Curses of the Malfoy Family


The sun streamed in the part between the curtains. I stretched and rolled over to glance around the room, taking in my surroundings. One and a half years, thats how long it had been since I had made the biggest mistake of my life that had given me the expensive clothes, made my name practically royalty within the magical world and what had I had gotten talked to behind my back about constantly. A drunken night of the day that I had graduated from Hogwarts where I left with honors and the best results in the past century.

Even though I hated what my life had now become, I could still remember the day as if it were only yesterday...


"I give you the graduating class of Hogwarts 2010" McGonagall's stern voice had rung throughout the great hall. Cheers erupted from students, friends and family

"Hermione we did it!" Ron had yelled in my ear followed by Harry, we all stood they're in the middle of the hall hugging each other.

"Come on, The Three Broomsticks is open for graduating students only tonight so everyone's going to be there and celebrate" Harry had said excitedly

"Lemme go and get changed and I'll meet you in the entrance hall in ten minutes" I said as I ran up to the Gryffindor dorms. Once there I changed into a black dress that my mother had bought me for a graduation present. I was tight fitted and stopped mid thigh. I put on the matching black stilettos and made my way back down the stairs, releasing my hair from the pins that was holding it into an elegant twist, the curls cascading down my back

I caught up with the boys who had changed out of they're school robes and were in jeans and button up shirts. We made out way down to the gates and into Hogsmede, ignoring the snow falling around us, too high on life from graduating. The pub looked like it was in full swing when we arrived. Ron went to the bar and got us glasses of Fire whiskey. Looking around I saw my classmates celebrating they're freedom from the walls of Hogwarts and now welcomed to the free world to take the different directions of our lives

I danced with Ginny, who had also graduated with us since we missed our seventh year, and all my friends within the grade. After more drinks, a game that involved drinking vodka shots whenever you had never done something and more drinking, I was finding it VERY hard to see straight.

So when I went outside by myself to get some air, I couldn't help but stumble upon a solid figure that looked like they were doing the same

"Sorry Gr-Granger?"


"Need some air as well?"

"Yeah, to crowded in there for me"

"Well in that case, Im glad that you chose to be in my presence" he grinned

"Your drunk" I said as I tripped yet again on air

"So are you beautiful" he said reaching out to stable me

"Why thankyou handsome"

We made our way down the street to the less crowded HogsHead and sat down at a table in the corner, with a bar tender coming over and writing out an order for a bottle of fire whiskey and mead, with two glasses

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I had asked

For a moment a look of concentration crossed his face as he looked at me

"I honestly don't know, but when I see a good looking girl, I know I just have to take care of her, I was raised to be a proper gentleman" he said leaning over the table so he was just inches away from my face. His breath smelt of alcohol and but the warmth of it made my body feel tingly

"Well I really like gentlemen, so its not very often that I let them slip from between my grasp" I said leaning further into him again, our lips just brushing up against one another's. Even in my drunken haze I could tell that this was wrong but my body just didn't seem to think so. I leaned closer and pushed my lips against his. His tongue licked the bottom of my lip and I opened my lips and his tongue shot forward and explored my mouth.

By that time the waiter had arrived back and placed our drinks on the table, which we drank in about half an hour. We stumbled out of the pub and he walked with his arm draped over my shoulder and my arm was wrapped around his waist.


I couldn't really remember anything that happened after that but it eventuated into an irreversible marriage. I could never leave him, he was always there. When I woke up, he was in the room next door, at work he was in the department right across from me, in public we had to act like the in love couple that we were supposed to be that got married on the night of they're graduation.

My friends never really accepted it, but they put up with his insults for my sake, because we were supposed to be in love. Sighing I pushed myself up out of the bed and out into the corridor. Walking past his door I stopped and bashed my fist on the door and heard a thud on the other side then the rushing of steps.

He opened the bedroom door looking disheveled in only a pair of black silk boxers. His white blond hair falling over his silver eyes, which were squinting so that he could see better in his half- asleep state

"What- oh its you" he said relaxing and rubbing his heels of his hands over his eyes

"Yeah, don't need to sound so surprised honey, but I just came to tell you that your parents are coming over for breakfast and that they need to talk to us" I said in a sickly sweet voice

"Mmmhmm, well once you once you tame that stuff that you call hair come and get me" he smiled and closed the door with a flick of his wrist

Sometimes in our relationship it would be ok, we got along quite well most of the time. We did have a lot in common, even though he doesn't like to show his bookworm side to the public. Then there were days that we couldn't stand the sight of each other. But days like today we had a teasing game going on, basically annoy the other as much as you can until breaking point. At least everyone in the public eye thought that the make- up sex must have been good, due to the amount of arguments that had happened in public places

Sitting down at the table an hour later with Draco's parents could be intimidating, but really they both had big hearts.

"So mother, father, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"

Mr and Mrs Malfoy had relocated to a coastal town in America, where they lived in a beautiful mansion along the water leaving Malfoy Manor to me and Draco. It wasn't that we never saw them, it just usually had a purpose for they're meetings

"Well son, we are actually here about your marriage" Mr Malfoy looked between the two of us

"What do you mean?" I said failing to keep the panic out of my voice

"Well when you got married, an old magic that has been put in place in the Malfoy family millenniums ago was started, making your marriage to each other never ending. But what also needs to be considered is children" Mrs Malfoy looked at us and I felt the remaining colour in my face disappear completely

"A part of the magic needs to be accomplished before the first two years. You may have either conceived or already have a living child before the first two years of your marriage is up. If you don't follow this the results could potentially be life threatening"

"What happens if we don't follow?" Draco said

"You end up like your great uncle Scorpius" said Mr Malfoy with a slight frown

"What happened to great uncle Scorpius?" I asked

"He became mentally ill, the magic ate away at his brain until he couldn't do anything by himself, he died at the age of twenty five. But we don't speak of such people" Mrs Malfoy said indifferently. I felt like I was going to vomit.

