Summary: drabbles set in the "Gifted" universe spanning the years between childhood and adulthood. AU. MultiSaku. Sakura centric. SakuraHarem.

Warnings: some cursing and general OOC-ness

Notes: Well here I am again, taking a break between installments as I'm trying to figure out where I want it to go. Anyway, I've decided to start this drabble series to show what happens in the span of time between the second installment and where the third will begin. I will try to update this every Friday.

Oh yeah, none of these drabbles are in chronological order.

Pairing: SakuraxItachi

Prompt: "Gentle"

Age: 10

Date: March 28

"march of the gift hunters"
In Which Sakura Receives an Unexpected Gift

Sakura sighed as she exited the A-ranked common rooms. While she appreciated the surprise party, she needed some breathing room. Sakura tugged at her scarf as she exited the building, feeling relief in the chill of the March weather.

Sakura grinned up at the darkening sky, finding solace in the quiet. She needed the break after the hectic day. Sakura somewhat regretted telling Naruto when her birthday was, then again, he'd forced it out of her. She felt a reluctant grin tug at her face, remembering the way Naruto had wrestled her to the ground and tickled it out of her. Sasuke, the jerk, hadn't even tried to help her. Of course, by the next day everyone knew when her birthday was. Surprisingly, she'd received quite a few presents from the various clans, though she had yet to meet any of them.

Sakura was abruptly drawn out of her musings when a gentle hand touched her shoulder. Reacting automatically as she had been taught in self-defense class, Sakura flipped the startled boy over her back. He landed smoothly on his feet, looking up at Sakura from his crouched position.

"Well done," Itachi greeted her softly.

Sakura scowled fiercely at him. "Uchiha," she ground out through gritted teeth. In the seven or so months since she'd arrived, Sakura had done everything in her power to avoid the soft-spoken Itachi. Their first encounter had not gone well.

He lifted a hand in an attempt to placate her. Itachi knew he hadn't given her the best first impression. He winced, knowing this was an understatement at best. Sakura despised Itachi and didn't try to hide it, refusing to be alone with him in any situation. He knew that he'd wronged her by using his Sharingan on her right off; he just wanted to test her abilities. Still, he'd been raised as a gentleman and he'd treated her badly. "Sakura, please, hear me out," Itachi said quietly. "I apologize deeply for using my Sharingan on you without permission. I won't make excuses, I wanted to test your Gift and I didn't take your feelings into consideration."

Sakura was still frowning but her eyes had softened greatly. She was greatly frustrated by his apparent Uchiha arrogance. She hesitated before finally replying to his heartfelt apology, "I…can't forget what you've done but I can…forgive you."

Itachi let out a sigh of relief and smiled brightly at the girl. Sakura flushed, having never seen that expression on his face before. Itachi turned away from her to rifle about in his back pocket. "Here," he said, handing her a wrapped package.

"What is it?" Sakura asked in astonishment, more than a bit surprised and flattered that Itachi had given her a present. It was wrapped in plain, brown paper and rather frilly red ribbon.

"Open it," Itachi replied in amusement, drawn to her humility.

Frowning in concentration, Sakura pulled away the string wrapped around the gift, tugging off the wrappings. Sakura gasped in surprise when she realized what it was. It was a beautifully simplistic hair accessory. It consisted of a long, thin hairpiece wrapped with silver leaves and flowers, creating an airy feel. Sakura lifted it with gentle fingers and looked up at Itachi for an explanation.

"It suits you," was all he said, pulling the hair accessory away from her, twisting her hair up and placing it on top of her head. He brushed his fingers over the nape of her neck, marveling at the trust she so willingly displayed to him.

"Thank you," she responded.

"Aside from adorning your hair as an accessory, it acts as a weapon," Itachi told her. He decided not to tell her that she was much the same; appearing as a mere pretty creature yet possessing such strength within her tiny hands. She was both beautiful and lethal, all wrapped into a small package of pink hair and vibrant green eyes.

Sakura smiled up at him somewhat timidly. "Would-would you like to be friends?" she asked hesitantly.

Itachi didn't even try to fight the grin that overcame his face. "I'd like that."

Sakura let out a sigh, deciding that it was time to rejoin her friends in the common rooms. She looked up into Itachi's open face, smiling at what she found there. Gently, Sakura took hold of his hand, ignoring his look of surprise and blush, and pulled him back into the building.

Itachi looked down at her with a smile. "Happy tenth birthday Sakura."


And thus, Itachi finally managed to befriend Sakura. I've received quite a few reviews asking for them to become friends so here it is! Who knows where it will go from there? Read and review!
