This was my entry for the July 2012 DMHG Challenge (100-word drabbles). It took 3rd Place in the contest! Thank you to everyone who voted & congrats to all who participated!



Title: First Time

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Implied first time sexual interlude between a widower and a divorcee.


"That was..."

"Olympic," Hermione stated, panting for breath. She stared up at the ceiling of Draco's bedroom, glassy eyed and sweaty, and thoroughly sated. From head to toe, warm electric waves of contentment swelled over her, making her sleepy.

At her side, Malfoy mirrored her position. She reached between them and slid her fingers against his, tentative, hopeful. His hand grasped hers in a gentle, reassuring clasp.



"Next time, less one-hundred metre dash, more five-thousand metre long-distance walk," he stated. "I'm too old for your lusty, nympho ways."

She giggled. "One is never too old for such things."