"Perseus," my father said, and smiled at me. "It is time for me to take you to Olympus." he said happily, happy about finally being able to show off his first and only son. I automatically smiled in return, but inside I was raging with nervousness. I was going to go in front of the twelve Olympian Gods. The most powerful beings on Earth.

"Calm down Perseus, you'll be fine. It's not like their going to kill you, and who knows you might even be able to get along with Artemis." he put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, and his sea green eyes showed they believed in me. "Now come on, son, we do not want to be late." I nodded, and changed into my Godly form, feeling the power rush out of me, and suddenly we were on Olympus.

I stared in awe at the beautiful buildings. In front of us was a market, and people were asking me to buy ambrosia, and other things. Around the market were temples, they were small, but still elegant, so I guessed they were for the Minor Gods. Although, I did remember my father saying they separated the Gods by their domains, so the war Gods were together, and the sea Gods were together, and so on.

My father looked over at me and smiled, "beautiful isn't it?" he asked, and I nodded dumbly. All the minor Gods were staring at me, some with interest, and some with something I couldn't quite identify. Those ones were creeping me out.

"Come son, best not keep my brother waiting." he said, and began walking walking through the market. A few minor Gods kept coming up to me, and asking me on a date, a few times there were even some guys, but I just shook my head politely and gave them my most dazzling smile. That seemed to make it worse, as some of them fainted.

I breathed a sigh of relief as we left the market, thank the Gods. My father had a smirk on his face, but otherwise showed no sign that he had seen all that. I see how it is.

Anyways, he led me up to a building that stood away from the other ones. It was bigger, and looked like it could house most of Olympus combined, or twelve huge Olympian Gods. You know, either one.

My father walked leisurely up the steps, as if he had all the time in the world, with a small smile on his face. I knew he was doing this just to make me more nervous. When we did arrive at the door to the Throne Room, he stopped and turned to me.

"Just remember I'm proud of you son, no matter what." and with that we stepped in. Almost immediately I was overwhelmed by the sheer power in the room. Each God radiated enough power to destroy me, but the power wasn't harmful or dangerous, just neutral.

Poseidon immediately grew to about twenty feet in size, and walked to his throne on the right of Zeus, who was glaring at his brother. "Thank you, for joining us brother." he growled, and his blue eyes flashed with electricity.

I looked at the other Gods, and felt self-conscious. Each one was staring at me with piercing eyes, almost as if they were mentally dissecting me. My eyes were drawn to one God, Goddess actually, she had long auburn hair with silver streaks here and there, as if the moon had taken some of its silver light, and put it on her. Her silver eyes held a tint of gold, like the full moon, and she radiated calmness and serenity.

If I listened closely I could also hear the Call of the Wild. A beautiful song that flowed together, coming from all the animals of the wild. It soothed me, and for a second I felt like I wasn't surrounded by Olympian Gods, but only for a second.

"I present to you, family, my son, Perseus, God of Tides, Tracking, Senses, and the minor God of the Hunt." My father said with pride evident in his voice. At this Lady Artemis' eyes narrowed, and her piercing stare turned into a glare.

"God of the Hunt?" she asked menacingly, and even though her voice was scary and I felt a shiver go through me at it, it was still beautiful.

"Minor, Lady Artemis," I said, and stepped forward. Her eyes widened at my voice, but they soon narrowed into her scary glare. I stepped in front of her, and bowed deeply. "And I am very honored to have that title, and mean absolutely no disrespect by it." I said, head still down, and voice full of respect and reverence. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Poseidon smile, and wink at Zeus, who just rolled his eyes.

"Stand up, boy, a hunter does not bow to another hunter." she growled, and I immediately shot up. I knew she couldn't kill me, but she could send me to Tartaurus, and I didn't want that. Plus, she was just flat out scary.

I went to stand by my Father's side, and the rest of the meeting went on pretty boringly. They talked about the latest Olympian politics, and discussed where my palace would be, which would be right beside Artemis'. She didn't look to happy about that, but she didn't object.

When the meeting was finally done, my father grew down to normal size, and motioned for me to follow him. Which, of course, I did. I followed him to what I guessed was the hunting Gods' palaces, but there was only one.

