past couple of hours."

"Hmm, I see, I see. Who is this missing person?"

"His name is Viper. He's super cranky all the time and he always wears this awful cloak. I don't really know what his face looks like because he covers it with his hood, but he's pretty short and looks really gloomy. He usually follows me around and worships the ground I walk on because he always needs me to protect him. I mean, I am the best out of all the Arcobaleno, so–"

Suddenly, a invisible force had pinned Skull flat on the ground. He started squirming about, but whatever was keeping him down had a good hold. Lambo and Byakuran blinked at this, wondering what was going on. A dark aura enveloped the room and eerie sounds echoed off the walls. Monsters started appearing out of thin air, causing both Lambo and Skull to scream bloody murder. Byakuran, having grasped the situation, went back to swing his legs and began humming a tune.

"You..." the room boomed. Skull was released and he crawled backwards into Lambo, whose body trembled in fear.

A python slithered up to them and hissed, "What was that?"

Skull and Lambo clutched at each other and screamed. Skull started repeatedly shouting, "Sorry!" and Lambo followed suit. More terrifying creatures emerged and chased the pair out the room while they ran as fast as they could. Byakuran waved them good-bye with a cheery smile.

A boy materialized in the middle of the room and huffed. Crossing his arms, he faced Byakuran and said, "I apologize for the commotion. I just had to set an idiot straight," while bowing his head slightly.

"No worries, no worries," Byakuran chimed. "I'm assuming you're Viper?"

"Yeah, about skipping curfew..."

"Don't worry. A lot of students have been blatantly ignoring it tonight. I'll let you off the hook this once."

Viper raised an eyebrow, skeptical at first, but then shrugged. He'd never seen this man before, so he was a little suspicious, but Yggdrasil had one of the best security systems in the world. There was no way someone uninvited would be inside, especially in the Head Office. "Where is the Head Mistress?"

"She's out."

"Why is that?"

"Well, why were you out?"

Viper clicked his tongue and remained silent. Byakuran continued to hum and kick his legs back and forth, while Viper opted to observe him cautiously. Silence ticked by, and Viper's patience was thinning. Figuring any conversation with the other would run in circles, he bowed again in parting and was about to take his leave when he heard faint yelling in the distance. Rolling his eyes, he dispelled his illusions and stood waiting. Not too long after, Lambo and Skull came bursting into the room, still yelling at full volume. They each slammed a door closed and leaned their foreheads against it, breathing hard.

"I think they've stopped chasing us."

"Yeah, I think so, too."


Said person froze and instantly started sweating buckets. He turned around slowly and greeted Viper with a uneasy grin. "H-hey... Viper..."

"You're lucky you didn't disturb anyone else with your stupidity. Let's go."

"Okay..." Skull deflated and opened the door to leave with Viper. He walked straight into a person and fell to the ground.

"Oh, my, I'm sorry, dear," said a soothing voice. Skull looked up to see Luce reaching out a hand to help him up. He hurriedly declined and got up by himself. Luce stepped into the room, towing a line of people behind her. She went to her desk, disregarding Byakuran sitting on it, and opened up a screen. Typing in some information, she finished with a hard clack of a key. The screen closed and she intertwined her fingers while resting them on the counter.

"You are dismissed. We'll talk more about this matter in the morning," she ordered. Nodding, the group of boys who had caused trouble in the underground station walked out. Viper had already made his departure during the ordeal, while Skull and Lambo stood staring. Coming to his senses, Skull immediately rushed to the open door, only to get a kick to the face.

"What are you doing here, lackey?"

Skull cupped his nose in pain and squeaked, "R-Reborn!"

Reborn stood waiting for an answer until a voice behind him exclaimed, "Are you even listening, Reborn?"

Placing his hands in the pockets on his slacks, Reborn strode further inside, ignoring the question directed at him. Skull took the chance to scurry out of the room and catch up to Viper.

