
Chapter One

-Lift Off-

In a building in Tokyo, up on the top floor, stood a brooding man. While he wasn't in a foul mood, the aura he gave off warned others to stay away. His eyes were the color of the precious stone, jade, and his ebony hair fell over his eyes only slightly, with a white streak off to the left side of his head. He was standing with his arms crossed, pulling his suit jacket taut over his broad shoulders. Currently he was looking out the window at what used to be his home. The reason he referred to it as such, was because it no longer looked like the Tokyo he had grown up in.

The streets were littered with trash, most of the stores closed or abandoned, making the city look like a virtual wasteland. A few people wandered the streets, either in search of food or medicine, or asking those who still had money for some spare change. Tokyo was no longer the booming, wealthy place it had once been, and neither was the rest of Japan, or the world, for that matter.

The door to the office opened then, and he turned around. Another ebony haired man walked in, his eyes a deep forest green and his hair spiking up in the back. He had faint wrinkles around the corners of his eyes and his lips, and he walked with an air of authority about him. "Grandfather." He greeted, bowing in respect.

"Kurogané, I apologize for being late." The man said, stopping before him. "Thank you for coming in."

"It was no problem. I heard you needed me for something important." Kurogané said, turning to face his elder better.

"I do." Akito nodded, letting out a sigh. "As you know, the world's current situation is getting worse." At his grandson's nod, he continued. "NASA has decided to send out a team to explore out neighboring planets and see if we can find somewhere to relocate, before Earth completely gives out on us and the human race becomes a thing of the past."

He arched a brow. "And JAXA wants to follow suit?"

"Yes. The Americans do not need to be the ones who save the human race. They're already full enough of themselves. What we need to do is send out our own team to look around." The elder man explained. "And we've decided that we want you to head the team."

Kurogané blinked. "Really? You mean, I can finally lead a mission?"

"Yes. I realize you're only twenty-four, and we usually use more experienced astronauts, but times are tough, and we're in a bit of a pinch. We don't know how much longer the Earth will last, so we need you to leave within the week." The elder Uchiha said.

"Of course grandfather, I won't disappoint you." he bowed once more. "May I ask, who else is part of my team?"

Akito smirked. "I think you'll like who we picked out."

One week later…

Kurogané stood at the launching station at the space center, dressed in his space suit, which was made of a metallic, silver looking material, his family's crest sewn into the right breast, with the JAXA logo beneath it. He glanced back at the rest of his team, who were dressed similarly, seeing them saying their own farewells to their parents as they waited to be given the clear to board their space ship and head off.

Nearly all of his cousins were going with him, of that he was glad. He didn't know how well he'd be able to stand being gone on a mission with a bunch of strangers. Closest to him was his older cousin, Sakimori, who would be his lieutenant on the mission. He had spiky black hair, and bright violet eyes, just like his mother and sister, who were both currently crying as they said their goodbyes. Next was his younger cousin by a few days, Ryousuke, who was in charge of the weapons on the ship. Unlike most Uchihas, he had golden blonde hair, though his eyes were the same forest green as their grandfather's. He was hugging his practically wailing mother, trying to reassure her that he would be fine. His cousin Shiori was standing with her parents, her brown hair hanging down to her shoulders, and framing her blue-green eyes. She had been chosen as the pilot, but unlike most, Kurogané was not bothered by the fact that she was a woman. She was one of the best, and he could always count on her to get them out of a situation with minimal damage done to the ship. Next to her was Tadaaki, the team's medic, his parents and younger sister standing with him saying goodbye. He had brown hair, his auburn highlights only becoming visible in certain light, and teal eyes.

Last but not least was Izumi, Kurogané's younger twin sister by two minutes. She was standing next to them, listening to their father babble on about how she needed to be careful and not do anything reckless. Izumi looked a lot like their mother, with their father's stormy grey eyes and ebony hair that fell down to her rear. And like him, she had a white streak in her hair, though hers was on the right side of her head. He let out a sigh, walking over and placing his hand on his sister's shoulder. "Dad, don't worry about it. I'll make sure she stays out of trouble." He smirked, looking down at his sister.

