"It's day 4 on Survivor: Total Drama, following last night's events of the elimination of Princess Kayla, Peter from the Lagoon Tribe has a hidden immunity idol, and it looks like Christine and Hannah are going to have to work a lot to keep their place in the game, both voting against the majority." Chris McClain recapped the previous events to the viewers. "And over on the Oasis Tribe, many different alliances are forming, makes you think which ones are really intact, and which ones are fake and will give me ratings." The host chuckled, he didn't care about the contestants just the money and riches he got from hosting the show. "Here we are, day 4, 35 days left to go, on Survivor: Total Drama!"
(Theme Song Plays)
Lagoon Tribe
Christine was laying awake in her 'bed' trying to figure out what to do, she knew she was in a tight spot and wanted to do whatever she could to get out of it. Countless strategies she thought out, and she knew none of them would work. Eventually, Christine got up and went into the lake. "Ugh what am I going to do?" The rich girl asked herself as she washed herself off.
"About what?" A cheeky voice from the beach asked, Christine was frightened and turned around, revealing Peter behind her with a raised eyebrow. "Do you have a problem with something?" He knew Christine was hiding something but didn't know what, and he didn't forget about the 3 votes he got that suddenly appeared out of nowhere the previous night.
"I… I like somebody." Christine bit her lip, she was going out on a limb, she couldn't get caught and afford to be ousted from the tribe. "I don't know what to do." She looked down so she wouldn't have to make eye contact; she was hoping her plan would work.
"Well who do you like?" Peter asked, hiding a smirk. He bought into Christine's act; he obviously still had the intentions of hooking up with her. "If it's me I don't bite." Christine grinned as she looked into the water, figuring out what she could do to keep herself safe.
"Yes it's you, I was hiding it since day one, the joke you made I thought was actually funny but I tried to hide it, I don't want to be ousted from the tribe because I liked you so I kept it a secret." Christine looked at Peter and nodded her head slowly; she was a good actress and honed her skills.
"Well for now I don't want anything to happen, that could ruin both our games, so keep this our secret for now." Peter winked; Christine kept herself from losing her composure. "Now I just need to figure out who voted for me. I know Kayla was one of the three."
"I shouldn't tell you this, but it was Hannah and Alexis, they were talking about it with Kayla and tried to get me to join, I of course said no. But don't tell anybody or drama happens and I'll get blamed for telling you." Christine smirked, manipulating the target and throwing it onto Alexis and Hannah. Peter was too smitten to figure out she was playing him.
"Thanks for the help, I owe you one." With that, Peter walked back to camp, Christine let out a sigh of relief and hoped Peter believed her story, she knew if she got close to him she'd be safe for a long time.
Confessional –
"Told you she wanted me." Peter smirked as if he achieved victory. He had no idea what Christine was really up too. "But when the time comes, a million dollars is worth more than a girl."
"Boys are so easy." Christine rolled her eyes, acting like she was now running things. "I'm fine for now as long as Peter doesn't confront Alexis or Hannah."
Back at camp, everyone was now awake. Adam and Leroy were setting up breakfast while everyone else was sitting around, Eddy was talking to Victor about how they should try to go fishing later in the day and Hannah and Alexis were talking about Eddy. Peter and Christine weren't back at camp yet.
"He's just so funny and cute." Hannah shrugged, obviously talking about Eddy. Alexis though about it and then about the experience she had with Eddy herself. "Don't you think so?" She asked, staring at Eddy while asking. She wouldn't take her eyes off him.
"Um sure." Alexis said it was really awkward; her new friend had a crush on the boy she had already had sex with. "I don't know."
"I really just want to talk to him; he might be… the one…" Hannah grinned, Alexis let out a sigh which Hannah didn't hear or for that matter pay attention to, as she was still staring at Eddy, as if she was in a trance.
Confessional –
"The one… give me a break." Alexis rolled her eyes, not caring for Hannah's love interests. "You just met him and he has barely spoken to you… oh and I've already fucked him, so you're late."
"Where is breakfast?" Eddy spoke up from his conversation with Victor, Hannah got startled when he spoke and fell over, Alexis rolled her eyes, and Eddy didn't seem to see Hannah's reaction. "Adam, Leroy what are we even having?"
"Well we have rice." Adam shrugged; he finished putting the rice into 8 cups and gave the 5 at camp bowls as well as keeping a bowl for himself. He left Christine and Peter's bowls by the fire so they had something to eat when they got back."
"I'm going to go check the tree mail, we probably have a reward challenge." Victor got up after finishing his meal and ran to the mailbox set up at camp.
"Hey guys." Peter walked back to camp, Christine close behind, they took their bowls of rice and went to separate corners in the camp, Christine to go to bed and Peter sat by Eddy. "Where's Victor?"
"He went to go get tree mail." Adam informed as he finished his rice, he ate it quickly to make sure no bugs would get by his rice. "He should be back soon."
"I hope we are playing for some real food." Hannah said, looking at Eddy who just continued to eat his rice, she got everyone else's attention though.
