Disclaimers: No, nor the characters or the show belong to me...

Checked a couple of time, so it should be pretty much in order, but i'm always here ready to hear you out (aka: review and I'll read you and I'll review your pieces), and don't forget to check the paint it red forum for operation "keep calm and carry on reviewing"- also: thnaks a lot for the reviews. I'll send a thnak you in the enxt few days to every one who has send me tehri love last chapter and who will do the same for this, so..wait fir me.

note: M RATED! M RATED! M RATED! Rothelena, you hear me? that's for you!

He has to admit: she has been very, very good, playing him like a virtuoso.

Of course, he is partly (just partly) to blame for this; he has allowed her to blind him with her feminine ways, her petite body, her luscious curves and soft touches, and all because he hasn't been able to keep his mouth shut and had felt the necessity of making fun of something that wasn't funny to begin with.

Lisbon may think what she wants, but the only reason he answered to her "agent provocateur" moves was, is, because he was already on his way down; the fact that he couldn't admit that he was attracted to her at loud didn't mean he wasn't attracted to her, doesn't make his attraction less true.

Because it's true: he wants her, wants her as he has never wanted anyone in his whole life, maybe not even Angela- different time, different life, different man, different woman and all that jazz.

The fact that he wanted Lisbon even before her stunt remains; her game simply forced him to admit defeat sooner than expected, putting aside his lone ranger routine in front of the realization that there was a good chance that she would have eventually moved on with her life, without him, this time for real.


But she has still played him, and he hates being played, as much as he hates losing control (and he did lose control because of her. that day in the elevator? After her little number, he had to jerk off, and master of biofeedback Patrick Jane never jerks off).

Besides, it's not like he has already forgotten and forgiven the way she has dismissed his very serious proposal.

Hence: counter-revenge, hence why he is here, in her bedroom, right now, ready to take what's rightfully his and his alone- she should give up on any false pretense just for what she put him through with her so-called "date" with Ardilles.

He knows, after all, her routine on the days she return back home from the office late, after an hard day on the job: she undresses, leaving clothes scattered all over the apartment, and then she takes a shower just to retreat to the safety of her bedroom afterward.

This mean that, when she'll cross that door, she'll be either naked or without too many clothes on her skin…. Simply underwear, or maybe the jersey he dreamed of having sex with her in for such a long period of time?

Few minutes later he gets his answer when, still half asleep even after a reinvigorating shower, she appears right before his eyes, wearing a midnight blue matching set.

"You know, Teresa, there was no need to make such an effort for me. you could have walked here naked and I would have still appreciated it, even if… tell me, woman, is it new?"

She isn't answering, though, she merely looks at Jane, spread on the covers of her bed, Jane, who looks darkly at her almost naked form…. She isn't embarrassed, though, she is an adult, a grown up woman who knows what she wants and she takes it, she is merely surprised of seeing him… like this… but, really, she isn't so surprised, after all. What he didn't want was a quickie on her couch, and that will not be a quickie on her couch.

"I asked you if the matching set is new, woman, and I demand an answer. Now" his voice is low and authoritative, dark; she has never been that turned on by him before, not even in the hospital, when he kept asking for sex from her.

"Yes" she whispers, her voice rough with desire and need- he just grins furthermore.

"Uhm, interesting, so you brought this item for me…did you take anything else?" she nods, unable to break eye-contact with him. His eyes, when full of desire and lust, so commanding, are the most erotic sight a woman could ever witness. "Good. Then, I want you to parade in them for me."

Trembling for the excitement, she slowly walks toward her wardrobe, retrieving at last a big, white, roses-clad box, and when she opens it, she reveals quite the collection of feminine underwear, quite the opposite of what people would expect from no-nonsense Senior Agent Teresa Lisbon.

Facing him, she slowly and sensually gets naked for the man she has wanted for so long, his hands beneath his head like he was on his own bed watching some casual TV-shows, definitely not the expression one would expect from a man witnessing a beautiful woman sensually strip-teasing for him, because he has ordered her to do so.

She turns, still trembling, giving him her back, and bends over the box, ass up in the air, suddenly conscious of the powers she holds over him, suddenly desiring the arouse him furthermore, and looking for the perfect garment, she stays in position for what seems an eternity… until he is at her back, slapping and then cupping and caressing her ass-cheeks.

"You'll be a good girl, right, Teresa? You'll do as I say, because you have to understand that I have to punish you for what you did to me in the last few days."

He keeps groping her derriere, looking amused at the fresh juices of arousal wetting her thighs, making them shiny; he'd never considered Teresa Lisbon kinky, but it seems that getting slapped by her consultant on the ass turns her on in an incredible way…

"Try these on" he says, again masterful, indicating a set of lingerie, a strapless push-up bra with front clasp and matching (minuscule) tong and garter belt, dark green and black, all silk and lacy and ribbons. "Find some fishnets for the garter belt. And don't forget to put on a pair of high heels. If I know you, you have a pair of high heeled décolleté, in black leather." He grins as she blushes- because yes, she has them – and returns to bed to enjoy the show.

She does as he told her to, facing him yet again; as sensually and as slowly as she lost her clothes, now she puts on the lingerie for him, and once done, thighs wet and shaking with arousal, she joins him, standing at the head of the bed, one hand on her hip, the other busy fingering the soft, silky fabric of his vest, eyes focused on the impressive bulge in his dress pants.

