Another story for Code Geass...I really love the anime and manga, the plot's original, the characters deep and the abridged series is awesome. Enjoy.

The recent battle was over, the majority of the Black Knights, along with Tohdoh, were safe at the mobile command base.

So all should be well right now, right? Kallen thought at first.


That battle...

During the prison raid for Tohdoh, the Lancelot showed up and during the fighting, the cockpit was torn open, revealing the pilot. Said pilot was none other than Suzaku Kururugi, Honorary Britannian and part of the student council at Ashford Academy.

Kallen shouted to Zero, asking what to do, but he remained silent. What in the world is going on with you, Zero?

Finally, much to Kallen and the rest of the Black Knights surprise, Zero ordered them tor retreat. When they started protesting, he retaliated angrily, saying there was nothing left for them there, since they had succeeded in their mission to rescue Tohdoh.

So, while the rest of the Black Knights celebrated the successful prison raid, Zero remained in his Knightmare frame. Kallen remained outside, waiting for their leader to come out. Personally, she was very worried for him. When he had ordered them to retreat... Kallen had never heard Zero sound like that. His voice was always so calm, so confidant, and when addressing the public, so passionate. When they were told to retreat, Zero had sounded nothing like before, so frantic and very shaken. It made Kallen worry even more when Zero didn't come out of his Knightmare Frame.

Then, out of no where, Zero started laughing.

It started out as a few chuckles, before it escalated to full, uncontrollable laughter. And it didn't die down. Kallen was officially afraid for her boss. What could have made him act like this? Was it because he found out Suzaku was the Lancelot pilot? Zero did rescue Suzaku...did he expect Suzaku to join our cause? That would explain what he was talking to him about. Zero must have been really set on having Suzaku by his side. After seeing him fight like that, I don't blame him.

Then... Zero stopped laughing.

Kallen blinked. Could he have calmed down at last? It had been nearly an hour since he had started laughing and the abrupt stop further added to Kallen's worry.

Another sound came from the Knightmare Frame. It was quieter and stifled, but Kallen could make out what the sound was and it shocked her even further. Zero crying?

Slowly, Kallen eased herself up to the cockpit of the Frame and opened it up. She slid herself inside. The fact that the cockpit was almost completely pitch black made Kallen silently congratulate herself for not breaking her neck. Kallen turned to the direction of the crying. Even now, she could almost make out the figure of her boss.

Zero was hunched over the control panel, shaking violently and trying to hold back the sobs that were wracking him. Kallen slowly approached, holding out her arms to feel her way. They grabbed the chair he was sitting in and Kallen went to his side.


He said nothing, but his breath hitched and he seemed to stop crying momentarily.

"Is something happening, Q-1?"

Zero's voice sounded different this time, rasp from the crying but his voice also seemed to lack the almost robotic-like texture it normally carried, the voice Kallen only heard once before-

He's not wearing his mask! Kallen realized.

She silently thanked him for turned off the lights, so she couldn't see his face.

"No sir. I was just really worried about you...I heard you crying and I wanted to... I wanted to help you..."

Gah! Why'd I say it like that? He'll think that I think he's weak!

"You... that's kind of you, Kallen. Thank you." Kallen could hear the smile in his voice as he said that.

"First, we need to get out of this thing, right?"


Kallen heard Zero get up out of his chair and was a little confused whne he flopped back into it.


"...Kallen...could you help me out? My legs...they seem to have fallen asleep. I can't feel them at all," Zero asked sheepishly.

Kallen stared. Then burst out laughing. Zero is truly a one of a kind! He stated his condition so forwardly...

"Q-1, I'm only going to say this once, stop laughing right now!" Zero snapped, a slight vein on his face.

"I-I'm sorry, sir. Here, I'll give you my shoulder," Kallen stopped laughing, but the smile wouldn't leave her face.

She took Zero's arm and slung it over her shoulder and placed her other arm around his waist. Kallen couldn't help noticing how thin Zero was. She had already seen how thin (Her face flushed at the thought) he was, but feeling how thin...

No no NO! Get your mind out of the gutter, Kallen Koizumi!

Slowly, she pulled him up out of the chair and onto his feet...which immediately gave out. Kallen nearly toppled over under his weight, but held her ground steadily.

"Sorry about that."

"No harm done, sir."

Somehow, the two managed to get out of the Knightmare Frame without too much trouble and they made their way to the mobile command base.

