Soundwave's Daughter chapter 4

As I flew I begun to blame myself. "If I didn't call out to Soundwave he wouldn't have been shot." I said landing and curling into a ball. "If I had just landed next to him, he would still be here." I said putting my head in-between my knees. I cried and tried to feel through the bond every time I received a sharp pain. Like when you put a rubber band on your wrist and kept on snapping it. I sobbed then I heard the sound of anti-gravis. I froze sniffling. "Nightsong it alright, don't runaway, please." Blaster said landing I stood shakily. I ran toward him he still had his arms open for me. I cried into his shoulder, he caressed the back of my helm making soothing clicks. "B-Blaster why did he have to go?" I asked once I had calmed down enough. "I don't know sweetspark." He said I took a deep vent. It was getting harder and harder to do simple things like that. "Who shot him; i-it came from your side, so who killed Soundwave?" I asked he cooed. "I'll tell you some day, but not today, not now." Blaster whispered standing up and turning on his anti-gravis.

"Come on lets go to the Ark." Blaster said I shook my head. "No Red Alert is going to throw me in the brig the moment I step pede on the Ark!" I said Blaster shook his helm. "No I talked with the higher ups and they agreed you need another chance, so if you choose you can stay with me and my cassettes." Blaster said I felt as if I was going to purge so I forced my self out of his arms. Turned on my anti-gravis, flew down, and purged on the dirt. "My Primus that's nasty." I said wiping my lip plate after. Blaster crouched down and looked. "Nightsong have you purged before?" He asked I shook my helm. "Ok well come with me. I think we'll go on foot from here." Blaster said grabbing my upper arm gently but firmly to help me up. I stood and we walked. I wobbled and lagged behind until finally I fell. Then when I looked at my Energon levels: 67%. There was no logical reason that I could see for me not being able to walk.

Blaster grabbed me and held me bridal style. "Let me go, I can walk!" I said trying to wiggle out of his hold. He shook his helm "No you can't so just wait a little bit we're almost there." He said I frowned and crossed my arms. He chuckled and as we walked he told me about him and his cassettes. "Do any of them play pranks?" I asked he shook his helm. "No well Eject sometimes does woppie cushions but not often enough or seriously to be called pranking." Blaster said I nodded and started to fall to recharge. I didn't want to recharge I knew would never get to stay asleep. Blaster saw my struggle and sat down against a rock and started to hum. "It's ok Sparklet I'll keep the nightmares away." He said lulling me to recharge.

Later in the day around midnight human time

I woke with a jolt having my gun pointed at the figure before me. "Don't shoot!" the figure yelled. I shook my head and put the gun down. "Thank you." The figure said. "I'm Rewind. Nightsong are you ok?" He asked I shook my head. My spark felt like it was on fire. "What's wrong?" He asked. "It feels like someone set fire to my spark." I said gritting my denta. The optics of Rewind grew wide. "Wait here I'll get Blaster." He said I shook my head. "No I'm fine, don't bug Blaster." I said he shook his head. "He's coming over right now." Rewind said I sighed but nodded. "Alright." I said closing my optics. I heard the door open, the sound of Blasters pedes, and the sound of the door closing behind a tinier scurry of pedes.

I felt Blaster pick me up and cradle me. We rocked back and forth for a while. Blaster must've thought I'd fallen into recharge because he started talking. "Nightsong why won't you let me help you...Before the war your Sire and I were brothers. Once we became old enough to start getting cassettes we made a promise, to each other. That if something was to happen to either of us the other would take care of the others cassettes. So in a way I'm your uncle/godfather. Please, please let me help you." He said I felt his optic cleansing fluid fall on my armor. I onlined my optics he was crying softly. I rapped an arm around Blaster. "Oi, no crying." I said Blaster looked up at me with a small smile. "I thought you were recharging?" He said I shook my helm.

