Thank you for all of your reviews, and for PMs I will gladly answer in a couple of days, and no, they aren't going to Vegas but I love the idea, haha. And yes, they won't be going to Dubai because I wasn't there still but I will go this year so perhaps they will also visit Dubai – who knows?

So, there is another chapter of our little story. You will find out where they went and a little bit of the two of them, perhaps even more about Klaus.

I hope you will like this chapter.

Go on now, read it – enjoy it!

Caroline sat in the Mikaelson's private plane not knowing where exactly they are going but every part of her liked the idea of the two of them spending a day alone. She was well aware of the fact that she completely trusted him now, and even though that scared her more than she could ever imagine, she felt complete and safe; she always felt safe with him. Some people would probably said that she had some issues for feeling so safe and complete with someone so soon after meeting them but Caroline didn't care. Truth to be told, she had wonderful days with Tyler back in high school, she felt carefree around him and she felt loved but it was not like this – no, it was not like with Klaus. It seemed silly to feel so much and they weren't even an official couple but that was love, right - to love someone no matter what. She wasn't in love, or at least she hoped so, but everything she felt made her think and feel about nothing else except love. Was it possible?

"Love, what are you thinking about?" – Klaus, who sat across her, asked. He was looking at her with the smile and the dimples that she adored were on their familiar place. He looked gorgeous and yet so simple and at ease with all of this – a private plane to take the two of them somewhere to be together and to be alone. Could they function together? After all, they came from two different worlds. Even though she met some of his friends and she liked them, and even though she met Kol, his younger brother who said that she is just a Klaus's type of girl, she couldn't stop wondering if that was enough. Sure, she was over-thinking something that is so irrelevant now but in the future… well, who knows? Maybe they will have some future even though they live in different countries, different continents…. It seemed to Caroline that those parts were probably the easiest parts of their future now.

"Why would you think that I am thinking about something? I am merely enjoying my glass of champagne and chocolate strawberries" – she said as she took another strawberry and he smirked.

"Whenever you are thinking seriously about something, a little wrinkle shows on your forehead" – he said and Caroline instantly touched her forehead, which made him laugh. "No, love, move your hand" – he said as he leaned towards her and moved slowly her hand from her forehead. He smiled to her and she nervously smiled back. "That wrinkle is absolutely adorable. Now, care to share your thoughts?" – he asked and she shook her head but instantly she started laughing.

"Only if you tell me where we are going" – she said and he laughed too.

"But then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it, love?" – he asked and she nodded thinking how he was always one step in front of her. "More champagne?"

"You want me to get drunk?" – she seductively asked and he smirked.

"Now, wouldn't be sad if I had to get you drunk to get a girl, love?" – he said and she laughed knowing that he definitely didn't need alcohol to make girls fall for him. He knew how he looked and he was more than aware of this and that sexy accent was an additional plus.

"You famous playboys are weird so who knows?" – she said.

"That's the best you can?" – he said and they both laughed. One of the flight attendants, a brunette one, came towards them never taking her smile of her face. Having a constant smile on your face had to hurt, Caroline thought to herself.

"Mr Mikaelson, we'll be soon at our destination" – she politely said and Klaus simply nodded.

"Thank you, Victoria. So, Caroline, ready for your surprise?" – he asked and Caroline smiled widely.

"We are still in Europe, right?" – she asked and he nodded.

"Asia and Africa will have to wait for some time still, don't you think? Even though Vietnam is quite interesting to see and to…" – he started and she interrupted.

"Stop, stop. Don't even go there, Mr.-I've-seen-it-all" – she said and he laughed but pointed towards the window.

"Look down there, love" – he said and Caroline looked through the window of the plane. All could she see were buildings and woods – it was a city beneath her. Where was he taking her?

"Klaus, where are we?" – she asked as she looked Klaus who had a light smile on his face and his arms crossed as an obvious sign that he won't tell her a word.

"Vienna? Seriously, Klaus – we are in Vienna? Oh my God," – Caroline excitedly said as she was standing on the steps of the plane. She turned around to see Klaus who looked behind waiting for her reaction. "You brought me to Vienna."