It sorta looked like the temple dedicated to Artemis in Ephesus, it had columns all around it, and there was no roof, probably to let the moon in. The palace/temple gave off an ethereal silver glow, that oddly resembled the moon's shine.

"Your palace will be going next to hers. Right about here." He said, and stopped about two to three hundred feet away. He snapped his fingers, and a palace appeared, it was smaller than Artemis', but none the less it called to me just like the ocean or the hunt.

It was pure marble, but diamonds, and emeralds were melded in here and there. It was surrounded by water, with a sand bridge going through so people could get to it with out getting wet, and the water surrounding it was a beautiful ocean blue. Fish were swimming through it and I could hear their constant chatter.

"This is so cool, thank you so much, Father." I said, and reached down to put my hand in the water. It was the perfect temperature, and the water relaxed me.

"I am glad you like it. Now I will leave you to get settled in, but if you need anything just come to my palace, and we'll see if we can get it for you." I nodded absentmindedly, and I saw a flash as he disappeared.

"Hello Perseus," a cold voice snapped from next to me, making my head shoot up. Artemis stood next to me, her auburn hair blowing in the gentle wind, and her silver eyes let nothing show.

"Hello, Lady Artemis." I said, and bowed deeply to her.

She sighed, and I just knew she was rolling her eyes. "We've been over this Perseus. Do not bow to me." she said, and her voice held annoyance.

"Of course, Milady. Now what is it you need?" I asked, and stared into her beautiful silver eyes.

"I decided that if you are to carry a title such as the God of the Hunt, then I want to test your skills. I want to make sure you are worthy of it, and not just a stupid male that isn't even worth my time." her brow furrowed, as if disgusted by the thought.

"Of course, but what, exactly, do you mean by test my skills?" I asked, and she rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed by me.

"We, are going hunting." she said, and suddenly we were in a forest not to far from Olympus. "Find me something to hunt, O' God of Tracking." she said sarcastically and I nodded, closing my eyes.

In my minds eye I could see a map, it showed my people's essences/power. For example, Artemis was a bright silvery-gold dot right in the middle of the map, which was because she was standing next to me, and there was a demigod about twenty miles away from where we stood, a child of Athena if the color of their dot was any guess. Mortals didn't show up, I didn't know exactly why, but I thought it was because they didn't have enough power to show up on my map, although, if I did focus on one specific human I could find them pretty easily.

Anyways, about fifty miles north of us was a pack of hell hounds. Perfect. "Follow me, Milady." I said, and took off running and jumping through trees. I closed my eyes, and concentrated on the weapon that I wanted to appear. There was a slight tugging in my gut and a small flash, and suddenly I was holding my blue bow, and a quiver of blue arrows appeared on my back.

Everything was a blur to me as I ran, I was focused on only one thing. My prey. I could vaguely hear Artemis behind me, but the rush of the Hunt was to intoxicating, just as it always was. The wind rushing through my hair, and the scent of my prey ahead of me made my whole body tense, but excited. Then suddenly I stopped, Artemis over shot me by a few meters, but she quickly came back, glaring at me.

"Why'd we stop?" she asked, her silver eyes seemed happy and excited. I figured she had had the same feeling as me.

"Because if we had stopped later you would have given us away." I said, and she glared. "Now, let's go, they're not that far away." I jumped up and on to the nearest tree branch. Artemis quickly followed me, and together we began jumping and swinging through trees, excited to take down our pray.

It didn't take very long for us to arrive in the small clearing where the hell hounds were, and once we found it we jumped onto the branch nearest to the hell hounds, and knelt down.

"So, did I get an A?" I asked, and reached back to grab an arrow. Artemis didn't say anything, her silver eyes were now a deep gold color like the waxing moon, and she glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.

So yeah, she didn't answer, but she did load bow, and take aim at the farthest hell hound. The pack was rather small, only having five members, which made me sorta sad. I knew I would only get to kill two of them.

I lifted my fingers, and in seconds one hell hounds was now golden dust. Artemis did the same thing, and I quickly knocked another arrow in my bow. I easily took aim, and let the arrow fly, just as Artemis did.

