Well this is a rarity in itself. Two chapters updated in less than a week. I'm pretty amazed and proud of myself for that. Hope you enjoy and reviews are appreciated.

Disclaimer: I don't own/make profit from Inuyasha or Bush's Glycerine.

He stood in front of the door to Inuyasha's apartment. Yellow caution tape was plastered across the door. He wanted to believe the Whelp was on the other side. The last few hours were all a blur to him. He barely remembered catching a flight over. His mind kept playing Inuyasha's last words to him over.

"I love you big brother."

Sesshomaru gave a heaving sigh and started removing the yellow plastic tape. He figured the door would be locked, meaning he would have to pick the lock. A handy skill acquired in his younger days. After what seemed like child's play, Sesshomaru walked into the apartment. Giving the place a good look over, he noticed the disaster. He gave a mental snort, ' Of course Inuyasha wouldn't clean up after himself.'

Empty alcohol bottles, ramen cups, and papers were everywhere. Walking further into the apartment, he stopped at the living room. He noticed whoever tried to clean up, didn't do a very good job. The wood floor was permanently stained with blood. Inuyasha's blood. Kneeling down, Sesshomaru touched the stained floor.

"Inuyasha, you fool," he whispered.

Giving another heavy sigh, Sesshomaru stood up and ran a hand through his silver hair. Looking to his left, he found the coffee table scattered with notebooks and paper. Next to the table was a red couch with Inuyasha's acoustic guitar. Moving around the table, he sat down next the guitar. Picking up one of the notebooks, he began reading.

Kagome made her way up the stairs. She knew she had to do this. She knew Inuyasha kept a journal of some sort. Hopefully she could find some answers.


Kagome was visiting that day to hear Inuyasha's new song before he sent it off to a record company. He made a living writing songs for different record companies.

"Hey Yash, where your new song at?" She called out.

"It's on the coffee table," He yelled from the kitchen.

Scrunching her face in disgust, she gave the table a look over. Empty ramen cups and ramen stained papers. She then noticed a leather-bound book.

'Ah ha! That must be it.' She thought.

Before she could open it, the book was snatched from her hands.

"Don't fucking touch that!" Inuyasha shouted.

"What the..." Kagome was cut off.

"Don't you know not to touch things that don't belong to you?!" He shouted, foaming at the mouth. "This book is private."

Kagome started at angry and seething man in front her, she could feel her left eye twitching.

"YOU STUPID BOY!" She yelled right back. "Private things like that shouldn't be out in the open like that!"

"Hey, I'm not stupid, Wench!"

"How many times have I told you my name is Kagome, not Wench! KA-GO-ME!"

*End Flashback*

Kagome gave a small smile at the memory. Inuyasha and her would always have some sort of argument of pointless things. Finally she made it to Inuyasha's apartment. She noticed the caution tape was torn and the door slightly ajar. Her first thought that came to mind were burglars, but then she heard music being played from inside. Slowly, she approached the door and looked inside and saw a man sitting on the couch with the guitar in hand. He began to play, while singing from the notebook. The words flowed from his lips like a river. His voice was a deep rich baritone, which soothed Kagome's scattered thoughts. Closing her eyes she listened to the song.

It must be your skin I'm sinking in
It must be for real 'cause now I can feel
And I didn't mind
It's not my kind
It's not my time to wonder why

Everything's gone white
And everything's gray
Now you're here now you're away
I don't want this
Remember that
I'll never forget where you're at

Don't let the days go by


I'm never alone
I'm alone all the time
Are you at one or do you lie?
We live in a wheel
Where everyone steals
But when we rise it's like strawberry fields

If I treated you bad
You bruised my face
Couldn't love you more
You got a beautiful taste

Don't let the days go by

Could have been easier on you
I couldn't change though I wanted to
Should have been easier by three
Our old friend fear and you and me


Don't let the days go by


Don't let the days go by



Black moon white again
Black moon white again
And she falls around me

I needed you more
When we wanted us less
I could not kiss just regress
It might just be
Clear simple and plain
Well, that's just fine
That's just one of my names

Don't let the days go by
Could've been easier on you, you, you



Wanting to get a closer look at him, she entered the apartment silently, not wanting to startle the stranger. He had long silver hair pulled back into a pony tail at the base of his neck. Slowly shuffling her way to him, the floor creaked. Sesshomaru stopped playing and looked at the intruder. Kagome gasped when his gaze caught her. Amber held crystal blue. Inuyasha's face popped into her mind. This man had similar features to Inuyasha, but his nose and chin were more chiseled. Sesshomaru stared at the woman. It was her eyes that captured his attention first; such a clear crystal blue. Breaking his contact from her eyes, he gave her a once over. She was fair-skinned, long black hair, with a blue tint. She stood about five foot five and was a slight athletic built.

"Your eyes..."

His attention was brought back to reality. "Pardon?"

"Your eyes, they're slight darker than his were." Kagome whispered.

"Who are you?" He asked.
