It's Your Love – Chapter 12


Unfortunately, I do not own any of these characters. They belong to Fox and Ryan Murphy.


First of all, I am so sorry that I took such a long break. Thank you to those readers that have PM'd me with such encouraging words.

So I guess I need to explain my absence. The last three years have been tough with happy and sad events.

So #1 – Cory's death. I think some of us grieved and are still grieving. Cory was a role model to many. Sadly, his addictions won.

#2, #3 – Pregnancy (x2) – Yep pregnant … No twins – just pregnant twice. Just a few weeks prior to Cory's death I found out that I was pregnant. Unexpected in Nov 2013 – I gave birth 14 weeks early. He's now a happy and fairly healthy baby boy! Then, a few short months after he came home in Feb 2014 – I found out that I was pregnant again! Baby girl arrived in Feb 2015. Healthy and Loud LOL

So while my time has become full of cuddles and new loves and new experiences, there hasn't been a day where I wished I could take 10 minutes to write a little bit here and there.

Until today I've not found the time. I'm so happy and excited to hopefully finish this story. I don't know how many chapters, but I'm hoping that I can finish it within the next few weeks.

So again, please bear with me while I try to find the time to finish this story.

Thank you again for following, favoring and reviewing my story, even though I've not written or updated in such a long time! Please keep the comments/reviews, favorites and follows coming!

** Finchel will always live in my heart **

The next few months were crazy for the couple.

Rachel was on track to finish her classes for her spring semester at NYADA, but after much deliberation she found out that there were two classes that she was required to take the following semester that were being offered as online courses for six weeks and then the final was completed in person; while Finn was working double-time at tire shop and managing to pick up a few summer classes as well.

"Finn, I'm going to kill your brother and his boyfriend!" aggravated, speaking loud into the phone "My super hearing – hears everything … EVERYTHING! I don't want the babies to hear that!"

"Babe -" he chuckled "Calm down. Remember what the doctor said 'Relax and don't take things so seriously'. Remember?"

"Mhmm" she agreed biting her lip

"Remember the last time you got upset and Kurt had to take you to the hospital? I don't want to get a call in the middle of the night that my wife is being rushed to the hospital, again! I nearly killed myself getting there."

"You're right" she took a deep breath and exhaled. "I'm sorry"

He wanted to change the subject to get her to calm down as quick as possible "So – when are your classes over?" He asked as he moved to his desk, picking up the calendar that he began to keeping after he found out Rachel was pregnant (it was her suggestion, so he could keep up with all of her doctor's appointments).

"Umm" she reached for her own calendar "let's see – so my Music Theory II class … the final is next Friday and the other class – it's scheduled sometime for the following week, but I might be able to move it to next week as well. What about your classes?"

"Both finals are Friday; the professors are both taking their families on a long summer break and they're leaving over the weekend. So they moved the finals up."

It was nearing 10 PM and Rachel was beginning to get sleepy; she began yawning and her speech was getting slower "Babe? I think I'm going to sleep. We're getting sleepy."

He chuckled as she yawned through her words. "Okay babe. I'll see you soon – I love you and the babies."

"We love you too. Night." She said as she hung up the phone while sinking down into her comfy bed, pillows surrounding her – to help keep her comfortable.

They hadn't seen each other in person (except via FaceTime or Skype) since a week after their wedding; both had started classes and had been busy and really not enough time to travel back and forth. Since Rachel's classes were online she could've stayed in Lima, but her doctor was in New York and both she and Finn agreed that she should go back and be close to her doctor; he would come up for her appointments and the weekends if possible.

He hung up the phone from their nightly conversation. He smiled as he stared at his phone, which housed a sonogram picture of the babies – the last one she had gotten.

A knock on his door with a familiar voice appearing with the knock "Is she doing OK?"

"Hey Burt … Yeah she's doing okay. She's just tired and her back is hurting her. She said if she lays too long it hurts, if she walks too much it hurts, but other than that – she's fine."

"Good to hear – I guess. Hey listen, your Mom and I would like to talk to you, so when you get done staring at your phone, can you come downstairs?" Burt asked.

