Hi! This is my first ever story, and I hope you like it! This story takes place after The Last Olympian, but before Heroes of Olympus. Also, can I have one of you awesome people as my beta reader, please? That would help a bunch! And now, without further ado, the story!

Disclaimer: I3Nico45 does NOT own Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Sad, so sad.

Chapter 1: A Peaceful Day . . . Or Not. . . .

It was a nice, peaceful day for the gods and demigods. Well, for most of them; the person that was not relaxing, was of course, Zeus. For Zeus had been thinking . . . thinking hard, indeed. . . .

"Man, it sure is a nice day outside today, Annabeth!" Percy said while getting out of the outdoor pool at the recreation center. Percy and Annabeth had been going there very frequently that summer. Enough to the point where Percy was now as deep-tanned as his blonde-haired, grey-eyed girlfriend.

"Yeah, it is," Annabeth agreed, looking up at her boyfriend as he walked over to where she was laying down on a plush orange towel. "You know, we should probably stop going to the pool all the time. School starts in only one week, Percy," Annabeth told him as he lay a blue towel beside her and sat down.

"Don't remind me," Percy said rather gloomily. His bright green eyes sweeping the recreational center.

"And school should be fine with all of our friends there!" Annabeth stated brightly.

"Yeah, it should," The dark haired teen replied, a little doubtful. Of course, the couple didn't know it at the time, but they were wrong . . . very wrong.

After much intense thinking, Zeus had, finally, made his decision. His deep, magnificent voice pierced the air. " Hermes!", the king god called out.

"Yes?" the salt-and-pepper hair god answered, heartily, suddenly appearing in front of Zeus.

"Alert the other gods. An emergency meeting will be taking place at once."

"Yes, sir!" Hermes saluted Zeus, and then Hermes's figure literally folded up and vanished with a small puff of dull, grey smoke. Zeus was smirking as Hermes transported himself out of the throne room.

"Everything is going as planned," Zeus murmured to himself.