"I brought us to Vienna, love. Happy?" – he asked her and she nodded as she hugged him. Could this man be even more special? She had an urge to kiss him but this was not neither place or time but she felt like soon they will become a true item. She didn't have anything in her to resist him – she was starving for him.

"I am more than happy, Klaus. I mean, we are in Vienna" – she said as he nodded while still holding her in his arms.

"I hope you will fall in love with Vienna as I have. I hope you will truly enjoy in our time here. There is so much to see and to enjoy, together" – he said as he let her go and took her hand in his hand as he led them away from the plane towards the black Range Rover that was waiting for them in front of the plane.

"Nach Schonbrunn, bitte. Danke" – Klaus said in a perfect German to their driver as he simply nodded and started driving towards the famous summer residence of the Habsurg monarch family, and definitely one of the major tourist attractions in Vienna. They were driving through Vienna, a magic city full of beautiful buildings and even more beautiful parks and gardens; a city in which Klaus lived for three years in his younger age, and a city once ruled by the famous empress Sissi that spend a lot of her time in Schonbrunn.

"So, you are really fulfilling your promise of showing me Schonbrunn?" – she asked.

"It would be quite rude to promise something and then not fulfill that promise, especially when I made that promise to a beautiful lady, love" – he simply said and Caroline laughed because once again he showed why women loved him so much. He was so easy with compliments and he sounded so honest.

"Okay, okay, I get it. So, do you think will see Sissi's room?"

"As I remember, I think we will but even if don't see her exact room I know that we will see a lot of things that belonged to her. But don't worry, in the city is only a Sissi museum/Imperial Apartments and it is only about the life of our beloved Empresses Sissi. Schonbrunn, on the other hand, is also quite spectacular; maybe not so much the Palace but the gardens and above all, the famous Glorietta – it is spectacular, love. You will be amazed, I can tell already now" – he said as he looked through the window.

"Have you been a lot of times there?" – Caroline asked and Klaus nodded never taking his gaze of the window.

"When you live in Vienna as a kid, you tend to go to Schonbrunn at least a couple of times in a year so do the math" – he said as he laughed to his words, "but I loved it. And my mother, whenever she could, came with us to Schobrunn because the ZOO is also there. We also loved Prater, as I remember."

"What's that?"

"It is a really large park in the Leopoldstadt, a 2nd district of Vienna, and in Prater is also a really cute amusement park with the famous Wiener Riesenrad or the ferris wheel. We actually" – he said with a smile as he was remembering, "often rented one of the gondolas, and had a lunch there. Some of them have tables, and it was so great. We loved it. Kol especially but he loves everything that is strange and different… well, in his defence, he is Kol" – he said as he finally looked at Caroline who was smiling back at him. She enjoyed listening Klaus talking about his family and the time where they didn't know each other. She always wanted to know so much about him and he always surprised her with something even though she thought that was quite impossible these days.

"Thank you for Vienna, and for this – for this whole "let's go somewhere just the two of us" – Caroline said and Klaus nodded as he looked her into her eyes. Whenever he looked at her, she could feel like they were sharing something just between the two of them; she could see her whole life when he looked at her and she could drown in his eyes and yet she could also survive.

"After everything that happened, I'm glad we are here, love" – he said and she nodded as she realized that he was thinking about his relationship with Elle, their biggest obstacle to these days. "We are here, Caroline" – he said as their car stopped and parked at the big parking lot in front of the Palace. As she went stepped inside, she looked this unbelievable mass of people all going towards the main gates. She looked around and inhaled the air of Vienna, the air of magic and monarchy and culture and wisdom and music… the air of the one of the most beautiful cities not just in Europe but in the whole world too.

"Come, give me your hand so you don't get lost in that crowd" – Klaus said as he started leading them towards the main gates.

"Klaus, there is a stage – it looks like it's a rehersal or something. Is this a regular thing or? Is it usual?" – Caroline said once they were standing in front of the Schonbrunn Palace as she looked at the huge black stage and the orchestra that was playing but dressed very casually.