"I was kinda, but is it true you're related to Soundwave?" I asked settling down in his arms he smiled and nodded. "Yeah he was an awesome bro. Always ready to fight for what was right." He said. "If he fought for what's right, then how did he become a Decpticon?" I asked Blaster looked at me for a moment as if debating something. "You see Soundwave wanted to be an Autobot, but Megatron liked his mind reading ability, so he kidnapped your Grand-sire and Grand-carrier. Megatron said that if Soundwave didn't join he would kill them. Soundwave tried to get them back by sneaking in but Megatron shot Grand-carrier in front of Soundwave. He was a different mech ever since." Blaster said shaking his helm. "What became of Grand-sire?" I asked Blaster paused. "I'm not really sure but I would like to think he's a live, but he is most likely deactivated." Blaster said trailing off at the end.

"Well what was Grand-carrier and Grand-sire like?" I asked Blaster looked at me for a moment. "Your Grand-carrier was a nice femme; she had the mind reading ability. Her designation was Soundblast, because around the neighborhood she was known for her speakers. Also she was a cassette holder like Soundwave and me. She had Red armor with some blue flames around her speakers." He said. "What is the likelihood for me getting the mind reading ability?" I asked Blaster thought about it. "Lets see I think you 50/50 on that one." He said looking at me. "How will I know?" I asked he thought for a moment. "When you can read my mind or anyone else's let me know." He said chuckling I nodded. "Your Grand-sire was very nice always spoiling us with rust sticks and Energon sweets. He was a Polyhexian which means he had no door-wings no seeker wings or cassette decks. His name was Shine, he was known for his shiny armor. He was Purple with red streaks. He had no special ability really, only if you call shining objects a special ability." Blaster said I laughed and nodded and my optics flickered.

"Someone's tired." Blaster said as he stood up and walked over to his berth. "Sleep I'll see you in the morning." Blaster said laying me down and then settling next to me. "Ok, night Blaster." I said shutting down for the night.

Same day about 10:30 AM

I woke up to see a note on my HUD.

-Go see cousins at Mama's house at 4:25 PM.

I gasped waking up Blaster. "What, what's wrong?!" He said shooting up. "Nothing 'm suppose to meet my Mama at her house to see my cousins." I said shaking my head. "Could I go?" I asked looking up at Blaster at first he looked shocked that I was asking him permission. "Yeah but I have to tag along." He said I thought about it. "Define 'tag along'" I said. "Just turn on my holo-form and follow you from a distance." He said I thought about it and nodded. "Fine." I said he smiled. "When do you have to be there?" he asked. "At about 4:25 PM." I said he nodded. "Ok let's go get some Energon." He said picking me up I kicked. "Can I at least try to walk?" I said he nodded and set me down. I took a step and stumbled out of instinct I grabbed his digits to keep from falling. I stood and walked but kept a grip on his digits.

As we walked around I heard bots look at us and whisper. I couldn't make out what they were saying until we passed right by one. "I hear she's dying with out Soundwave." One said the other said back to him. "Yeah, missing the special attention I bet." They laughed. I really wanted to whip around and hook both of them in the face. Blaster saw the murderous look on my faceplates. He looked at the 2 bots then me. "What's wrong?" He whispered I shook my head. "It's nothing, I'm fine." I said he didn't look convinced but nodded.

When we entered the rec-room everything went silent, before I could hear it down the hall, I hid behind Blasters leg a little bit. Then the whispers started again; this time I could hear them easily.

"I hear that the person who shot Soundwave is in the brig now."

"I think that Soundwave didn't deserve to die."


"You heard me, what would you do if you sparkling were taken by the Decpticons?"

"Do anything to get my sparkling back."

"Yeah so to Soundwave she was the sparkling in trouble."

"I guess it makes more since now."

Blaster and I grabbed our Energon, and sat down at a table in the corner. As we drank our Energon I listened to more whispers. A different group of bots was whispering now.

"Thank you Primus Soundwave is dead."

"Don't say that!"

"Why the pit not?"

"One of his creations is right there."

