
Chapter Two


"Of all the inconceivable," Sakura bellowed, pacing in front of the two girls who were seated on the couch in the living room of the Sabaku suite. "Unimaginable!" she yelled, shaking her head. Hinata sat on the opposite couch with her face in her hands, trying to control her crying. Naruto stood behind her, rubbing her shoulders to try and ease the tension. Gaara leaned against the back wall, his glare never leaving the form of his daughter. "It's unthinkable! Simply incomprehensible! How could you two do something like this? It's…it's…!"

"Unnatural?" Gaara put in.

"Disturbing." Naruto chimed.

"Disgusting!" Sakura practically screamed.

Minako began to fidget in her shame, her gaze on her mother. "Mama, please don't cry…it's not that bad…" she began, only to be cut off.

"Not that bad?" Sakura shouted. "You two grew dicks and were having sex!" she wailed. "What even made you do something like that? Huh? Explain it to me." her emerald gaze shifted to her daughter, since she knew her to be the instigator.

"I wanted to have sex with Akito but he mistook my suggestion as me wanting to train with him." she shrugged, not seeming embarrassed in the least. "So I was ranting to Minako and she suggested that sex with a woman would be good and I thought it was a good idea to try. After all, it was possible and it felt amazing. I fucked her to kingdom come." Natsumi gestured to Minako, only making Hinata let out another cry. "We got interrupted before I could get pounded."

Naruto pat his wife's shoulders. "Mina…" he said, looking sad. "Why did you do it? This kind of thing just doesn't seem like something you would do."

Minako blushed. "Shiro-kun always looks at other girls when I'm around him…and I was telling Natsumi-chan how he did that when we were kind of on a date, cause' I was going to confess to him…but then I thought I wasn't pretty enough for him since he never stays focused on me when other pretty girls are around…and she made me feel pretty." She admitted. "And I liked being wanted…like that."

"You're not lesbians are you?" Hinata finally spoke up, looking at the two girls with watery lavender eyes. "This was just a phase, right? Something you're not going to do again?" she hiccupped, getting to near hysterics.

"Of course they're not lesbians." Gaara scoffed. "There's no way Natsumi could be so obsessed with that Uchiha and want a woman."

Natsumi nodded, smiling. "I'm very dedicated to Akito! I love him! But I was in physical need and Minako met that need as my best friend. So, unfortunately I can't answer that because it might happen again."

The redhead rolled his eyes, staring off at something else to preoccupy himself. Natsumi huffed, "I don't know why you guys are so angry, it's not like she could get pregnant or anything."

"It's just…just…" Sakura thought of what she wanted to say. "You could have just masturbated. You didn't have to have sex!" she exclaimed.

"It's not the same." Natsumi protested, despite the fact she didn't know.

Minako nodded. "It really isn't."

"That's true darling." Gaara pointed out, getting a silencing glare from his better half. He shrugged, only slightly affected. "Just saying…"

Hinata sighed, rising from her seat. "Minako, I am grounding you for the next week. And as for the details of what you did, I don't want to know, and am going to pretend it never happened from this point forward, for the sake of my sanity." She nodded, walking out of the suite.

Minako pouted and looked to her father. "Do I really have to be grounded Daddy? It's not that bad…"

"For the sake of my sanity, I'm going to stick with your mother on this one." The blonde said, plopping down in the spot where his wife had previously been. Then he looked over at his friends. "Hey, you guys wanna grab something to eat? I'm starving." He rubbed his stomach, which growled from lack of ramen.

Sakura frowned. "Gaara, should we punish Natsumi?" she asked, looking at the redhead. "Not that I think it will do any good. But I want her to understand the severity of what she did."

Naruto waved it off. "Why does it bother you so much Sakura-chan? Didn't you and Ino experiment one time?"

The pink haired woman's eyes widened and she blushed slightly. "Um…well…"

"Well I'm not grounding her." Gaara shrugged, walking towards the door and snapping at Naruto as a gesture for him to come along. "I don't really care. At least she's not fucking that Uchiha boy." he huffed.

