Another chapter, two in one year what's going on?

Gonna do the Thor/Ares fight and sadly give a bit of an info dump regarding the origins of this universe's Amazons. They don't have a good backstory, I'll say that, which is why a lot of the myths about them aren't pretty… The backstory is also intended to partially explain why Hippolyta was so against getting involved in Man's World,

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XX Themyscira: Themysciran City-State, Greece – 965 BCE XX

"Kneel Before The God Of War!" Ares bellowed as he began to advance.

Sparing a glance to Loki, Thor readied Mjolnir and grinned. With a burst of speed the Amazonian Patron closed the distance and lashed out with his sword, which Thor deflected with an easy swing of Mjolnir. The follow-up strike, a vicious hack of the axe directed at Thor's flank, forced The Thunderer back as it tore through his armoured jack and racked along the underlying mail.

Snarling, both at the glancing blow and the image of Loki's form disappearing deeper into the temple, Thor took to the offensive. Great, heavy swings coupled with swift jabs were, each and every time, deflected or blocked by sword and axe. Ducking beneath an attempted beheading from the axe Thor strike with force, catching the sword directly on the flat of the blade.

"Gah?!" Ares grunted as his sword snapped, both broken blade and hilt fading into dark vapour as the War God sought to regain his balance. "To Shatter A Blade Of Mine, Impressive Barbarian."

Thor offered no commentary, having been forced to abandon his intended follow through as a thrusting spear formed in Ares' now empty hand and sought to embed its jagged tip in his throat. Pushing forward the pair clashed again, Ares favouring his newly formed spear to attack and keep Thor away and only using the axe if Thor managed to get within his guard.

"Any time now Loki." Thor hissed through gritted teeth, trying to subtly seek out his brother's hiding place without being too obvious as to alert his foe. Thor hated this little play, him having to act as bait to allow Loki the opportune moment to strike… Although considering how Loki felt about 'Get Help' he couldn't really complain now could he?

Pushing forward, letting his annoyance fuel his focus, Thor tried to again claim the advantage… Tried being the operative word. For Ares always seemed to have the advantage, Ares always seemed to have his axe or spear in just the right position to counter Thor's attack or deter a blow. It wasn't skill, which was for sure.

Ares' stance was awful, his footwork the kind of shoddy showing that would have earned Thor or Loki a harsh cuff to the head in their youths… And the way Ares held his weapons, Thor only just suppressed a shudder at the idea of how many raps to the knuckle Old Tyr would have given him for something like that. No Ares wasn't skilled in the ways of war, he was just a very gifted and lucky amateur.

Spotting an opening Thor lunged forward, ducking and swinging up with all his might, only to curse as Ares twisted away. Glimpsing the dark vapour Ares' weapons dissolved into Thor wondered what awaited him as he twisted to meet whatever attack Ares planned. The answer caught Thor across his shoulder blades, instead of the back of Thor's head as had been the target, as a great maul struck Thor with enough force to launch him across the temple. Through the walls dividing several small rear chambers Thor smashed until he struck the ground and carved a short trench though the flowers and shrubs of a decorative garden.

"Loki, you ass." Thor whined as he used an ornate marble bench to pull himself up into a sitting position. "… Can't whatever this Hippapoti or whatever did wait until after we took down this arrogant oaf?"

"You Fared Better Than I Would Have Expected, Barbarian." Said 'arrogant oaf' chuckled as he stepped through the hole Thor had left, the maul he'd struck with dissolving and being replaced with sword and axe once again. "Are you of Olympian blood, another of my father's halfbreeds? You certainly have strength comparable to that wretched Herakles."

Thrusting out his hand Thor smirked as Ares flinched in confusion, not seeing any incoming attack until Mjolnir connected with the back of his armoured head and knocked him face first into the recently upturned soil.

Rising and laughing Thor looked to the skies, taking in the blackened clouds and the deep rumbling of thunder. Raising Mjolnir high Thor prepared to call upon the storm when Ares began cackling.

"Father! Finally, I Had Begun To Think Your Refusing To Acknowledge Me Would Never End!" Ares raved at the sky, not seeming to care for Thor or the danger he was in. Staggering to his feet Ares walked into the centre of the garden, never taking his eyes from the growing storm. "Centuries! For Centuries You Have Had Me Banished To This Place. But To You See? See What I Have Achieved With A Few Moral Servants… From The Weak And The Broken I Have Forged An Army! Father No More Will The Remaining Titans Demand Worship From The Mortals. No More Shall Petty Cults Praise Weaklings Not Of Olympus. As You Reign Undisputed In The Heavens, I Shall Deliver You Un-Denied Mastery Of The Earth Itself. Not Even Gaea's Fiercest Brood Will Pose A Threat When My Amazons Are Ready!"

"You really are a strange one, aren't you?" Thor snorted as he called the storm to him, breathing in the howling winds and lashing rains as the storm's lightning surged through him and into Mjolnir.