"That is not unusual, love. It is a summer and summer nights are perfect for classical music concerts, especially Vivaldi, love" – he said.

"They are playing Vivaldi now?" – Caroline asked as she was completely amazed by the music played by the orchestra.

"Four Seasons by Vivaldi, love. Do you know what Season they are playing now?" – he asked her and she thought a little bit before giving her answer.

"Summer?" – she said and he nodded.

"Great guess, love" – he said and they both laughed. "But it is beautiful, right? It really goes with Schonbrunn and it really brings us back to those times."

"I could listen to this all day. Ever since that ball in Berlin, I dream about being born in the world where the balls are a perfectly normal thing. It is quite silly, I know, but I just can't help myself. I love the dancing and the dresses" – she said and he nodded.

"In that world I would probably had to be at every ball while now I don't have to – even though they are not so common now" – he said and she nodded.

"Is that so bad? I mean, to go to every possible ball because it doesn't sound so" – she asked and he shook his head.

"It is not but everything has its ups and downs, love. So, where should we go? The Palace first and the Glorietta and the gardens later, I assume?" – he said as Caroline more than excitedly nodded not even trying to hide her excitement. She knew she was probably acting like a little girl in the amusement park but who said that even a little bit older girls couldn't have their own amusement parks?

"Too bad we couldn't take any pictures inside the Palace because it would be worth of showing it to the others" – Caroline said as she strolled next to Klaus towards the famous Glorietta that is placed on the hill a little bit away from the Palace. "But the gardens" – she said as she turned around herself amazed, "this is a true beauty. I haven't seen Vienna at all but looking just at this place, I can understand why you love it so much, Klaus. It is truly unbelievable" – she said and he smiled as he himself enjoyed too every bit of the Schonbrunn's gardens.

"Better than Versailles, love?" – he asked and Caroline bit her lip as she was thinking about Versailles. Could she even compare Schonbrunn with Versailles? They are quite different but yet so similar but…

"I like them both, and honestly, the most important thing is that I've been to both and I can compare them. That's just outrageous" – she said and continued walking towards the Glorietta leaving Klaus behind. "But it would be so cool to be able to visit every possible castle or palace in the world. Maybe, and don't laugh, but maybe I've been a royalty in my former life. Maybe even a princess or a queen. Maybe I even lived in Schonbrunn or Versailles; perhaps even Buckingham Palace" – she said as she started laughing to herself but she stopped quickly because she could hear only herself laughing. She turned around just to realize that Klaus was nowhere to be seen; only thing she could see were the groups of people and a quite large group of people surrounding someone as they were taking photos and autographs – probably a local celebrity but where was Klaus? Caroline, a little bit scared at the moment turned around herself carefully looking at the benches near her hoping she would find Klaus sitting there and laughing at her – because that was his thing – he loved to do that a lot. But no, the benches were filled with people but Klaus was not one of them. She turned around once again and then she realized or actually, it hit her that Klaus was a member of one of most notable world's royal families and by that, he was a celebrity. As soon as she realized that, she looked better at the group of people that surrounded the celebrity; yes, she recognized his olive green T-shirt immediately. She laughed at him as he was trying to find his way out but rather unsuccessfully because more he tried, more people surrounded him. And this attention towards Klaus was new to Caroline – sure, she was kind of used to paparazzi now but fans – were they even fans? She shook her head and decided to go to him and try to rescue him. She could be also a hero and not always a damsel in distress.

"Klaus, thank you so much for this photo. I live in London but to see you for the first time in Vienna… I need to pay more to my travel agency" – a thirty-something old woman said to Klaus as he politely smiled back and took another paper to give an autograph to some little girl.

"To meet royalty in a royal park… well, that's a story I will tell to my grandchildren one day" – an older woman said as she took an autograph from Klaus and he once again smiled back.

"You look even more gorgeous in reality, Niklaus," – a young girl, around Caroline's age, said to Klaus seductively, as she touched his upper arm. Wow, Caroline thought to herself, that girl knows what she is doing.