"You can take the last one." I whispered, and she once again took aim as she prepared to shoot. I watched her, wishing I could use my bow with the easy grace that she did.

I only saw a sliver glint as she released her arrow, but as golden dust fell softly to the ground, I allowed my bow to disappear. "Perhaps you are worthy of your title." she said, and she actually seemed to be contemplating it.

"Thank you, Lady Artemis. Coming from you it is a true complement." I said honestly, and she nodded.

"Let us return to Olympus, but we will have to do this again Perseus." I smiled triumphantly, and watched as she transformed into her Godly form, and disappeared in a silver light. I stared at the spot she just was for a few seconds, before turning, and surveying the surrounding forest.

Everything was quiet, not even the trees were making a sound. It was as if the world had stopped for a second, and I felt a power coming from the Earth that I had never felt before, something much more powerful than any Olympian. It was gone as quickly as it had come though, and once again the Earth began moving.

I frowned, and looked over the trees once again for anything that might have caused such a disturbance, but when I found nothing, I disappeared in a soft green light.

I appeared on Olympus, and felt the small amount of unease in my body leave to be replaced by uncertain happiness. I slowly walked down the crowded streets, ignoring the girls who asked me out, and just thinking.

The whole thing with the Earth had been weird, but I felt like I had experienced it once before. I searched my Godly mind for anything of any use, but found nothing. Only a slight sense of deja vu. I shook my head, and sat down roughly on a bench in the Olympian Gardens.

The silver moonlight from above me was somehow soothing, and I felt my body relaxing. I tried to ignore it, but Olympus wasn't the place I wanted to be. I mean sure I liked Olympus, but it wasn't home. The only place that was my home was the sea, or maybe the forest.

I was a God, and I didn't want to go running back to my father after my first day, no first few hours, on Olympus. I didn't want to look like a wimp.

I sighed, and buried my head in my hands. I felt the usual slight pain build up in my legs, that meant that I should just stop thinking, and do what I do best. Which is to say, hunting. I willed myself into my Godly formed, and picked a forest near a fairly big monster, perhaps a pack of hell-hounds, or some Empousai.

I closed my eyes, and breathed in the scent of fresh trees, not tainted with mortal filth. I willed my bow to appear in my hands, and felt my legs tense of their own accord. Then, I was off, running faster than I had with Artemis, towards my prey. I could feel them up in front of me, their aura giving off the usual demonicness.

I didn't feel like using my bow this time, so I willed it to disappear, and made my trusty, Celestial Bronze sword, Riptide, appear in my hand. I charged through the last row of trees, and jumped into the air.

I spun my sword, and dived downwards into one of the Empousai's heads, my sandals were made with Celestial bronze on the bottom, and I felt the usual rush I got when I killed my prey. I slashed the one that was coming up behind me, and grabbed the other one's face with my hand. I felt water forming in it, before I allowed the Empousai to shoot backwards with a sword of water in its chest.

Then I made an arrow appear in my hand, and I threw it at her. I smirked as two Empousai charged at me with Celestial Bronze spears in their hands, before easily jumping into the air. They crashed into each other, and I looked down to see golden dust falling to the ground.

I landed on the ground, and stared into the Empousai's red eyes. The things were soulless so they gave nothing away, but I swear I saw fear in their depths. I hesitated, but only slightly before I buried Riptide hilt-deep in her chest. Monsters didn't deserve mercy.

That was the last one, and I watched, feeling a twisted happiness as the dust fell to the ground. The rush faded though, and I scowled in disgust, to this day I'm really not sure if I was disgusted with myself, or the monsters, but at that moment I didn't care.

So, what do you guys think? I think it's pretty different, but that might be just me. I'm sort of sick of the Guardian of the Hunt stories, and one day when I had nothing to do this story happened. Don't get me wrong, I love Starblade's Guardian of the Hunt story, but most of the other ones are just getting old. No offense to anybody who wrote one, there is just so many of them now.

Little fun fact for you guys, Artemis doesn't hate men yet, that won't happen until after she meets Orion and they go through that whole fiasco. And since she doesn't hate men quiet yet the Hunters also won't be coming in until later.

Anyways, tell me what ya think, loved it, hate it, you're choice, just review and tell me.