"So I heard she's dying, so she most likely doesn't care." At that comment I stood up and walked over to the bot. He was red with a white facemask over his face and 2 wings like things that came form his shoulders. "For the record I do care." I said sliding up into their booth. The bot looked at me funny. "Yeah right you're just saying that glitch." He said crossing his arms I rolled my optics. "I care because that bot is my Sire. That means he's family, and I don't know about you, but I tend care about my family." I said he looked at me with a look that said 'I'm going to kill you' I had a look at said 'Try it I dare you'

He roared and jumped across the table I hopped out before he could get his servos around my neck. "Nice try, but too slow." I said tisking him. He got off the table sprinting after me, I dodged him at the last second and he smashed his head into a wall. "Ow, I have a question: did that hurt or is your helm to thick?" I asked he growled in rage and grabbed out his rockets. "Oh that game, this one is much more fun." I said activating my null ray. He fired his rockets I shot them down with my null ray, the rockets falling harmlessly to the ground. He tried to fire more at me, but he was out of ammo. I faintly heard Blaster calling me but I was in the zone at that point. He yelled and charged at me I jumped over him running down his back. "Once again nice try A+ for effort, for hits I think it an F- maybe an F." I said as he glared at me finally he pulled out his blade. I grabbed my null rays and, with the long barrel, made 2 swords. He landed at least 7 hits before I set me null ray to stun and shot him.

I gasped for air to cool my systems as I turned off my null rays. Blaster frowned at me as we walked back to the room; everyone else was cheering me saying 'good job' and stuff. Once we got back to the room I felt Blasters gaze burning a hole in my eyes. "Nightsong why would you go, and provoke Powerglide?" He asked pinching in between his nasal bridge. "He said he was happy Soundwave was dead and that I didn't care that he was dead." I said playing with my thumbs. "Sweet Primus, what am I going to do with you." Blaster said scooping me up. "Sleep I'll wake you up at 4:00 so we can get to you Carrier's house on time." He said setting me down on the berth next to me I nodded. Then he noticed the cuts. "Also while you're sleeping I'll patch up these cuts." He said I nodded not wanting to make him angry I said nothing. I couldn't get into a deep recharge with Blaster patching up my cuts, so I fell in to a light recharge.

Before I knew it, it was 4:00 and time to get up. "Come on let's go Nightsong." Blaster said waking me up I shook my head and looked around. We were right outside the Autobot base I nodded and turned on my anti-gravis, Blaster following my lead. We rose up high in the sky. I played and did loopy-d-loops Blaster just looked at me and laughed. All of sudden I was ripped out of the sky and plummeting down wrapped in unfamiliar arms. "SIDES!" The bot holding me yelled all of a sudden a red bot appeared and the bot holding me landed on him. "Sunny what do you have?" The Red bot, Sides I'm guessing, asked. "I don't know…what's your designation?" Sunny asked. "Nightsong and you two?" I asked trying to ignore the feeling that was in my spark and wiggle out wiggle out of Sunny's hold at the same time, but he just kept his grip there. "I'm Sunstreaker and this is my dumbaft twin Sideswipe." Sunstreaker said I nodded. "I have to go and see my Carrier." I said once again to wiggle out of his hold. "I'll consider letting you go if you agree to talk and have Energon with us later." Sideswipe said I rolled my optics and nodded. "Ok fine." I said wiggling out of Sunstreaker's hold.

I flew up to Blaster who watched the whole thing with a look of amusement clear on his faceplates. "Awww Femme's first crush!" Blaster said making kissing noises. "Oh shut up Blaster." I said shoving him he chuckled and shoved me back. This game went on until we got to Mama's House. I landed right outside and activated my holo-form I looked to see I was almost the same. Except I had circles and bags under my eyes, I could feel my cuts when I moved my body, and finally I looked as if I starved myself…you could see all of my ribs. I sighed and looked over to Blaster's holo-form he looked the same as he did in the movie theater. Red jeans, coppery-red hair, a shirt with a cassette tape deck on the shirt, and an orange jacket. "Well let's go." I said walking to the back door and opening it. I looked around I saw no one. I walked all around looking for everyone Blaster trailing behind. I went upstairs I looked and saw my Mama sleeping. I shook my head and chuckled closing the door softly. I went to my bedroom and did a little cleaning. Blaster looked around my room on occasion picking things up to get a closer look at it.