"Thank you, you are far to kind" – Klaus said politely but slowly losing his patience with the people around him, "but now I really have to go. Excuse me," – he said with a smile as he found his way from the crowd. Caroline, who was standing just a couple of meters away, as she couldn't save him obviously, smiled at him.

"So, that's new" – she said and he sighed as he turned around seeing how people were following him and now were also taking photos of Caroline and him. Surely, they will sell them to tabloids or post them on the Internet.

"Well, it is one thing to take a photo with someone or to give an autograph but to be followed is a different cup of tea; a bitter one" – he said angrily as he took Caroline's hand and started walking faster. "Love, we will go to Glorietta later because" – he said as he turned to his right towards the park, "we have to run away from them. I didn't come to Vienna to be chased by them but to chase you, and in the end, to won you," – he said as he made his grip on Caroline's hand even stronger.

"Wow, that was crazy. I didn't think that I would be ever running in Schonbrunn but with you everything is possible, I guess" – Caroline said as she tried to catch her breath. Klaus and she were sitting on a bench somewhere between the Palace and ZOO apparently as the only living beings, beside them, were swans that were taking their own walk in the park.

"Well, I am glad you liked it" – he said mischievously and she laughed.

"So, what are we doing later? It is already 3:00pm and we are still here. I mean, I don't mind but that's not the only thing worth seeing in Vienna, right? What about that Ferris wheel; Priter, was it?" – she asked and Klaus lauged as he looked at her strangely.

"Prater, love. So you want to see one of my favourite places in Vienna?" – he said as he winked at her. "So you fancy me."

"Klaus!" – she tried to sound serious but she failed, as always because he looked so adorable and no one could ever be angry with him when he had those dimples. He winked at her and she shook her head but laughed.

"I was thinking that we should stay. Actually, I planned it but…" – he stopped when he saw Caroline's scared expression, "it is all up to you. Obviously we don't have too much time to see everything Vienna offers so if we stay here tonight or maybe even two, we can see all the best" – he said as Caroline nodded. She wanted to stay, obviously, but that would mean sharing a bedroom and probably sex and she was not up to that, not even close. Sure, she had a one-night stand with Dean in Berlin but that was different – it happened to her for the first time but she wasn't so keen on repeating it. Besides, Klaus meant something to her and she wanted to take things slower, and having sex with him here was not a slow thing… maybe they could take two rooms? But also, what will others say? Could they spend a day or two without them in Rome?

"Easy, love, the wrinkle is showing off" – Klaus said teasingly and Caroline nodded as she sighed.

"So, if we stay we can see more?" – she asked to be sure and he nodded.

"Yes, we can see the Sissi Museum, the Belvedere Palace, the Hofburg Palace, the Ring, the Opera, the Mariahilferstrasse, the home of Freud or Klimt, and we could also go to a ball as I have invitations for tomorrow's famous Fete Imperiale, Vienna's summer ball. What do you say, love?" – he asked. "What is on your mind, Caroline?"

"I don't want to share a room, Klaus" – she said and he looked at her surprised. "I said to you that I want to take things slow, and I stand by that. If you don't like that then this whole trip was a bad idea" – she said as she nervously bit her upper lip.

"Love, I respect you and this is not some trick to get you into my bed. I respect every wish you have and every little thought in that beautiful little head and above all, I respect the wishes of your heart" – he seriously said as Caroline looked at him not knowing what to say. Nobody ever said something like that to her. "If we stay, we will take a suite in my grandfather's hotel. A suite with two bedrooms, even three or four if you want" – he said and Caroline smiled, "but trust me, sex was not on my mind when I planned this. You have me, more than you think, and I would be more than happy and thankful if I only had one percent of you. That's how much you mean to me, love" – he said, as he was looking her into her eyes and touched the palm of her hand. "I care and to me is more than enough you are here with me, Caroline."

"Thank you" – Caroline politely said and Klaus smiled at her.

"Sometimes a little lioness, and sometimes a little lamb" – he said tenderly as he stood up. "Now, as this is behind us, I think we should see the glorious Glorietta and then probably take you to try some Sacher cake or an Apfel Strudel mit Schlagg" – he mischeviously said in German as Caroline looked at him strangely.