Reborn's eyes locked onto Byakuran and frowned at the sugary grin he received. Behind him trotted in Tsuna with a distressed look, still fussing over the amount of work he'd be forced to endure the next day.

Tsuna instantly noticed Lambo in the room and a sense of ease flooded him. "Lambo!" He half-ran over to where Lambo was until he tripped. Yelping, he face-planted on the floor and groaned from the impact. Lambo, having been relieved beyond belief when he saw Tsuna enter, had smiled widely before seeing him fall. Noticing how Reborn had been the one to stick his foot out, Lambo's eyebrows drew together in anger.

"Reborn!" Lambo stormed across the room to stand in front of the other. He glared up at him in a childish manner. "You're still as mean as ever!"

Reborn spared him a glance and smirked. "And you are?"

Lambo fumed even more at the question, yelling, "Argh, you! It's Lambo Bonvino! Remember it this time!"

"I don't worry myself over keeping track of trivial matters."

"Trivial?! You're so cruel," Lambo wailed, clearly aggravated.

"Now, now," Byakuran announced, trying to ease the mood.

"You should remember the name of your rival, at least!"

"Last time I checked, I was unmatched. I don't have a rival since I'm already the best."

"As if! I'll show you," Lambo continued to shout as he drew out two grenades from seemingly nowhere. Before he could throw them, Luce cut in with a sweet voice.

"Lambo, dear, you wouldn't think of making a fuss within the Head Office, would you?"

Lambo halted his movements and brought down both his arms, his temper having been thoroughly doused soon after being sparked. "N-no ma'am," he said solemnly. Smiling, Luce leaned over and patted his head in forgiveness. Lambo's face lit up at the gesture.

Luce looked in Reborn's direction and shot him a glare for teasing Lambo, fully knowing that he indeed remembered the other. She was deftly aware how Reborn wasn't one to forget names, regardless of their significance.

"Ah, it's you," Tsuna blurted impulsively when he raised himself to his knees and noticed Byakuran.

Giving a mischievous smile, Byakuran said, "Yes, it's me! Did you ever scale that waterfall, Tsuna?"

"U-um, not quite, but thanks to you, I didn't give up."

Byakuran full-out grinned now. "Glad to hear my two cents were of worth."

Reborn and Luce were taken aback by the casual conversation. Luce almost let a giggle slip. Sitting back in her chair, she asked, "You two have met?"

"When I was in the forest training," Tsuna answered while standing up.

Luce nodded in understanding, then walked around her desk and fully turned her body towards Tsuna. She bowed deeply and said, "I'm truly sorry for putting you through all this trouble, Tsuna."

Flustered, Tsuna tried to deny her any and all faults. "It's not–"

"Yes, it is. I neglected telling you the laws for those involved with magic. The most crucial law is the one you've experienced tonight. I knew you were a novice coming into this world, so I should have made sure you were knowledgeable in all the fundamentals."

"I-It's also my mistake that I didn't familiarize myself with the basics. Thank you for coming to save us," Tsuna quickly returned, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly and bowing.

Luce rose and smiled warmly. 'Iemitsu... Nana... your son has grown up to be such a lovely young man.'

Tsuna straightened out and gave a small smile. After a moment, Luce turned to Lambo and said, "Lambo, I suggest you try and get some sleep now. It's almost morning and you've had a long night."

Lambo nodded and looked towards Tsuna to see if he was coming. "Don't worry, dear, I'll send these two back after we have a little chat."

Yawning, Lambo nonchalantly waved at the group and closed the doors behind him. Byakuran got up from the desk and went over to the windows to shut the curtains. He moved his finger in a circular motion as a glow of magic formed at the tip. The magic dispersed throughout the room and stopped right as it came in contact with the walls. Luce took a seat afterward, gesturing for the pair to do the same. Byakuran went off to the side and plopped down on the floor with his legs loosely crossed and his hands resting on his ankles.

'A level 3 magic barrier,' Reborn observed. It was mostly used during important meetings and gatherings where the conjurer could block noise from entering and exiting the field as well as detect who and what came in and out.

