"Good night Wise Girl" Percy said.

"Good night Seaweed Brain" I said then I kissed him good night. I was about to go inside my cabin when I smelt something fishy… literally. I grabbed a stick and pushed the door open. A bucket of fish slid off of the roof and landed next to me. Percy turned around and said something that caught me by surprise.

"Wise girl, you seem know everything."

"Well I am a daughter of Athena."I said as I walked around the fish. I looked back and saw his foot print trail in the snow with him at the lead. I smiled and went inside I was so exhausted that I didn't bother to change into pjs. I fell asleep as soon as I hit my bunk.

I woke up early the next morning, took a shower, and got dressed. Then I went over to Percy's cabin, to wake him up. I knocked on the door. When there was no reply I opened it with the key in the bushes. As I quietly peered into his room I saw that he wasn't there. I looked around the cabin to see if he was hiding. He wasn't. I quickly got everyone in my cabin up to help look for him, and soon the entire camp (even the Ares cabin) was up, and looking for him. He was unable to be found. I was on the break of tears when one of our youngest campers who was about 6 came up to me and said

"Where's Percy?" I thought back to last night and what he had said a tear slipped down my face.

"I don't know…"

A/N So sad I thought of this a while ago so now I typed it. Please review and tell me what you think.