I was going to call this running from fire, but I don't think it's an appropriate title. Also I might change the title cause I don't think this one's very great. I'll take ideas if anyone has them. Yep, so… This is the sequel to the Alchemist's Game, if you haven't read it, well do that first. If you skip author's notes… well you're pretty hopeless aren't you?
Disclaimer: I don't own it.
Central Hospital was a very busy place. The Fullmetal Alchemist had showed up after five months in the same spot he made his transmutation circle to bring his brother back. He was passed out so they brought him immediately to the hospital. By now everyone in Amestris knew that he and his brother had saved the country. Of course they didn't know the true vision, but they knew he was responsible for it.
The Flame Alchemist had been cured of his blindness, of course only after Havoc's spine was repaired.
Major General Roy Mustang was immediately alerted when this happened. He was supposed to get an update on Colonel Elric's condition. He sat down next to the blonde boy's bed, when he heard a groan.
"Is that you Colonel?" He asked groggily.
"It's Major General to you now, Colonel." Mustang said smugly.
"Colonel, was I promoted? What the heck? Who said I even want to be in the military anymore?" Roy chose to ignore that question.
"So Fullmetal? What happened? Did you get your brother?" The State Alchemist asked.
"No, I didn't. I when to another world. I was supposed to win their Hunger Games and he would be brought back but instead I died to save a little girl. Now I'm Truth's slave until I pay off my debt."
"Wait you died?"
"Did it hurt?"
"I HAD A SWORD GO THROUGH MY STOMACH? HOW WOULD IT NOT HURT?" But he fell back. He could still feel the blade inside, it made him want to vomit.
"Are you okay?" Roy asked, genuinely concerned.
"It feels like its still there. It's making me want to vomit, AND it hurts just like when I was stabbed. He started coughing. Mustang came closer to the blonde. Ed suddenly stopped and looked at his hand. It had blood on it. Then he started coughing, even worse than before.
The Flame Alchemist ran out to get a doctor.
When they got there, they had him lay back and tried to get him to calm down. They started examining his stomach and other vital areas.
Roy had been forced to wait in the waiting room, (wow shocker) and was anxious to hear what the doctor had to say about his long missing subordinate. When the doctor finally came, they went to his office to talk.
"Colonel Elric is suffering from internal bleeding. We don't know what caused it but we do have surgery that will fix it. However it is in his vital areas and we need a signature from a guardian. Sense he doesn't have one this is left up to you."
The General nodded in understanding. "You are sure nothing will go wrong. This is the Fullmetal Alchemist you are treating."
The doctor shifted his weight but that's only because Mustang's stare was making him uncomfortable. "I have complete faith in my skills along with my teams. Mustang nodded and signed the form. The doctor left and Roy was asked to go back to the waiting room while Ed was being prepped for surgery.
Katniss Everdeen had been astounded at the Quarter Quell. Then she thought about it. Haymitch would be going into the arena with her. They trained, and when the day came they both stood on the stage strong. It wasn't much of a drawing; it was obviously going to be them. Luckily Rue wasn't picked.
They did the training and made some allies. Luckily for Katniss Haymitch knew a lot of the past tributes and knew which ones to trust.
When they started the Games they figured out quickly where they wanted to be and where they couldn't be at certain hours on the clock. They had already lost Mags and Wiress. Beetee was just starting to explain the wire plan to break the force field.
Ed's surgery had gone fine and he was now resting under induced sleep. Apparently Truth hadn't removed all the pieces of the sword and some were still cutting at the inside of his body. The doctors had managed to remove them all though.
When Ed came around a second time he really wanted to leave. Well, he really wanted to leave last time too but he didn't get the chance to say it. The Doctors deemed him fit to leave, but only with a guardian. Grumbling, Ed left walking three steps ahead of his 'guardian.'
That was the opening chapter. Not really much to do with the plot but whatever.
Ed: You really liked killing me didn't you?
Me: In my defense, I thought it would be different, unique and meaningful.
Ed: It hurt like hell!
Me: Oh stop complaining, I let you live.
Ed: But then you left sword bits in me.
Me: I needed something to start this off.
Ed: I swear, if you turn this into some yoai or parental-
Me: Cool your jets, I won't, I've already got a parental story where I torture you.
Ed: Pft