Chapter 1: Nightmares

Location: Unknown

"Search the house," a cloaked figure commanded. "He's got to be here somewhere." The front door was broken off its hinges not even a second afterward and about half a dozen creatures came through. Said creatures began rummaging through the house, searching for some unknown object. The cloaked figure stepped through the entryway as this was done.

Finally, one of the creatures approached the figure respectfully, almost fearfully, and said, "My liege, he is not here."

"What," the figure said. It was not a question, yet…not a statement either.

The creature wrung its hands nervously. "We cannot find him, Sire."

"That is unacceptable," the cloaked figure said calmly. Without warning, he pulled out a sword and cut the creature's head off. It fell to the floor, lifeless. With a calm voice that held great authority, he said to the others, "Don't just stand there; find the boy and bring him to me."

The others nodded quickly, and the figure turned to leave, his cloak swirling about him like mist. "Oh, and one more thing," he said over his shoulder. "I want him alive." And with that, he left.

A beige-and-copper female Lombax stood frozen where she was as she held a small bundle tightly in her arms. She looked in horror at the creatures before her.

"Give him to us and you shall not be harmed," one of the creatures said, moving towards her. She shook her head slightly and took a step back. "Very well, Lombax. Your choice." He drew out his sword and stepped towards the her…

And he bolted awake, panting for breath and soaked in sweat. It took him a moment to realize that it was only a dream. He blinked and released a shaky sigh of relief. He had been having that same dream for the past month now; it was all he could think about. He could never get that Lombax out of his mind.

Who was she? Why did she look so familiar? Did he know her? If so, then how? Why did he constantly dream about her?

The woman in bed with him stirred, sensing his unease. She opened her eyes slightly. "Ratchet?" she mumbled tiredly. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Mariah," the Lombax said as he settled back under the covers. "Don't worry about it; go back to sleep." Mariah closed her eyes again and almost immediately fell asleep. Ratchet, on the other hand, stayed awake for a while, thinking about his dream. It had always been the same: the figure, the creatures, the Lombax.

And its eyes. Those deep emerald green orbs, tainted with blood red. Always the same, never changing, never wavering.

Ratchet looked at the clock, 3:23 A.M. Now the Lombax felt a wave of exhaustion sweep over him. He changed his position and went back to sleep.

"Sir, all of the residents are resting at this time," a drone reported, looking over the city below. "Shall we begin the attack now, while they are vulnerable?"

"No. Wait until the Master gives the order," a man said. Then he continued to himself, "We must be careful in this dimension. I hear that many a dictator have been defeated by a certain rebel. If he is caught, we can work with a little more ease than we would if he was still out and about. If we do not succeed, though…" The man shivered at the thought of what may happen to those who failed the Master.

Then a transmission came in, giving orders. "All right! Everyone, battle stations! We start the attack now!" At his voice, every drone under his command hurried to do what they were assigned to do.

First chapter done. As I have said in my other two stories, I am having trouble deciding which series I should work on first because I do not want to have to deal with the pressure of three stories at once. Please give your input.

Anyway, laters, peace, whatever y'all like to hear.

Oh, and R & R (whatever that means)