"What's wrong with rice?" Leroy asked as he raised an eyebrow, he took at as an insult; he just slaved over the fire to feed his tribe without a single thank you. "And I doubt he'll give us food and luxury day 4."
Awkwardness fell upon the tribe as they disagreed on certain topics like food and luxuries, as if he sensed it, Victor walked back. "Hey guys, we have a challenge today!" Victor announced to the tribe, he looked happy, grinning ear to ear.
Oasis Tribe
Chuck was awake at the fire, cooking fish and cutting fish for his tribe. Everyone else was asleep and Chuck decided now would be the perfect time to play the game. "I'll just go look for an idol for a bit…" Unfortunately for Chuck, Derek woke up and decided to follow the chef. Chuck searched under rocks and in trees, the exact same places where Derek had previously searched, and no luck. After a while, Chuck gave up with no idol and went back to camp. Derek however decided to stay and look.
"Where the hell can it be…?" Derek frowned as he frantically searched; he wanted the idol badly to know he would be safe. Suddenly, Derek spotted an odd tree with an oddly shaped hole in it; Derek grinned and reached in, only to be bit by a squirrel. "Ouch!" Derek sighed and walked off, also without an idol. He decided it was best to go to the beach and get wet so he could say he was there the whole time.
At camp, everyone was now awake and was eating the fish Chuck prepared. "Where is Derek?" Justice looked around and didn't see the boy. "He isn't getting tree mail, is he?"
"If he is he won't find anything. I already went; we do have a challenge today." Riley spoke up, showing the letter he got and passing it around to his team mates.
Confessional –
"Derek seems a bit shady like he's hiding something." Joshua admitted what he thought to the camera. "Hopefully everything is good with us. I like him he's a good person."
Derek soon walked back to camp, he came back wet and with his shirt off to give the impression he was swimming. "Hey everyone thanks for breakfast." Derek sat down; people assumed all he did was swim which ended the case of Derek hiding something.
"So what do you think the challenge will be today?" Ivy broke the ice; people looked up but didn't say anything. "Come on somebody has to have an idea."
"Well yesterday it was luck, I doubt Chris would make it luck twice in a row, he isn't cliché like that." Winter suggested, the others agreed with her logic. "Probably something testing strength or smarts."
"Well the other tribe is down a man, and this challenge is for reward, let's continue our win streak." Jessica grinned, the rest of the tribe started to cheer.
"It isn't the end of the world if we lose; we just need to focus on winning and keeping ourselves safe." Joshua stated his own opinion. "Winning is nice but if we lose something that we don't have to win like rewards we can get back at them at immunities."
"It's still nice to win." Chuck shrugged, agreeing with Jessica, the two alliances were known and against each other on everything debatable, however managed to live cohesively.
Confessional –
"At this point, I just need to make sure it isn't me." Winter said as she rested on the beach, she was trying to not think about the game at stake at the moment and instead just try and relax. "I'll back up those who have my back, and if you aren't with me then you're against me."
"So if we win the reward we are safe and if we win immunity we get a reward, right?" Samantha asked, every time she spoke she said something so stupid to earn herself looks. "Or is it the other way around?"
Confessional –
"Sometimes I question how somebody can be so stupid…" Derek slapped his forehead, he was actually hoping Samantha was fooling everyone and she was actually smart. "Easy to manipulate she will be but easy to handle, not so much."
"I hope the reward is our personal items back." Jessica crossed her fingers, she missed her iPod and iPhone and iPad and MP3 player and do I have to go on? "I need music right about now."
"I want my sketchbook back." Winter shrugged, showing even her items were taken away. "Some of us have our items though." She looked at Joshua when she said this who frowned, showing he was still upset he 'caused' everyone to lose their personal belongings while he kept his.
"Let's just focus on this challenge and win." Riley tried to take control of his tribe; he had his alliance agreeing with him and the opposite alliance shrugging it off.
The camera shifted to Chris who was standing on the middle of the island, around him were two lanes with a ball on each lane and 5 pins standing up on each lane. It was basically bowling, but with a McClain twist. "Come on in guys!" The host instructed, both tribes came to the challenge area, first the Oasis Tribe and then the Lagoon Tribe. "Kayla unsurprisingly was voted out last tribal."
"So um what's the challenge?" Ivy raised an eyebrow after a few minutes of silence by the host and the competitors.
"When I get to it I will tell you!" Chris whined, the 17 teens sighed, Chris took out a mirror and looked at his hair, when he was satisfied, he put the mirror away. "Today we are playing a nice game of bowling, there are 5 pins set up and all you have to do is make the ball knock down as many pins as you can, only 7 will play so the Oasis tribe must sit somebody out. The only rules are you can't pass the line drawn in the dirt and you can only go once, break one of the rules and you are immediately disqualified." Chris explained the rules of the challenge, the other 17 following closely along. "The team with the overall best score wins reward; want to know what you're playing for?" Chris raised an eyebrow and waited for the teens to beg, nobody said anything to Chris' annoyance. "If the Oasis Tribe wins, they will get rice. If the Lagoon Tribe wins, they will get tarp." Chris said, both tribes were satisfied with the reward they would get if they won. "Okay, Oasis Tribe, who is sitting out?"