I lay on my bed taking a deep breath of air. "So this is your bedroom." Blaster said I nodded. "Yep the only one like it." I said he nodded. "What's this?" he asked pointing to my painting on the walls. "Stuff from so long ago like around 5th grade I think." I said taking a painful deep breath. "Blaster?" I asked he looked at me. "When you said I wasn't going to last until the weekend, were you exaggerating?" I asked. "Depends on how your spark will take to the fact you have no bond…why?" he asked I took a breath. "If you get my Mama's ok to from a new bond, I'll do it." I said he perked up. "Really?" he asked I nodded. "YeSS!" I hissed in pain. "I'll go ask her right now." Blaster said running out of my room. I waited for a bit all the meanwhile I felt like my spark was being ripped out off my chest. I heard the door open and I heard Blaster's footsteps. "Hey Nightsong, I got permission from your Carrier." Blaster said coming to sit next to me and caress the top part of my head. "Blaster…it hurts." I said he nodded. "I know it's gonna hurt." He said helping me up. "Come on your Carrier said she was starting the party later then she told you, so we can come back later." He said I nodded.

We turned off our holo-forms and Blaster held me close as we flew up into the sky. He held me tightly trying to keep me awake. "Now don't go sleeping on me." Blaster said chuckling but a tint of worry could be detected if you listed hard enough. "Blaster how much longer?" I asked gritting my denta. "We're going to the place I know it's close by now, so not much longer." He said bouncing me up and down lightly. "Ok." I said. I felt Blaster land carefully so not to jostle me. "We're here." He said I onlined my optics. I looked around and saw a little meadow it had a clear pond not to far form where I lived. "Wow… this is beautiful." I said. "I know." Blaster said sitting down and resting me on his lap. I sat resting my head on his chest listing to his vents and sparkbeat. I offlined my optics trying memorize his sparkbeat.

"Nightsong daughter of Soundwave and Halle Sound, will you take me to be your cassette deck holder." He said placing me in front of him. "Yes." I said he smiled and picked me up and opened his chest plates opening to reveal his spark. It was a Caribbean ocean blue color. I opened my chest plates to reveal a dark blue with a yellow swirl in it spark occasionally skipping a beat. He brought me to his chest plates and our sparks merged I didn't feel the same thing I had with Soundwave; I just felt a bond very weak but it was there. He pulled away both of us closing our chest plates. On instinct I transformed and he opened his chest plates I hopped in. it wasn't like Soundwaves, his was more space oriented, and Blaster was more comfort oriented. I relaxed and went for a quick recharge cycle.

Blaster P.O.V.

I put a servo on my chest glass. I felt her moving a little, I prayed that she didn't reject me, which was always a possibility. Then I felt her settle down are begin a recharge cycle. I gave a sigh of relief I felt her subconsciously prod the new formed bond. I sent love and happiness then she fell into a little deeper recharge. I sighed and set an alarm for before the party and went to recharge with Nightsong keeping a servo on my chest glass.

Nightsong P.O.V.

I woke up to the sensation of flying I saw that I was in Blasters' deck I wanted out but of course he wouldn't let me. "How much longer?" I asked Blaster sent surprise over the bond. "About 3 or 4 beems, I didn't think the bond was strong enough yet to talk on." He said generally surprised. "One Soundwave established the bond I was able to talk to him right away. That isn't normal is it?" I asked I felt him shake his helm. "No, but not unheard of in bots that have mind reading abilities." He said I allowed my self to smile. "Don't get to cheeky now, it just means that you have a greater chance of mind reading abilities." Blaster said. "How much of a chance?" I asked he paused for a moment. "About 87% chance now…" He said trailing off I became worried that it was bad but he sent me assurance over the bond. "We're here." Blaster said landing with a thump and opening his chest glass.

