The Entrance of Two - Part D The Entrance of Two - Part D

The long awaited finale to the The Entrance of Two/Blossom Hunter series. I dunno, I guess there's a part of me that just
doesn't want this to end, but I figure it has to be sooner or later (or hey, I can go all the way to Z). But, nah I don't think you
want here it is...


Syaoran clutched his forehead. This was all too confusing. First Drake says he's going to fight, then he doesn't. Then he says
they're going to do a test instead, but they don't. Then he shows them a slide show of the past like this was some sort of family
get together. What was this guy up to?

" You know, if his plot is to get our brains more scrambled then eggs, he's done a pretty good job." Syaoran muttered.
" Yeah, I know. I'm getting a headache myself." Sakura said.
" Sakura?"
" What?"
" I'm sorry."
" For what?"
" For what I said."
" Already forgotten." Sakura smiled sweetly," just kinda fun to watch you humble every now and then."

Syaoran's mouth dropped.

" Kind of makes it all worthwhile to see that reaction on your face." Sakura giggled.
" Sometimes, I think you should stop hanging with Tomoyo, she's giving you ideas."
" You don't know the half of it." Sakura laughed as she saw Syaoran give her a strange look. Scary...


" You pathetic little ingrates..." Drake muttered from where he sat in the control room of his new underground HQ. " Really
think I'd waste the time or energy to fight? I'm not that stupid..."

He grinned as he watched them, literally turning circles, as his holo-form goaded them from one scene to the other. This plan
was fool proof. Since his holo-form was basically a perfect representation, there'd be no way Assassin could tell it was fake.
And with the small dose of memory powder he'd added along with the poison, she was probably as confused as a newborn.
Good. This was all working out well. No matter that it hadn't really been Assassin he was aiming for in the first place...Sakura
would be the arena, he controlled the rules, the players...everything...

" How long can you protect the Card Mistress, you pathetic excuse for a Clow Card, if you yourself are at risk?"


Syaoran was suspicious. His instinct was nagging at him about something wrong, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what
it was. Something was out of the ordinary here, something just didn't fit...besides the fact that Drake was dancing in and out and
in and out of the room at will, taunting and goading them all. He was giving the Captors migraines, and Min scrambled eggs for
brains, and Syaoran wasn't going to stand for it anymore.

" All right, that's it. I'm sick of THIS!" He saw his chance, and much to everyone's surprise, reached up as Drake appeared,
and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Dragging him down, Syaoran growled threateningly his sword suddenly at Drake's

" Listen buddy, I don't know what kind of game you're playing here, and I don't care. But, I have a serious headache right
now from trying to figure it out, and I'm warning you." The blade gleamed," I don't take kindly to practical jokes..."

Double-Drake never flinched. He simply gave Syaoran a reprimanding look.

" Tsk, tsk boy. Hands off the gamekeeper, or..."
" You're playing me for a sap aren't you?" Syaoran's eyes narrowed," I've lived and trained long enough to know. You think
its easy to outsmart me just because you THINK I got a weakness here? WRONG!"

Much to everyone's surprise, Syaoran drove the blade of his sword straight through Drake's chest. Instead of bleeding,
sparks began to fly. Syaoran grinned in triumph. Sakura was breathtaken.

" How did you know you weren't killing the real Drake?"
" I didn't."


Drake looked down at his chest in horror. Blood dripped down from where the sword had impaled the double, but that was was the double, and not he that was out there. So, why was he picking up the wounds of his synthetic
counterpart? Without much thought, he reverted back to his true form, A dark opening...nothingness. Returning to human, the
wound was gone, but it disturbed him a great deal. Why was he being harmed? These materials were not a part of him...

* On the contrary....*

Drake looked up hearing the voice of his master.

" What are you talking about? You said you would procure any material necessary for my needs."
* Yes I did. You of course were foolish not to inquire of where I procured them...*

Drake was horrified.

* Yes,* There was some evil laughter, * You understand now don't you? Everything...*
" Everything I've a part of me...that's why I felt no drain...because in fact there really was no magic..."
* You've merely been parceling yourself out!* The laughter got louder.
" Traitor! To simply dump your own pupil after so many faithful years."
* I did it to the Assassin. What made you think I would spare you the same fate?*
" So, that memory...was my own?"
* Of course, you nitwit! Do you think I would go through the trouble of recreating all that detail?!! What, did you actually
believe you could fool the Assassin with false data? She knows! So, real memories, mean better chance of success...*
" So its true..."
* Oh, yes...* The voice hissed in pleasure, * And you know what satisfies me the most?!! The fact that she was telling the
truth the entire time!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
" And what of our plans for the Card Mistress? Huh? What of that?"
* I did not realize she would be a direct player in this. But, I know now, and I have several things in store...*
" And what of me? You intend to keep me here for the rest of your life!"
* Don't be absurd. I have no use for prisoners of war.*

With that, Drake was no more. The Darkness surrounded him, and he disappeared in silence, absorbed for energy for the
upcoming battle.

* Now, to deal with the Mistress. She has been such a pain, but now I will remove her plague from this Earth once and for


Sakura was aghast for awhile, unbelieving that Syaoran would actually kill someone on purpose. Not that Drake could really
be called a person. But, she shook it off. She couldn't fault him, he'd done it in the anguish to protect them, as she'd done once
before. That day still haunted her, but she knew it was either that or lose her love forever.
A feeling of dread came over her, like something was about to happen...something that would change her experience with
Syaoran for a long time..and for a strange while, she felt like confessing her feelings, as if this would be the last chance...