"I'll sit out." Justice told her tribe and she took a seat on a nearby bench. She decided to sit out because she didn't want to be the one to mess things up if her tribe lost.
"Okay, round one, Adam and Chuck." Chris picked out two random players; the two teens approached their lanes.
"Here goes nothing." Adam shrugged; he rolled the ball down the lane and was able to knock down 3 pins. "All right!" He cheered for himself, his tribe applauded; Justice was secretly proud but didn't say anything. Chuck then rolled the ball and managed to knock down 4 pins, earning cheers from his tribe. "Show off." Adam mumbled under his breath.
"I'll go." Samantha took the ball from Chris and threw it at the pins, missing completely. "Oops." Was all she said as she walked away, her tribe glared at her but she didn't seem to notice.
"My turn!" Hannah shouted as she took her ball, she rolled it and also knocked down 3 pins, earning cheers from her tribe. "Alright we're winning!" She said as she gave a high five to everyone on her tribe, she almost fainted when she touched Eddy.
Confessional –
"Eddy has soft hands." Hannah smiled weirdly at the camera. "I wonder what moisture he uses."
Confessional –
"I think Hannah likes my soft hands, I use some all natural moisture, if you know what I mean." Eddy grinned and gave a wink to the camera.
"Okay next two people, go. The score is currently 6 to 4 with the Lagoon Tribe leading." Chris tallied the score and said something so he could get attention and screen time on the cameras.
Victor took the ball and rolled it in a perfect straight line and managed to knock down all 5 pins, earning a lot of cheers from his tribe. "I'm a great bowler, it's in my blood." Victor smirked as he high fived Peter and Eddy. "Dude you have some soft hands." He told Eddy, Eddy grinned.
"Thanks, I know." Eddy replied, Victor didn't understand what Eddy meant and didn't see anything wrong what he had said. "If only he knew." He laughed under his breath.
Ivy rolled the ball and was able to knock down 4 pins earning a lot of cheers from her tribe. "We need to catch up and win." Ivy tried to rally up her tribe; the Lagoon Tribe ignored their cheers.
"I'm up next." Alexis tried to come through for her tribe but was only to knock down 1 pin. "Sorry." She frowned, as she took a spot on the bench and sat next to Justice. Riley then took the ball and was able to knock down 4 pins, he grinned and his tribe started to rally and catch up from a big gap in between the scores.
"The score is tied even 12 to 12." Chris informed the tribes, all the teens on the edge of their seats. "4 people to go for each team. Christine and Joshua are both up."
"Stand back…" Joshua backed up and got distance, at the last second he fell backward and the ball dropped but slowly rolled and knocked down 4 pins. "I'll take it." He shrugged and laughed off what just happened. Christine tried to roll the ball but was only able to knock down 2 pins.
"Leroy and Derek are both up." Chris pushed the two boys up to their respective lanes, the two rolled at the same time, Leroy knocked down 4 pins and Derek knocked down 5. Cheers were heard from both tribes despite the other tribe's success. "The score is 21 to 18 in favor of Oasis, with 2 people left from both tribes."
"I'll go." Eddy told Peter who nodded, Eddy rolled a 5, again a lot of cheers and clapping from his tribe happened. "Peter man it's up to you." Eddy looked the street kid in the eye who grinned. He watched Winter bowl a 3. "You are down by only 1, you can do this!" Eddy encouraged Peter who then stepped up to bowl.
"Here goes nothing." Peter shrugged, he rolled the ball with all his might and pulled a 5 earning cheers from his tribe, the Lagoon Tribe celebrated an early victory. "Wait we haven't won yet." Peter said, Jessica was eyeing the pins, seeing how she could knock down all 5. She smirked which then frightened the whole tribe.
"Cowabunga!" Jessica shouted at the top of her lungs, before she could even roll the ball or take aim, Samantha decided to take things into her own hands.
"You are taking too long, let me do it!" Samantha jumped up and took the ball from Jessica's hands, ignoring all the screams she was getting from her tribe.
"Don't do it!" Joshua yelled at her, Samantha basically tuned them all out, her whole tribe got up to stop her and in retaliation she took a giant leap forward and threw the ball, which was able to successfully knock down all 5 pins earning shocked faces.
"As impressive as that was, Samantha broke both rules, only two rules to follow and she managed to break them…" Chris chuckled to himself as Tribe Oasis groaned. "I mean you could have pinned her down but you didn't do it, well blame her for the loss. Lagoon Tribe, you get some tarp, Oasis Tribe, head back to camp with nothing but feelings of hatred towards Samantha." The host chuckled, both tribes exited, the Lagoon Tribe cheering and the Oasis Tribe groaning. "Well that's a wrap folks, how will the Oasis Tribe deal with Samantha? And will Christine manage to guarantee herself safety? And what of my coffee, it still hasn't come yet! I mean it's hard to find good interns these days." The host sidetracked, and got reminded by the cameraman he was signing off. "Oh yeah, right… find out next time on Survivor: Total Drama!"
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