"Try what?" – she asked and he stuck out his tongue at her as he started walking away.

"Come dear, I'll perhaps explain you on our way to Glorietta" – he said with a smirk to Caroline who rolled her eyes at him.

"So we are like really going to a ball?" – Caroline skeptically asked Klaus as she was eating her piece of Sacher Torte sitting in a cafe Sacher, situated in the epi-center of Vienna. As it turns out, in Vienna, a true home of the famous Sacher cake, it wasn't as sweet as in USA, and it tasted so good – it was a cake for gods. It was no wonder Klaus loved so much Vienna – she would fell in love with the city just because of the damn Sacher cake.

"Yeah, we are like really going to a ball" – Klaus said as he took another bite of his Sacher cake. Apparently, this was Klaus's favourite cake as he told her when they waited in front of the Café Sacher to go inside.

"But I don't have a dress. Actually, all I have in Vienna is on me" – she said angrily and Klaus laughed.

"So much anger just because of the clothes? A typical girl, aren't you?" – he teased and she felt like she could stab him with her fork.

"Really, Klaus. I don't have a dress and judging by that ball in Berlin, I have to have dress, or perhaps they do it differently in Vienna, the city of balls?" – she asked with a huge sarcasm and that made Klaus even more laugh.

"Love, there are many stores here, you are aware of that fact, right?" – he asked her and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, and they have probably beautiful dresses with a big price on them" – she said and he stopped laughing.

"Care, don't worry about that. I will take care of that" – he said and she looked at him wanting to smack his face.

"You can't do that! You can't buy me – I can't be bought and I won't be" – she said as stood up and stormed out of the café leaving Klaus startled on his seat for a couple of seconds before he ran after her. She was now standing in front of the café because it would be pretty stupid to run away somewhere far away but she had to make a point. She couldn't be bought and he would be silly if he tried that.

"Caroline, what the hell just happened?" – Klaus angrily said as he faced her.

"What?" – she asked and he looked at her.

"You can't be bought? What are you talking about? I just said I would take care of the damn dress and everything. It is not a big deal" – he said and she rolled her eyes.

"It is not a big deal? Look, I understand that we are staying for free in the hotels because they belong to your family, and that you are doing for all of us but to buy me a dress and shoes and … I don't know. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am happy to be here with you and I know that this also costs a lot but I don't want you to say one day that you were buying me everything – clothes, shoes, I don't know, jewelry – and I was ungrateful, bad or something else…" – she rambled before Klaus stopped her.

"Love, what are you talking about?" – he asked and she sighed.

"I don't want to be labeled as a gold-digger or something, you know" – she shyly said and he laughed.

"Love, I want to take you to the ball and I want you to wear the most beautiful dress that can be bought in Vienna. For god sake, if they don't have something here, we will order something from Paris or London. I want to do this for you because I know how much you enjoy balls and all of that crap, love. And four your information, if you were a gold-digger, you would never ever be with me here in the first place. I know people, Caroline, and I know you are good and kind, and obviously, honest. I fancy you because of that" – he said as she nodded feeling a little bit embarrassed. He kissed her lightly into her forehead before he let her go.

"Sorry but I had to make my point" – she shyly said and he nodded with understanding.

"Love, that's the little lioness in you that I fancy so much too" – he said before he put his arms around her shoulders and they started walking.

"So, where now? And I am so sorry because of the Sacher cake. I know it is your favourite" – she apologetically said and he just shook his head.

"I wouldn't be Klaus Mikaelson if I couldn't get myself another one later" – he seriously said as Caroline laughed.

As they were leaving the Belvedere Palace, formerly home to such notable Austrian figures as Prince Eugene of Savoy and Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and now home to an impressive array of Austrian art from such artists as Gustav Klimt and Oskar Kokoschka, Caroline once again heart the sound of a familiar song but she couldn't quite place it in her head. It was so familiar and so beautiful.

"Klaus, can you hear that?" – she asked Klaus as he slowly walked next to her side and writing a text on his phone.

