Previously on Truth Revealed:

I sat in the room watching my baby brother sleep while thinking about everything. Stiles was asleep on the floor next to Scott while Deaton and Aunt Mel were talking in the other room.

"It's not your fault." Aunt Mel said as she sat next to me. "None of it is your fault."

"I brought her into the house. I got the family killed." Tears wanted to fall. "I left him." Aunt Mel placed my head on her shoulder.

"He knows it is not your fault, but yes you did leave him. He was very sad for so long. But that was the past. You are here now and he is surrounded by people who love him. You both are." That was the last straw and every tear held back for so many years flowed out. She held me as we waited for my little brother to awaken.

Chapter 11

Scott's POV

It was so cold….why was my bed so cold? I tried to pull away from it but something held me down. I opened my eyes to find myself in the Vet's operating room. I was strapped down to the table practically shirtless. It was then that I noticed the horrible taste in my mouth which caused me to gag trying to rid myself of what tasted like…mountain ash?

"Scott!" Stile's screamed as he jumped off the ground. "Your awake!"

"Ummm…yeah. What's going on?" I asked. "And can I get up?"

"I don't know….I'll be right back." Stiles said jumping away from me. I swear sometimes I think that he needs to lay off the sugar intake.

"Scott." Mom said as she ran towards me in tears. "Your ok!"

"Yes I am," I laughed as I tried to sooth her which was quite difficult. "What is going on?" As my question echoed through the room we were joined by Deaton, Stiles, and Derek who looked like hell.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" Deaton asked. I shook my head.

"What should I remember?" Everyone gave each other that creepy all knowing/ all questioning glance. I really hated that glance.

"What is going on!" I demanded.

"Hunny, it wasn't your fault…." My mom tried to assure me.

"What wasn't?"

A moment later

Wow…I did all those horrible things….I attacked my own brother out of rage. I mean I was still pissed at him for leaving, but I had never blamed him for the Kate situation. He blamed himself and it was never his fault.

"I was…."

"Yep…." Stiles finished.

"Wow…." That was all I could say. I mean….how do you apologize for releasing a rage that I didn't know I had. At least nobody go to badly damaged, but I knew that I would need to talk to Derek about this. He looked like hell and it was my fault; however, there was something that I really needed to do.

"Can I get up now? The table is kind of cold…" This caused almost everyone to laugh. Derek cracked a smile, but I could still see the guilt in his eyes. Deaton released the ties and Stiles and mom helped me to straighten myself.

"Thanks….ummm…can I have a word with Derek…alone?" I asked quietly. Mom and Deaton nodded their heads as then left, but Stiles stayed right beside me. It wasn't until a glare from Derek that caused Stiles to run out of the room. I laughed at the action.

"Scot…" He tried to start, but I silence him.

"I never blamed you. It is not your fault." The look on his face could break someone's heart. Tears had begun to whell up in his eyes.

"It is my fault. I brought her into the house. It is my fault that you had to see them die. It is my fault that you had to grow up without your family to comfort you… I am to blame for Laura's death." He had begun to shake as his anger was increasing. "I failed this family." He crumbled down to the ground as the tears overcame him. Every wall that he had build came crumbling down with a single sentence.

I ran to his side as I cradle my brother. "You never failed us. You didn't know brother and together we shall correct all of the pain that was inflicted onto us."

"How…" He questioned as he held onto me with a tightness that would have crushed a human arm.

"We are going to make things right, but there is one more thing."


"I have never been alone." I answered. "I have had Aunt Mel to comfort me and even though you two were gone I knew that you loved me." I smiled down at my older brother. "You have me and now we are a complete family."

"So what now?" Stiles asked from the door way.

"STILES!" growled Derek. I laughed at the antics. Derek jumped up to attack my friend, but before I could I got in the middle.

"Stop…" I commanded. Derek rolled his eyes and sighed. Stiles looked as if he had wet himself.

"Now we take care of dear old Uncle Peter…"

Hey I know it is short, but I just got my computer back and I can finished everything! Also I am just letting people know because I have recently got messages about making this a romantic flick. There are only about two or three chapter left for this story…I can't really turn this into a true romantic flick without a couple more chapters. It has to be building from the beginning so just letting people know that this one is about family. My next one will be different *evil grin* but just to let everyone know this is about Derek and Scott….Thanks for reading!