Alright you guys, here's the final chapter! I hope it isn't a let down. Enjoy!

Clint and Natasha found it extremely easy to care for Alice. She only woke up at least once during each night and it was very easy to lull her to sleep. Clint still got up with her in the middle of the night, but Natasha usually joined the father-daughter duo a couple minutes later, unable to sleep knowing that Clint was spending more time with their daughter than she was.

Sleep didn't come very often, but when they did have a chance, they slept when Alice was napping. Sometimes, Clint would lie on the couch with Alice resting on his chest and Natasha curled up at his side. Other times, they would build a pillow barricade around her in their king-sized bed so they didn't roll on top of her while they slept.

Natasha and Clint weren't in it alone though. There were the rest of the Avengers to aid in the care of Alice. Bruce would always be on hand if Alice were to ever get sick. Steve would always act as babysitter if absolutely needed. Thor was always there to make Alice smile with goofy faces and noises. And Tony? Well, Clint and Natasha made sure he stayed far away from their child so he didn't measure her for an infant Iron Man suit.

Pepper stopped by every day. She had fallen in love with Alice as if she were her own. Pepper would sometimes offer to babysit Alice so Clint and Natasha could get some sleep but they both insisted that the plan they had was working out well.

Pepper's constant help made Clint and Natasha realize that they didn't choose godparents for Alice. Once Alice was three months old, Natasha and Clint would have to return to the field. Fury had ordered that Natasha returned to the field following her maternity leave and Clint had been promised to be cleared to return to the field once final tests on his hearing had been run.

But what would happen to Alice if both of them were to die in the field? They couldn't just give up their partnership. Natasha wasn't going to let Clint go in the field by himself and have a repeat of the Shanghai mission. And Clint would never let Natasha go in the field alone either, even though he knew she was perfectly capable of handling things on her own.

However, Alice needed godparents. Clint and Natasha both figured Pepper was the perfect fit for the godmother. She already loved Alice to death and she was always trying to help Clint and Natasha in any way possible. There was no doubt that they wanted Pepper to be Alice's godmother.

However, when it came down to Alice's godfather, they didn't know who to ask. Tony was absolutely out of the question. Thor was in Asgard most of the time. Steve was still adjusting to the present day. Bruce could turn into the Other Guy at any moment. So the question was who exactly would be the best fit to be Alice's godfather?

Clint and Natasha talked it over one night as they lied in bed together with Alice fast asleep in between them. They were both propped up on their elbows with their heads resting in their hands, facing one another.

"There's always Fury," Clint suggested. Natasha snorted a laugh and then tried to stifle it as quickly as possible so as not to wake up Alice. She thought Clint was kidding until she saw the serious look on his face.

"You're serious? There probably isn't a fatherly bone in that man's body," Natasha said.

"But Tasha, think about it!" Clint exclaimed. "If something were to happen to us, Fury could provide the best security for Alice. Nothing would happen to her with Fury as her guardian!"

"Nothing's supposed to happen to us Clint," Natasha hissed.

Clint sighed as he hung his head after Natasha's statement. Anything could go wrong during a mission. One of them could die or both of them could. In any case, someone would need to take care of Alice. As soon as they had brought Alice home, they immediately set up a secret account that, in the event that something happened to them, she would be able to afford anything she wanted for the rest of her life. Clothes. A car. A college education. A house. All they needed was someone to take care of her and manage that account for her until she turned eighteen.

Clint brushed a piece of hair out of Natasha's face and then cupped the side of her face with his hand. "I know nothing's supposed to happen to us, but in the event that something does, Alice needs someone to take care of her, and I think Fury would be our best option."

"We may be considered SHIELD's best assassins in Fury's eyes, but that doesn't mean he'd do something like this for us," Natasha sighed.

"Can we just ask him?" Clint begged. Natasha contemplated Clint's proposition. Fury actually was the best person to take care of Alice. Alice wouldn't get much love from Fury, but that's what Pepper and the rest of the Avengers would be for.

"And if he says no?" Natasha asked.

"If he says no, then we go back to the drawing board and start weighing the pros and cons of our teammates," Clint stated.

Natasha nodded. "Okay, then tomorrow. We'll ask him tomorrow."

Their footsteps echoed as they walked down the hall of the deserted SHIELD base. Most of the SHIELD agents were either in the field or in the control room or command center at this time of day. Clint had called ahead to make sure that Fury would be free and they were currently heading toward his office.