Finn followed Burt downstairs to the dining room table, where his Mom had fixed them a late-night snack.

He sat down across the table from Burt and his mom. "So what's up?"

"Honey, we wanted to talk to you about you and Rachel" Carole said

He scrunched his eyebrows together "What do you mean?"

"What she means is your living arrangement …" Burt spoke up

"Oh … yeah"

"Have you thought about that – you know when she comes back to Lima?"

"I have – before, just not recently." He ran his hands through his hair "I guess I better since I'm going up there Friday evening and we'll be back in two weeks. I've just been so caught up in work and school that time has just slipped away."

"We're not trying to rush you into anything" Burt started

"We're not saying that she can't move in here, but -" Carole spoke up

"I know mom … It was never our plan to burden you guys. Honestly, I don't know really what we should do. I guess I'm trying to figure out if it's actually better for us to find a place here or if it would be better off to find another place in New York, since we'll both be back there in a year."

"Finn, you guys wouldn't be a burden. You know I would love to keep you both here along with the babies, but I think that this house will be too small and Kurt won't give up his room." She laughed

"Thanks Mom" pressing his lips together "I just don't know what to do. I'm afraid that if I mention it to Rachel that it'll stress her out and that's the last thing she needs."

"I agree, but it sounds like you and Rachel have a lot to talk about." Carole reached over grabbing his hand. "You mentioned it before to us, so you've talked about it, right?"

"Yeah I mean … we talked about it when she was here for the wedding and we've talked about it off and on, but not in the last few weeks."

"What does Rachel think? Or Want?" Burt asked

He shrugged his shoulders "I don't know. I mean when she was here for the wedding we talked about it and she wanted to move back here, so I could work and start fall semester here. I just don't know – I mean New York is where we're going to end up. I'll start NYU next fall, while she will start back at NYADA the following spring. Her doctors are there too, along with most of her personal stuff. While you guys and her dads are here and she really wants to be close to everybody when the babies come."

"Sounds like you know in your heart what the best thing to do is …"

"Do I though? I mean I'm responsible for three other human beings. I know that I won't always make the right decisions, but this one … it's big. It's really the first one that I'll have to make as her husband and as a father."


Friday morning came a lot quicker than they both expected.

"Morning" she said as she strolled in to get some breakfast.

"Morning" Kurt said "How are you doing?"

"Oh you know … same ole' thing. I feel like I could sleep a week. My whole body is sore." Taking a sip of her juice that Blaine sat down in front of her "Thanks."

"Rachel, what do you want to eat?" Blaine asked.

"I don't know … I'm not feeling food right now." She chuckled "I think I'll just fix a piece of toast and then go shower."

"Rachel …"

"I promise I'll let you fix me breakfast when I get out." Saying as she stood to head to her room.

"So Finn will be here tonight?" Kurt asked

"Yes!" she said excitedly as she clapped her hands together "I can't wait … six weeks has been too long!"

"So when do you go back to the doctor?" Blaine asked taking a bite of his fruit

"Monday, I had to reschedule just so Finn could come." She smiled. Her phone began to ring "Hello"

"Hey Babe! How are you?"

"I'm good. Haven't been up long. I was getting ready to get in the shower. How are you?" stretching out on her bed.

"Good. I'm getting ready to head into my last final." He chuckled as he heard her stretching "Sounds like somebody is getting ready to go back to bed."

"Nope, just stretching." She grunts more as she stretches "God that felt good. So what time are you planning on being here?"

"Just as soon as I can. I have to stop back by the house and then -" he pauses "Hey babe – I have another call. I'll call you in a bit. I love you.

"I can't wait … Six weeks - too long. I love you too and be safe." She hangs up the phone.

"Hello" he answers as he clicks over to the other call.

"Finn, it's Hiram. How are you?"

"Good. I'm getting ready to head into my last final. I was just talking to Rach."

"Finn, I wanted to talk to you before you leave. Can you stop by the house before you leave for New York?"

"Yeah … Sure. I'll be there in about two hours." Hangs up his phone and walks into his last final.