"What? Lightning Thief!" Ares shrieked in unbridled fury as he watched the storm drain into Thor. "You Dare To Try And Steal The Power Of Panhel-"

Whatever rant Ares had been working himself up to was cut short as Thor discharged the storm's Lightning, magnified a hundredfold by the enchantments upon Mjolnir, directly into his chest. With a blinding flash, and a deafening boom, Ares was launched back and punched a hole through the temple's walls.

Chuckling deeply, only to hiss as the shaking of his shoulders aggravated the wound from Ares' maul, Thor focused on the lingering power of the storm to flood his body and restore himself. With cuts sealed and aches dulled Thor looked around at the garden and noticed something that made his lips curl into a snarl.

"I am of the heavens, not the Earth." Thor spat as he stepped away from the flourishing plants and budding new growth. Sticking to the worked marble slabs that served as a path through the garden Thor set off back to the temple proper. "Maybe Loki is right, I really should just learn how to actually fly."

Walking the path of destruction Ares had left Thor re-entered the temple and came upon an amusing sight. The great throne, upon which Ares had first appeared as a statue, was gone. In its place a shattered mass, within which Ares lay sprawled. Smoke rose lazily from his charred chest, lighting raced along his armoured form, causing twitches and spasms, and groans barely escaped his lips as the so-called 'God of War' struggled to rise.

"Well, I won't deny this was not an exhilarating clash." Thor called as he begun to twirl Mjolnir, pouring power into the hammer until it pulsed with energy. "And although you die this day, fear not Ares, for you shall live on in song! Every mead hall from Asgard to Utgarda with sound with the tale of how The Mighty Thor brought low the self-proclaimed God of War!"

With a mighty war cry Thor let Mjolnir fly. Across the distance it raced, seeking its master's foe, only for Otrera to throw herself forward and take the blow.

With a bellowing din, and a sickening crunch, Themyscira's first queen did fall.

XX The Ace O'Clubs: Metropolis, New York State XX

Thor raised his stein and drained the contents in three deep gulps. He'd been waiting in this charming little tavern, owned and operated by one of Clark's biggest fans, for about half an hour and was beginning to second guess the logic behind using it as a meeting place.

Sure it was quiet enough that he and Diana would not be disturbed when they spoke and public enough that Clark felt confident things wouldn't reach outright violence but… It didn't feel right, meeting Diana in a tavern to recount the war in which his brother had sought her mother's death and he'd killed her grandmother… While trying to kill her grandfather...

"Urgh." Thor groaned before gesturing to the barkeep, an interesting man known by the name of Bibbo, for another.

"You can certainly put these away, can't you big guy?" Bibbo joked as he set a fresh stein down and collected the empty. "You're not one of the regulars, what brings you down this way?"

"A friend recommended it." Thor answered truthfully. "He said it was a good place to meet Di… To meet a work frie- a work colleague. We have to sort out some issues that have arisen between us."

"Always happy to see new customers, tell your friend thanks." Bibbo laughed as Thor reached into his borrowed jeans and retrieved his wallet.

Paying for his drink, Thor took a moment to count how much American currency he had remaining and if it would be better to trade more coins to the Batman or simply exchange some of the other currencies he had into dollars.

Thor had drained maybe a third of the stein, at a slow enough rate, before a shadow fell across his table. Glancing up Thor was met with the sight of Princess Diana in, thankfully, civilian attire.

A deep blue jacket over a white blouse with matching light jeans. Thor had to raise his stein and drink deep to hide the involuntary, and considering the reason for them meeting somewhat insensitive, smile the sight of her lasso serving as a fancy belt brought to his lips.

"Diana." He greeted simply.

"Asgardian." Was her tart reply.

"Donald." Thor said in a low tone as he indicated the borrowed jeans, tee and shirt he wore. "It says Donald on the papers I was given."

Diana gave no reply, just glared for a moment before taking the seat opposite him. Calling for Bibbo to bring another for him and, after a difficult moment conversing with Diana, a bottle of his strongest red wine. Then the two sat in uncomfortable silence.

"Well." Diana said after a time. "I was told you wanted 'to explain'."

"I do… I should." Thor sighed before downing his near empty stein. Setting it aside Thor sighed again. "What do you know, what did your mother tell you, about her origins and the war?"

"She told me that your kind slaughtered and enslaved her sisters, that you razed the original Themyscira in your bloody quest for her head." Diana growled, barely keeping her voice down. "She told me how you struck down her mother and thousands more for 'gold and glory'!"

"Yes, we killed many… As happens in war. And we took the treasures of that city after we'd won as both weregild and plunder, again as happens in war." Thor admitted. "But no thralls were made, those who came to Asgard were taken out of pity. They had nothing left to return to, or had been broken so truly, that even with Ares' vile 'blessings' gone they could not return to their peoples."

"Broken, from torture?" Diana accused.

"Yes. They had suffered mental and physical tortures." Thor sighed. "Let me tell you, what I learned after my father and Zeus signed their accords and prevented all-out war… Ares had been exiled for attacking the Olympians then hiding behind his father to avoid reprisals. Zeus got tired of protecting him, cast him out for a time until others forgot their anger – a tactic my own father has used on my brother Loki on occasion –but he didn't learn."

