A/N: So this fanfic was inspired by Vanessa Carlton's 'White Houses'; just shows what can happen to even the best of friends.

White Houses


"So what's up with his smile? I never understood why he would need to cover his face when he smiled. His teeth look fine; they're not perfectly straight but they're not horrible. He's like an insecure little girl I'm so glad you broke up with him Cin." The tall brunette girl said.

"Ashley, I didn't break up with Brian because he couldn't smile, I did it because I didn't feel anything with him. Cindy defended.

"Well not everyone can be a Jimmy, but I never did see what you saw in him." Brittany said without really thinking.

"I told you! I NEVER liked that loser! Okay so drop it!" Cindy almost screamed throughout the halls.

"Okay, okay, chill! Sorry…" Cindy flipped her hair back and continued walking. "But you know it's true." Brittany whispered to Ashley, Cindy heard this and looked back angrily at the pair but kept her stride and ran into someone.

"Hey watch where you're-!" Cindy stopped and looked at her opponent, Libby stood there furrowing her brow in anger as she picked up her book and Cindy did the same. Libby walked away without looking back while Cindy stood staring back in anger.

"What a jerk! Cindy, wasn't that your best friend?" Ashley asked.

"Not anymore," Cindy paused to see Libby turn the corner, "She's changed." She stated and continued walking.

"Yeah, now she only hangs out with like those loser boys." Brittany stated, and then covered her mouth when she realized what she said.

"Didn't Cindy used to hang out with those loser boys?" Ashley asked getting a glare from Brittany. To both their relief Cindy didn't further their conversation.

"I'm going to go to Ms. Gallagher's office now; I got to grade some papers." Cindy said trying to forget about her friends and move on.

"Are you serious Cin? Being a teacher's assistant is so lame," Ashley began and then was pulled away by Brittany.

"'Kay Cindy see you tomorrow." Brittany said and continued dragging Ashley in the opposite direction of Cindy.

Cindy sighed as she got to the teachers room and saw the towering pile of journals, "This is going to be fun." Her words dripping with sarcasm. All she had to do was check everyone's journals to see if they've written at least one entry a week and she was not allowed to read them.

A/N: I'm sorry if this is boring but I promise it will get better, I hope. Anyways please review, I'm a new writer so I need critics.