PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Review. I am so determined to finish these open stories. I started the outline for a new story where both Eric and Sookie are 1,000 year old vampires. But its hard to motivate myself to keep writing knowing that this fandom is so dead.
Chapter 12
I was walking back to my home with some breakfast I had ordered to go for Sookie. I was so excited to lay around with her and catch up on some much needed sleep before having to go back to the bar. I needed to take a vacation, I was always working. But of course I would want Sookie to come with me and I knew she wouldn't be willing to take vacation so early into her employment; I could imagine her eye roll and heavy exasperation at my inevitable "I'm the boss" comment.
I felt really good. There were great things in our future, I could feel it. I knew that Niall and Godric would be willing to help Sookie if she was willing to accept their help. But I wasn't going to push her. I needed to get to know her and understand her boundaries. I smirked to myself, I was getting so mature. Sookie was going to be so proud of me. Thinking of Sookie gave me flashbacks of our evening and I started getting hard. Mm Sookie. Mm Sookie boobs. Yup, real mature. I smirked again.
I eventually made it back to my condo and unlocked the door quietly. I didn't see Sookie in the kitchen or living room so I assumed she was still in bed. I set the paper bag with the food on the counter and slipped my shoes off. My feet padded quietly across my carpet, making sure not to make too much noise in case she was still sleeping. When I entered my bedroom Sookie was sprawled out in all of her glory, one arm under my pillow the other thrown across the bed, her legs slightly separated. If her legs were a little more spread I could give her a great wake up call.
Slipping my clothes off, I crawled into the bed, carefully separating her legs without waking her up. I was growing hard at the idea of going down on her. Once I was situated I started licking her, focusing on her nub while I circled her opening with my finger. Sookie started to respond immediately, her hips beginning to lift up off the bed as her eyes fluttered open. She was beginning to moan quietly, but I maintained my same steady speed.
"Eric," Sookie moaned.
I lifted my head up, "You're so wet, babe." I could do this for hours. I was going to do this for hours. If she let me of course.
Sookie finally tensed up and her eyes went wide open as she screamed through her first orgasm. Her hands went to the comforter, gripping it tightly, humping against my face.
I don't know how long this went on before her hands were gripping at my hair, begging me to stop. "Please, Eric. I need you inside of me."
Kissing my way up her body, I stopped briefly at her breasts, sucking lightly on both of her nipples. Sookie began to yank me up toward her face.
"In a hurry?" I was grinning at her as she rubbed herself wantonly against my body. Sookie bit my shoulder to get me to hurry up, making my hips thrust forward involuntarily. I was dripping onto her, I felt like I was going to explode, I was so hard. Her body was begging for me, and I needed to grant her wishes. I slipped into her, groaning loudly.
"Jesus, you're so wet. Do you always get this wet or is this just for me." I started thrusting. I wasn't going to maintain any rhythm now, I had teased the both of us for long enough.
"This is only for you, Eric." Sookie panted into my ear. She was gripping me tightly, her nails digging into my shoulders and legs wrapped around my waist giving her leverage to thrust against me. Damn right this was only for me. It felt amazing. This was a whole new level of sex; it really helped that my partner knew how to use her body. I was going to finish soon and I could tell she wasn't far off from another orgasm. I lifted up, folded her legs closer to her body and started to thrust deeper than before.
"Oh my god. Oh my god." Sookie was moaning over and over again. "Eric, I'm going to - " She didn't finish her sentence as she mouthed a silent scream. We both crashed over the edge together. I fell sideways onto the bed so I didn't smush her. My heart was racing and I felt like every part of my body had been shocked.
"That was some damn good work we did there, Northman," Sookie giggled to me. She threw her arms and legs out so she was half sprawled on top of me.
I was speechless. All I knew is that I needed to be closer to her. I grabbed her arm and dragged her up the bed so she was eye level with me and snuggled into her side. I wrapped my long limbs around her smaller frame, she couldn't get out of my grip unless she kneed me in my happy place. This way I could put my face into the side of her neck and breathe her in until I fell asleep. My body was happy; great breakfast, great girl, great sex.
"I never knew sex could be like that." Sookie whispered.
"Why are you whispering?"
"You hadn't said anything in a long time."
I thought about that, "I was speechless from the sex. I am speechless from the sex. There is nothing going on in my brain right now."
"Shut up. You're always thinking, I can see it from that little wrinkle on your forehead."
"You were there. You broke my brain lady."
Neither of us said anything for a while and I began to drift off, but Sookie's stomach woke me up from my drowsing. I rolled onto my back, both of us frowning from the lack of body heat.
"Why," she groaned at me.
"There's food for you on the counter. Go eat, then come snuggle me. I don't want to be woken up by stomach noises or a hangry lady."
"You are way too kind, Eric." Sookie leaned down and gave me a lingering kiss. Then she bounced away to the kitchen, naked from head to toe. What a sexy sight to fall asleep to.
I woke up about a couple of hours later feeling refreshed. When I opened my eyes I was happy to see Sookie napping naked next to me. I was disappointed she wasn't smothering me with her gorgeous body, but I assume she was trying to let me sleep. Rubbing my hand across my face I reached for my cell phone on my nightstand. We needed to get to the bar soon or we were going to be late for opening. I couldn't let Pam down just because I was obsessed with Sookie. Speaking of Sookie, someone was going to have to wake her up if we were going to get to work on time.
