This chapter has take forever to put up but I thank you guys for keeping with it!^-^ It really does make my day, so thank you.
"Do you think a teddy bear is suitable? I was thinking about the baby doll, but now I'm not so sure."
"If it's a midlife crisis thing then I'd say go for the red sports car you pointed out yesterday."
"It's not a midlife crisis episode." Greg glanced at Dimmock before adding, "Yet, I hope."
The older man thumbed through the toy magazine as he sat Indian style on the carpeted front room floor of his flat. Likewise, Dimmock, with two cups of tea, sat directly opposite Greg with a knowing smirk plastered on his face.
"Okay, then if it's not your age coming into question, why are you madly flipping through a bloody little girl's toy magazine? Is there something you're not telling me?"
"God no, you sod," Greg laughed, throwing the aforementioned magazine at his partner. "My niece's birthday is in two days, and she asked me to get her something special. I guess she got tired of me always buying her action movies."
"You bought a five year old action movies? More for your benefit, I guess." Dimmock handed Greg one of the mugs as he opened the magazine up. All the pages were filled with endless information on useless toys and games, something Dimmock never had growing up. Though, it didn't take an idiot to realize what children really liked to play with.
"Have you thought about the purple playhouse? It comes with the furniture and everything, and it's easily affordable with your current pay."
Dimmock turned the magazine around to face Greg as he pointed out a small looking playhouse in the lower left hand corner. Just like Dimmock said, it included three chairs, a play stove, a table, and various play food items all of which came free with the house.
"Wow, that was easy," Greg murmured. "I'll never know how you do it, Iain."
"Just a little trick I picked up," he smiled, sipping his tea.
"What, how to save money? And to think I've been in this world longer."
"Well, when you're as young as me and have such a rubbish flat, you learn to make do with what you've got."
Greg nodded his head as he too took a swig of tea. "The question now is when I'll have time to get it. I'm booked this whole week with cases that I haven't even gotten to yet." The older DI blew out air as he ran a hand through his silver hair. "I know I'm going to have to get it, but bloody when?"
Dimmock smiled brightly at Greg. "You know, I'm not just here for my looks. I've got some free time on my hands tomorrow, actually."
"You've got no cases to work?"
"Not that I know of. Apparently, all the more experienced DI's are being flagged down for the calls."
Greg winced at the sting in Dimmock's voice, knowing all too well how the younger man felt about his older coworkers looking down on him. "I really am sorry about that, love. It's wrong that they look past you because of your age and I try to tell-"
"Hey, don't worry," Dimmock said, cutting Greg off with a smile. "They'll eventually see me for what I'm worth. For now though, how about I go look at it tomorrow so you have some time to add your special touch to it before the party?"
Greg brought a hand to his chin in contemplation, and after a second a wide grin spread across his face. "You are an absolute angel, Iain Dimmock," Greg burst out as he slid forward to snuggle with the guy.
"It's what I'm here for," Dimmock murmured as he kissed Greg slowly on the lips.
"I was kind of hoping you were here for me," Greg joked, a grin on his face. A mostly selfish grin, he'd admit and one that had nothing to do with finding the perfect toy either. "You want to move somewhere more-uhm- suitable."
"Lets," Dimmock moaned, a wicked glint in his eye.
Well, I thought this went pretty well. Oh, and don't forget to review and drop some suggestions:D Thanks again!