As soon as I hopped out and transformed I saw my mama's house. At the moment she was setting up streamers and games for the little kids. I turned on my holo-form and noted that I looked much healthier I still had a little bit of dark circles and bags but I didn't look like I was starved. I snuck behind my mama said "BOO!" Behind her she jumped about 4in off the ground. "Oh God! Harmony you're here!" She yelled me flinching at the loudness of my mother. "Yeah Mama I'm alive and kicking!" I said throwing my arms around her being gentle so as not to crush her. "Can you help me with decorations?" She asked I nodded and gestured to Blaster. "Make sure you put him to work to." I smirked at him as he put his hands up in a mock surrender. Mama nodded and laughed. "I will Harm." She said I rolled my eyes at the nickname.

I wasn't to long before my family came out. My Mama introduced me to her boyfriend John, he also passed my test. He had black hair with sliver-gray eyes about 5'6 and very funny. I played with all my cousins then someone found me and Blasters robot forms hidden in the brush. "Ellie! Come here there's robots out here!" My girl cousin Laure who was 8 yelled from outside. I deactivated my holo and onlined my optics I stood up and saw that in my HUD I needed Energon later today. "Oh my 'oodness! It a'live!" Ellie a 5 year old with an active imagination said covering her mouth. "Hello tiny cousins." I said Laure shook her head. "You can't be I'm not related to robots." She said crossing her arms. I nodded my head. "Yes you are, kind of, remember Harmony?" I said she nodded. "Yeah she is my oldest cousin." Laure said. "Well it's me." I said turning on my holo form. "OMG." Laure said I nodded. "I'm related to robots…" She said walking off holding her head Ellie came over and walked to my Cybertroian form.

"Dis' eally ou'?" She asked in her poor English. "Yep little E." I said crouching she paused and ran to me and threw her arms around my neck. "Ool! 'an I bring ou in for sow and 'ell?" She screamed making me finch. "Maybe you can, but only if you clear it with my boss." I said she let me go and grabbed my hand pulling me to the party. "Wer' wer' es he!?" She said looking around I looked around and seeing him around talking to my mom. "Over there by Aunt Halle." I said she looked and found my mom and ran over. My mom and Blaster looked down at us my mom smiling at my cousin Blaster razing an eyebrow and smirking. "R ou my cousin's os'?" She asked turning to Blaster he nodded slowly. "Yes, who are you little one?" He asked crouching. "Me Ellie I 'as onderin can I ake Har-mon-e to sow and 'ell?" she asked Blaster thought for a moment. "Yes I believe she can go Ellie." Blaster said nodding Ellie had a big smile going across her face then she ran away with me in toe. We came to a stop at my old swing set. "Puh me puh me!" She yelled hopping on a swing I gave a laugh then once I gave her a good enough push I hopped to the swing next to it and pumped my self as high as her. "Ellie do you want to learn how to go higher?" I asked she nodded. "Yeah!" She yelled. I spent a long time teaching her how to swing with out someone else pushing her.

Once I was done I was well past dark and I led her back to the house the party was fizzling out now. As soon as I walked in with Ellie holding my hand someone slapped me. "Why?!" Ellie's mother said, my Aunt Jacky, screamed ripping Ellie's hand out of my hand. "Why were you gone after dark Ellie could've got hurt! Are you all right sweetie?" She said dotting on Ellie, Ellie pushed her hand away and nodded. "Yeah me ine' Harmony ough me ow to wing and-" Ellie was cut off by her mother. "Harmony I knew you were a bad egg she could've gotten hurt on that rickety old piece of crap you call a swing set!" She yelled getting in my face. "I can assure you she would not have gotten hurt." I said balling my fists. "Oh yeah right, do you know how much your word is worth to me! Nothing it's worth nothing! You're worth nothing! You don't even know who you father is I'm willing to bet your mother doesn't know either!" She screamed getting people's attention. "I know who my father is and I met my siblings." I said eyes getting cold Aunt Jacky sneered. "Oh yeah and who would that be?" She said hand on her hips. "Soundwave." I said she raised an eyebrow then doubled over laughing. "Oh my God what kind of name is that? Is he in a gang or something? Oh God this is too good!" Jacky screamed falling onto the floor.

