I dont own BTR!

Logan sat in the field, gazing up he thought he felt a presence near him, but the feeling was gone rather quickly. Shrugging it off he looked into the sky. It had been an

absolutley perfect night to stargaze. Sadly he was by himself, the guys hadnt wanted to go. James needed beauty sleep, Carlos was pulling some crazy stunt, and

Kendall was busy thinking of something for them to do together. God, the thought of Kendall warmed him to his core. When his parents died, Kendall had been there for

him. He had stayed up all night comforting him and telling him it would all work out for the better. Well it hadnt, he sat there alone. The love of his life belonged to

another girl, Jo. She was an unapreciative and manipulative bitch. A howl rang out in the distance forcing Logan to look up. He knew for a fact that wolves werent in

California, they hadnt been for fifty years. Logans science loving brain kicked into action, and he knew he had to see this odd phenominom. Tossing his notepad that he

used for observations down he rushed into the woods. His camera was clutched tightly in his hands as he jumped over a log, and soon found himself face to face with a

snarling grey timber wolf with startling black eyes. He fell to the ground in shock, and began to back away as slowly as he possible could. The wolfs eyes were glued to

Logan, and the gleam the Logan saw meant nothing but trouble for the young genius. Throwing himself at Logan the wolf snapped its jaws at the young man. He forced

his eyes closed not wanting to see his own demise. To his surprise the wolf yipped in pain and the sound of a scuffle reached his ears. Opening his eyes revealed the

grey wolf on its back, pinned by a larger white wolf. He lifted his camera and took a quick shot. This was amazing, Logan couldnt believe that such a display off

dominance would ever be seen this closely by a human. Logan realized he had been holding his breath, and exhaled. His lungs burned from lack of oxygen but

continued to gulp in the cool air. The wolves continued their display, nipping at each others neck until finally the white wolf struck home. The grey wolf let out a gurgled

cry of pain before coughing up blood. The wolf finally laid down and became motionless. Logan scanned the area for the white wolf, and finally caught him looking right

back at him.

"Smile pretty boy..." Logan murmured as he took a shot of the wolf. Snapping one more of the dead grey wolf he began his hike back to his car. Logans mind was

abuzz with theorys and hypothesiss. Reaching his car he stuck the key in, unlocking it so he could examine the shots off the wolves he had captured. Finally he rested

on the picture of the white wolf, his emerald green eyes soothed Logan, giving him a sense of belonging and want. With his stuff packed in the car he began his long

journey back the Palmwoods and apartment 2J. Nobody would believe him, but he had proof. This was a major discovery and he couldnt wait to tell the guys all about

it. James would most likely shake him off, saying he had heard it before. Carlos adored wolves, and might even listen to him rant about his discoveries, but Logan knew

there was only one person who would care enough to ask real questions, Kendall. Logan hated driving back to the Palmwoods so late at night, the woods made him

uneasy. The thought of being watched creeped Logan out, even if it was just a little squirrel or some other little woodland beasty. He entered soundlessly, but was still

caught by Carlos who had stayed up late playing video games. "Hey Logan! Where were you?" Carlos chimed as he walked in.

"Stargazing, but something even better happened!" Logan could hardly contain his excitment. His crooked smile shone through.

"What did ya find?" He knew Carlos was feigning interest.

"I saw an alpha wolf fight with an omega!" He couldnt help but gush about it.

"Wow! Really?" Carlos's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Yup, even got pictures to prove it." His sing song voice cooed out.

"Well, show me in the moring, Im getting tired." His latino friend yawned and padded to the room he shared with James.

"Night Carlos." He called out right before the door closed.

Logan couldnt believe his luck as he undressed and prepped for bed. Besides moving to California with his friends, this was one of the coolest things that had ever

happened to him. He just hoped that everyone believed him, and didnt call him a liar or a fake. Opening the door he shared with Kendall the room seemed rather

empty, and Logan instantly knew why. The room was down one bushy eyebrowed blonde. His green eyed pal and secret love werent anywhere to be found. Going back

to the picture, he saw the green eyes off the wolf become all to familar, and hoped that this was just his imagination. But before he could think of anything else, he

heard the door to their room open. He hit the pillow hard, hoping to pass for asleep. Logan heard bare feet pad across the floor and up to his bed. Someone began to

run their fingers through his hair. It felt nice, and lulled him to sleep, but not before he heard the love of his life talk.

"Im sorry I didnt get there sooner Logie..." Kendalls voice was almost a whisper. And then the wonderful sensation of his hair being played with was gone, replaced by

the soothing comfort of a deep sleep.