Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to Hollyoaks!

Summary: Walker decides it would be fun to play with Brendan and Ste.

A/N: This will be a long term fic most likely :)


Walker liked to play. There was something incredibly thrilling about picking a target and watching them squirm. Man or woman, Walker knew what buttons to press. He had kept Brendan at arms length physically since their kiss and he intended to keep it that way. He had other plans for Brendan.

Brendan seemed to think he'd hidden him away. His Stephen. He thought that Walker wouldn't notice or realise how important he was if he avoided him. But Walker saw the looks; he saw the way Brendan looked at that other boy in the deli with utter contempt. He noticed how when Ste would emerge from his shop and walk across the street, Brendan would watch him with his eyes glued to him until he was out of sight.

He tried to make light of it when Walker brought it up. He was just some lad he had a while back, that was all. Walker himself wasn't particularly of a caring disposition but he knew love when he saw it. And Brendan certainly loved Ste.

Taking matters into his own hands, he went to visit the deli. The first trip had been to access the situation; see what got Brendan so worked up. Ste was certainly a delight to behold. Golden hair, smooth skin, bright blue eyes. He had a challenging look about him that just made you want him to beg for it and a curvaceous mouth you wanted to claim.

Other than that, he wasn't so remarkable. Walker entered the deli, an easy smile gracing his lips. He would be charming today, to suit his purposes. He ignored the other boy in the corner; he was of no consequence right now. He could sense the tension in the air between them and suspected a break up had ensued. No wonder Brendan seemed so perky lately.


Ste looked up, startled at first, his eyes darting out the door. Ah, so he knew who Walker was then.

"What can I get you?" He asked, that accent coming thick and fast.

Walker peered at the specials board. "Any recommendations?" he asked smoothly.

"We do a nice panini" Ste said, wiping the surfaces down. Walker needed him to pay attention. He leaned forwards, placing his elbows on the counter.

"Is it hot?"

Ste looked at him with wide eyes. "Of course it is"

Walker licked his lips. "Got ketchup?"

Ste nodded, glancing over at his business partner. "Doug?" Ah, that was his name then. "Be with you in a minute"

"I'll wait" Walker said, quirking an eyebrow. Ste smiled at him a little goofily.

He sat and observed, his leg resting on his other leg, the foot bouncing. He saw Ste watching it's movements with fascination. It wasn't until Doug practically shoved the panini under his nose did he snap out of it.

"Here you are" he said, putting it carefully on the counter. "One ninety please"

Walker slid a note towards him, making sure they didn't break eye contact. He was just about to turn towards the door when someone else entered. Walker sniffed, recognising Brendan's aftershave.

"Brendan" he said reasonably, without turning around. He looked back at Ste whose attention had completely shifted. Walker didn't like that.

"Walker" Brendan said, his voice betraying nothing. "We have food at the club"

"So why are you here?" Walker turned around, smiling.

"I like the food" Brendan shrugged. "My usual please, Stephen"

Walker didn't hear movement behind him so he turned. Ste was rooted to the spot, watching them with an unreadable expression.

"Stephen?" Brendan repeated, a little softer. Walker smirked at the revelation.

"Oh, right" Ste snapped out of it, busying himself behind the counter. "Coming right up"

"I'll bet" Walker murmured so only Brendan could hear. He gave him a curious look but said nothing. "See you at the club" he said and without another word, brushed straight past him. He could feel Brendan's eyes on him as he went out the door. Good.


Brendan returned not long after, holding a Carter and Hay bag. Joel glanced up at him but said nothing. Brendan walked towards his office and Walker followed a few steps behind. He closed the door after them.

"What are ye doing?" Brendan asked quietly, putting the bag down.

Good, direct. Walker liked that.

"I don't know what you mean"

Brendan turned to him, trying to keep his expression neutral. That was his trouble, he had too many feelings.

"Ye don't often frequent delicatessens" Brendan said reasonably.

"Maybe I'm enjoying the scenery"

Brendan laughed humourlessly. "Is that right?"

Walker stood with his arms folded, appearing nonplussed. "What of it?"

Brendan looked at him, apparently considering how best to react.

"I'd appreciate it if ye didn't"

Walker hid his smile. "Of course, if it makes you happy"

Brendan nodded, not completely convinced but Walker knew he would say no more about it.

The next day instead of entering the deli, he stood outside. Ste was there but Doug wasn't. He was busying himself with cleaning and bent over a few times. Walker watched him with an almost clinical interest. He waited until Brendan appeared on the balcony and spotted him. He looked up and smiled widely. Brendan didn't return the smile.

It took a few more encounters of this nature for Brendan to speak up again.

"Ye seem awfully interested in that deli, Walker" he said, trying to keep his voice level.

Walker shrugged. "Like I said, the scenery"

"Uh huh" Brendan looked at him carefully. "Ye know, there are more… interesting sights"

Walker raised his eyebrows. "Oh?"

"Sure" Brendan walked around his desk, fixing Walker with a indiscernible look. "Here, for instance"

Walker laughed, knowing his game. He stood up and walked to the door. "Won't stop me watching him, Brendan" and he left it at that.


It was of no surprise the next day when Walker spotted Brendan and Ste having a heated conversation inside the deli. Walker slid against the wall, peering inside.

"Brendan, nothing's going on!" Ste hissed. "I don't even know what you're on about"

"He's been watching ye, Stephen. I don't like it"

Ste looked at him incredulously. "What's it to you? We aren't together!"

Brendan looked hurt. "I'm sorry… I just, he's dangerous"

Ste rolled his eyes. "He seemed alright"

"He isn't" Brendan sighed, rubbing his temple. "Can ye just promise me ye will stay away from him?"

Ste gritted his teeth. "Why should I?"

Brendan placed his hands on his shoulders. "I care, alright? Do it for me?"

"You care-" Ste cut off, pursing his lips. "Fine, whatever you want"

Brendan instantly relaxed, still holding onto him. His hand went to Ste's neck and then to his face.

"Bren… don't"

"Please, I just-" Brendan stepped closer until they were inches apart.

"I can't do this" Ste pulled away from him. Walker could see the pain etched on Brendan's face. It was fascinating.

Brendan looked at the floor, scuffing his shoe. "Alright, I'll go"

Ste sighed, looking at him carefully. "We're friends, Brendan. That's all"

Brendan nodded, not meeting his gaze. "I know"

"I'll see you later, yeah?" Ste said softly.

Brendan glanced at him, the ghost of a smile on his face. Walker wondered what was so damn special about the boy that he made him act this way. He certainly wanted to find out.

"Yeah" he said, his voice gruff. He walked swiftly out of the shop without a second glance. Walker kept himself out of sight but he couldn't resist a glance back at Ste to gauge his reaction.

He looked sad, troubled. His hand rested where Brendan had touched him and his expression was wistful.

These two were certainly going to be interesting to play with.