Burning Roses.

Hello my dear readers, how fare ye?

I have a bit of good news for you, I fancy to think. You see, I know I did say I was going to take a good medium rest but, well, inspiration kicked me in the ass and gave me a good shake. Needles to say I got on the ball and started dancing. Inspiration is a bossy thing. And, in my case, sadistic. Because it has a whip and it has that kind of power.

Thus I am some what bemused to inform you, I have started on the sequel to Burning Roses.  It will be tiled Frozen Lilies.  I'll try to keep you informed via my bio page.

And by the way, ye who shall remain unnamed though ye know who ye be, I did not like that pink burial. It was wrong on so many levels. You sick person you. No, that is not a compliment, jeezus.

As always I wish to ask for a favor from you all if you feel up to it.

If you have any ideas for this story I will gladly try to use them with due credit to you of course. Yours truly is still a little dead in the membrane yet and needs assistance.

Thank you all very much.


Er…and if you happen to know where Wufei went to, please return him to the story line? I lost track of him somewhere in Tibet….Damned fairy boy.