"What?" – he asked. "The music?"

"Yes, what's that? I know it but I don't know the name" – she sheepishly said.

"Oh, it is "Arrival of the Queen of Sheba" – he said and Caroline laughed.

"I said to you, I was a queen in my past life and now I'm being recognized as one once again. Lovely" – she said happily to Klaus who looked at her strangely.

"Once again you've been talking to yourself, love?" – he teased but Caroline just ignored him.

"How come you know so much about the classical music? You've learned all that in Eton or?" – she asked and he nodded.

"More or less. I play both piano and guitar, and my family has its own box in London Royal Opera House, and on the other hand, I love music. Always have, always will; Finn calls me a music junkie" – he simply said as Caroline nodded.

"It had to be great to be raised in that surroundings" – she said.

"What surroundings?" – he asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know, to be able to travel all around the world, to have your own box in Opera and then to have this amazing education in an elite school for boys. That's really amazing" – she said and he nodded.

"Yeah, I it is. But don't worry, I do love Florence + The Machine and Hurts too, for example. I don't care just about the classical music, love" – he said and she laughed as they were now walking towards their hotel, a Grand Hotel Wien, situated on the famous Ringstrasse, a circular road surrounding the Innere Stadt (downtown) district of Vienna, and is one of the main sights.

"Klaus, I don't get it quite well. How come Sarah went with you to Eton if Eton is only boys school?" – she asked and he laughed.

"A smart head, aren't you? She went to sister school; a school for girls, get it? That's how we met and how her and Jude met" – he said as he put his phone into his pocket.

"Did you have a girlfriend while you were in Eton?" – Caroline asked causally but a little bit nervous because she didn't know what kind of answer should she expect.

"I had a lot of girlfriends" – he said with a wink and she playfully hit him in his arm.

"A serious girlfriend?" – she asked and he looked in front of himself being serious all of a sudden. "I mean, you know I dated Tyler in high school for some time and I cared about him. So, care to share any of your high school dirty secrets?" – she asked with a smile but not getting any reaction from Klaus at all. Had she hit a soft spot finally? Was there a ghost of his past another obstacle that had to be crossed?

"Her name is Amelia Edwards and we dated for two years" – he said to Caroline who became an ear now.

"Wow, that's even longer than Tyler and I" – she said and he nodded.

"Yeah, my longest relationship ever, and my first serious girlfriend" – he said.

"Why did you break-up?" – Caroline asked and Klaus sighed.

"We grew up, basically. There is no huge story behind our break-up. We were not the same people at the end. People tend to grow up and so did we" – he simply said.

"She was your first love, right?" – she asked and he nodded not saying a word. "And where is she now?"

"She is getting married this year, actually" – Klaus said and Karoline nodded but inside she was jumping out of joy; no past-relationship ghosts this time.

"Wow, a wedding" – she said and Klaus nodded.

"Yep, a wedding" – he repeated strangely. Did he still care about her? Was he still in love with her/

"So, do you still care for her or something? I mean, I get it, she is your first love and you loved her" – she said casually as he shrugged.

"I think that the sixteen year old Klaus will never stop loving Amelia but I, on the other hand, think of her as a very fond memory. There were times where I considered her as a love of my life but that time is long ago behind me, and even though, I have to admit, I was pretty shocked when I heard she is getting married, I wish her all the best now because we were high school sweethearts that simply grew up and went into search for the big loves, you know? Sure, my big loves for quite some time were different girls every night but then, as you know, Elle came, and…" – he looked tenderly at Caroline, "now you are here. In the end, what I am trying to say is that my first love will always have a place in my heart but not as near as big as my final love."

So, what do you say? I had to bring them to Vienna, probably my favorite city in Europe next to London. If you have been there, you know why I love it so much… and if you haven't, the next chapter (and this one too) will probably make you want go there as soon as possible, at least I hope. I had to give them some time just to the two of them, and I think Vienna is the best place for it. I don't know, you tell me.

So, I won't talk a lot because it is not as important as your opinions to me about this chapter.

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