
I DO NOT own Glee or any of these characters. *I wish I did, because Season 3 Finale wouldn't have ended the way it did!*


I would like to thank the readers out there that have requested me to repost this. I have edited this, so hopefully it will only make it better. Please remember to comment/review – these are very important. For readers that do not write – comments/reviews let the writer know how they are doing, whether it's good or bad. So if you have something to say – say it!

Chapter 1:

Rachel's Voice Over:

Just when you think your life is perfect, something or someone comes along and changes it. Finn came into my life and changed everything.

The outlook I had on life – it changed all because of him. I always hoped and dreamed that we'd get to where we are today, but honestly, I thought it would never happen.

I mean in high school he was the Quarterback, dating the blonde bombshell – the Captain of the Cheerios … and I was just the girl that had … correct that … has the brains and the talent. Now … I don't know what I would do without him or Kurt or the rest of the Glee club and our family.

"Oh - I love this song!" she squealed and began singing along.

You know I love music

And every time I hear something hot

It makes me wanna move

It makes me wanna have fun

But it's something about this joint right here

This joint right here

It makes me wanna, whoa

Let it go

Can't let this thing called love get away from you

Feel free right now, go do what you want to do

Can't let nobody take it away, from you, from me, from we

No time for moping around, are you kidding'

And no time for negative vibes, cause I'm winning

It's been a long week, I put in my hardest

Gonna live my life, feels so good to get it right


So I like what I see when I'm looking at me

When I'm walking past the mirror

Don't stress through the night, at a time in my life

Ain't worried about if you feel it

Got my head on straight, I got my vibe right

I ain't gonna let you kill it

You see I wouldn't change my life, my life's just

Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh

Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh

Just fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh

You see I wouldn't change my life, my life's just fine

Feels so good, when you're doing all the things that you want to do

Get the best out of life, treat yourself to something new

Keep your head up high

In yourself, believe in you, believe in me

Having a really good time, I'm not complaining

And I'm a still wear a smile if it's raining

I got to enjoy myself regardless

I appreciate life, I'm so glad that it's fine


I ain't goin' let nothing get in my way

(I ain't gone let nobody bring me down, no, no, no)

No matter what nobody has to say

(No way, no way, no way)

I ain't gon' let nothing get in my way

No matter what nobody has to say

Feels so good, when you're doing all the things that you want to do

Get the best out of life, treat yourself to something new

It's a reaely good thing to say

That I won't change my life, my life's just fine

Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh

Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh

Just fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh

See I won't change my life, my life's just fine

So I like what I see when I'm looking at me

When I'm walking past the mirror

Don't stress through the night, at a time in my life

Ain't worried about if you feel it

Got my head on straight, I got my vibe right

I ain't gonna let you kill it

You see I wouldn't change my life, my life's just

Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh

Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh

Just fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh

You see I wouldn't change my life, my life's just fine

The music turned up – a lot louder than what it probably should've been, but she wanted to hear the radio throughout the apartment. Her hips swaying to the music as she danced around her New York apartment in a pair of cotton lounge shorts and tank top.

The phone rang, she barely heard it over the music. She danced her way over to it, now almost out of breath

"Hey" she sung into the phone

"Hey! Umm … how are you?" Kurt asked laughing into the phone

"I'm good" she said as she turned the radio down, so she could hear Kurt "How's everything at home?"

"Good. Blaine and I are at the Lima Bean, grabbing some coffee, before we take dad's donuts to him. Umm - what are you doing? You sound out of breath?"

"Nothing – just …" she laughed out loud "just dancing and goofing off"

"Well it definitely sounds like you're feeling better than you were the other day, when we spoke"

"Yes, much better! Thank goodness! I think I had the flu. I made an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow morning to see what's going on. If I'm still better in the morning – I'm cancelling." She stated as she walked to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water and then plopping down on the large leather couch.

"Wait a minute. Hold up! Did you just say doctor?" Kurt said; hearing her laugh into the phone "The Rachel Berry I know only goes to the doctor when she feels like shit!" he continued.

"Yeah … Feeling like shit is saying the least" she huffed "Waking up and puking your guts out all damn day for days on end, is how I want to spend my break" saying as she plays with the lid to her water bottle "I just hope that today is different. Actually, this is the first time in a few weeks that I've felt well."

"Are you still going to be able to come home? Everybody's asking about you … We miss you … Finn misses you" looking at Blaine across the table with a worried look "So what day are you coming back?"

"I miss you guys too. I miss him too … And I wouldn't miss coming home for nothing! We get two weeks off – do you really think that I would stay here?" walking to her room and picking up her plane tickets and itinerary "I'm flying back tomorrow morning. I … um … had to take care of some stuff on campus, while nobody was here." Flipping through the papers in her hands "I'm looking at my itinerary and I'm supposed to land around one."

"I'm surprised that you're not going to be here at the butt crack of dawn!" Kurt laughed as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I would be there today, but it seems that everyone decided to take Thursday off … even the doctor!" she laughed "I don't understand … why take Thursday off … why work on Friday?" she shrugged her shoulders "Anyhow – I have a couple of appointments in the morning and then I'll be on my way!"

