Hey guys! Here's the last chapter! Sorry it took so long. But I worked really hard on this chapter and I really like it a lot. But let me know what you guys think! Read and enjoy!

8 months, 2 weeks pregnant

Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of their characters!

Maria held her aching back as she walked down the hall that morning. Steve had already gotten up early with the rest of the Avengers. She decided to sleep in considering she didn't have anything else to do. Now she was walking into the main part of the base. She was really just looking for Steve but there around the table was every Avenger. She entered the room with a sigh seeing Stark was already laughing at her. She knew she didn't look great, but why'd she need to get all dressed up? She didn't need to take off her sweatpants. She watched her polite boyfriend stand up as she entered the room. He walked over to her with a smile on his face.

"Good morning sunshine" He chuckled and pecked her lips.

"Isn't it a little late to be morning?" Bruce asked.

He smirked at Maria and she gave him a glare in return.

"Hill" Fury walked over to the table.

"Sir" She said.

Maria rubbed her neck as the group went back to what they were doing before. Steve looked up and offered his chair to Maria. She accepted with a smile.

"Didn't you just get up from sitting down?" Stark commented.

"Why don't you try being pregnant with twins" Maria shot back.

"Touchy" Stark put his hands up in defense.

"Leave Maria alone Tony" Pepper reprimanded him.

Maria smirked at him as he sighed.

"So, have you two thought of any names?" Natasha asked, changing the subject.

Steve and Maria looked at each other.

"You know...we really haven't thought of any names" Maria said. "Hopefully it'll just come to us, spur of the moment".

Steve nodded as Maria talked. Maria started to talk again but Fury's booming voice interrupted them.

"Back to work, do something, anything. Look like you're doing something at least".

They all got up, leaving Maria alone in her chair. She honestly didn't feel like moving anymore. She looked at Pepper, sitting across from her. She typed furiously on her blackberry. A strand of her strawberry hair fell in her face and she tucked it behind her ear. Maria stood up; she didn't feel like making conversation with Pepper right now. She went back to her room and took a shower.

Maria awoke in the middle of the night to a loud bang. Her eyes shot open and her hand flew to her right, grabbing Steve's shoulder. But she felt nothing, Steve was not in bed. Maria's feet hit the cold floor as she stepped out of bed. She grabbed the closet clothes. She pulled on the T shirt, over her enormous belly. She put the shorts on as she walked carefully. She could hear gun shots and loud noises as she got close to the main floor. It was hard for a pregnant woman like herself to be stealth. She reached the main base; she could see Steve and the rest of the Avengers doing what they did best. But they were having some trouble, she could hear other anonymous men scattered around the building and SHIELD agents going after them. Natasha caught Maria's eyes first. Natasha's eyes widened and she nudged Steve. Maria hated feeling like she couldn't do anything. She couldn't fight...she just felt useless. She wanted to help but she knew she couldn't. Steve looked at her. She recognized that look, fear. Fear that she would get injured. The rest of the Avengers followed Natasha and Steve and looked at Maria. Maria glared them wanting them to look away. What Maria knew would happen if they looked, happened. The man fidgeting with the computer, who looked to be on charge of the enemy, saw Maria. Maria cursed under her breath, knowing she, a very pregnant woman, would be the perfect target to distract the Avengers. The Avengers were starting towards the man as he headed in the direction of Maria.

"Ah!" The man stood up. They stealthily walked towards him as he reached for his pocket. He had motives, this man needed to get into their computer system. He needed something, a distraction, a hostage even. He walked to Maria and grabbed her.

"This looks like someone you don't want to lose" He pulled Maria out in the open.

"Don't you hurt her" Steve started walking towards him.

The man's knife went to Maria's neck, Maria swallowed. Men entered the room.

"Now, just let my men get what they need and we'll be out of your way" He started pulling Maria away. "No funny business. Or the girl gets it".

He moved the knife closer to her stomach, "Or maybe the baby will get it first".

Steve tried to step towards him in anger, Stark held him back. The man disappeared with Maria.

"We'll get her back buddy" Stark said, reassuringly.

Maria woke up in a strange room. She didn't remember much, except being tied to a chair. When she awoke she was still tied to the chair. She was in a dark room. Maria couldn't hear anything, it was all silent. She remembered being captured, she wondered of the Avengers had fought the men off. She tried to get out of the ropes, but failed. Suddenly a strange feeling came upon her.