I reached my arm across her body and started to caress her nipple with my fingers. I knew we wouldn't have time to have sex, but what better way to motivate us to get through the work day than blue balls. Sookie started to arch her back to allow my hands better access to her breasts. I knew she was awake, just prolonging the pleasure.
"We have to get ready, Lover." I rolled my body across hers, replacing my hands with my mouth.
"Eric," Sokie moaned. "Please."
I stopped abruptly and leapt off the bed. "Alright lady, lets go." I ran to the shower laughing.
"ERIC." Sookie shrieked behind me.
I was still laughing in the bathroom as I heard her angry feet stomping toward me. I had started the water so it wouldn't be ice cold for our shower.
"What the fuck." Sookie was standing in the doorway to my bathroom. Her hair looked like a bird's nest and she looked ready to rip my dick off and beat me with it.
"We have to get to work, we don't have time for sex." I tried to look apologetic.
Sookie was stalking toward me now. I wasn't sure if she was going to punch me or jump my bones. I was really hoping for the latter. Man did I really make some poor choices.
Sookie stopped abruptly in front of me, and dropped to her knees. "Are you sure, we don't have time for anything?" I couldn't even respond to her, her next move took away all coherent thought.
"Fuck." My head tilted back and my hand went to her hair. Her mouth was applying the perfect amount of suction and it was so hot on my dick. We were going to be late and I did not give a fuck.
Then,Sookie stopped. "Well, I think we are going to be late. I need to run home for some clothes. I'll see you at work, Eric." She said this to me while getting up off her knees and walking out of the room. A few minutes later she reappeared with her clothes on, gave a little wave and then left my condo.
I looked down at not so little Eric Jr. and he was pulsating and angry at me. "FUCK" I shouted at my self inflicted blue balls.
"I am surprised to see you here on time, Eric." Pam looked up at me from her spot in the owner's booth. She looked to be going over our quarterly financials.
"Let's not talk about why I'm here on time. I'm a stupid piece of shit." I grumbled at her and stalked back to my office. I didn't want to see Sookie in her bartender attire. I would split my zipper with the inevitable hard on from just seeing her. As I slammed back into my office chair I pushed my hands through my hair. How the hell was I going to keep it professional when I just wanted to have Sookie attached to my body? Why am I so obsessed with her? Did she feel the same? Was I going to sound like a love sick schoolboy everytime she came to mind?
"FUCK." I shouted again.
I was interrupted from my internal ragefest by Pam knocking on the door. "Who shit in your cereal today?"
"Nobody shit in it. Just trying to get over an itch that won't be scratched till after work"
"Yeah, I'm going to need you to keep that part of your life separate from me unless you want me to shit in your cereal."
"You asked a question I answered."
"Anyways, have you looked at these reports."
"No, why?"
"Longshadow embezzling really took a hit on our profit margin for last quarter. We're going to need to buckle down or make a lot more money if we are going to recover. It's unfortunate he spent all the money instead of just being able to give it back to us." Pam looked really frustrated as she tried to rub out her irritation wrinkle on her forehead.
"We'll make it up." I steepled my fingers in front of my face. "I think it's time I let you run free with your special events."
Pam's face lit up. "Can I change the happy hour menu and times?"
"Come up with some plans and then let's discuss. We own the bar together, don't pretend like you actually need my permission for these changes." I smiled at her.
"So are you just going to stay in here all night avoiding Sookie?"
"I'm not avoiding her." I put my hands up immediately when I saw her glare. "Okay yes I'm avoiding her but not because something is wrong. I just don't think I can stop myself from cumming immediately in my pants when I see her. She gave me a severe case of blue balls."
"Serves you right." Pam got up and strutted to the door in her high heels.
"What exactly did I do to make you think I deserve this?"
"I'm sure you did something to cause the blue balls. But honestly, isn't it nice to have to work at a girl rather than having her throwing herself at you."
I rolled my eyes. She was right. But I'll still roll my eyes.
"Come on, Eric. Business is better when the viking is brooding in his booth anyways."
"Alright. I'll be out in a little bit." I needed time to mentally prepare myself.
15 minutes later I was walking out into the bar, calm and collected. Or so I thought. My pants immediately tightened when I saw Sookie in a very revealing crop top and tight leather pants that didn't leave anything to the imagination. When I finally got to my booth and sat down with a stack of reports to review I just put my head on the table. If we were going to be able to work together and be in this relationship we were going to need to work fucking into our breaks because this was tortuous. Of course I have nobody else to blame, but myself. But only Sookie needed to know that.
I was finally able to turn my attention back to the reports and away from Sookie's boobs which I swear were calling to me. Pam was right, we weren't in the hole but we had a lot of climbing to do.
"Hey Eric." I jumped, not expecting anyone to be talking to me right now. When I looked up from my reports, it was Sookie.
I cleared my throat to mask that I was over salivating just looking at her. "Hey, whats up?" I looked around her and noticed Pam was manning the bar. How long had I been reviewing these documents?
"It's my break time and you've been focused here for a few hours, I thought we could take our break together."
I finally looked up to her eyes and saw the fire there. Oh yes, we were kindred spirits. And we were going to make sure fucking was in the normal work schedule.