I don't Naruto so lay off will ya! :(
Chapter 1: it's Chapter One
It's been 2 1/2 years since Naruto and I had that little heart to heart moment in the hospital. During that time I was regaining my strength, Naruto visited me everyday, saying that once I get out of the hospital, he's gonna train with all his might, just so he could save my only sane family member. Not that he was sane any more. Seriously! Who goes to a creepy snake guy just so you could kill your own brother for revenge? Apparently, Sasuke does. But when he comes back, I think I'll ask him what his life means to him now, if he reaches his goal to kill our older brother.
Anyway, it was a few months before my best friend came home, when I recieved an invataion to Suna. Just for a visit of course, nothing specail. And before you ask, Gaara and I are still together. We sometimes hang out whenever he's here or I'm in Suna on a mission, and we're not busy. It's kind of hard, since we don't have time to do any of that stuff. He's the Kazekage of Sunagakure, and I'm an elite Jounin for Konahagakure. And only Neji and I were qualified enough to become Jounin. We are that special.
Back to the invitation. I get off track so easily these days, that I was literally forced to take a vacation. So I decided to use my vacation now. "U-Uri-chan. I want you to be safe. A-And if you see N-N-Naruto along the way..." Hinata started, but she imeaditaely faltered, not knowing what to tell me to say to her crush. "I'll be safe, Hinata-chan. Don't worry about me. I'll even message you to reassure you that I made it to Suna safely," I told my other, but female, best friend. "Okay. Be safe. Don't die, and stay away from mean people that can hurt you and scar you for life," the lavender haired girl said, acting like a protective mother sending off her only child to the library without any supervision.
"She will. Now let's go, Uri. Gaara will worry like there's no tomorrow if we're not there in less then four days," a blonde haired girl said, looking around her surroundings out of habit. "Okay Temari. I'll see you in a few weeks," I told my friend, and we left the gates that protected the village that I called home. "Yeah. And stay away from strangers!" Hinata yelled, before we disappeared into the foliage of the forest. "You know I will!" I yelled back, and my blonde companion and I traveled to the place where my boyfriend kind of calls home. If you get what I mean... *cough*horriblepast*cough*.
"You okay, Uri?" Temari asked me. I guess I did the coughs out loud. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked her. Temari shrugged, and we walked the rest of the way, just chillin' and talking about random stuff.
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Once we arrived in the sandy village, Temari lead me to the Kazekage office, so she could report that we arrived safely and that her little brother wouldn't be on her case. "Kazekage?" the blonde asked, knocking on the door lightly, so she wouldn't get yelled at for the loud noise disturbing his paperwork. "Come in," a tired voice answered, and Temari and I walked into the room. I turned around, so I could quietly close the wooden door.
"Temari? What are you doing here?" the red head asked, looking down at a peice of paper, pen in hand, and a frown on his face. "I thought you had to pick up Uri," he stated, still looking down at the paper. We technacly arrived early, since all we did was walk, not stopping for a break or a nap. "Actually, she did," I said, smiling a little at his carelessness. He didn't even know I was there, since all he focased on was one chakra signature. His head snapped up, and his sea foam gaze settled on my oynx ones.
"Hello!" I said, waving my arm around. His face was surprised, and a light tint of pink settled on his cheeks. I guess it was from both from seeing me here so quickly, and for not seeing me for so long. It's been about seven months since we last saw eachother, and I changed a little. I grew to a steady 5'5", my chest size grew too; from a A to a B. I call that an accomplishment! :)
Another thing that changed was in the looks facter. My white hair grew longer, reaching past my tushie and went halfway down my thigh. I wore a little make-up, to accent my eyes (something that TenTen said when we had a girly get together [which I was dragged into of cours]). It was a dark color, mixing inbetween a dark brown and a black. And instead of my usual black and orange outfit, I wore a dark red T-shirt that was cut on the bottom above my belly botton, and a fish net shirt underneath to complete the torso. Underneath the waist, was a black skirt that was a little short that my past self would've hated, since it was like those girly skirts that you saw in the Manga and Anime for kids under 18. And I had my new black ninja shoes that Hinata bought me for my birthday... again...
"Uh uh uh uh... you look nice Uri," Gaara stuttered, his face getting a deeper shade of pink from embarassment. "Good job," Temari whispered, nudging my side with her elbow. "For what?" I asked, a smile on my face, knowing exactly why she was congraduatlating me. We talked about it along the way here, but I wanted to hear her say it out loud. "For making my little brother blush," she whispered back, a small smile gracing her lips as well. "I knew that. Just wanted to hear you say it," I said, and I walked forward, to a blushing Gaara sitting on a chair, behind a desk.
I felt Temari leave, leaving me and my boyfriend alone in a room without an adult with us to make sure we were doing things approperiate for kids under 17 years of age. And as my favorite TV character says,' the right age for intercourse id 17. And for drugs is for collage.' (A/N Please do not do this if you are a innocent person, a person that is a pervert but not that kind of pervert, a person afriad of needles, or anyone else. Seriously, do not do this ANYWHERE! Thankyou for taking your time to read this! ;3 )
When I reached him, I sat on his desk, looking at his paperwork in curiosity. "Whatcha' doin'?" I asked, purposly disturbing him from his Kage work. "Paperwork. What does it look like?" he asked, clearly annoyed. I knew that he just wanted to get this done, and show me around the village, since that's what he said during our little talks in some letters that we sent eachother.
"You should get someone to sort your paperwork out, so it would be easier to focus on different criteria. You get what I mean?" I asked. Gaara shook his head, and I shrugged, walking over to a couch that was in the room of the office. I layed down, and once my head hit the armrest, I dozed off into much needed sleep...
I know I know. It sucked. But please review if you can. And seriously, my early Author Note... I super serial about this. ManBearPig is super dangerous. So are drugs, and illnesses you get from intercourse. And I'm stuck in South Park mode. I'm super serial about this... :(