Alright, here's the deal. This story is dead. I've put off calling it for more than a year now, but I feel an obligation to you, my readers, to at least offer somewhat of an explanation.
There are a few factors that played into this decision.
First, was in how I went about writing this story, as well as most of my other ones. I did, and for too many things still don't, plan where the story would go. Each chapter was essentially starting from a blank slate, founded off the previous, and that was it. Everything was spontaneous and when I was in highschool, that seemed to work for me. It helped that I didn't care about the quality of my writing and I could sit down and just churn out lots of writing with little thought. Plus, I had a lot more free time then, and I could afford to go from chapter to chapter without too much interruption. That is no longer the case.
Second, my interest waned. Particularly in Naruto, and to a lesser extent Ranma. Naruto... honestly, I tired, tried very hard to keep liking it, but after the time-skip it just went further and further downhill for I ever come back to this, not saying I will, I would write out most of the crossover elements. And with Ranma, it's been so long since I read the original series, or much decent fanfiction for it that I've lost my sense of his character. His voice just doesn't speak for me any more.
If I am being truly honest though, it is the lack of planning that really killed this fic. Starting with no idea where to take each chapter, or even where or if there was an end goal for the entire fic, that was the killer. It's also the reason why my other updates have been so slow; for my active five I've stopped and begun properly plotting them out, beginning with Black Magic Woman and Skyline. Hopefully that means I'll actually manage to give them proper conclusions.
I know this is immensely disappointing for many of you. It's disappointing to me as well. I hope you at the least try my more recent works, even if you don't stay, just try them. I wish I could continue this story, but the magic is gone, the muse has moved on, in my mind there sounds a new song.
With sincere apologies to everyone who has put this on their favorite list, added it to their alerts, and taken the time to write a review no matter how small (honestly, many authors live off of getting something as tiny as a "good job"), this is Fellgrave, signing off on this story for the last time.