"I believe it's time I filled you both in," Luce said, closing her eyes momentarily. Tsuna shifted in his chair uncomfortably, while Reborn propped his chin up with the knuckles of his hand.

"The reason I sent Byakuran to watch over you two is because I was worried something might happen. A man named Checkerface has set his sights on you and a few others, and he plans to use you all to his advantage. He's a cunning, merciless man who will do anything to achieve his goals. He isn't someone to take lightly. That is why I thought it best to have someone guard over you."

"Why us?" Reborn questioned.

"Checkerface is, ah, interested in beings who are... different."

"Different?" Tsuna repeated in a small, confused voice.

"What she means is special," Byakuran began. "I believe Reborn has already grasped why you two are 'special' and I'm also sure he has his suspicions about the two of us."

Luce tightened her lips a fraction. "Special can refer to many aspects, Tsuna. It usually differs from group to group, but sometimes can stay the same. For example, 'Arcobaleno' is not just a name for this generation's group of people. It is a title given to seven individuals who are crowned the best in their respective category. The Arcobaleno are special – not because they perform exceptionally well for their age, but because they possess an ability that sets them apart from the rest of the magical world.

"You are of a separate group, Tsuna. One of whom can summon live creatures with magic. If the cycle stays true to the pattern, there should be six others who wield the same power. I can only hope they will not be placed under the scrutiny of Checkerface, if not already so."

Tsuna soaked in the information slower than usual as he sat in silence. Reborn also sat quietly, mulling over ideas inside his head.

"This cycle... is it–" Reborn started to surmise.

"The Tri-Ni-Sette?" Byakuran finished for him. "You are much too clever for you age, Reborn. Yes, it is as you think. There are three groups of seven that each have something special about them."

Reborn straightened out in his chair and silently prodded Byakuran to continue. He understood little of the Tri-Ni-Sette and its mysteries. He only knew what little his grandfather spoke of it in passing during a handful of meetings – among those of which he had eavesdropped. His grandfather never spent too long on the subject, which made Reborn all the more interested to learn about it. Timoteo and his guardians knew the truth of many secrets, but were always reluctant and averse to inform Reborn in matters that regarded them – something that made the boy scowl with displeasure in his younger years.

"There are two groups we undoubtedly know are part of the Tri-Ni-Sette. That is the Arcobaleno and the Vongola," Byakuran explained. Reborn's attention perked at the mention of his grandfather's organization. "We believe Checkerface plans to do something by gathering all three together."

Something shy of recognition flickered in Tsuna's eyes at the utterance of the word Vongola. He couldn't quite place it, but somehow the name sounded familiar.

"I want you both to be alert and be mindful of your safety," Luce announced resolutely. "We will do all we can to protect you, but please also be aware of your surroundings."

The two nodded, one more flustered than the other. It was unsettling for Tsuna and he fidgeted in his seat. He didn't like how dangerous it all sounded. It sort of made him wish he hadn't gone to a magic school.

"Um, Head Mistress... I know this is a bit off topic, but as to why I was transferred here..." Tsuna dropped his eyes to his hands as he trailed off, unsure of where to start.

Luce softened her tone and asked, "Tsuna, do you know why your father sent you to Yggdrasil?" With a head shake for a no, she continued, "Some say Yggdrasil is the tree of life that connects the paths of heaven and hell with the living world. Its branches touch the gods and its roots touch the depths of hell where demons dwell." Tsuna quirked his eyebrows, wondering how the history of Yggdrasil had anything to do with why he was enrolled. Nonetheless, he listened and attempted to nod in understanding. Realizing her point wasn't getting across, Luce let a small laugh pass her lips.

"I know it was all so sudden, but he sent you here in hopes of protecting you. We were well acquainted, you see, and I promised to watch over you to the best of my abilities," she stated.

Tsuna stared at Luce for a moment and felt a small smile forming on his face. He didn't know why, but he felt really happy at her words.