"…And you said you didn't want me…" she pouts, her hand moving lower and lower, until it almost skims over his engorged groin, just to be stopped at the last moment by his fingers around her wrist, an action that makes her even wetter, the musky scent of her arousal filling the air around them, Jane's nostrils dilated to take it all in.

"Look at yourself, Teresa, such a naughty girl… you just put these on and your crotch is already damp. But you want to know something? It's not enough for me yet. I want to see your panties soaking wet. I what to see a stain the size of your hand." He pauses, grinning evilly, letting it go of her hand. "Masturbate. Right here, right now, before my very eyes."

The breath catches in her throat as she spreads her legs a little; her right hand moves upon her panties, and at first she rubs her clit through the thin material, just to push her finger under the fabric as soon as she feels a surge of electricity running through her; she rubs her clit in small circles, but when she sees Jane's Adam's apple trembling, the tip of his cock escaping the confines of his trousers, she accelerates her movements, rubbing herself frantically and vigorously, stepping back for support against the bedside table when she feels the approaching release, and when a thrusting finger touches her engorged clit, a wave of pleasures runs through her whole body, sending her over the edge.

"I'm Coming, Jane…I'm…..I'm…" Her body jerks uncontrollably, she half-suppresses her screams of passion and pleasure and lust, never, ever breaking eye-contact with the astonishing specimen of the male population on her bed, she slowly brings her out from her high, still, though, fingering the external of her panties, pointing to her groin, giggling, still out of breath. "Is it a big enough stain?"

"Oh, Teresa…. To be that happy…wild…. To scream so much when you come…. You have to be such a bad, bad girl.." he gulps down a mouthful of saliva, eyes heavy with desire, voice low with arousal. "Get naked. I need you." The verb doesn't go unnoticed to her, and not for the first time since they started playing this game, and she realized he was somehow attracted to her, she wonders if it's just her body he needs, or her whole being. Does he need the naked body or Teresa?

"Teresa? Love, talk to me. What's wrong?" As soon as he feels her freezing, he starts, sitting on the bed facing her, and taking one hand in his owns, rubbing tenderly her knuckles while searching for her eyes. "What happened? I thought we were having fun…"

"And that's everything that it is for you, right? Fun!" she sniffs, trying to free her hand from his grip, failing. "Face it, Jane, you don't want me. You just want to screw me." Crying silently, she rubs the ring on his finger, a promise of love in another life, of vengeance in this one. both made to the same woman, someone who's not her, someone she'll never be.

Face it, Teresa, you are just a rebound, best case scenario. you tried to seduce him, and sex with him will be the only thing you'll ever get from Jane.

"That's what you think? That I'm just looking for sex? That I'm trying to… to get back at you for what you did?" He asks her, suddenly sad, suddenly heartbroken. That's not how he has pictured the night to end, definitely not. "Teresa, Look at me. I was serious. I know it's too soon to propose, but one day, when everything will be all right…. Teresa, I can't picture my life without you, you have to know that, right?" but her gasp of surprise and new tears, this time of happiness, tells him that no, she didn't know it until a second ago.

"Oh, silly, silly, silly woman… how could I not love you?" He asks her, smiling, taking her and bringing her down on top of him on the soft mattress. "I like your bed very much, Teresa. Can I stay here for the rest of my life, pretty please?"

"Well… trust me, if you love it now…. You'll love it even more in a short while." She leans towards him, kissing him shortly on the lips, just to straddle him and, at the same time, unzip him, freeing his erection and feeling for it while kissing and nipping at his shaved chin.

Suddenly, she giggles, her laughter muffled by his own skin.

"What's so funny, woman?" He somehow manages to ask her, his body moving restlessly in an effort of getting closer, of becoming one with her.

"I'm thinking about how you may feel in the morning, with a stubble, I'm thinking about how it may be kissing you when you are unshaved… or before you brush your teeth."

"I can't wait for you to know it…" he tells her, sweetly, cupping her face; she leans toward him, captures his lips in a slow, sensual kiss, taking his tongue captive, and, at the same time, she lowers herself on top of him, squeezing him as soon as he enters her, trembling, her body still victim of her first orgasm.

"Teresa…." He moans her name, like a silent plea, between thrusts, between frantic kisses, already half-tense, already on the verge of letting it go. She is too much, this is too much, and it's been too long for him. His body doesn't know how to keep being aroused for such a long time any longer, and control doesn't have anything to do with it. This is all about the here and now, the instinct.

"Sshhhh… it's all right, Patrick, I got you…" she reassures him, rocking on top of his body, sat on him, still straddling his body, guiding his hands on her body, one to her breasts, the other to her core, asking him to help her ending it, to end it together.

He presses on her clit with his hand, he pinches a nipple with two fingers, and when she squeezes his erection with her convulsing core, he stills, clenching teeth and eyes and fists, coming into her body in a storm of white, burning light and fireworks behind his closed lids.

"I'm… I'm not usually…. I wasn't…" As soon as he leaves her body, he tries to excuses himself, almost ashamed of being so short, quick, of having made her happy for such a short time.

"It's ok, Patrick, it doesn't matter, I know why it happened, and trust me…. We'll have all the time we'll want to improve…" She kisses him, sweetly, cupping his face. She cuddles against him, under the sheet, massaging his body, just wanting to feel him, alive, hers. "We'll have all the time in the world."