"Oh no" She said. "No, no, no!"

She fidgeted in the chair, trying to get out. She cursed loudly.

Faintly she heard, "Maria!"

"I'm in here!" She yelled.

The voice got closer and next thing she knew Stark was in the room. He went for the ropes.

"Where's Steve?" She asked frantically.

"I don't know Maria" He replied.

"My water just broke" She stated simply.

"All of it?" Stark asked dumbly.

Maria started breathing heavily and frantically. She groaned in pain as a contraction hit her. Suddenly, Steve appeared in the room, along with Natasha and Clint.

"We've managed to fight them all off. Is Maria alright?" Natasha asked.

"Her water just broke" Stark said.

Steve's eyes widened, "Right now?"

He went to help Maria up. She was breathing loudly and worrying.

"Steve this can't be happening" Maria said. "We need to get to the hospital. I cannot have this baby here".

"So an I told you so is in order?" Steve grinned. But another contraction hit Maria and she squeezed his hand in pain.

"Ow, ow, ow" Steve grimaced in pain.

They managed to get her out of the dark and into a room with the rest of the Avengers.

"What is going on here?" Fury asked.

"My water just broke" Maria groaned in pain as the contractions came closer together. "Steve we need to get to a hospital now".

Maria cried out in pain.

Natasha looked at Clint, "This" She looked at Maria and then back at him. "Not going to happen".

"Never?" Clint asked softly.

Maria groaned in pain and squeezed Steve's hand tighter.

"Never" Natasha said simply.

"You're never going to make it to a hospital" Stark said.

Everyone looked at Bruce.

His eyes widened, "We're getting to a hospital. Even if Stark has to fly her there"

Stark started shaking his head.

"Stop sitting around talking about it then and get me to a damn hospital!" Maria yelled.

They managed to get her into the back seat of a car. Steve started to get into the driver's seat but Maria stopped him.

"No! I want Stark driving, Steve you drive like an old man".

Steve moved to the passenger seat and Stark got into the driver's seat with a chuckle. Natasha climbed in the back with Maria. Stark sped away and the others followed. Once they got to the nearest hospital they rushed her inside. They managed to carry her in. They got to the front desk and the guy was about to speak but Steve spoke frantically.

"My-my-my my" He pointed to Maria. "Her! Is having a baby"

"My her, good one buddy" Clint said and patted his back.

"Well if you could just fill out these papers we will-" The nurse started to say calmly.

Maria cried out in pain loudly.

"Now...she's having a baby now" Steve said.

"Somebody get this woman a wheelchair!" The nurse yelled.

"WHEELCHAIR NOW" Stark repeated the nurse.

"Sir" The nurse said.

"Sorry" Stark mumbled.

The placed Maria in the wheelchair and wheeled her into the delivery room. Steve followed closely behind.

"Our little guy's growing up" Stark said as they all walked to a waiting room.

They got Maria into a gown and onto the bed. Maria breathed heavily, that kind of "he he who" breathing. Two short breathes in and then out. Maria squeezed Steve's hand. One of the worst contractions yet hit her. She gripped Steve's hand and threw her head back.

"You suck, you suck" She yelled. "I want an epidural, now".

"I'm sorry Miss. Hill, it's far too late for that now" The doctor said.

Maria had been through a lot, but this was the most pain she had ever been in.

"Alright Maria, it's time to push" Her doctor said.

Maria groaned, "Birth is beautiful my ass". She cried out in pain as she pushed.

"This sucks, this sucks" Maria yelled as she was asked to push again.

"I see a head and a shoulder!" The doctor said.

"It's almost over" Steve said reassuringly, even though he assumed it was only beginning.

"Oh how the hell would you know?" Maria yelled. "I've only got half a baby out and there's still another one coming".

It startled Steve when Maria gave a loud yell. Suddenly crying started to fill the room.

"It's a boy!" The doctor yelled and handed baby number one off to the nurse.

Tears filled Maria's eyes.

"He's beautiful" Steve held her hand.

"We're not done yet mommy" The doctor said.

The moment was ruined when Maria threw her head back and cried out in pain as she pushed.

"Oh god, I hate you. I hate you!" Maria yelled loudly.