"I'm sure you'll want to hear all the ruckus your father got himself into, but that will have to wait for another time. You two should return to your dorms; it's getting late," Luce said.

"One more question, if I may, Head Mistress," Reborn interjected. At Luce's consent, he asked, "Were you part of the Arcobaleno?"

Luce didn't miss a beat when she answered, "No."

Reborn was slightly taken aback at the rebuff. No? "But you're 'special'."

"I'm no different from any other."

"You're a Verktaki, yet you can utilize magic."

"Have I ever used magic for you to witness?"

"Bermuda said–"

"Honestly, Reborn, would you believe the tellings of such a wicked man? He strings lies together as easily as a spider strings webs."

Reborn frowned at this. "During our duel in the Battle Arena, you used magic to change the environment and even materialized those guns."

"Our mechanic Giannini is a gifted scientist. Those changes weren't because of magic, but because of technology."

Reborn stared at Luce, searching for a hint of deception in her eyes, but they were firm and steady. Seconds ticked by and Byakuran began to grow impatient. He clapped his hands together loudly. "I think that's enough information for one night. I say we all hit the hay."

Breathing in deeply, Reborn rose without a word, much to Tsuna's surprise. "Of course. Thank you for all the trouble and taking the time to speak with us." Reborn bowed at the waist. "Let's go, Tsuna."

"Thank you for hearing us out, you two. Be careful, now," Luce replied.

Tsuna quickly got up himself, bowed hurriedly, and followed Reborn as he made his way to the double doors. Even after they had departed, Luce sat in her chair, waiting. Byakuran took the seat Tsuna formerly occupied and let out a sigh. He waited with her for a total of five minutes before saying, "I'm guessing you don't want me to dispel the barrier just yet?"

Luce sat back in her chair and looked at the ceiling. "No, not yet."

Byakuran hummed and turned sideways in the chair so that his back rested against an arm rest and his legs hung over the other. "I'll admit, you've gotten better at looking the part, but not really with the content. Those lies were so terrible, I wanted to cry as I listened to them. Actually, I did cry. Inside."

Luce laughed a little, silently agreeing with her friend. "Yes, they were somewhat pathetic, hm? I had too many faults stacked upon me to have it be believable. Reborn is very sharp for his age, it's almost uncanny."

"Everyone in the University sees you as a Stefna because of your use of magic, and you try to convince him you're a normal Verktaki. Ludicrous, I say."

"But I am a Verktaki."

"Ah, ah, but you are also special. I'll admit I knew more of the Tri-Ni-Sette than I let on, but at least it was more convincing than your paltry charade. He's certain to have seen through you."

"Oh, he has, rest assured. That's why he left. It seems it's a mannerism he hasn't been able to shake over the years. When he's unsatisfied with something, he doesn't really say much." Luce smiled as she reminisced.

"Much? He hardly says anything at all. He could be ecstatic and not show a lick of it on his face, much less voice it out loud," Byakuran grumbled.

"True. Though, I've known Reborn for a long time – longer than he believes. When he's particularly interested in something, he tries to question and manipulate and set the pace to his liking. If it isn't smoothing out as nicely as he wants, he draws the curtain and returns to being observant and calculating. I find it quite cute, and it reminds me of when he was a child."

Byakuran made a face like he couldn't fathom Luce's thought process. "You sound like a mother."

A sad smile crossed Luce's lips. "Do I?" she murmured, unconsciously reaching a hand up to lightly touch the flower tattoo under her eye.

Realizing he stepped on a mine, Byakuran rushed to change the subject. "I still have to watch over them, right? Since they know, can I do it in a more practical way?"

"And what might that entail?" Luce raised an eyebrow in good humor.

"Oh, you know, a little of this, little of that," Byakuran said, grinning mischievously.


