A/N: This will be my second story I am writing. I hope you guys like it!

The rest of the team will be introduced in future chapters!

Please review!

I don't own criminal minds.

Chapter 1: Meeting Jennifer Jareau

Aaron Hotchner joined the BAU three years ago. He had been a federal prosecutor for five years and he wanted to do more to catch the bad guys. He joined the BAU when it was still developing. Now the BAU was stronger than ever. He was in a team with four other agents. Unit Chief Steve Miller, SSA David Rossi, SSA Todd Gray and SSA Shawn Hayes. He finally did work that really meant something to him. When he decided to join the BAU, Haley was against it. They were just married and they were still really young. He never regretted his decision and he realized he never would. Being a part of this team was something special. They flew across the country the entire year to put the bad guys away. Sometimes there were cases that would get to him and he had a hard time dealing with the victims. Mostly he was able to stay focused and stoic. Hotch was already known for his stoic demeanor. Everybody knew that there was a big possibility that he could lead the team one day. He is a born leader and very good at his job. His job often led to difficulties in his family life. He tried everything he could to be at home as much as he possibly could but sometimes there were cases that needed priority.

Today was one of those days. A month ago a difficult case came across their desks. College girls were being killed and they had no new leads. There were already seven victims. All of the victims were blonde girls with blue eyes. Hotch was having a hard time with this case. The case was in DC. That meant he could go home to his wife but the images of the women kept flashing into his mind.

Hotch was working on the case with the rest of the team. He was looking at the photos of their latest victim. She was 23 years old, she went to the University of Washington. Hotch and Gray informed her family about her death. Hotch always hated to tell people the most devastating news people could get in their lives. He couldn't imagine someone telling him that Jack was murdered. Jack was 21 months old. Haley and Hotch were really happy when they found out she was pregnant. Jack was a constant reminder for him of the good that was still left in the world. Sometimes he just didn't believe that there were any good people left. He was still thinking about Jack when Miller walked out of his office. Unit Chief Miller was a balding man in his fifties. He was one of the people, along with Rossi, who built the BAU. He could be nice but he mostly was cranky. Everybody saw that the job took a lot away from him and it wouldn't take long before he would leave the BAU.

Miller walked into the bullpen and he stopped at the desks of his agents.

''I just got a call from the Metropolitan Police Department. They found another girl'' Miller explained.

''Where was she found?'' Hayes asked curiously.

''She was found by her roommate in their apartment'' Miller replied.

''That's not his MO. Why do they think it's our guy?'' Rossi asked.

''She was found with the exact same restraints on her. There is was a W carved on her back. They wounds are the exact same. Her cause of death was multiple stab wounds to the upper body'' Miller said with terror on his face.

''What was her name?'' Hotch asked.

''What?'' Gray asked.

''Her name!'' Hotch said a little louder.

''Her name is Kelly Bryce. She was studying at Georgetown'' Miller said, knowing that Hotch couldn't stand it when they would talk about their victims like they were objects.

''The unsub is definitely evolving. He kidnapped the other victims and now he's taking the chance to kill them in their own apartments with the chance of getting caught'' Hayes said.

''I want all four of you at the scene. I will run point from here. I want all of you to look at the crime scene. After that you should split up. Hayes and Gray, go to the girls family and tell them what happened. Rossi and Hotch, I want the two of you to interview the witness. She is probably the person who knew Kelly the best'' Miller ordered.

The team left and they drove to the Georgetown campus. When they arrived they saw an entire crowd gathered around the perimeter of the scene. They pushed themselves through the crowd and they walked under the crime scene tape and introduced themselves to the detective.

''You must be BAU. I am detective McCoy'' the detective said when he saw the agents standing in front of him.

''Hello detective. I am SSA Rossi. These are SSA's Gray, Hayes and Hotchner'' Rossi said.

All the agents shook the detectives hand.

''Follow me. I will show you the crime scene'' the detective said as they walked inside a small but cozy apartment.

The detective walked towards the bedroom where the body was found. They left the body in the exact same spot, so the agents could check out the scene.

''In here is the body'' the detective said while he pointed to the room.

''When was she found?'' Hayes asked.

''The roommate found her about two hours ago. The police was at the scene within ten minutes'' the detective replied.

''Do they have any idea around what time she died?'' Hotch asked.

''The ME took her liver temperature and he concluded that she died a little over two hours ago'' the detective responded.

''That means that she just died when the roommate found her. Lucky girl. If she would have come in here when the unsub was still here, he would have probably killed her to'' Gray said.

Rossi and Hayes were already in the room were the murder occurred and Gray followed them to. Hotch was standing outside the room with the detective to ask a couple of questions.

''Have you already interviewed Kelly's roommate?'' Hotch asked.

''No, not yet. I have been too busy with handling the crime scene'' the detective replied.

''Okay. Do you have any idea where she is?'' Hotch asked impatiently.

''One of the officers took her to a squad car. She must be outside'' the detective said, knowing that he made a big mistake by not interviewing the witness right away.

''Well. I will take a look at the crime scene and after that I will look for the girl'' Hotch said an he walked into the room where the other agents were already focusing on all the evidence.

Hotch noticed the body right away. The sight made him feel sick but he was able to keep his emotions in check. He walked over to Rossi who was standing over the body.

''Looks like he's evolving rather quickly'' Rossi stated.

''He is. His rage is becoming worse with each kill. This is the first kill with this many stab wounds. The fact that he killed her inside her own apartment means he is getting cocky. He could risk getting caught pretty easily'' Hotch added.

''Hey Rossi, Hotch. Come and look at this'' Gray said.

''What is it?'' Rossi asked curiously.