Me and Draco sat there quietly looking at the crumbs left on our plates from the breakfast that we had finished beforehand.

"I know its a lot to take in, but you need to start trying soon. Hermione I will send you over a potion that with make conceiving much easier. But we must be off, we have a luncheon to attend"

Once they left I felt myself leave the table and make my way up to my room where I sat down on the leather lounge that sat against the wall across from my bed.

Sure we had had sex before, not that either could really remember it, because it was on our wedding night and we were both to drunk to really even say any type of vows other than 'take me, Im yours'.

This was different though. We actually had to have a child, I would have to be a mother. When I first realised there was no backing out of this marriage I came to the conclusion that I would never have kids because I would not touch Malfoy like that ever again

A soft knock on the door broke me from my thoughts.

"Come in" I called. The door opened and they're stood Malfoy, the look on his face showing that he was going through the exact same as what I was. He stood awkwardly in the doorway unsure of what to do.

"Can I-um-uh-come in" he said rocking back on his heels. All I could do was nod, unsure of what I would sound like if I even tried to open my mouth. He sat down at the other end of the sofa and took the same position I was in- knees brought up to my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs.

We sat quiet for some time, wrapped up in our own thoughts. It was times like these that I actually really appreciated him. When I needed his presence but not to talk, just to make me feel less lonely.

I looked up and noticed that he was openly staring at me, as if waiting for the screaming and the crying to start.

"What?" I asked. My voice sounded strange, distant

"Just thinking" he answered still looking at me "do you want to talk about this?" he asked

"What is there to talk about Draco, its not like we can change things" I said calmly

"How do you want to do this is what I want to know, because I am definitely not writing down in a calendar when Im going to have sex with you" he said, closer to yelling than I was

"How about we ease into this, we have another six months. Start simple. Moving into one room, going out more often, jeez even going on dates, what normal couples do" I said, he just nodded

"I know that this was unexpected for the both of us, but I just- this is going to sound cheesy, but Im here for you if you want to talk" he said a smile playing around his lips. A giggle escaped through my mouth and before I knew it, we were both laughing uncontrollably. Our emotions of shock overwhelming us, and laughing seemed like a good way to get some of it out

Our positions had changed in our little...whatever that was. I was lying down on the lounge with my head resting on his lap. One of his arms was resting on the back of the lounge, while the other was running through my hair. A position we had sat in many times, but now it was different, knowing what was to be expected of us.

We could have stayed like that for hours, but I was feeling tired and couldn't suppress the yawn that came out of my mouth.

"Tired?" he asked smiling down at me

"Just a little" I answered. He pulled himself up from under me and picked me up before I could realise what he was doing. He walked the same, as if my added weight was nothing for him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, because knowing him he'd drop me at any minute. But he didn't. He took me all the way to the bed and placed me down gently. he tried standing but my arms were still wrapped around his neck

"Stay" I mumbled

He froze for a second before he kicked his shoes off and got into the bed next to me. He rolled over so we were facing each other, looking curiously into each others eyes.

"This is going to be ok" I whispered

"I believe you" he whispered back kissing me softly on the nose. A tear escaped from me, and he reached out to wipe it away

"You really can be a caring person sometimes"

"Only around the people who deserve it" he replied, pulling me closer and rolled me over so my back was pushed into his chest. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I felt safe in his arms.


"What for?"

"I know this is hard for both of us, but you've always been the stronger one. You always know what to do"

"For this to work, we need to have a healthy relationship. I know we get along but not like a married couple should, not an environment that a child should be raised. A child needs to grow up to learn how to love and behave, and we don't have that" he said

"What are you saying?"

"Im saying that we start over. A fresh start and learn to get along, and feel like we should be"


"Well then, I plan on taking you out somewhere for your lunch break tomorrow Mrs Malfoy" he said, his chin resting above my head

"Do you just Mr Malfoy? And what shall I be expecting at this lunch date?"

"Your totally gorgeous husband to take his beautiful wife out on a romantic date, so that we can get to know each other a bit better, and just cause I feel generous, I may just pay for you" he chuckled

"Oh Mr Malfoy, you certainly know how to win a girls heart"

"How do you think I got such a good looking girl into bed with me then?"

"Definitely not by your charm"

"Then how Mrs Malfoy?"

"Uhh- by your kind heart" I said, that got him

"My kind- my kind heart, well thats not a good line for the ladies the is it? I would have thought more along the lines of my sexy, hot, muscular, handsome body"

"I don't know about sexy"

"No thats the title that you hold" he whispered into my ear, and I could feel my face heat up with blush

"Is it just me or are you complementing me much more than usual?"

"I am, but Im tired so Im going to sleep" he said bending his knee so that it was sitting on top of my leg and moving his arm under the pillow we were sharing to get comfortable

'If only it was really this easy' I thought as I drifted off to sleep