Blaster came over and tried to put a hand on my shoulder I rolled his hand off and ran to my room. I fell on to my bed and cried. When she made fun of Soundwave it opened a Pandora's Box. All the memories came flooding back the last time I heard Soundwave's spark. The first prank I did with Rumble and Frenzy. The last moments I spent with Soundwave, Rumble, Frenzy, Ratbat, Ravage, and Laserbeak. I cried myself to sleep replaying Soundwave's death over and over in my head.

3rd person P.O.V. down stairs after Nightsong/Harmony ran to her room

"Jacky what's wrong with you?!" Halle screamed. "That is the worst thing I have ever seen you do!" She continued. "That was I low shot Mrs. Jacky." Blaster said crossing his arms looking to where Harmony ran up the stairs. Jacky continued to laugh if not harder. "Jacky get the hell out of my house!" Halle yelled grabbing her sister's arm and throwing her out the door. Blaster grabbed the almost asleep Ellie. "When is your show and tell?" Blaster asked. Ellie looked at Blaster then said "I dink on Friday." Blaster nodded. "Ok I'll tell Harmony." Then he handed Ellie off to Halle. Who put her in the car strapping her in and putting her sister in the driver seat and stomping back in to the house. Blaster and Halle ran up the stairs to check on Harmony.

When the got up there she was silent Halle walked to see if she was sleeping. She rubbed her back only getting a groan in response. Halle snickered and shooed Blaster out of the room. Walking out and closing the door behind her gently. "Sorry Blaster but she's sleeping right now. I don't know if you want to wake her up and take her with you or let her sleep over?" She said leaning on the wall. Blaster thought for a minute humming and pacing. "I'll let her stay over the night. I'll stay close though in case something happens." Blaster said Halle nodded and yawned. "All right I guess I'll go to bed now it's getting late. I don't know if ro-Cybertroians sleep but, if you do, I'd recommend you do so." Halle said correcting herself quickly once she saw her mistake. Blaster chuckled and nodded. "I believe that I'll take your advice." He said. "Good night." He said Halle nodded. "Good night Blaster." She said walking to her room Blaster shut off his holo-form and started his recharge cycle keeping his sensors on high alert. Halle went picked PJ's and took a shower and then she went to bed also.

Nightsong P.O.V. at about midnight

Woke up find my face berried in the pillow. I stood up and opened the window to my hideout and sat there and starred at the sky trying to find Cybertron in the sky I could not see or find any planet close to it. I could faintly recognize that Blaster was close, but he was recharging at the moment. I sighed and looked around I sighed and picked up my blanket and rapped it around me. Then I tuned it to one of my favorite stations 105.4 FM. Finally I picked up my telescope and tried to find Cybertron that way. I could not find it that way either although I did find the solar system next to Cybertron's solar system. I sighed and threw my self to the floor of my roof pad I heard foot steps near me I shot up to see who it was. "Blaster?" I said he nodded and came up to me and sat next to me. "Yep that's what most people call me. Nightsong how are you holding up?" He asked I made a so-so sign with my hand. "Ok Aunt Jacky just opened a can of worms nothing to big." I said he nodded and threw an arm around me shoulder. "Come on deactivate your holo and come recharge with me." He said I nodded turning off my holo and onlineing my optics. Blaster's optics onlined and looked at me. He scooped me up by me scruff bar and brought me to his chest. "Rest I'll be here when you wake up." He cooed I nodded sleepily grabbing on to the chest glass gently. I listened for his warm beating spark. "Rest sparklet." He whispered rocking me gently I did fall asleep with a little coaxing from the bond. "Blaster?" I said half awake half asleep. "Yes?" He said. "I love you." I said his arms tightened around me. "Love you too sparklet." He said. Then I fell into the deepest sleep I had in a while.