When they reached the door, Clint gently rapped his knuckles on the door three times and waited for a response. They heard Fury order them to enter and they pushed open the door to step into the vast office. Fury was seated behind his desk with a tremendous amount of paperwork in front of him. No doubt one of the lesser known agents probably screwed up and Fury was currently working on cleaning up the mess.

"What exactly is so important that you have to interrupt my work?" the one-eyed director said, not looking up from the papers on his desk.

"We were wondering if you would be Alice's godfather," Clint blurted out. Natasha punched him in the arm – rather forcefully – and Clint replied with an "ow." Fury tossed his pen onto his desk and looked up at the two assassins with a blank disposition.

"You want me to be what?" Fury asked.

"We were wondering if you would be Alice's godfather," Clint repeated.

"Why the fuck are you asking me?" Fury asked.

"Well, if something were to happen to Natasha and I in the field, someone would need to take care of Alice. Pepper's already the godmother and she would initially be the person Alice would live with. But we figured you could provide safety and security for her and handle her finances."

Fury let out a deep breath as he contemplated Clint and Natasha's proposition. Clint and Natasha stared at him with eager eyes. "I guess so," Fury said. "But you better not fucking die on me or your kid."

"Oh, well, maybe there is a fatherly bone in his body after all," Natasha muttered under her breath.

"What was that Agent Romanoff?" Fury asked quizzically.

"She was wondering if you'd marry us right now too," Clint blurted out.

"I'm going to fucking murder you Barton!" Natasha shrieked.

"What? You said we could get married after Alice was born. Well, she was born. A week ago if I might add, and since we're here and Fury has the power to wed us, we might as well," Clint said shrugging his shoulders.

Natasha glared at him, reducing her eyes to slits. "What?" Clint asked. "Don't tell me you actually wanted a big, lavish wedding. The Black Widow does not do that."

"No," Natasha said bluntly.

"You do, don't you?" Clint coaxed.

"No," she repeated.

"Am I going to marry you two idiots or not? I have a lot of work to do," Fury boomed.

"Fine," Natasha spat. "Just marry us."

Fury launched into his spiel about marriage and unionization. It wasn't your typical marriage ceremony but it would be legal. They would be married and that's all that mattered.

"Okay, you're married. Bother me another time to sign the papers, then I'll put it in the database," Fury said after Clint and Natasha had made their vows to one another. "Now leave me alone."

Clint and Natasha turned on their heels and stepped outside of Fury's office. When the door closed behind them with a bang that echoed throughout the hall, Clint dipped Natasha and crushed his lips against hers. His right arm was looped behind her back while his left hand was tangled in her red curls. Natasha was caught off guard at first but she added as much force into the kiss as he did. She reached her hand up to cup his face and leaned in more to kiss him.

"Hi Mrs. Barton," Clint breathed when he pulled away from her, still supporting her weight from dipping her.

"Don't call me that. I'm your wife now so you'll do as I say," Natasha demanded, arching one of her eyebrows.

"Think we should go home and tell Alice?" Clint asked.

"She's one week old Clint," Natasha countered.

"And that means we can't tell her and share it with her?"

Natasha sighed as she grabbed Clint's hand and dragged him down the hallway so they could return to Avengers Tower.

"So Alice, Mommy and Daddy have some news for you," Natasha said as she cradled the newborn in her arms. Clint was standing behind Natasha with his chin resting on her shoulder and his arms wrapped around her waist. "We got married."

"You did what?" Pepper shrieked. They were still in Tony's penthouse and they couldn't wait to share the news with Alice that they just decided to tell her as soon as they picked her up. Unfortunately, that meant spilling the beans in front of Pepper.

"Yeah, we got married," Natasha said, not taking her eyes off of her daughter.

Pepper got off of the couch and approached Clint and Natasha. "And you just decided to not have any sort of ceremony?"

"Maybe at one point," Natasha said, her eyes still glued to the baby.

"Natasha was all for having a big ceremony," Clint mumbled.

"Was not," Natasha snapped.

"In any case, you are having some sort of celebration," Pepper ordered.

"Can we maybe talk about this later?" Natasha said, tearing her eyes away from Alice to look up at Pepper. "I just want to take Alice home."

Pepper sighed and then waved them off in a huff. Clint and Natasha strapped Alice into the carrier and then loaded onto the elevator to take them down to their apartment. By the time they reached their apartment, Alice was fast asleep. Natasha smiled down at her daughter as they took her into the nursery to place her into her crib.