"Wait, what would the others say if they see us like this?" Kallen already knew the answer to this: They would all jump to the very wrong conclusions. And by "they", she meant Tamaki.

"There's more than one way in and out," Zero gestured up to the second story window, which had a rope ladder hanging down. C.C waved to them, an evil grin on her face.


"Are your legs awake yet?" The lights in Zero's room were out but Kallen didn't bother to turn them on as she set Zero down on his bed. Kallen wondered where C.C had gotten off to. Then she decided she was better off not knowing.

"Oh, they've been awake for a while. I just wanted to see if you could get up here with more baggage." Zero said in an amused tone as the sheets ruffled beneath him as he lay down.

Kallen shot him an exasperated look.

"Are you serious? I should have just dropped you!"

"Of course I'm not serious. I wouldn't do that to you," Zero said, his voice and tone more sincere.

Kallen felt her face heat up. Even though they were just words, she couldn't help believing him.

"Suzaku-" Zero's voice became softer and noticeably sadder- "I...wanted him so badly to join my cause. I was going to ask him again... I guess it was only a naive dream he would join ME of all people..."

Kallen stared. Is Zero saying he wasn't anyone worth following?

"...he and I have such different goals in could I have not seen this coming? I really am a fool-"

"Stop it! Stop beating yourself up, please!" Kallen couldn't take it anymore and went by his bedside and before Zero could object, propped his head into her arms in a hug. She felt Zero stiffen in her arms but didn't try to push her away.

"You carry so many people's hopes and dreams: hopes and dreams for peace and freedom for the Japanese people! You can't hate yourself just because one person isn't on your side! Besides, you have me! I'm your Q-1, after all!"

Kallen then slapped a hand over her mouth in horror. Oh God, me and my big mouth! Why the hell did I phrase it like that?

"'re right, you know."


Kallen felt Zero take one of her hands into his own.

"You have served me with unwavering loyalty and given me advice that has always been helpful ad insightful. So I can understand if you're feeling indignant. And for that, you have my sincerest apologies."

Once again, the masked man had blown away Kallen completely.


At that, Zero slid his arms around what little of Kallen' torso he could reach in an awkward hug. Kallen expected her face to burn bright red, but instead, she didn't feel embarrassed. Instead,she felt serenely calm.

"Stay here with me, will you? After all, you said you wanted to comfort me."

"Er-! Of course! I mean, yes sir."

Just then, Zero removed his head from Kallen's grasp and pulled away his arms, letting his head fall onto her lap. What does he expect me to do?

At that point, Kallen recalled something she never thought she'd think of. An old lullaby. The same one her mother used to sing to her before reality had slapped her in the face.

"Zero, this is a song someone very dear to me used to sing when I was sad. Will you listen?"

"Of course."

Kallen took a deep breathe and began.

Nen-nen korori yo, Okorori yo.
Bōya wa yoi ko da, Nenne shina~

Bōya no omori wa, Doko e itta?
Ano yama koete, Sato e itta.

Sato no miyage ni, Nani morotta?
Den-den taiko ni, Shō no fue.

Her mother used to do this to her. Whenever Kallen had a nightmare, her mother would take her into her lap, gently stroke her hair and sing her back to sleep. The nightmares never came back when her mother sang to her. Perhaps this song could help Zero get back on his feet.

While she sang Kallen's hands began to slowly stroked Zero's hair, gently run her fingers across his cheek and hold his head protectively in her lap. Kallen never imagined she'd be doing something like this, to Zero of all people. But it felt nice, comforting someone like this.

For a moment, she could have sworn she heard Zero hum along to the song's tune.

Finally, the song came to an end.

Kallen felt one of Zero's hands suddenly touch her face gently.

Thank you, Kallen. You've helped far more than you realize.

Oh wow, what did I just write? FYI, I like both Kallen x Lelouch and Suzaku x Lelouch. The lullaby that Kallen sang is called the Edo Lullaby, which was said to be the roots of the Japanese lullaby's. The English translation is:

Hushabye, Hushabye!
My good Baby, Sleep!

Where did my boy's baby-sitter go?
Beyond that mountain, back to her home.

As a souvenir from her home, what did you get?
A toy drum and a shō flute.

Here's the link to where I got this info- wiki/Edo_Lullaby

I apologize for any OOS-ness.

Review please!