A/N- HEY! :) Thanks for reviewing you guys!:) Here's the next chappie enjoy :)!

Chris was staring into my eyes. He was savoring the fear, and lust that was building up in them. He chuckled whilst moving his lips against my neck.

" . ." I fervently told him.

"I don't think I will," he murmured into my neck. He sniffed and breathed on my skin, sending shivers through my body. He placed his soft lips on my now goose-bumped skin; lingering for now more than a few seconds, he moved down; placing kisses as he trailed from my face. He was going to do something horrible, that's all I could place my mind on, as it was spinning. I felt heat and liquid molten spark in my nether regions. I opened my mouth to scream, but no words came out; only a moan of pleasure. I felt a smile form on his lips as he peppered kisses wherever he could reach. Finally, he rested his face in the crook of my neck. Chris scraped his fangs on the sensitive skin, earning a hiss from me. He then lifted his head and drove his enlarged teeth into the place his head had been resting moments before. I screeched, and let the water fall from my tear ducts, coming out in large sobs.

"Shut. Up!" Chris sharply remarked enjoying the taste of my blood running through his lips and sliding down his throat. He happily hummed, as he drank his fill; leaving me in a near unconscious state. He stopped his feeding and licked over the newly formed wound on my neck. A stinging pain erupted on the spot. Chris leapt up and away. I, on the other hand, slipped into the blackness that was overtaking me.

"He nearly massacred the entire room of guests!" Snapped a raspy voice.

"Nearly, Dear. We just need to make sure that he feeds off...Oh, Lyna, Dear, how are you feeling?"

My eyes shot open. I was in the oddest room. It was unlike anything my eyes had ever lain on. There were huge boxes, making weird noises, flashing unusual things. The boxes had cylinder strips connecting to the wall.

"Where am I?" I managed. I was in no mood to answer questions.

"The hospital room, Dear," Jennifer answered, her and Livy standing to my right. I wanted to push myself out of bed, and run towards the hills. But I couldn't, something was restraining me. Had they chained my arm? No, each tug was painful. My eyes widen as I saw another one of those cylinders attached to my arm.

"I know," Livy began, "I owe you an explanation. We all do, but right now sleep. You need all the strength you can get." So I closed my eyes, and prayed that this was all a dream, another horrible, horrible dream. I knew it wasn't though. My real dream was worse. I could never remember a dream until this point. Never.

The blood was dripping in a two story library around me. At this point I wasn't worried so much about the human fluid as I was the books. Soon there was nothing I could do; all the shelves and doors were covered by a waterfall of blood. An unknown lady came in. Her light orange hair was now dripping with the red substance she had walked through. Her dull grey eyes meeting mine.

"You know, there's some of the world's most delicious blood here. But not the finest. Do you know why?" She seemed to stare through me, I just shook my head. My voice wasn't strong enough to come out.

"I didn't think so," she conjectured, and laughed. Her cackling laugh echoed through my head, making me sit upright in my bed.

I was panting. That was the first dream I had ever remembered. Why had I? Why had I? Why had I? I repeatedly questioned myself. I was going insane. Great, now I'm even talking to myself. Why did Chris-

"You're awake. Good. I'll explain everything now," interrupted Livy. But of course it would only be her version of the truth.

"We, well, as in Dad, mom, Jacob Chris, Uncle Luke, Aunt Jennifer, and I we...we...wecamefromadifferenttime," Livy rushed. I looked at her in amazement, I honestly didn't know someone could talk that fast. She at last suppressed a sigh.

"We came from a different time. A time further forward in history. A future time," she divulged. I stared at her in shock, not that I wasn't already in it. She was violating rule number 7; never lie. For her to violate it… that couldn't possibly be true.

"No," I mustered, "you're not telling the truth!"

"Unfortunately, I am," she spoke with all seriousness, "the only reason we're here is to protect you."

"Protect me from what? Chris? Because he already got a hold of me!," I fumed, "actually why did you bring him back in the first place? So he could just sink his fangs into my skin, almost kill me, and be more rude than anyone else I've ever met?"

"That's a different circumstance," Livy plainly stated, "we thought he had more control, but obviously not!" Livy almost seemed extremely displeased with herself, as if this was her fault.

"Livy, what do you need to protect me from?" I inquired.

"Vampires," Livy disclosed in a small voice. It took every ounce of strength in me to not sit there and yell at her for not protecting me, for not protecting all of us! So I just nodded my head as she mumbled her apologies. I was still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that they weren't of this time. But it made sense anyways.

"How many vampires live in this castle?" I was afraid to ask, but I knew I must.

"Five, well, the three boys left with their betrothed to find a safe place. So two," Livy proclaimed.

"ARE MY SISTERS GOING TO BE OK?!" I suddenly snapped, I hadn't meant to do that.

"They'll be fine, unlike Chris they have self-control," she verbalized.

"Who's the other one, besides Chris?" I insisted.

"Me..." she uttered. Before another word could escape my mouth, Jacob and Jennifer entered the room.

"Chris is finally down from his...'high', he should be able to be around us again tonight," Jacob delivered. I was terrified I never wanted to be around him ever again. I need to calm down, I told myself over and over again. It didn't work, I felt the sweat drip down my body, my eyes almost screamed, "help me!" I had to get up. I crawled over to the side where my arm was connected to the box. I was able to stand up in the end, letting all the hair fall off my shoulders. Everyone turned. Their mouths identical to everyone's last night. Livy was the first to speak.

"She has-has-has it!" Livy revealed, "Chris gave her the first mark!"

A/N- hahaha :) end of chappie 5 :) hope you guys liked it :)! Thanks for reading you guys are awesome! And thanks to Miss Megz for betaing :)!

-Rosey (^.^)