When Alice was safe and sound in her crib, Clint and Natasha tip toed out of the room and headed over to their bedroom. They both flopped down onto their bed with sighs and then turned their heads towards one another.

"So this is married life," Clint said.

"I guess it is," Natasha agreed. "So what do we do now?"

"I can think of a couple things, one thing in particular…" Clint trailed off, arching one of his eyebrows in seduction.

"Are you kidding me? Alice is right next door," Natasha said angrily, pushing herself up onto her elbow.

"She won't even know what we're doing."

"It will wake her up, dumbass. If I remember correctly, neither one of us is remotely quiet when we screw," Natasha said matter-of-factly.

"Tasha, we just got married," Clint said, pushing himself up on his elbows as well.

Natasha rolled her eyes. He had a point, but they'd done everything backwards and out of order. Natasha got pregnant. Then they moved in together. Then they were engaged. Then they had the baby, and now, they were finally married. Did they really need to christen their marriage by sleeping together?

"We can work on baby number two," Clint said.

Natasha rolled her eyes again. "Just kiss me you idiot."

Clint smiled just as he crushed his lips to hers. He brought a hand up to cup her face and she pulled at the top of his shirt to pull him closer to her. She fell back against the bed and Clint straddled her.

The kiss was becoming more aggressive and more forced. Natasha tugged at Clint's shirt until he pulled it over his head and tossed it onto the floor. Natasha ran her fingers over the many scars on his chest, including the most recent gunshot scar from the Shanghai mission which was still very prominent on his skin.

She reached up to cup his face as he slowly undid the buttons on her shirt. She helped him pull it off of her by pushing herself up from the bed. Natasha suddenly felt self-conscious of how she looked. She'd had Alice only a week ago, and her body was most definitely not in shape. Her breasts were bigger and she was sure there were strange marks on her stomach. She quickly pulled away from Clint in nervousness and when he looked at her in confusion, she just rolled her eyes downwards as if to motion towards her stomach.

"Really Nat?" Clint said. "You think I care what your body looks like right now? I just want you."

Natasha was about to say something when Clint's lips crushed against hers again. He put more force behind the kiss. His lips left hers to trail kisses down her neck, her chest, and her stomach, lingering on the strange marks from her pregnancy. Natasha tangled her fingers into Clint's hair as his lips lingered on her stomach, causing her to moan with pleasure. Clint looked up and smirked at Natasha, and then brought his lips back to hers.

Natasha had just placed her fingers on the waistband of Clint's jeans when they heard Alice start to wail from the other room. They stared at each other with wide eyes until Natasha said, "You're daughter is already learning how to cock-block."

Clint snickered at Natasha's snide comment and then rolled off of her to sit on the edge of the bed to put his shirt back on. She pushed herself up onto her elbows and smirked at Clint as he struggled to pull his shirt back on. When he got up from the bed, Natasha grabbed his hand to pull him back towards her for one more kiss. Their lips connected and Natasha brought her hands up to cradle both sides of his face.

When their lips broke apart, Clint pulled Natasha up from the bed and handed her shirt to her. She quickly put it on and then he pulled her out of the room and into the nursery so they could tend to Alice together as a family.

And they lived happily ever after haha. I hope you guys liked the final chapter. For one last time, I would like to thank everyone for adding this to your favorites or signing up for alerts. I want to give a shout-out to all of my reviewers so here it goes: Ninja-on-the-run, Amber-Jade James, ArabianForest, PercyJacksontheAwesome, ellabella89, Nat-CatWoman, NiallerHoHo, discordchick, coastalcajun, clintasha fan, flarey phoenix, justafriend, Hecobiza, Mythomagic-Champion, PaigeD6, mellbell12123, Who Say's It's A Rebellion, Oakleaf, yolynnjones, Happy Pineapple, hopeisabluebird, cullenforevah, GyMusicAddict, Pati G W Black, the frozen cherry, LizzyCullen7, FinallyFallingAllOverAgain, HushLittleSleipnir, Mushroomking98, finnsgirl994, Avengersfan, Lightly-the-fockal123, Roses Near Rivers, hayjayjay, Mckeller-win, and Ironstar Gallifrey.

For those of you that are reading my new fic, You Belong With Me, I have not started the next chapter so it most likely won't be up tonight like I promised. I will start it tonight and finish it tomorrow morning so that I can post it.

Once again, thank you so much for reading this story. It means so much to me that people actually like my writing. Thank you so, so much for the encouragement. I love you all!