They walked over to the other two agents and they looked at what they found.

''He took some things with him'' Hayes stated.

''Look at the dust. These places are clean'' Gray said while pointing at the dresser.

''It looks like he took photo frames'' Hotch said.

''This is the first time he took something with him. This guy is evolving way too quickly. We need to get this profile out as fast as possible. He probably took something as a souvenir to relive the killings. Hayes go to inform her family. Gray you stay here to take a look at the crime scene. Hotch and I will interview the roommate. She might be able to tell us what is missing'' Rossi ordered.

The team went to do their tasks and the medical examiner was taking away the body for autopsy. They all realized this was going to be a long night. The fact that this was their eighth victim didn't make it any easier for them. Hotch hated it when they were a step behind the unsub.

Hotch and Rossi walked outside.

''Where did the detective say this girl is?'' Rossi asked.

''He said they put her in a squad car'' Hotch replied while looking around.

''Do they have a name? What does she look like?'' Rossi asked.

''I don't know. They took her away from the crime scene and they didn't talk to her'' Hotch responded while they started walking towards the squad cars.

''What? This girl saw her roommate covered in stab wounds and blood. She needs someone to talk to. It had to have been traumatizing. They really don't know how to handle a witness'' Rossi said angrily.

''I know. I wanted to yell at the detective but I didn't because being polite is important according to Miller'' Hotch said. They looked inside all the squad cars and they couldn't find the girl anywhere.

''Damn it. She isn't here. Let's ask an officer'' Rossi said while walking back to the crime scene.

''About Miller. What is going on with him, Dave?'' Hotch asked curiously while they were still walking towards the crime scene.

''I think he is retiring, Aaron. He is leaving'' Rossi replied. He promised Miller he wouldn't say anything but Hotch was his best friend and he couldn't lie to him.

''What? Are you going to be leading the unit?'' Hotch asked when they finally were back at the crime scene.

''Of course not. I would be going crazy if I had to do all the extra paperwork. Oh, hey officer. I am agent Rossi. Detective McCoy told us that one of you put a witness in a squad car but we can't find her anywhere'' Rossi said quickly.

''Oh. I put here in there about two hours ago. Is she gone?'' the officer asked surprised.

''Is she gone? She saw her friend slaughtered and you put her in a car for two hours. Do you really think you could do that?'' Hotch yelled out.

''I am sorry. She might be in the little park around the corner'' the officer said shyly.

''Okay. Thank you'' Rossi said.

Hotch and Rossi walked around the campus building and they walked towards a little park. The park had a couple of benches. At first they didn't see anyone. They walked towards the end of the park. Hotch gave Rossi a push in his side to let him know he saw someone sitting on a bench.

''Ouch. What was that for?'' Rossi asked.

''Over there!'' Hotch said impatiently.

They walked towards the bench were a girl with long blonde hair was sitting. She had her arms around her and she was shivering.

''Wow. Nice girl'' Rossi said while he stopped walking.

''What do you mean?'' Hotch asked surprised.

''She is very pretty'' Rossi replied.

''Go to hell, Dave. Even at a crime scene your still looking for women'' Hotch said with astonishment.

Hotch walked over to the bench and he knelt down in front of the crying blonde.

''Hey. Are you okay?'' Hotch asked with concern.

Rossi stayed at a distance to not scare her.

''What?'' the girl asked with terror in her eyes.

''Are you Kelly Bryce's roommate?'' Hotch asked while looking into her bright blue eyes.

''Yes. I am. I mean I was. I think'' she said softly.

''I am agent Hotchner. The man behind me is agent Rossi. We are with the FBI and we are investigating Kelly's death'' Hotch whispered while showing the girl his badge. He saw the girl was scared and he didn't want to do or say anything to make her even more afraid. He understood that it was devastating to find anyone in the state Kelly was found in, especially if it was someone your close to.

''FBI? Why?'' she asked curiously.

''There are more victims like Kelly. What's your name, sweetheart?'' he asked softly.

He looked behind him and he saw that Rossi was walking back to the crime scene to run point from there. He knew he could do the interview himself but he never liked talking to family of friends of the victims. Let alone when it was someone who found the victim.

''I…I am. My name is Jennifer Jareau'' she said.

''Okay. Ms. Jareau. I…'' he said but he was interrupted.

''Please don't call me miss. I am not that old. You can call me JJ'' she said while extending a hand to the man in front of her.

''I am sorry. It's nice to meet you JJ. You can call me Aaron'' he said while shaking her hand.

Both of them were just starring each other in the eyes for a while. JJ had no idea what to say and Hotch was getting lost in her big blue eyes. After a while he told himself to ask her questions about the case.

''I am sorry for your loss. There are a few questions in need to ask. Do you mind coming back with me to the office? I can see you're cold and it probably is more comfortable over there'' he said while standing up.

''Okay. Do I need to drive?'' she said while she tried to stand up. JJ felt her knees buckle and Hotch caught her by the arms.

''Thanks'' JJ said softly as she steadied herself.

''Your welcome. You can drive with me. I will drive you wherever you need to go after the interview'' he said while they both started walking.

Hotch and JJ didn't exchange a word. They reached the car and Hotch opened the passengers side's door and JJ carefully stepped inside.

''Just wait two minutes. I need to tell my team I am heading back with you'' he said.

''Okay'' she replied shyly.

Hotch closed the door of the black SUV and he walked towards Rossi.

''Did she say much?'' Rossi asked.

''No. I think she is in shock. When she stood up, she almost fainted. I am taking her back to the BAU, to interview her there. I'll see you back there'' Hotch said.

''Of course. See you soon'' Rossi said and he walked back to the detective to go over the case.