" Syaoran."
" Hm?" He looked back.
" Syaoran, there's something I have to tell you..."
" Actually, I have to tell you something too." The same feeling began to wash over him...and it scared them both...


* Ah, ha! There you are!* Out of the blue, a great darkness swooped down upon our unsuspecting trio, swallowing them
whole as he'd just done to the unfortunate, but deserved, Drake.

Now, this may seem like an untimely end for our heroes, and for a moment it would seem that way. Seconds before they
were about to be absorbed, Sakura and Syaoran found each other. They're slowly fading hands touched, and they clutched
one another close, willing themselves to remain until their final deed was done.

" Sakura, if somethings been pulling at me for a long, time and if I don't tell you, I think I could just..."
" Syaoran, I love you."

She gulped, afraid of his reaction. What was he going to say? No, I could never return your feelings? Yes? No, that was
only a dream...he would never say yes...

" Sakura..."

The suspense was killing her...literally...

" I never knew..."

Oh oh. She knew where that was leading...


As much as it pains to cut in, we must also find out what's become of Min. For, she too was absorbed, and judging from
Drake her fate was written in stone. Or was it. As she floated, semi-conscious, she became aware of another presence. At first,
she thought it was one of the Cardcaptors, but the aura was different...loving...emanating at her. She opened her eyes, and
gasped for there before her was the love she'd lost so long ago, Daren. In the darknesses haste to destroy what it thought was
an obstacle, it had actually created a new blockade. By absorbing Drake, he had reassorbed the darkness infecting the boy,
freeing Daren of his curse.

" Minasho. It's been a while."

The two lovers embraced, with tears in both eyes.

" I'm sorry. For everything I've done..."
" It's too late for us..." Minasho cried, but she was smiling in her own way," But, maybe we can still save them..."
" Yes. Lets."

The Assassin and Nothingness became a thing of the past, and returned were once again the cards of STRENGTH and


Sakura was crying now, guilty and afraid her confession was all one sided. Syaoran smiled, and suddenly pulled Sakura into
his embrace.

" My little cherry blossom, always late. But, we'll fix that when we get back won't we, love?"

Sakura smiled back through her tears, this was the first time he'd ever used a petname for her. His amber eyes, for once,
were soft and gentle, glowing with sincerity, and humor. She pouted a little.

" You don't like me the way I am?"

He paused for effect, and turned with a grin. For the first time he felt bolder then he'd ever been before.

" Did I say that? I'm let me make it up to you..." He leaned down for emphasis, and next thing they knew, their
lips met like there was no tomorrow, and their first real kiss since the field trip enveloped them with wonder, pleasure. Sakura would have given
up everything to keep this going on forever...

[ Sakura! Sakura!]

She recognized that voice. Still kissing Syaoran she pulled away a little, only to have him pull her back in. It was too good to
let go. After a while, and the need to breath, they separated, and that's when they saw Minasho. She was positively glowing!
And beside her, the boy from that vision...Daren?

[ Our sincere thanks to you, Card Mistress...and your beloved] He bowed low, as best one could when floating, [You have kept my Minasho safe, and I am grateful.]

" Drake?"

[ I am the Clow Card of STRENGTH, and she is LOVE. I'm afraid our existence is short lived. We don't have enough
power left to save both ourselves and you. So, we have decided, that the sacrifice will be worth the cause. We will get you

" Min! you can't do this! We don't need you to sacrifice yourselves..."

[ We will use any strength left to destroy this darkness once and for all, so it can never plot the destruction of another
blooming romance...such as yours. Good bye, my friends. You have been good to me...I will remember you, always.]

Sakura had no time to protest, as she felt herself solidifying, and suddenly disappear...


" I can't believe they would sacrifice for us..." Sakura told Madison the next day as they walked to school...
" It was their can't be any worse then..."
" Then what?"
" THEN ME MISSING YOUR FIRST KISS!!!" Madison wailed, waving her camera around.
" Don't worry, Madison..." Sakura patted her friend's back reassuringly.
" Yeah, you can catch our second, third, fourth, fifth..." Syaoran muttered as he appeared out of nowhere.
" Syaoran!"

Syaoran laughed, and picked her up protesting, kissing her nose softly. Madison was a little reassured by this. She got that
wicked look in her eye again, and as Syaoran put Sakura down, pushed her back towards Syaoran. Their faces met, and once
again, they found themselves unable to separate.

" I think I'll start now! I got a lot of catching up to do." Madison laughed as once again the cameras rolled.

Despite their embarassment, and the spreading red across their face, they clung to each other, doped on the overwhelming
mix of autumn and cherry blossoms in the air. Syaoran pulled away, and smiled down at his love with her shining sea green eyes, and golden brown hair. His fingers tangled in her soft locks, and he sighed reflectively.

Madison was enjoying every minute of this. Suddenly, she felt something flat and hard smack her lightly on the head, then fall
to the ground. At first she ignored it...hey leaves were falling down all the time, but as her eyes lowered, she saw two cards on
the labeled strength...the other love...

" Uh, Sakur...." Madison stopped. Tell them later...