"Come on Maria push" Steve said. He regretted saying that.

Maria glared at him, "Oh would you like to try?"

She yelled in pain.

"I see a head and shoulders!" The doctor yelled.

"I don't think I've ever been in more pain" Maria groaned in pain.

"So no more kids?" Steve mumbled.

Maria cried out as the doctor told her to push again. The room filled with crying again.

"And you've got a daughter!" The nurse carried her away.

Maria threw her head back hoping for relief. Suddenly she felt more pain, she cried out again.

"What the hell is going on?" Maria yelled.

"Looks like this one was hiding behind the others" The doctor told her she needed to continue to push.

"Triplets" Steve's eyes lit up.

"Of fucking course" Maria said. She groaned in pain and gripped Steve's hand.

"Come on momma push!" The doctor yelled.

Maria gave it all she had and pushed. Finally they heard crying.

"Another girl!" The doctor said.

Maria sighed, "Am I done!"

The doctor chuckled, "Yes Miss. Hill, you are done. Congratulations".

Maria's head hit the pillow and she could finally put her aching legs down. Steve kissed her temple.

"You did a great job" He told her.

"Mmm, thank you" Maria said, apologetically knowing that she yelled at Steve quite a few times. "But, that hurt like hell".

Steve chuckled.

"Here you are mommy" Two nurses walked over. They handed the boy and one girl to Maria. "And here you are daddy" They handed the other girl to Steve.

"They are so beautiful" Maria said, he eyes filling with tears.

"Yeah they are" Steve agreed.

They beamed at their children.

"Have you two thought of any names?" A nurse asked them.

The Avengers all sat patiently in the waiting room. Pepper had arrived by that time. She left work to come her; Stark was surprised to see her. She hurried over her heals clicking loudly, strawberry hair flying. Stark stood up and she kissed him quickly.

"So who's running my company right now?" He asked.

She ignored his comment, "How long have you guys been here?"

"A long time" Clint said.

Suddenly Steve appeared in the waiting room. He had on that trademark boyish grin.

"Well, I'm a dad"

"Oh congratulations!" Pepper exclaimed.

"You guys can come back" Steve said and they followed him back into the room. Maria was in the bed, her hair pushed back from sweat. Somehow they managed to have all three babies on Maria.

"Whoa! Where'd that one come from?" Stark asked.

"I thought you guys were having twins!" Pepper said.

"So did we" Maria said flatly.

"Triplets wow" Clint said.

"How was it?" Pepper asked, obviously really wanting an answer.

"Do you want the truth or a lie?" Maria asked.

"Lie please" Pepper said.

"It was wonderful, easy as pie" Maria said, with a fake smile.

"I'd like to hear the truth" Natasha said eyeing Clint.

Pepper quickly plugged her ears and made noises so she couldn't hear. She looked like a little kid.

"The worst pain I've ever been in" Maria said. "But I mean come on Natasha; I just pushed three human beings through my vagina. How do you think that's going to feel?"

Natasha nodded, "Sounds about right".

"Alright Pep" Stark nudged Pepper and she stopped.

Steve held his son. The Avengers and Pep all smiled at their coworkers and friends.

"Maria, I got to say you're the last person I would expect to see holding a baby...well babies" Bruce said.

They all laughed. There was a soft smile on Maria's face as she looked at her babies.

"It was a shock to me too" Maria said.

Stark ruined the touchy moment by saying, "And Steve was the last person I thought would knock you up".

Steve gave an unamused look to Stark while the others chuckled.

"I didn't know you had feelings Hill" Stark commented.

"She doesn't" Steve said.

He chuckled as she glared at him.

"So what are their names?" Clint asked eagerly.

Steve held his son, "This is Benjamin Steven".

They all smiled and then looked at Maria, holding her two daughters, "This is Bailey Rae and Bella Jo".

They all beamed.

"They are all so beautiful" Pepper said and everyone agreed.

Maria looked around the room. She smiled at the additions to her life. She looked at everyone in the room with her. Maria didn't have a family of her own, but this was all she needed. She looked at Steve with a smile and he gave one in return. It was almost perfect.



And it's over! What'd you guys think? Yes there will be a sequel! I will get working on that ASAP. Reviews are appreciated! Thanks for reading :)