"What do you mean?" Diana asked. "What has Ares to do with my people?"

"Ares was bound to a few square miles, where he lingered for a time alone… Until they stumbled upon him." Thor began, noting from the corner of his eye as Bibbo directed any new customers to the far end of the bar. "Escaped slaves, Otrera amongst them."

"My grandmother." Diana noted, a look Thor didn't understand on her face as she said it.

"Yes. Queen Otrera, consort to Ares, and his first zealot." Thor continued. "The women had fled from a nearby town, the site of a slave market, and had hoped to hide in the rocky hills from any pursuit. Ares saw an opportunity and offered them power in exchange for tribute. Those first Amazons, they returned to the town and killed all the slavers… But, and I don't know if it was Ares' influence or the horrors that had already been inflicted on them, they didn't stop there. Every man was killed, and the boys enslaved. The women were told the greatness of Ares and, having seen the power of the Amazons, bowed to him in worship."

"Then what?" Diana asked. She didn't believe him but wanted, needed, to know.

"They expanded." Thor shrugged. "Offerings to Hephaestus gave them the knowledge to forge their own arms and armour. Villages were attacked for farmland and slaves, men, to work them. Quickly Themyscira became a mighty City-State, its armies of warrior women feared far and wide… But as Ares grow in power, and drove the Amazons on, he once again began to anger the Olympians as the worshipers of other gods ended up dead or enslaved."

"No." Diana scoffed. "Ares is a monster, war and destruction and cruelty. No one would follow him."

"They did, out of awe and fear for the power he granted or to make the pain stop." Thor told her. "Eventually Zeus had to step in again, he forbid Ares from making war against any who served Olympus… so Ares sent his armies out."

Thor drank long and deep from his stein, wondering how best to explain what came next.

"Otrera had, in this time, given Ares two daughters. Your mother Hippolyta and her sister Antiope whom he sent out as generals of his armies." Thor explained, trying to be direct without getting to graphic. "Hippolyta was sent north and Antiope was sent east. They continued the Amazonian policy of enslavement and forced conversion. Hippolyta and her army had made it as far as modern Bavaria before they crossed paths with my brothers and I."

"Doing what?" Diana asked, she still did not believe him but Thor saw questions forming. Questions about what she had and had not been told by her Mother before.

"Baldur, the youngest of us, can't hunt." Thor sighed. "He was born sickly, cuddled for centuries, and so had no idea how to go about hunting… Loki and I figured Midgard, with no creatures that posed a threat to us, was a good enough place to teach him. Loki… Loki had other reasons for choosing here, that we didn't know about then… A fight occurred, I in my youthful foolishness loved it, and we sent word to Asgard. Slowly at first warriors joined us but over time the army we brought against your mother's forces grow… Some came for the gold and glory, others the thrill of the fight and some… Some fought for the same reason I did at the end."


"Reports of what was being done to the mortals. Torture, mutilation and breaking of their minds to ensure they would fight for Ares." Thor told the table, memories flickering behind his eyes. "Only a few went that far under Hippolyta, and even then they were merely imitating the actions of Antiope's army in the east… But the conditions seen, they were vile."

"You're lying. I know you're lying." Diana hissed, fists clenched and whole body shaking. "My mother values all life, has since the day I was born made sure I understood how important the rights of all are… For you, for you to sit there and lie about this…"

"And where did this value for the sanctity of life come from, if not the knowledge of what happens when you lack it?"

Diana stood, almost knocking her chair over in her haste. She glared down at him for the longest moment before sighing. "I'll get the truth from someone else. Good day Thor."

Thor buried his head in his hands and groaned. By Asgard Thor hated the Amazons for that blasted war. Hated the pain that had befallen those poor mortals… Hated the suffering that followed Loki because of Hippolyta and…

"Angerboda!" Thor gasped. It all made sense. The Jotun Witch, her words… Loki's reaction.



So, here we got the rundown of Hippolyta's and her sister Antiope's origins AND how their respective Amazon factions formed… Quick note the Antiope mentioned here and way back in chapter 7 is not the same Antiope who serves as Hippolyta's Second in Command but her namesake. The Lost Tribe may or may not serve as a plot point in a later Arc.

This chapter was almost completely mapped out before I decided the structure, jumping back and forth between Thor Vs. Ares and Thor and Diana actually having an all-out brawl with little bits of exposition thrown in through the dialogue, didn't work… Neither Thor nor Diana are really the kind of people who'll happily stand by and patiently wait for an enemy to finish their monologue. Instead you get this chunk of info dumping which I am not 100% happy with but feel it came out better than the other idea would have.

Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying the Holiday Season.

I'm dyslexic, so please point out any mistakes in spelling or grammar [I spell things the way they do in England and Ireland, so some things may look off to Americans]. Please leave your opinion via review or send them via PM, I'd like to know what you think. Well, I think that's everything I've gotta say so, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

This is Highvalour saying bye and thanks for reading