Natsumi smirked evilly, "Which means I'm not ground, cause if daddy doesn't enforce it…"

"Yeah, yeah." Sakura huffed. "You don't follow it." she said, exiting after her husband and friend, leaving the two girls alone.

Minako sighed. "Well this sucks. I didn't even get to be on top, and I'm grounded." She sulked. "It's not fair."

"Oh Minako you know your dad never holds out on your punishments." Natsumi laughed, waving off the matter. "Besides they didn't specify what you were grounded from." She pointed out. The ebony haired women shrugged.

"I suppose."

The two were silent after that, until Natsumi started to snicker. "It was so good to fuck you Mina. You were so cute…and tight. I almost lost my mind."

Minako blushed darkly. "It felt really nice…you look really cute when you get nervous Natty." She smiled.

Natsumi scoffed. "Please…I wasn't nervous at all, you must have been seeing things." She waved off.

Suddenly, the door to one of the rooms burst open and Toshiro and Akito tumbled out, looking shocked. Natsumi and Minako both turned a dark red, since it was obvious by their fallen stances that they were leaning against the door, listening to everything.

"Oh…" Minako trembled.

"My…GOD!" Natsumi screamed. "What are you doing?"

Toshiro was up in a second, his red hair matching the dark red blush on his face. "You two really…? I mean Minako you let…?"

"Natsumi...I didn't know…man, that's so fucking hot." Akito said, his blush not as bad as his friend's.

Minako stood, trying to glare at the redhead despite the color her face was. "Well if you weren't checking out that floozy at lunch today, maybe I would have let you!" she said confidently, pointing at him. "But now you have officially lost the chance at being my first Shiro-kun, so congratulations. I hope you're happy." She crossed her arms.

"I wasn't checking her out!" he huffed. "There was a scorpion crawling on her lap! I was trying to get it off with my sand so she wouldn't freak out and the bug sting her. Black scorpions can be very poisonous!" he explained, almost making Natsumi laugh out loud.

"That sounds more plausible than him checking some girl out."

"Whatever." The ebony haired girl frowned, looking off. "You still never pay any attention to me. I didn't think you liked me that way."

"Well I always pay attention to my lady." Akito smirked, getting up from the floor and walking over to Natsumi. He sat next to her on the couch and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "So…you still wanna fuck?" he asked, placing his hand on her thigh. "Cause' now that I know that's what you want, I am more than willing to comply."

Natsumi rolled her eyes and shrugged off his hand, grabbing Minako's in turn and pulling her off. "Not now I don't jerk. I've already spent all my energy with Minako. You'll just have to woo me all over again." She waved, heading towards the door.

Toshiro blinked as it closed, leaving the two men together. "What the heck just happened?"

"I think…they prefer one another to us." The ebony haired boy said, stunned. He groaned, wiping a hand down his face. "Man, just picturing those two together…I didn't know they were that naughty."

"Nor did I…is it wrong I still think it's hot despite the fact it's my sister?" the redhead wondered.

Akito shook his head. "Nope. I wouldn't hold it against you man. Natsumi's fucking sexy."

"I can just imagine it…Minako taking it like the sweet innocent she is…" Toshiro shivered. "Moaning and making those cute little noise as she begs for more."

"And Natsumi taking control like the dominant one she is…ordering Minako around before screaming out in completion, her face flushing adorably as her body shakes in ecstasy." Akito groaned, just picturing it. "I wish I'd known she'd wanted sex. I just thought she was trying to ask to train with me. And now I have to compete with Minako just to get in her pants."

Toshiro nodded. "But technically, if you hurry, you'll still get Natsumi's woman virginity. Apparently, only Minako got fucked."

"Yeah." He sighed. "I doubt Natsumi will let Minako do that anyways, now that she knows I want it." he nodded. "More than likely if they continue it'll just be Minako getting pounded, not really doing any of the pounding."

"Probably." Toshiro crossed his arms and shook his head. "She's so dedicated to you, she probably would have stopped Minako before she could do anything more."

He nodded in agreement, rising from the couch. "Come on man, all this talk of sex has gotten my adrenaline pumping. I say we go train." He said, heading for the door. Toshiro agreed, and the two left then, images of the girls having sex still running through their minds.