"Excited?" Kurt being sarcastic as he heard the enthusiasm in Rachel's voice

"Kurt! Really?" she laughed "You know I am! I am so ready I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight!" she laid on the bed, snuggling into Finn's pillow that he uses when he visits "Oh – before I forget did you forget anything that I need to bring?"

"Hmm" Kurt shrugs his shoulders and looks around the coffee shop "Did I forget anything? That you need to bring?" tapping his fingers on the table "No, I don't think so. I actually think that I remembered to bring everything this time."

"Good. I would hate to have to lug another suitcase or two" she broke out into a laughing fit

"Oh you think you are so funny."

"I don't think I'm funny … It's the truth. Come on Kurt – admit it … the last we took separate flights – I had to lug another two suitcases because you forgot everything!"

"I left in a hurry … I had to take care of things" he blushed at the thought of why he left in a hurry that one time "besides … it was ONE time" fans himself; Blaine chuckles across the table knowing what they are talking about "Anyways! Have you talked to him?"

Her laughter dies; clearing her throat as she stares at the ceiling "Last night. I'm going to call him tonight. He's supposed to text me when he gets off work."

"Has he asked why you didn't come with me?" Kurt said as he took another sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, I think he was kind of bummed, but I couldn't change my appointments. I hope he understands" biting her lip, feeling guilty about why she hadn't told Finn why she couldn't come with Kurt.

Blaine reaching over the table to grab Kurt's phone "Oh … I'm sure he understands" exasperated 'Wait a minute, Blaine' Kurt says into the phone "Rach – Blaine wants to talk" Blaine grabs the phone "Hey – do you worry about flying in tomorrow. We'll be there to pick you up."

She smiled at the sincerity "Thanks Blaine … I really appreciate it. Listen, I need to run – I'll see you guys tomorrow. Tell Kurt that I have to run … and I'm sorry. We'll chat tomorrow"

"Okay – safe travels. Love to you." Blaine smiled

"Love to you too" Rachel smiled big, thinking about tomorrow, as she hung up the phone.

It was now late (later than she expected), she'd had been packing for hours and cleaning the apartment, so Kurt wouldn't have a hissy fit, when they returned. Looking at the clock on her phone, she noticed that it was a little after ten and still no text or anything from Finn. She became worried and decided that she would call.

Rachel dialed Finn's number, letting it ring a few times before he finally answered

"Hello?" he said

"Hey! Were you asleep?" she asked, biting her lip, hoping that she didn't wake him up.

"No, I just got out of the shower. I had run downstairs to grab me something to drink. I was on my way up to grab my phone so I could text you." He smiled at hearing her voice "So it was perfect timing. How are you?"

"I'm tired. I've been cleaning and packing all day. I'm going to take a shower and then get in bed. I have an early appointment tomorrow that I can't be late for. What about you? How are you?

"I'm exhausted, but I'm excited for tomorrow." He smiled so big, hoping that she could see his smile through the phone

"Me too – it's been way too long." Her smiled faded as she thought about the last time they saw each other, a tear fell down her cheek at the thought.

"Did you remember to lock the doors?" he chuckled.

"Yeah" she laughed and cried – she missed him so much … missing his random thoughts "Oh God, how I've missed you. I love you so much" she cried out; wiping the tears quickly from her cheeks.

"Hey now … what's this? Listen to me – you have to stop that" his heart broke as he sat there listening to her cry "I have missed you too. I love you. Listen – I'll see you in less than 24 hours!"

Sniffling into the phone "I know. It's just like it can't get here fast enough."

"I know, babe. I know."

"Do you work tomorrow?" she asked quickly before the tears sprung back into her eyes.

"Yeah, unfortunately it's my night to be there late. Maybe you can come by and see me, so we don't have to wait another day?" He said, as he nestled down in the covers

"Trust me, I would much rather be with you, but you're going to have to okay that with Kurt and Blaine" She laughed "They're going to take me shopping. So …"

"Oh yeah – they did mention that" he laughed as he remembered the conversation, that he and Kurt had just that morning

"So I guess I'll see you after work?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm sorry."

Rachel quickly sat up in bed "Oh I um … I have to go … I love you. Night" she said quickly before she hung up the phone, throwing it down on the bed.

"Night – I" the phone clicked "Rach? Hello?" Finn worriedly said.

She ran to the bathroom "Ugh" she cried out as she sat on the floor hovering over the toilet.

Finn called her back several times and left voicemails 'Rach, it's me – I think we got cut off or something. Call me back. I love you'

Several hours later, she woke up on the bathroom floor, still hovering over the toilet. Getting up – she reached down and flushed the toilet. She grabbed the wet cloth that she had used to wipe her face; wetting it again she quickly wiped her face.

Slowly she made her way back to her bed, grabbing her phone and noticing all of the missed calls, voicemails and texts from Finn. She knew it was too late to call him back – she decided that she would explain everything tomorrow.

She turned over; placing her phone on the charger, checking to make sure that her alarm was set and then turning her lamp off.