Reborn and Tsuna walked in silence back to their dorms. They approached the point where they'd have to split up to go toward their assigned dorm sooner than Tsuna was prepared for. He felt that Reborn was troubled, but he didn't know what to say. He wanted to reassure the other – they were partners after all – but found that everything he came up with in his mind sounded silly or unrelated. When it came time to separate, Tsuna abruptly faced Reborn, ready to blurt out at least some kind of sentence, until he was tackled to the ground.

Gokudera's voice was muffled as he continuously thanked the gods while burying his face deeper into Tsuna's shirt. He detached himself and sat up, exclaiming, "I thought something terrible happened to you!"

Yamamoto wasn't too far behind and sat down beside them. "I'm glad you seem to be okay, Tsuna!"

"We checked all over Urðarbrunnr Hall, and even went to the offices of Mímisbrunnr Hall and Hvergelmir Hall! When you weren't in Uro, we thought you'd be in Mimis, checking with a Verktaki or something, but then you weren't there either! Hver seemed a dead end, too! Where were you?!" Gokudera spoke two times too fast before Tsuna stopped him and told him to take a few breaths. Tsuna peered over Yamamoto's shoulder to locate Reborn, but saw no one there. He figured Reborn was already back in Mimis Hall by now.

"Your injuries, your injuries, where are you injuries? Why isn't your arm in a sling? Why–"

"Hayato, I'll tell you guys in the morning. Right now, I'd like to go to sleep." Tsuna stood and offered a hand to each of his friends to help them up. Once they were all standing, they headed toward their dormitory shouting, laughing, and feeling lighthearted as fatigue settled into their bodies.

Meanwhile, Reborn sat in the lobby of Mimis, staring idly at the lit fireplace while he gathered his thoughts. He formulated possibilities, complications, plans, schemes, and practically everything short of a definite answer. Reborn tsked, disappointed with his lack of information. He didn't have enough to come to actual conclusions, but rather mere speculations. No matter how precise and accurate he felt them to be, without more information, they would remain at the same level as those of wild, groundless guesses.

If the Head Mistress refused to tell him more, than he would simply have to uncover the truth himself. It wasn't the first time he had to do it, and it surely wouldn't be the last, so he might as well have called it practice for future years. With that, Reborn, seemingly undeterred by the apparent difficulty of the task, decided it was about time he rest for the night. Frankly, he wasn't known as the best for nothing.


In a closed-off, dark room, sat a man in a swivel chair behind a large desk. Moonlight slipped through the blinds and partially illuminated the desk. The man was holding a stack of thickly bound folders in the crook of one arm and tapping a gloved index finger on the counter top with his free hand.

"Rosso." One folder was dropped onto the table with a resolute thud. Paper-clipped to the front flap was a 3x5 picture of a foreign man in traditional clothing.

"Indaco." Another folder from the stack was taken and released onto the table. The picture paper-clipped to it held a mysterious man wearing dark robes.

"Porpora." Another folder hit the surface of the desk that contained a picture of a pierced man with a helmet resting snugly under his arm.

"Verde." A folder with a picture of a man in a lab coat pushing his glasses further up his face joined the pile.

"Azzuro." A folder with a picture of a man holding an assault rifle while crouching down in a trench followed.

"Giallo." A folder with a picture of a man wearing a fedora and cocking his gun at a target accompanied the others.

At last, the man had one folder remaining in his hand and he contemplated it for a minute – turning it over and opening it, despite it being empty. It had no photographs attached and neither files nor reports inside. He shut it firmly and tossed it on the desk with the rest. He placed his elbows on the arms of the chair and laced his fingers together in front of his face as he fished through his thoughts.

After a while, the man rose out of his seat and walked to the door. He reached out toward the wall and retrieved a hat that was hanging on the coat rack. He positioned it comfortably on top of his head while stepping through the opened door. It shut with a soft click, and the sound of his footsteps gradually faded.


Life blew like the wind, and with it I ran... into a corner and wallowed in despair at not keeping to my dates. I really need to update sooner. Deep apologies for keeping you all waiting! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you very much for reading!