"I'll be fine." She huffed, reaching back and pulling her hair up in a pony tail. She hugged her mother tightly and then her father, relishing in their embrace for as long as she could. "I'll miss you guys, but we'll be back soon."

Izayoi nodded, doing her best not to cry and make a scene as she looked to her son. "Be safe Kurogané."

He smiled slightly, stepping forward and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I will, I promise." He said.

"And we'll be getting the updates from your grandfather when you check in." their father, a man with white and black hair said, wrapping his arm around his wife's waist.

They were called to board over the intercom system, and so everyone wrapped up their goodbyes and headed onto the ship through the loading ramp. It closed behind them, blocking their family from view as they had to file out of the launch room. "I hope we find a place." Ryousuke sighed, walking over to his seat and buckling in, as did everyone else.

"We will." Shiori assured as she took her place at the controls and began to get things started as everyone else got seated and strapped in. "We have to."

"Way to be dramatic about it." Izumi rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't being dramatic." The brunette huffed, glaring back at her cousin.

Tadaaki sighed. "Please hold off on the bickering girls. I can't take this the whole way."

Kurogané stepped onto the platform where his seat was. "Don't worry. I've already mapped out the systems that I want us to look at, so we should only be gone for about six months." He told them.

The blonde groaned. "Man, I don't wanna have to be away from my parents for that long. My mom's gonna get so antsy."

"I can't believe I'm not going to get to have sex for six whole months!" Tadaaki groaned.

Sakimori blushed, glancing over at his cousin. "That's a bit disturbing."

"If it really comes down to it," Izumi sighed. "I would just have sex with Kurogané."

Shiori gasped. "That's disgusting!"

"Not really." Kurogané shrugged. "Zuzu and I already decided if on this mission things looked grim and we were going to die, we'd have sex with each other just so we could do it one last time before we meet our ends." He explained.

Ryousuke's look turned contemplative, and then he looked at his cousin. "I'd do you Shiori." He said.

The brunette turned a dark red. "That's gross! We're all related!"

"Technically," Izumi held up a finger. "If Kuro and I were to do it, it would be more like masturbation, since we are like the same person."

The blonde nodded, seeing the logic in that. "Well I call Shiori, so Mori and Tadaaki will just have to suffer, cause' I don't cross swords." He stated.

Sakimori rolled his eyes. "I'd just rape you Ryousuke and call it quits." He smirked.

"What?" he gasped, completely shocked. "Why can't you just rape Tadaaki?"

"Because you're so much cuter Ryousuke." The elder smirked.

Tadaaki gasped. "I am totally cute enough to rape!"

"Alright!" Shiori practically screamed. "Everyone shut up and get in, cause' we're leaving now and no more sex talk."

Kurogané smirked. "How come? Is it making you uncomfortable cause' you're still a virgin?" he asked as everyone got buckled for the take-off.

She glared forward and flipped on the rest of the switches, not waiting for the count down before she shot forward and out into the sky so fast it slammed all of them back in their seats. "Whoa Shiori!" Ryousuke shouted over the sound of the engines, gripping his arm rests as they ascended into the atmosphere. "Don't take it out on us cause' Kuro upset you!"

Shiori looked around at her monitors, turning off a few of the switches and moving around her screens, which were made of holograms, as she typed a few things in. "Breaking the atmosphere in less than five seconds." She announced, reading a few bearings before she thrust forward once more. The whole ship rumbled before it surged forward into the depths of space and took off towards the stars.

Once the ride smoothed out, everyone unbuckled and relaxed. "Okay, it's pretty much smooth sailing until we reach the first planet, which should be in about three days." Kurogané told them, rising from his seat.

Tadaaki sighed, getting up as well. "Then I'm going to start on food and then take a nap. Anyone want anything?"

"Nah, I think I'm gonna head straight for the sack." Ryousuke said, rising from his seat and stretching. "Not like I'll be needed anyways." he waved off, heading out of the control room.

Shiori rolled her eyes and focused forward, making sure she stayed on path to their first destination. She could already tell this trip was going to seem like it lasted forever.